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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I am not even going to read part 6 right now! I better not be sad! Elfie doesn't like to be sad! No way if thing happens like that I will not be happy...
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Misappropriations Part 6


      John awoke suddenly, his eyes snapping wide and taking a sharp breath. He squinted hard into the darkness, searching, remembering. ‘Where is she?’ he thought as he felt the warm bed with a wandering hand. Pulling the clean, white sheet back to reveal his bare body, he quickly rose and groped for a light he believed was somewhere to his right.

      “Teyla?” he called softly into the dark, stumbling over something that felt like a shoe. He was beginning to get worried when she did not answer. From her window, he could see the first pink splinters of dawn slowly peeking from over the horizon and he gratefully located the desk lamp to his right, pulling its chain and quickly scanning the room.

      If he were not in her quarters at this very moment, he might not have believed last night had actually transpired at all. It had been the most blurry, passionate, tender, important night of his life. Since he did not feel he could express to her what she meant to him verbally, he had channeled everything he could into his actions, hoping she would understand him, with each gentle stroke of hand, each burning kiss, each meaningful look of disbelief and awe that this was actually happening.

      He quickly located some clothes and dressed, checking the time on his watch. One hour until they would meet for morning mission reports, the same as every other day. He ran from the room letting the door slide shut behind him as he carefully examined the hallway and began making his way towards the mess hall.

      The halls were mostly empty and John was glad for it as he dashed from one to the other in search of where she could be. Finally, he spotted her not far from where he was heading, speaking to one of the science technicians John recognized from Rodney’s team. He darted behind a shadowed corner and watched her with anxious eyes, waiting for her to approach.

      After a few moments, she finally finished speaking and began making her way towards him, greeting others she passed with a friendly good morning. When she was near him and practically isolated, John stealthily emerged from the dark corner and threw a hard hand over her mouth, pulling her into the shadow with him as she squealed into his smothering palm in surprise.

      He threw her against the wall and removed his hand, quickly placing his mouth on hers devouring her in a heated frenzy. She grabbed his head and pulled him tighter as they hid in the shadow, trying to remain as silent as possible, just off the hall where people passed by oblivious to them.

      He felt reckless and free, something he didn't often experience and it felt good. It felt liberating. It felt exhilarating being with her, loving her, and he couldn’t imagine how he had lived before as only her friend.

      They pulled apart from their passionate embrace and she said breathlessly to him, “Is this how we will say good morning now?”

      He smiled and pressed himself hard against her, panting quietly. “You bet your ass it is.”

      After making sure the halls were once again empty, they carefully stepped out one by one and walked together towards the briefing room, a constant smile etched on both their faces. They were nearing the end of the living quarters when they heard a loud voice booming through the air not far away.

      “DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!!” Ronon’s voice came like an angry roar of thunder. John and Teyla had hurriedly rounded the corner coming to a skidded stop just outside one of the living spaces, the one that belonged to Jennifer Keller. Two guards were standing tersely in front of Ronon who was dressed only in shorts and had obviously just woken, looking angrier than either had ever seen him.

      His glowing eyes were fixed upon Sergeant Ray who was quietly leading the pretty doctor away from the scene, a guiding hand behind her back. She turned back towards him, a worried look across her paling face as she whimpered, “Ronon?”
      Oh, excellent update, Mrs. B!!!!!!!!!! WAHOO! Can't wait to read more!!!!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        THANKS! I did..isn't it beautiful!? did you join? I think you did. But you didn't reply to the rules and have to read the profile page. I read something about you opening a LJ.

        But basically, Beya is a bit of everything. The main purpose is to post things for archiving purposes. The girls here are making some Gorgeous fic covers and they can't post it in the other sites and they are just learning how to use their own lj's so I opened this with that in mind. There are some specific formats on how to post things so that it will make it easy for archiving purposes, using tags and all of that which I still don't know how to use. But, I have others in there that do know how to do it.

        Now we have the motivational posters and YC is opening up her own site to post these, but I want people to post theirs as well, but only their John and Teyla ones. And I"m making a separate tag for that as well. We are also making separate tags for every member so that when you want to look for things created by those artists/writers/vidders, you can look them up and only see their stuff or if you want to just look up all the fics/vids/fanart, we've done a separate tag for that as well.

        Anywho, long story short. Members are only to post their own works. Links, original works by nonm-member will be posted with their permission of course, by mods and maintainers only. Challenges will be posted by mods and maintainers only, as well.

        Here's what I can do. I"m not sure what you have in mind, but if you want to post challenges, *I LOVE YOUR CHALLENGES* I can make you a mod in the Beya community. And this way, you can post all the challenges that you like!
        Or you can create your own LJ and we will certainly support you.

        Either way, email me. We can discuss it further. I also know that Teylia opened a LJ for fic challenges as well.
        Camy, Ruby's fic cover is GORGEOUS! I love how you subtly blended the baby in there. Sooo pretty!!!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Oh, great update!!! It just gets more and more angsty! which I love! LOL! Thank you so much!!!!
          Oh thank you Steph. I'm glad you liked it. *blush*


            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            Camy, Ruby's fic cover is GORGEOUS! I love how you subtly blended the baby in there. Sooo pretty!!!
            Steph check your PM's...please
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              Steph check your PM's...please
              Nevermind. Got it!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

                How many is that so far? Isn't 6 in two days including 35000 milestone?
                HI Q....WELCOME BACK! AND CONGRATS!


                  Hi all! *waves* I'm doing a drive by, cause I don't really have time to come and post till tomorrow. I've got the last two chapters of my HUGE fic Ties That Bind done and it's posted over at JTC and my archive. Here's the link!

                  If you've not read the previous chapters, they're all there too.

                  I'll read up and post some real stuff tomorrow! I have the day off, yay!


                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    Camy, Ruby's fic cover is GORGEOUS! I love how you subtly blended the baby in there. Sooo pretty!!!
                    oh, thanks hon...that was hard because..well because I need Teyla and JOhn holding a real baby cap....! many here missed it....LOL...and then they say that I"m weird! LOL


                      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                      Hi all! *waves* I'm doing a drive by, cause I don't really have time to come and post till tomorrow. I've got the last two chapters of my HUGE fic Ties That Bind done and it's posted over at JTC and my archive. Here's the link!

                      If you've not read the previous chapters, they're all there too.

                      I'll read up and post some real stuff tomorrow! I have the day off, yay!
                      Oh, dangit! and I wanted to go to sleep too..but I've been waiting for this one...THANKS!

                      I have to read Scifan and Mrs. B's first. I think YC wrote one too. Jeepers...these girls are on a roll! LOL

                      LOVE IT!


                        Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                        Hi all! *waves* I'm doing a drive by, cause I don't really have time to come and post till tomorrow. I've got the last two chapters of my HUGE fic Ties That Bind done and it's posted over at JTC and my archive. Here's the link!

                        If you've not read the previous chapters, they're all there too.

                        I'll read up and post some real stuff tomorrow! I have the day off, yay!
                        I'm still at work, so just did a quick skimming of the last two chapters because I've been eagerly waiting for them! LOL! EXCELLENT!!!! And WAHOO is that HOT!! LOL! I'm going to re-read them tomorrow when I have a little more time, so will send better comments then. Thank you so much for the updates!!!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          Oh, dangit! and I wanted to go to sleep too..but I've been waiting for this one...THANKS!

                          I have to read Scifan and Mrs. B's first. I think YC wrote one too. Jeepers...these girls are on a roll! LOL

                          LOVE IT!
                          Did I miss one by YC too?! Would someone mind reposting the link? Sorry about that! I can't keep up! Ack! I need about three assistants. LOL!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            THANKS! I did..isn't it beautiful!? did you join? I think you did. But you didn't reply to the rules and have to read the profile page. I read something about you opening a LJ.

                            But basically, Beya is a bit of everything. The main purpose is to post things for archiving purposes. The girls here are making some Gorgeous fic covers and they can't post it in the other sites and they are just learning how to use their own lj's so I opened this with that in mind. There are some specific formats on how to post things so that it will make it easy for archiving purposes, using tags and all of that which I still don't know how to use. But, I have others in there that do know how to do it.

                            Now we have the motivational posters and YC is opening up her own site to post these, but I want people to post theirs as well, but only their John and Teyla ones. And I"m making a separate tag for that as well. We are also making separate tags for every member so that when you want to look for things created by those artists/writers/vidders, you can look them up and only see their stuff or if you want to just look up all the fics/vids/fanart, we've done a separate tag for that as well.

                            Anywho, long story short. Members are only to post their own works. Links, original works by nonm-member will be posted with their permission of course, by mods and maintainers only. Challenges will be posted by mods and maintainers only, as well.

                            Here's what I can do. I"m not sure what you have in mind, but if you want to post challenges, *I LOVE YOUR CHALLENGES* I can make you a mod in the Beya community. And this way, you can post all the challenges that you like!
                            Or you can create your own LJ and we will certainly support you.

                            Either way, email me. We can discuss it further. I also know that Teylia opened a LJ for fic challenges as well.
                            Indeed I did, in fact why not make Firday a color challenge day(for both Fics and wallies) and make Saturday Fanfic challenge day? That fills out the week no?

                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            THANKS FOR THE HUG, TEYLLIA! LOL...AW, hon..I"m trying to catch up...I highly doubt it cause I"m so tired. But hugs right back at you! THANKS! Hey, you have posting access now Teyllia ...go and post your COMPLETED FICS ONLY! and also go post your Motivational know that I lost the USB drive right. Well, I"m not sure if you read that I had made some ahead of time for this Thrusday, well guess what, because I made them in that other Motivational Poster site that I posted not too long ago, that one only saves them in your HD. So, I made a folder in that USB drive...And now, I Lost them! *sniff* I remember a bit of what I wrote but I was on the swing of things and they just flowed that night...I made like six of them...*sniff* GONE!

                            Anywho, go and post your stuff in there. It's another place to archive things.

                            Did I read that Anna wanted to open a challenge LJ? Did she post the link?
                            GUYS, lets all give Camy a great big... GROUP !!!!!!!

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                              Oh here is my list

                              1. Teyla
                              2. Rodney(I have a thing for arrogant, brainy guys)yeah I know weird that.
                              3. Shep
                              4. Ronon
                              5. Weir
                              Maffield..THAT just GORGEOUS! I love's so warm..and I know Steph loves it because it's got that soft touch she loves! *wink*

                              Alright, here's my list of favorite SGA characters...You know, during dinner tonight, the boys who know that I love SGA...started talking about who would beat, I know they do it to test me...they love to do my oldest, he has no clue...he ships Shep/Weir...LOL...mind you, he only says that when I"m around! LOL

                              My middle child...loves ShepWeir..and Little M....does too...he even drew me a picture..I have to scan it to share it with you guys! It's John and Teyla sparring! LOL

                              Anywho, they were chatting on who would beat who....on favortie character

                              Between these...

                              Carson vs Janet...uninamous...Carson
                              Rodney vs Sam...Rodney
                              Teyla vs Sam...they like Sam better..can you imagine!
                              O'Neill vs Sheppard... O'Neill...I almost SCREAMED! I think I did actually.
                              Sam vs Weir...SAM
                              Zelenka vs the glasses dude in SG-1 ....Zelenka
                              Teyla vs Vala....VALA! Well, suffice to say, they are grounded for the entire year! NO TV, NO PS3, NO IPOD, NO CELL PHONE, Life for them as it was, EXISTS NO MORE!
                              But, they know better, they actually changed their mind...

                              Now on a physical fight,
                              Ronon vs Teal'c...they said TEAL'c!!!!! now, this I do wonder cause Ronon is young and a hothead....Teal'c is patient and experienced! LOL

                              Anywho, what does your list look like..

                              Favorite characters for SGA for Camy:

                              1. Teyla
                              2. John
                              3. Ronon
                              4. Carson
                              5. Rodney
                              6. Zelenka
                              7. Weir
                              8. Lorne
                              9. Chuck
                              10. Katie Brown


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Maffield..THAT just GORGEOUS! I love's so warm..and I know Steph loves it because it's got that soft touch she loves! *wink*

                                Alright, here's my list of favorite SGA characters...You know, during dinner tonight, the boys who know that I love SGA...started talking about who would beat, I know they do it to test me...they love to do my oldest, he has no clue...he ships Shep/Weir...LOL...mind you, he only says that when I"m around! LOL

                                My middle child...loves ShepWeir..and Little M....does too...he even drew me a picture..I have to scan it to share it with you guys! It's John and Teyla sparring! LOL

                                Anywho, they were chatting on who would beat who....on favortie character

                                Between these...

                                Carson vs Janet...uninamous...Carson
                                Rodney vs Sam...Rodney
                                Teyla vs Sam...they like Sam better..can you imagine!
                                O'Neill vs Sheppard... O'Neill...I almost SCREAMED! I think I did actually.
                                Sam vs Weir...SAM
                                Zelenka vs the glasses dude in SG-1 ....Zelenka
                                Teyla vs Vala....VALA! Well, suffice to say, they are grounded for the entire year! NO TV, NO PS3, NO IPOD, NO CELL PHONE, Life for them as it was, EXISTS NO MORE!
                                But, they know better, they actually changed their mind...

                                Now on a physical fight,
                                Ronon vs Teal'c...they said TEAL'c!!!!! now, this I do wonder cause Ronon is young and a hothead....Teal'c is patient and experienced! LOL

                                Anywho, what does your list look like..

                                Favorite characters for SGA for Camy:

                                1. Teyla
                                2. John
                                3. Ronon
                                4. Carson
                                5. Rodney
                                6. Zelenka
                                7. Weir
                                8. Lorne
                                9. Chuck
                                10. Katie Brown
                                Your littlest one drew the BEST COUPLE in their best moment? Cool!!

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

