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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Ok theres something I've been meaning to ask, help me out dudes:

    I watched the Comic con panel video only once, but the time that I did, I could have sworn when the dude from the audience asked about Ronon and Teyla getting closer or whatever that Joe F and Jewel S exchanged a look.
    Am I cuckoo or no?

    and BIG CONGRATS TO SCI FOR 2000 -
    I'd have to watch again. Thanks MrsB.


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Exactly what I was afraid off...
      The ex-wife angle...ugh... it better be done right and no dwelling or any regret thought from his side... or some stupid mushy thing with him and her... ugh...then I rather not see it all...

      I agree with you Nina! It would bite very much with that angle!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Ok theres something I've been meaning to ask, help me out dudes:

        I watched the Comic con panel video only once, but the time that I did, I could have sworn when the dude from the audience asked about Ronon and Teyla getting closer or whatever that Joe F and Jewel S exchanged a look.
        Am I cuckoo or no?

        and BIG CONGRATS TO SCI FOR 2000 -
        Nope, not at all. Mayra and I had a long conversation on that glance. LOL!

        We both got the impression that it was a raised eyebrow look, inside joke, type of look. We were thinking that maybe because Teyla is obviously meant for John and perhaps Ronon and Keller could have a little something going on (since JM has commented romance for Ronon could happen in season four), they glanced at each other at that comment because it involves each of their characters, but not in the way the person asked. Like they were sharing an inside joke that, "yeah, feelings will be present, but not with those two like you're asking!"

        That was my take at least.
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Yeah the scenes with Larrin are just as I predicted.... flirty banter so no real danger for Shep after all. I don't know whether Teyla was speaking to Keller... I can't really see everyone on Atlantis depending on Keller.... is she really that important. it was the way Teyla said ... you will survive, you must return home .. and that all the lives in Atlantis are depending on you... it just seemed like it was a very important person if all the lives in Atlantis depend on this person!!.
          Yeah, it is a shame
          that this will be the girl falls for him and now she's going against her people to help predictable and how wrong. I wished that John for once depended on his team to rescue him and not on his charms...whatever....I"m not threatened by Larrin at all. He clearly doesn't look like he's interested in her for more than one way out of there. And that last scene that was Teyla in Missing talking to Keller. She says the lives of Atlantis are at stake....meaning the enemy is going after Atlantis somehow and she needs her to survive. Teyla looks like she wakes up from her nightmare in one of those scenes and she also looks like she goes back in time or remembers her past because her hair is long.

          Not enough for me to judge anything really. There was a lot of the others seasons at the beginning.


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            Exactly what I was afraid off...
            The ex-wife angle...ugh... it better be done right and no dwelling or any regret thought from his side... or some stupid mushy thing with him and her... ugh...then I rather not see it all...

            I'm thinking it for closure reason only. That's just my opinion.


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

              Promogirl writes: “If we get a season 5 (fingers crossed) are there plans to keep Carter and Keller around?”

              Answer: We’re not even thinking about season 5 right now. But if and when we do get the pick up, given everything we’ve seen so far, we would very much like to have both of them back.

              PG15 writes: “How does a fan get the chance to come on set for a visit without paying the obscene amount asked for by Creation Con?”

              Answer: Get cast in an upcoming episode.

              Anonymous #1 writes: “Will Shep's ex wife be mentioned in the backstory?”

              Answer: She will be making an appearance.

              LOL! Yep, it does! Ah well, hopefully it won't be an annoying as it sounds! Hopefully, it will bring him that closure he obviously needs and make him face some of those fears head on and finally get over that. I really think it's a good possibility we'll see some of that for both John and Ronon, getting over old hurts and being more ready to move on. I don't think we'll see flat out romance with them, but I think we will see them being more open and showing their hidden feelings.
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                Promogirl writes: “If we get a season 5 (fingers crossed) are there plans to keep Carter and Keller around?”

                Answer: We’re not even thinking about season 5 right now. But if and when we do get the pick up, given everything we’ve seen so far, we would very much like to have both of them back.

                PG15 writes: “How does a fan get the chance to come on set for a visit without paying the obscene amount asked for by Creation Con?”

                Answer: Get cast in an upcoming episode.

                Anonymous #1 writes: “Will Shep's ex wife be mentioned in the backstory?”

                Answer: She will be making an appearance.

                I highly doubt that this will be about this, but then again,
                JM did mention it will be about his past relationships. Again, there has to be a reason for it. John is not going to go to Earth to see his ex-wife for nothing. It has to tie in with Atlantis somehow.


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  I agree with you Nina! It would bite very much with that angle!
                  If it realy have to be done...then I rather take it like I said before
                  He runs into her by accident or something...I don't want him seeking her out or her seeking him out for whatever stupid reason... and I'll will throw something on my TV if they have her seeking him out telling him he has a kid...then this show most just like that turned into so cliché kind of crap... I really don't need anymore fule to those that feel that he is just another Jack...failed marriage.. yes Jack of course new his son,,he lost him ,,but if they pull that and John didn't know... and wont be able to spend time with him/her because he is on will be like they can't come up with anything unique with him,,just pulling stuff out of Jack manual.... and I'm sick of that comparison...

                  I'm sure not everything in this story is coming from JF,,some things might be tossed around too by the writers...since I'm wondering if JF would actually pull out a story that had the ex-wife angle in it..especially since he isn't to keen on romance for the sake of it...not that I'm saying he will fall in love with her all over again or something...(he better not) or that he regrets something...

                  The shrugging shoulders, whatever look on his face in Sunday...just tells me he isn't dwelling on past relationships and not on his ex-wife..the guy didn't make a big deal out of it... so I truly hope we only then see her in passing,,,and that she doesn't have any major part in the story... since I can't see she has had more impact on his current life then alot of other things...for him to bad att marriage as he said,,there had to be something wrong from the beginning before he married her,,and he/they couldn't get passed it and it ended...

                  I think this might be one angle of the backstory epi...tha't I'm not really looking forward too... two things I don't like already about season 4..tacky/flirty Larrin and ex-wife...

                  Rant over,,and now I'm going to bed...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Thanks Elf:

                    Ok. Tell me how to change the icon again. Please.
                    Go into the newsletter I posted it in there. It even has it's own mini headline!

                    The rest of the newsletter will be posted tomorrow! I gave you the first page as a teaser!
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                      Promogirl writes: “If we get a season 5 (fingers crossed) are there plans to keep Carter and Keller around?”

                      Answer: We’re not even thinking about season 5 right now. But if and when we do get the pick up, given everything we’ve seen so far, we would very much like to have both of them back.

                      PG15 writes: “How does a fan get the chance to come on set for a visit without paying the obscene amount asked for by Creation Con?”

                      Answer: Get cast in an upcoming episode.

                      Anonymous #1 writes: “Will Shep's ex wife be mentioned in the backstory?”

                      Answer: She will be making an appearance.

                      That does not look like Teyla at all, over here she has longer hair (mid back) and hates black leather with a vengeance, she's been wearing that purple top more often now adays... but when did they go from rally beautiful outfits to black leather?? Over ehere John told Teyla that she looks more like Ronon when she has anything remotly leather on her.

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Thanks Blue!!! that promo is awesome!!! gave me chills!!!
                        Can't wait for the new season!!!
                        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                        Thanks Camy!!


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          If it realy have to be done...then I rather take it like I said before
                          He runs into her by accident or something...I don't want him seeking her out or her seeking him out for whatever stupid reason... and I'll will throw something on my TV if they have her seeking him out telling him he has a kid...then this show most just like that turned into so cliché kind of crap... I really don't need anymore fule to those that feel that he is just another Jack...failed marriage.. yes Jack of course new his son,,he lost him ,,but if they pull that and John didn't know... and wont be able to spend time with him/her because he is on will be like they can't come up with anything unique with him,,just pulling stuff out of Jack manual.... and I'm sick of that comparison...

                          I'm sure not everything in this story is coming from JF,,some things might be tossed around too by the writers...since I'm wondering if JF would actually pull out a story that had the ex-wife angle in it..especially since he isn't to keen on romance for the sake of it...not that I'm saying he will fall in love with her all over again or something...(he better not) or that he regrets something...

                          The shrugging shoulders, whatever look on his face in Sunday...just tells me he isn't dwelling on past relationships and not on his ex-wife..the guy didn't make a big deal out of it... so I truly hope we only then see her in passing,,,and that she doesn't have any major part in the story... since I can't see she has had more impact on his current life then alot of other things...for him to bad att marriage as he said,,there had to be something wrong from the beginning before he married her,,and he/they couldn't get passed it and it ended...

                          I think this might be one angle of the backstory epi...tha't I'm not really looking forward too... two things I don't like already about season 4..tacky/flirty Larrin and ex-wife...

                          Rant over,,and now I'm going to bed...
                          Yeah, I hear you... But I'm not really worried about this one. It's a single ep and it's supposed to make him deal with things of his past. JM said something about we'll learn why he didn't have anyone on earth to send a message to on LFP. So most definitely sounds like a "full circle" type of ep, like we saw with Rodney and his sister last year. Dealing with past hurts, learning from them, and moving on type of a thing.
                          I'm not worried. More annoyed I guess. I love character moments, but I'd rather meet his parents, not an ex. Also hoping it's not focused entirely on John on earth without anyone else there. Those kind of eps bore me to death. But like I said before, hopefully it will turn out better than it sounds!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                            Thanks Blue!!! that promo is awesome!!! gave me chills!!!
                            Can't wait for the new season!!!
                            SC!!! Big hugs!!!! Haven't seen you around in a while!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              Go into the newsletter I posted it in there. It even has it's own mini headline!

                              The rest of the newsletter will be posted tomorrow! I gave you the first page as a teaser!
                              Elf, another awesome newsletter!! THANK YOU so much for taking the time to make that!!!!

                              Mrs. B--can't wait for your next chapter!!! AWESOME!

                              Scifan--your posters are hilarious! Love them!
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                                Yeah, I hear you... But I'm not really worried about this one. It's a single ep and it's supposed to make him deal with things of his past. JM said something about we'll learn why he didn't have anyone on earth to send a message to on LFP. So most definitely sounds like a "full circle" type of ep, like we saw with Rodney and his sister last year. Dealing with past hurts, learning from them, and moving on type of a thing.
                                I'm not worried. More annoyed I guess. I love character moments, but I'd rather meet his parents, not an ex. Also hoping it's not focused entirely on John on earth without anyone else there. Those kind of eps bore me to death. But like I said before, hopefully it will turn out better than it sounds!
                                If it has to do with LFP, then you have to think that it has to do with more than simply his ex-wife and moreso since like you mentioned Nina, that's not a big issue for him.

                                I'm wondering if maybe his father died or someone in his family died, or they are going to give him some recognition or something to make John go back to Earth. First of all, John is not going to go back to Earth for no reason. There has to be a reason why he's going in the first place. Maybe she's dying and asked for him. Who knows. Maybe they are going to give him a promotion and he needs to go back to Earth. I hope he takes someone with him as well. Maybe this whole thing is him in a dream or thinking of his past. For all we know this might be him going back in time and we see things through his eyes. Who knows! Again, for me to think that John is willingly going back to deal with his emotions, is not like him. There has to be some sort of connection. Maybe he's going to tell his family members that he's going to be a father? *wink*

                                I'm not worried either. But you can bet we are going to get some smoochies in there as well. LOL

