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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    this screenshot just BEGGED to be made!!



    MrsB, thayt's SAD!!! though also very pretty the way it is written!!!

    LOL. That is so funny.


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      WOW! That was powerful. Where's my tissues? That's got to go into a story.
      Thanks Scifan. Theres this music I've got on and its sooooo sad so I felt I had to write something for it


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        I just felt like writing this

        “John may I speak with you?”

        John looked up at Teyla’s face. “Of course.”

        “In private, please,” she asked smiling hesitantly looking around the crowded lunchroom.

        “Uh…sure,” John said awkwardly as he got up from the table, tossed his lunch into the bin and silently led the way down the hall to an empty training room.

        As soon as the door shut behind them he turned, “You’re starting to freak me out, Teyla. What’s going on?” His face was puzzled as her eyes searched the floor.

        “I am leaving Atlantis, Colonel,” she said in a small voice.

        John put a finger to his ear and shook it mockingly, “I’m sorry. I must have heard you wrong. It sounded like you said you’re leaving Atlantis.”

        She drew in a breath and met his disbelieving gaze. “That is what I said. I am leaving to find my people. I just finished speaking with Colonel Carter and we came to an understanding. Atlantis cannot afford to keep their search as a top priority and I cannot stand by and do nothing for every day they go unfound.”

        John felt his throat start to close up and a desperate anxiety began to course through his veins, pumping his heart at a rapid speed.

        “Teyla, this is crazy! We can look for them while were on other missions! The resources Atlantis can provide you in finding them are irreplaceable!” He noticed the resolve in her face and it frightened him even more, as he knew how stubborn she could be. He continued nervously as he crossed his arms.

        “Well, I just won’t allow it. You’re part of my team and I’m not letting you go anywhere,” he said his voice catching.

        Teyla tried to smile but her mouth quivered into a strange frown instead. “I am sorry, John. What is done, is done,” she said sadly. “I am leaving.”

        His mind wracked trying to think of an excuse for her to stay and when he said nothing she turned, poised to leave. He grabbed her arm hard and twisted her back towards him.

        “Please….stay,” he said quietly. “Stay......with me.” His eyes probing hers in the hopes that she could read the message hidden behind them.

        “They need me, John,” she said her eyes filling with tears as he still gripped her arms tight. “I am responsible for all of them.”

        John took a deep breath, his body trembling. “They aren’t the only ones who need you, Teyla.”

        A lone tear ran down her cheek as she gently took his gripping hand and held it against her chest. “No matter what I feel John, no matter what we could be, I cannot abandon them. I would not be the person I am if I did.”

        She leaned over to him and brushed her warm face beside his, whispering in his ear, “I will find you again, John Sheppard.”

        And she turned and walked out hurriedly, leaving him standing in the empty room, staring at the closed door.
        Thanks a lot. Now I need Kleenex for this story and a teddy bear to hold at night for Oasis. No wonder my hubby comes home looking at me weird.
        Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          So, I got an email asking if I was going to make sigs of my posters. And the rest is history... LOL


          They are all snaggable and if you want a sig version of any others that I have done, let me know. All the ones I have posted in here are in the link below.

          Jess. That is such a brilliant idea. Great job!!!


            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            Thanks a lot. Now I need Kleenex for this story and a teddy bear to hold at night for Oasis. No wonder my hubby comes home looking at me weird.
            LOL well which is worse the sad or the scary


              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
              Thanks a lot. Now I need Kleenex for this story and a teddy bear to hold at night for Oasis. No wonder my hubby comes home looking at me weird.
              LOL! ROFL!

              Is MrsB messing up your emotions. Poor Jess. Between sad stories, scary stories and the motivationals, I would be messed up too.

              MrsB. Stop listening to that sad music. Ok, wait. I liked the story though. Now I'm getting confused.


                Loving the funny.... *lol*

       just had to make me emotional with that story did you...I can see that happening,,,although I don't want to see that outcome... *sniff*
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  LOL! ROFL!

                  Is MrsB messing up your emotions. Poor Jess. Between sad stories, scary stories and the motivationals, I would be messed up too.

                  MrsB. Stop listening to that sad music. Ok, wait. I liked the story though. Now I'm getting confused.
                  LOL No kidding. I get outta work in like 20 minutes Woo hoo!!

                  You guys do so many of those Motivational things, I did two and had trouble coming up with another. I give you LOTS of credit! ( I can't find Linda's respekt thing again ughhhhh) Some of them were absolutley HYSTERICAL

                  Lol Sorry NINA - Blame the music!!!

                  Hey Sci - Did you get to do any voting yet?
                  Last edited by MrsB108; 03 August 2007, 11:48 AM.


                    Ok, I been wanting to ask this question for a little while so don't shoot me.

                    I'm wondering how tptb will go around Teyla's story if RL decides not to finish the end of season four. Is she going to have the baby and just not be seen or something more tragic like she leaves or worse an enemy takes her and her baby and John has to go find them? What do you guys think?


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      LOL! ROFL!

                      Is MrsB messing up your emotions. Poor Jess. Between sad stories, scary stories and the motivationals, I would be messed up too.
                      Yes :: Sob:: she ::giggle:: is ::shaking in fear:::
                      Last edited by YappiChick; 03 August 2007, 11:58 AM.
                      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Ok, I been wanting to ask this question for a little while so don't shoot me.

                        I'm wondering how tptb will go around Teyla's story if RL decides not to finish the end of season four. Is she going to have the baby and just not be seen or something more tragic like she leaves or worse an enemy takes her and her baby and John has to go find them? What do you guys think?
                        OK that is a scary thought!

                        I'm hoping that RL does not leave the season(or for that matter get written out) though I do hope that perhaps maybe Teyla or the baby, or both get taken by someone/something then John goes nuts trying to find them both at Carters orders...

                        at least that is what I think, after all it already happened over here.... twice so John and Teyla tied the knot, at least here where i live

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          Ok, I been wanting to ask this question for a little while so don't shoot me.

                          I'm wondering how tptb will go around Teyla's story if RL decides not to finish the end of season four. Is she going to have the baby and just not be seen or something more tragic like she leaves or worse an enemy takes her and her baby and John has to go find them? What do you guys think?
                          My guess...

                          I'm going to assume that they will either A. have earlier filming of RL and "incororpate" her into the show or B. have the focus more on the baby (maybe have her missing, but not the baby). I'm sure they have talked with her...if they *really* needed her, then I'm sure they have worked out that detail.

                          In the X-Files Gillian anderson was there a few days after she had her baby, but in the first episode she came back, she (mostly) was in a hospital bed.

                          If Teyla's character is taking a "dark" turn then I wouldn't expect a heart and flowers ending...besides we don't even know the orgins of the baby. Human? Wraith? Asgard? (OK, the last one is a joke)
                          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain




                            Asgard? are you nuts? for your info overe here where I live(in Teyla and John's bedroom) Teyla had a full blooded ANCIENT of all things, it appears that whomever got her weith child a few months back had no idea what he was doing.... *looks to John who makes "what?" look back* *smiles a half moon grin*

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress



                              I know I'm behind, I'm sorry! A few days ago, Scifan was sweet enough to PM me the art and some of the fics that were responses to my JT 20 challenge.

                              First off, thank you so much, Scifan! That was immensely nice of you.

                              Secondly, all of you artists and writers did a wonderful job in response to the challenges. I had lamented ever seeing anyone do the challenge table and here you all rocked at it! I can't say enough about how great all the JT artwork and the stories are. You have added a wealth of John/Teyla greatness to the fandom and you all deserve to take a bow.

                              Well done!



                                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                                So, I got an email asking if I was going to make sigs of my posters. And the rest is history... LOL


                                They are all snaggable and if you want a sig version of any others that I have done, let me know. All the ones I have posted in here are in the link below.

                                YC, thanks so much for doing this, I do plan on snagging one. And the originals were past cool

                                Gang, haven't been here in awhile, but a quick fly-by and hello's.

                                First a HUG for Steph. Glad things turned out relatively fine w/your co-workers, but sad to hear of some of their losses. Know you and they are in my thoughts and prayers

                                HELLO TO ALL NEWBIES!!!!!
                                Linda06 I know you are one.
                                MrsB...I know you've been here awhile, but a big Texas wave to you also!
                                By the way, I'm loving you stories. You sure know how to swing those emotions from one extreme to the other...excellent!

                                If I've missed some(which I'm sure I have), please forgive way too many pages for me to retrace and remember all. But a big hug all around w/lots of JT loving

                                Congrats on some milestones posters:
                                Camy, Nina, MrsB...again, there are others and I cann't remember, but know a big congrats to you too!!!

                                All the fics are AWESOME: MrsB as I've already commented. Scifan also great job! What a lot of fic noms and new material we have to look forward to for the 2008 JT Awards...YAY...never too much of that!

                                Keep both the fics and art coming w/that in mind. Meanwhile don't forget to go and vote for this years awards. Remember it's success is in each of our hands, so make those votes COUNT!!!

                                GREAT JOB ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

