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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    MrsB: no I merely thought it was a very funny line that you said about finding out where Lorne was from, in fact I said that once when a friend of mine introdeuced me to someone.

    I liked your line about that!

    asnd am currently reading chapter two of your story on

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
      MrsB: no I merely thought it was a very funny line that you said about finding out where Lorne was from, in fact I said that once when a friend of mine introdeuced me to someone.

      I liked your line about that!

      asnd am currently reading chapter two of your story on
      lol u give me too much credit tey!! i'm not that witty lol


        Hey when some of the Nighttime Gateroom workers bribe the Daedalus crew into buying Marx Brothers movies you tend to get a little zany over here!!

        *Hugs MrsB then sits in her lap as a normal sized Russain Blue cat* *purrs loudly*

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Thanks: I'm not sure if I can figure out what would be good for that one. Maybe someone else can. *hint. hint*

          Speaking of... here's the next part. LOL


          Teyla slowly wakes up and sees that she is in her room. John is asleep in the chair in the corner of her room. She slowly sits up, “John? What happened?”
          John gets up and sits by her on the bed, “You fainted. You had us scared. I was going to bring you to the infirmary, but Dr. Keller said that you haven’t eaten all day and with everything else. She thought you’d be more comfortable in your own room.” He stops to hold her hand in his, “I’m sorry about your people. We’ll figure it out and try to find them. Don’t worry.” Teyla is speechless and leans her head on his shoulder. Silence fills the room a few seconds. “Hey, let me get you something to eat.”
          Teyla sits up, “I am not hungry John.”
          “Look you need to keep your strength up if you are planning to help us figure out what is going on,” he scolded. “Right now we have tons of Marines and scientists over there trying to find clues.”
          A small smile crosses her face, “Thanks John. You have no idea how much this means to me.” She finally agrees to let John get her something to eat and John quickly leaves to go to the mess hall.
          When John returns he sees Teyla fast asleep. He put the tray of food on one of the tables in her room. He grabs a light blanket that is at the foot of her bed and covers her with it. As he pulls the blanket up over her shoulders he notices that her pillow is wet from her crying. Some of her hair is covering her face and John gently pulls it back. She looks so peaceful and beautiful to him. He never realized how much he really cares for until recently.
          Teyla begins to thrash in her sleep and yells, “No! Where are you? Tell me where you are!”
          John reaches over to wake her from her nightmare. Teyla, still experiencing her horror, instinctively grabs John by the throat. “Teyla! It’s me, John,” he tries to express while she tightens her grip. “Teyla!”
          Teyla’s grip loosens and look of confusion comes across her face. “John?” She looks around her room, still confused. She sees John rubbing his neck and how red it is. “Oh John, I am so sorry. I did not…”
          John interrupts her, “Don’t worry. It was my fault to try to wake you while you dreaming or should I say, having a nightmare. Was it about your people?” She nods yes. She was about to apologize again, but John stops her. He gets up and gets the tray of food. “Come on. It’s good. I made it myself,” he jests.
          Teyla cracks a smile, “You made this prepackaged sandwich, orange and water?” John shrugs his shoulders. “Thank you John.”
          Hi Scifan,
          I love John being all nice and sweet to Teyla...carry on (please continue)
          Thanks for the sig Scifan


            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            All right, here's my attempt. Just remember I am photo-editing impared.

            That's an amazing picture!
            Thanks for the sig Scifan


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              Here you go!

              I did it! My very first thing I ever created like this!!!

              Hi Elflinn,
              Your creation looks great!
              Thanks for the sig Scifan


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Ok. It's LAME.


                I told you I suck at these.
                Oh, no you don't. It looks outstanding!
                Thanks for the sig Scifan


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  OASIS - PART 9

                  John stood and looked down at Rodney who was giggling furiously and making funny faces at Teyla as she gently tried to wrap his bloodied legs. “Well, he’s gonna be a joy to carry around,” John said worriedly to Ronon.

                  “It’s fine. I’ll take him,” Ronon said looking warily at Rodney who was now purring like a kitten much to Teyla’s dismay. Ronon reached over and grabbed Rodney, lifting him easily over his shoulders. Teyla smiled as Rodney dangled across Ronon’s neck and asked, “Hey Ronon……. how do you wash your hair?” as he playfully picked up a loose strand between his fingers.

                  John shook his head in amusement and grabbed Rodney’s backpack and his own strapping them both on his back. “Allright, we need to find a way around these guys. Ronon you can stay in between Teyla and I since your carrying ‘Keith Richards’ here. We’re heading east; at least….. I think its east. Ugh, never mind. We’re going this way. Follow me.”

                  They walked hurriedly in single file following Colonel Sheppard’s light. Every few minutes or so, they would stop and shut their lights to listen for the sounds of the hidden creatures. They seemed to be converging all in one area from what they could surmise. Only once or twice had they heard whispers or shifting sand in other directions.

                  The gathering was somewhere to their right and they carefully made their way around. They were walking silently when Rodney hiccupped loudly and Ronon gave him a look. Just then, the light on Ronon’s weapon began to blink furiously. John stopped and turned around, giving the gun a dirty look. “Crap,” he said as the light finally gave way and puffed out completely.

                  “Lights out,” Rodney giggled speaking softly. Teyla came up behind them, a worried look plaguing her face. “Sooner or later, this will happen to the other weapons as well. Probably sooner.”
                  John sighed and looked around with his gun. “We’ve almost circled them completely; we have to be almost there by now.” Suddenly, his light caught a wisp of shadow fly behind Teyla and he cried, “MOVE!”

                  She instantly dove out of the way as John fired multiple rounds into the dark and rushed forward. John’s light had gone out as he advanced and the others could see him no longer. “John? JOHN?” Teyla called swinging her light around wildly in the dark.
                  I'm loving this story but happen to John?
                  Thanks for the sig Scifan


                    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                    I just posted my "posters" over in the Galleria. I managed to make one more:

                    Nice...great caption! I love this one.
                    Thanks for the sig Scifan


                      Originally posted by kingdom View Post
                      Nice...great caption! I love this one.
                      I'm glad you like it! These are too fun to make.
                      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                        Originally posted by kingdom View Post
                        Hi Scifan,
                        I love John being all nice and sweet to Teyla...carry on (please continue)
                        Thanks Kingdom. I'm glad you liked my lame motivator and story. LOL

                        Here's a goodnight story for all: The Ties That Bind continues...


                        John begins to grab his side and winces. Teyla notices, “Have you taken your pain medication? You know that Dr. Keller wants you to take it easy for a while. I do not want you to further injure yourself because of me.”
                        John cocks his head back slightly, “Well, as long as I don’t get to close to you when you’re having a nightmare, I should be fine.” He flashes his boyish grin. “Besides, I already took by medication just before I got here and good thing too,” he says pretending to be serious.
                        Teyla gives him her gentle smile, “I am truly grateful that you are here with me, but please. I will be fine. You should go to your quarters and go to bed.”
                        “Ok, but you come get me if you need anything else,” he replies as he gets up and walks to the door. She gives him a reassuring nod.
                        During the night Teyla starts to experience a different kind of dream. It is from when she was in the Asuran city, but it is not the same as the nightmares she has had. It is almost like a memory that is surfacing. She recalls the pain that she experienced there, and voices talking about her like she wasn’t even there. She strains to hear what they are saying even though the pain in her abdomen was unbearable. She can see the male Asuran talking to a female, but can’t see her face.
                        “Are you sure that the nanites will come out of their dormant state once she is pregnant?” the male asks and the female responses positively. “Good. Then this child will become part us and part human. Are you sure that her feelings for this ancient descent is strong?” Again the female answers with a yes. “Very well bring her back to her cell and probe her mind to reassure her connection to this man. We will retrieve the child after it is born and I will also make sure that she will have no way of contacting her people. We don’t want to take any chances that she remembers and wants to terminate the pregnancy.” The woman finally steps into view for Teyla to see, it is Ladil.
                        Teyla awakens quickly and jumps out to bed about ready to tell John, but fear over comes her. “What if he wants Atlantis to get rid of the child? What of my people?” she thinks to herself. She sits back on her bed contemplating her decisions. She finally decides to wait and not say anything. She knows for now she will be able to hide her sickness and blame it on stress, but she also knows that the day will come when she will have to tell John, the rest of the team and Sam. How she wished right now that Dr. Keller was wrong. Another thought surfaces to her mind. The night that her and John were together. A smile comes over her remembering how he was with her. So gentle and loving, but then the thought of the Asurans pops back in her mind. “What if this is them controlling me? What if…” She tries to calm herself up again. She focuses on how she feels about John. “Were the real or forced?” she thought. “No, they weren’t forced. My feelings are there for him, but I never acted on it.” She starts to feel better. “What about John? He must have feeling for me otherwise we would not had that special time together.” Thinking things through was helping. “Why did he not say anything?” she thought for a while, but remember that everyone was experiencing various dreams and she even dismissed it. Flashes of all he has been doing for her since they rescued her came flooding in and at that moment she realizes that John truly cares for her.

                        Just in case I didn't say this already, but I posted this fic on FF. It condenced to 4 chpter so far. I believes it ends where John got rescued. And I changed and add a little too. Thought I let you know. When I'm done with this chpt. I send it to Jess to beta it and then I'll post 5. Enjoy
                        Last edited by scifan; 02 August 2007, 07:23 PM.


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          OASIS - PART 10 WOW Sorry its so long lol

                          Teyla and Ronon searched anxiously, calling John’s name over and over. A few seconds of petrifying silence passed before, “Er…..a little help over here! And hey, walk slowly!” John’s voice sounded distant and slightly echoed.

                          Ronon and Teyla approached the direction of his voice, relieved to hear him, and then each gasped, looking downward, finding their feet barely hanging over the edge of an enormous pit, whose bottom could not be seen. A lone hand grasped desperately at sand clinging for survival, as Teyla rushed over to aid Colonel Sheppard who was dangling helplessly one handed over the edge.

                          Ronon put Rodney down quickly and the two of them pulled him up successfully. John lay on his back, breathing heavily at the fate he had almost succumbed to. “What happened?” asked Ronon as he and Teyla looked down in disbelief at the endless drop before them.

                          “Oh God, that was scary,” John puffed and continued. “I could see the thing right in front of me, I had him locked for a clear shot, and then he was just gone! So I kept going straight cause I knew he didn’t turn and then…oops, look out below, big hole in the ground. Hey, how can there be a big scary hole like that in the middle of the desert anyway?”

                          “It’s rather common really,” slurred Rodney attempting to sit up. “It’s all to do with sand dunes shifting and…..and……hey, you guys got any cookie dough?”

                          Ronon helped John to his feet, smirking as John looked annoyed. “Yeah, well they should have flashing neon signs or something, like Construction Ahead or something.”

                          Teyla placed her hand on his shoulder from behind. “We are glad you are all right, Colonel.” John turned and smiled. “Aw c’mon you guys weren’t really worried about me, were ya?”

                          Teyla kept smiling and said nothing, handing him his dropped pack. Ronon reached down to pick Rodney up again. “We should keep going. We don’t know what else could be out here.”

                          Ronon began walking back to their original path and John was putting on his pack when he noticed the expression on Teyla’s face. “What is it?” he asked concerned and then he heard it.

                          A deep low growl.

                          In an instant, the creature had flung itself on Teyla knocking her hard to the ground and it began lashing out savagely with its jagged claws, slicing at her flesh and clothes. She screamed and tried to fend it off with her hands but the creatures nails were razor sharp and only proceeded to slash at the insides of her palms as it howled loudly.

                          Ronon had turned at the noise but he was yards ahead and when he did, two hidden creatures attacked him soundlessly, knocking Rodney clear from his body and pinning Ronon to the ground.

                          John’s face curled into fury and he threw himself on the creature attacking Teyla and brazenly wrestled with it atop her body. His gun had been tossed aside and the light shone brightly on them and he could see the creatures face clearly now. The eyes of the creature were a bright red with no visible pupils. Its body was black and covered in massive veins that seem to repulsively pulsate constantly. Its garish teeth were inches from his face, a white slime dripping from them, its breath warm and decayed as it opened its jaws and tried to snap at his face.

                          The creatures’ hands were slimy and it was unbelievably strong. John had it by its neck and struggled to reach the knife he kept in his ankle holster. He looked over to his side, nervous how close he was to the edge of the pit.

                          John suddenly screamed in pain as the creature had slashed at John’s neck, causing a large penetrating gash and its red eyes seemed to glow brighter at the mere sight of his blood.

                          Teyla had regained herself slowly shaking her head, and seeing John’s movement for his ankle, quickly retrieved the knife for him and stabbed the creature through the top of its large black pulsating head.

                          The creature shrieked, rearing its head into the air as Teyla lashed out with a well placed kick and the creature tumbled over the edge of the crevice into the pit.

                          Teyla rushed down to lean on John, peering into his face. “John? Are you all right?” she asked breathlessly. Her body was practically lying atop his, her warmth heaving up and down with him as he tried to catch his breath. She pressed her hand hard onto the wound on his neck and he winced, taking her hand from it and holding it steady in his own.

                          “I’m fine, Teyla, really,” he said unconvincingly. Her body compressing on his was sending the same deep burning desire down his body, like he had felt earlier and many times before. Her eyes locked on his, she was talking but he wasn’t paying attention.
                          With one hand on his wound, he reached the other up around her head and pulled her down to him, their warm lips mixing with sand and blood, yet she tasted as wonderful as he had imagined.

                          A dark horrible realization crept inside him as he felt a quick lash of slime silently wrap itself around his ankle and felt the sharp pinch of a nail embed deep in his leg. His eyes filled with futile tears as he grabbed Teyla’s face and looked deep into her eyes as he filled with raw emotion. “Teyla………I love you,” he whispered to her shakily.

                          The creature clinging to the edge of the pit yanked hard and pulled Colonel Sheppard’s body along with its own over the boundary into nothingness.
                          Oh no! Poor John don't let him go down like that. Come on Teyla, grab your girl...pull...
                          Thanks for the sig Scifan


                            Don't forget to post your Conversion caps guys!


                            Here are some more...

                            Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 03 August 2007, 05:26 AM.


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              My last one ....I won't make you suffer anymore..I just had to try it!

                              You guys are so talented...wait, I said that before didn't I? But it still true!
                              Thanks for the sig Scifan


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Thanks Kingdom. I'm glad you liked my lame motivator and story. LOL

                                Here's a goodnight story for all: The Ties That Bind continues...


                                John begins to grab his side and winces. Teyla notices, “Have you taken your pain medication? You know that Dr. Keller wants you to take it easy for a while. I do not want you to further injure yourself because of me.”
                                John cocks his head back slightly, “Well, as long as I don’t get to close to you when you’re having a nightmare, I should be fine.” He flashes his boyish grin. “Besides, I already took by medication just before I got here and good thing too,” he says pretending to be serious.
                                Teyla gives him her gentle smile, “I am truly grateful that you are here with me, but please. I will be fine. You should go to your quarters and go to bed.”
                                “Ok, but you come get me if you need anything else,” he replies as he gets up and walks to the door. She gives him a reassuring nod.
                                During the night Teyla starts to experience a different kind of dream. It is from when she was in the Asuran city, but it is not the same as the nightmares she has had. It is almost like a memory that is surfacing. She recalls the pain that she experienced there, and voices talking about her like she wasn’t even there. She strains to hear what they are saying even though the pain in her abdomen was unbearable. She can see the male Asuran talking to a female, but can’t see her face.
                                “Are you sure that the nanites will come out of their dormant state once she is pregnant?” the male asks and the female responses positively. “Good. Then this child will become part us and part human. Are you sure that her feelings for this ancient descent is strong?” Again the female answers with a yes. “Very well bring her back to her cell and probe her mind to reassure her connection to this man. We will retrieve the child after it is born and I will also make sure that she will have no way of contacting her people. We don’t want to take any chances that she remembers and wants to terminate the pregnancy.” The woman finally steps into view for Teyla to see, it is Ladil.
                                Teyla awakens quickly and jumps out to bed about ready to tell John, but fear over comes her. “What if he wants Atlantis to get rid of the child? What of my people?” she thinks to herself. She sits back on her bed contemplating her decisions. She finally decides to wait and not say anything. She knows for now she will be able to hide her sickness and blame it on stress, but she also knows that the day will come when she will have to tell John, the rest of the team and Sam. How she wished right now that Dr. Keller was wrong. Another thought surfaces to her mind. The night that her and John were together. A smile comes over her remembering how he was with her. So gentle and loving, but then the thought of the Asurans pops back in her mind. “What if this is them controlling me? What if…” She tries to calm herself up again. She focuses on how she feels about John. “Were the real or forced?” she thought. “No, they weren’t forced. My feelings are there for him, but I never acted on it.” She starts to feel better. “What about John? He must have feeling for me otherwise we would not had that special time together.” Thinking things through was helping. “Why did he not say anything?” she thought for a while, but remember that everyone was experiencing various dreams and she even dismissed it. Flashes of all he has been doing for her since they rescued her came flooding in and at that moment she realizes that John truly cares for her.

                                Just in case I didn't say this already, but I posted this fic on FF. It condenced to 4 chpter so far. I believes it ends where John got rescued. And I changed and add a little too. Thought I let you know. When I'm done with this chpt. I send it to Jess to beta it and then I'll post 5. Enjoy
                                I'm really enjoying this story...more please.
                                Thanks for the sig Scifan

