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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Huh,where'd everyone go


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      OASIS - PART 3

      "Jesus Christ!" Rodney cried as they stared at the decomposing body lying on the floor. Its mouth seemed opened rather widely, as if the person had died screaming. Ronon knelt down to examine the body further, while Colonel Sheppard and Teyla walked over to him, leaving Rodney standing alone by the desk, the tattered diary grasped firmly in his hands and held tightly to his chest.

      Ronon used his weapon to poke and prod the corpse gently. “Looks like the poor guy was ripped to shreds. Something attacked him. Something vicious." Teyla and Colonel Sheppard looked at each other, both of them growing more concerned with the escalating dangers of this place by the minute.

      "COLONEL???" Rodney hollered.

      They all turned to where he was pointing. His hand extended towards the large doorway. The powerful sun that had been providing them with a deep intense light was now rapidly fading against the horizon.

      "What...What’s happening? It can't be night already?" The alarm in Johns voice was evident as he stared at the quickly dissipating glow. The sun was moving at an incredibly unnatural speed, within minutes it would have completely disappeared beyond the horizon.

      Teyla stepped in front of him, looking out, her eyes filling with dread. “Darkness will cover this place soon. We must leave, John,” she said turning to him. “We must leave now, or I fear we shall never find the Stargate through the night.”

      “Are you crazy?” Rodney said hysterically. “Didn’t you read the same journal I did? The scratches in the DARK?? No way am I going out there at night to be ripped into shredded beef like our friend here!”

      Ronon stood looking down at the body and then at John’s frustrated face. Teyla implored him. “John, please! There is no time for discussion, we must go now!”

      John stared at her pleading expression for a moment and to the look of utter obstinacy on Rodney’s. “Ok, were leaving, grab your gear. We’re moving out. NOW!”

      They all began scrambling for their stuff as Rodney groaned and grappled with his backpack. Just as they began hurriedly making their way to the door, the last few splinters of sunlight seemed to laugh at them, as they scampered down below the last dunes of sand, leaving them in total and absolute darkness.

      Thanks for the green YC!

      Another great part MrsB.


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        LOL. Ok task master. I just posted 3chpts of the story, which is everything except of what I posted today.
        BRB gotta catch up on post. I'll try to write more later.
        Check out my second response to YappiChick's!

        Once you read what's in the spoilers in both you will understand!
        It was for more rienforcement so, she is aware of the situation...

        Teyilia- Do not leave me hanging to long in your new fic!

        I wanna know what the deal is with the T's in this story. And, why? How will John and Teyla both react. Rodney too. And, where's Ronon? I do not have to many questions....Elf is very, very, curious what is going to happen next!!
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Na kitty won't bite,kitty's an adorable and lovable cat!

          Yeah me needs a siggie and of course it's gotta be JT!
          Is there a cap or caps you like?


            Is there a cap or caps you like?
            I like them all!


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

              LOL can we have a sneak peek or no
              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              I second that Mrs B! I want a sneak peek!!
              sneak peek you ask... OK... I.... guess (read below)

              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              Teyilia- Do not leave me hanging to long in your new fic!

              I wanna know what the deal is with the T's in this story. And, why? How will John and Teyla both react. Rodney too. And, where's Ronon? I do not have to many questions....Elf is very, very, curious what is going to happen next!!
              Elf: what do you mean T's? you mean my new one? the tag for "The Gift"? or do you mean my signature story "oh Sh!te!!"? the former takes place a bit later in The gift while the latter... here is a small sneak preview

              at the cliffhanger of chapter 27(The Dream and the Trust) Jack, John and Teyla were visiting a friend of Jacks to help Teyla understand a dream she had, only to have the Trust show up. things get really crazy when John gets the LIC number off the car before heading back to the SGC.

              Ten minutes later at the Turst base in the north end of Littleton CO Teyla is taken tio a cell with two really rather smart alecky guards, one of whom go with one of the two guys that took Teyla, only not one did the guy take Teyla but also her watch( & GPS unit inside it)...

              John back at the SGC finds Teylas lifesign(her watch) on the SGC mapping program showing it at a Fast Food Joint(Chinese), then he and Jack get a car ordered by John(a 1967 Mustang Mach I) to go get Teyla and bring her home, plans though don't go the way John hopes as the Gamma Stargate(the one the Trust had transported to the Trust Base) is activated and Teyla taken through it in another car.

              The carchase then goes THROUGH the same stargate after a 190 mile chase through Littleton, but to a different planet, begining a six stargate-three planet chase that ends inside Atlantis itself which is in orbit of Earth. Only thing is, all THREE cars are in Atlantis by that time and every one then begins a shootout over who gets Teyla. during all this John drives like a total loonatic and all but destroys the Mustang, which makes Jack nervous because even though HE drives crazy, it is not like He is married to Teyla.

              Then Teyla goes up against the Milky Ways worst enemy at the end of all the chasing, which makes John more worried then ever that he is going to lose his wife for the second time

              to let everyone know this now the chapter will HOPEFULLY be completed by the ned of this week or the end of the next week.

              But my NEW STORY(the tag for "The Gift") will be called, Weaponless Love wherein Teyla has a second bad dream about her father after speaking with Hightmyer(spelling?) for the first time at lunch. it will be a sad yet very JT fic trust me

              *scampres off to work on the chapter*

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                sneak peek you ask... OK... I.... guess (read below)

                Elf: what do you mean T's? you mean my new one? the tag for "The Gift"? or do you mean my signature story "oh Sh!te!!"? the former takes place a bit later in The gift while the latter... here is a small sneak preview
                at the cliffhanger of chapter 27(The Dream and the Trust) Jack, John and Teyla were visiting a friend of Jacks to help Teyla understand a dream she had, only to have the Trust show up. things get really crazy when John gets the LIC number off the car before heading back to the SGC.

                Ten minutes later at the Turst base in the north end of Littleton CO Teyla is taken tio a cell with two really rather smart alecky guards, one of whom go with one of the two guys that took Teyla, only not one did the guy take Teyla but also her watch( & GPS unit inside it)...

                John back at the SGC finds Teylas lifesign(her watch) on the SGC mapping program showing it at a Fast Food Joint(Chinese), then he and Jack get a car ordered by John(a 1967 Mustang Mach I) to go get Teyla and bring her home, plans though don't go the way John hopes as the Gamma Stargate(the one the Trust had transported to the Trust Base) is activated and Teyla taken through it in another car.

                The carchase then goes THROUGH the same stargate after a 190 mile chase through Littleton, but to a different planet, begining a six stargate-three planet chase that ends inside Atlantis itself which is in orbit of Earth. Only thing is, all THREE cars are in Atlantis by that time and every one then begins a shootout over who gets Teyla. during all this John drives like a total loonatic and all but destroys the Mustang, which makes Jack nervous because even though HE drives crazy, it is not like He is married to Teyla.

                Then Teyla goes up against the Milky Ways worst enemy at the end of all the chasing, which makes John more worried then ever that he is going to lose his wife for the second time

                to let everyone know this now the chapter will HOPEFULLY be completed by the ned of this week or the end of the next week.

                But my NEW STORY(the tag for "The Gift") will be called, Weaponless Love wherein Teyla has a second bad dream about her father after speaking with Hightmyer(spelling?) for the first time at lunch. it will be a sad yet very JT fic trust me

                *scampres off to work on the chapter*
                This is the one I am talking about:

                Your new one you just posted on
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Oh that one! mixed up a bit there, that one is based of a Atlantis Roleplaying game I'm part of(hence myself being in there) only thing is it will be updated hopefully once per week if not once per every two weeks as the game is actually running a bit slow right now.

                  anyhow I'll give the lowdown of that one here:

                  When a planet (M3R-177) reports seeing a man much like Ford coming out of the stargate after a week followed by what looks to be a Wraith, Team sheppard(minus Ronon and Carson at this time) got to see, only they find Ford, as well as a deep secret that even Teyla had no idea of! can the secret be told, or will it tear apart the team forever?

                  neat thing though is, even though Teyla does ship a bit with Carson, Teyilia(me) ships with Shep

                  I'm axctually glad you like it so far, I just gotta kickstart my fellow players to get the story moving(I'm hoping for a "There is a WRAITH in my infirmary!" scene to happen but we will see)

                  anyhow what did you huys think of my little sneak preview for chapter 28 of "oh Sh!te!!"?

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    MrsB108 Another great part...
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      MrsB108 Another great part...
                      Thanks was work??


                        Quick fly by post... my computer has crashed so I'm grabbing moments here and there on my son's computer to try and catch up.

                        Great up dates MrsB.... congrats to any milestoners.

                        Keep up the good work.. looks like JM, Joe F and David had a great time at comic con. Again trying to read all the con reports. Like the comment from JM that they will be developing some relationships in season four.... looks like Rodney will definitely find some romance.. but I think we knew that anyway.

                        Hopefully my computer will be fixed by the end of the week... I'm desparately trying to save as much as I can incase I have to do a complete wipe. Can't seem to find the problem.. seems to be a combination of hardware and software issues..

                        Once I'm back up and running I'll get some new wallies done.. really miss not being able to do any. Hope everyone is well ... will try and catch up again tomorrow.
                        Long live John and Teyla...


                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          Check out my second response to YappiChick's!

                          Once you read what's in the spoilers in both you will understand!
                          It was for more rienforcement so, she is aware of the situation...

                          Teyilia- Do not leave me hanging to long in your new fic!

                          I wanna know what the deal is with the T's in this story. And, why? How will John and Teyla both react. Rodney too. And, where's Ronon? I do not have to many questions....Elf is very, very, curious what is going to happen next!!
                          You're a riot!

                          Linda I might have something you lilke in galleria.


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Quick fly by post... my computer has crashed so I'm grabbing moments here and there on my son's computer to try and catch up.

                            Great up dates MrsB.... congrats to any milestoners.

                            Keep up the good work.. looks like JM, Joe F and David had a great time at comic con. Again trying to read all the con reports. Like the comment from JM that they will be developing some relationships in season four.... looks like Rodney will definitely find some romance.. but I think we knew that anyway.

                            Hopefully my computer will be fixed by the end of the week... I'm desparately trying to save as much as I can incase I have to do a complete wipe. Can't seem to find the problem.. seems to be a combination of hardware and software issues..

                            Once I'm back up and running I'll get some new wallies done.. really miss not being able to do any. Hope everyone is well ... will try and catch up again tomorrow.
                            Long live John and Teyla...
                            Hey blue! Nice to hear from ya......when do u expect your pc back?? Duh i just saw u said end of the week...whatever! glad 2 hear from ya
                            Last edited by MrsB108; 30 July 2007, 01:00 PM.


                              As far as the show goes...does John have any siblings?
                              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                Hey blue! Nice to hear from ya......when do u expect your pc back??
                                Well I'm waiting on Dell to phone me back... I have been back and forth between the hardware and the software departments... first they thought it was a hardware issue ... then a software... now we are back to a hardware .. but it may in fact be a combination of both. The hardware technician will phone me on wednesday as I'm out at work all day tomorrow. Once he does his checks the software technicians will then do their bit ... but I have a feeling that I will have to have to do a complete reboot as nothing seems to be working so far.. sheesh computers can be a pain.

                                Anyway hopefully it will be sorted by the end of the week..

