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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    lol i gross is claude by the way

    lol i hope they make it in time
    Yea, Claude is... Ew, Ew and double ew!!
    Ezekiel needs a padded room.


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      All right, MrsB, I have a feeling
      that if you don't get Teyla out of that mess soon, John and Ronan are going to hunt you down.

      And can I just say I love Ezekiel? In a weird, he-creeps-me-out sort of way.
      LOL better them than ezekiel and claude!!!
      your so funny
      ...he is MEGA creepy, but at least he sticks by his own wacked out code of honor...claude would frighten me most i think


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Excellent update.... keep going.. can't wait for more.
        Thanks blue!!

        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Yea, Claude is... Ew, Ew and double ew!!
        Ezekiel needs a padded room.
        Yeah for sure. Maybe I should do a whole story just for Ezekiel....haha Kidding!


          MrsB. I'm not sure if you'll like this or not but what do you think?


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            MrsB. I'm not sure if you'll like this or not but what do you think?

            Ahhhhh Thats sooooo good Scifan!
            It's showing how Ronon feels for her and how worried John looks about it! Awesome, thanks!!


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              The Secrets Challenge Part 12 - NOT FOR THE SQUEMISH

              Following the eerie wails, the two men snuck stealthily from room to room in search of Teyla. They silently and mercilessly took out three more henchmen without alerting anyone to their presence.

              John tried to keep his mind focused on their plan of attack, but his thoughts kept wandering to Teyla and to what Ronon had said.

              As they swept through another room, John turned to Ronon and cleared his throat. “Listen, Ronon, I just want to say that I—“

              “Forget it. There’s nothing left to say,” Ronon spoke without ever meeting his eyes.

              “I just thought you should know, you were right about one thing. I am—“

              A piercing scream filled the air and they both froze in recognition of the voice.

              It was Teyla’s.

              The two men rushed out, knives extended, following her voice. They stopped outside a room, hearing movement inside. Slowly, they peered inside.

              There she was, feet and hands bound and tied to a bloody gurney, writhing and rustling for freedom. Ezekiel and Claude were standing over her, each with a sinful grin on their face.


              Teyla wrestled against Claude’s mighty grip but it was a futile effort. He held her down with one hand pressed to her stomach and touched her cheek softly with the other. “Ohhh…..pretty…..,” he said deeply as he stroked her skin and leaned down to her, breathing on her face. She cringed at his touch.

              “Now, Claude…it’s hardly proper for any inappropriate behavior of that sort. Why, we’ve barely spent any time together! Mind your manners….” Ezekiel spoke solemnly to him. He pulled a long jagged razor from his pocket and held it to her exposed belly, treading it lightly across her flesh.

              “My dear, I apologize for Claude’s insensitivity. He does not understand these things must be done with a certain...... finesse. He doesn’t appreciate fine craftsmanship like you and I.” He dug deeper with the razor and a small streak of blood appeared across her skin.

              She clamped her mouth shut, deciding not to give them the satisfaction of hearing her screams.
              Oh my Oh my....
              You have to get her out of there soon... those two are creepy... I wish them a horrible death ... John get in there and save your woman

              Keep it coming...

              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              MrsB. I'm not sure if you'll like this or not but what do you think?

              I really like it... it's like John is looking over his shoulder and is not to happy at seeing Ronon that close to her
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Ahhhhh Thats sooooo good Scifan!
                It's showing how Ronon feels for her and how worried John looks about it! Awesome, thanks!!
                You're welcome MrsB.

                Thanks Nina.


                  Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                  It's so quiet today!! Anyway, here's a response to the word 'Snickersnee'. It's very silly and not really very romantic but it's the first thing I thought of when I saw the word.



                  ‘The criminal cried as he dropped him down, in a state of wild alarm –’

                  “Why would he be so alarmed by dropping?” Teyla interrupted, cutting off Rodney’s singing.

                  “It’s talking about him hanging by his neck,” said John. “It’s a way of executing people on Earth.”

                  Teyla nodded, but Rodney tutted loudly.

                  “No, it’s not!” He said, annoyed. “I just told you that Ko-Ko had told the Mikado that they had beheaded Nanki-Poo, so obviously the song refers to him dropping to his knees.”

                  Teyla nodded. “Oh, of course,” she said. She caught John’s eye and they smiled slightly. Rodney, who was sitting behind them in the jumper, didn’t see.

                  “Right,” he said. “Anyway… ‘With a frightful, frantic, fearful frown I bared – ’

                  “Why was Ko-Ko fearful?” Asked John.

                  Rodney scowled at him, and Teyla tried not to laugh as she also pretended to glare at the Colonel.

                  “Obviously it is because he was scared that Nanki-Poo would fight back,” she said.

                  John nodded. “Yeah, sorry, stupid question,” he said.

                  Rodney was off again. “Of course he wasn’t going to fight back!” He said angrily. “Ko-Ko’s talking about his frown being scary, not being scared himself!”

                  John and Teyla glanced at each other, smiling slightly. “Oh…” They said simultaneously.

                  ‘With a frightful, frantic, fearful frown I bared my big white arm… I seized him by his little pigtail –’

                  “Is not that dangerous?” Interrupted Teyla. “If he was going to cut off his head Ko-Ko should not hold onto his hair.”

                  Rodney blinked at her. “I – I’m sure he let go,” he said.

                  “He was probably just being cheeky,” said John.

                  Rodney rolled his eyes. “‘I seized him by his little pigtail as on his knees fell he –’

                  “He was already kneeling!” Said Teyla at the same moment John said “But he was on his knees already!”

                  They smirked at each other as Rodney threw his hands in the air.

                  “Would you two stop interrupting!?” He cried.

                  Teyla and John looked straight ahead out of the jumper window to hide their laughter.

                  “Right,” said Rodney. “‘And gnashed my teeth as from its sheath I drew my snickersnee.’
                  Teyla turned round in her chair. “I am sorry, Rodney, but what is a snickersnee?”

                  “It’s a knife.” Teyla, John and Rodney all looked at Ronon in surprise – they had thought he was asleep. He kept his eyes closed and didn’t say anything else.

                  “Yes, it’s a large knife,” said Rodney.

                  “Gotta love that word,” said John, s******ing. “Snickersnee…”

                  Teyla grinned and Rodney rolled his eyes again. “What do you think of the song?” He asked.

                  John shrugged. “It has some serious narrative inconsistencies,” he said.

                  Rodney shook his head. “Oh never mind!” He said. “It’s not like I’d expect you to appreciate Gilbert and Sullivan anyway.”

                  John looked over his shoulder at Rodney and raised an eyebrow. He sat back again and cleared his throat. Then he started singing.

                  “‘We know him well, he cannot tell untrue or groundless tales, he always tries to utter lies and every time he fails.’

                  Teyla smiled as John stopped singing. Rodney stared at him.

                  “How do you know The Mikado?” He asked.

                  John shrugged, smirking. “That’s for me to know,” he said. He winked at Teyla and she struggled not to laugh.

                  “Very well sung, Colonel,” she said.

                  “Why thank you, Ma’am,” said John. “If you’re a good girl I’ll sing Tit Willow for you later.”
                  Ruby, excellent response to Snickersnee. Very cute.



                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Well thank you for explaining. I've never really paid attention to operas. Some musicals those. And I would never have guess the middle part until you pointed it out. I'll star it out on my end then. I understand a little now.

                    Ok this isn't that great,but it's for Loss. I did a wallie last night, it's in the galleria, but I'm not that happy with it either. The blending distorted some of the pics. *sigh*

                    S4 story.

                    It’s been days since Teyla found out that her people were missing. Thoughts raced through her head, “Maybe if I was there more…. maybe I could have saved them, protected them.” As she sat in her quarters in darkness, tears flowed down her face. All she could think about was those she had recently lost.
                    When Atlantis lost Carson, it was a great loss for her as well as those around her. Oh how she wanted to comfort John during that time. She knew that he was hiding his true feelings to be strong for everyone else.
                    And when she lost Charin, Carson was wonderful in how he tried to help her and when she died he was a good friend to her. She missed Charin so much and she thought that the grief she felt then was so unbearable, but this was far worse than anything she could imagine. Tears flowed even harder as she thought of the loss of her people and family. She lied in her bed crying with her head on her pillow and soon she fell asleep.
                    Hours past by before she woke from another nightmare. She started to feel restless and decided to take a walk. Maybe she should get some fresh air, but as she started to walk through the corridor she found herself standing in front of John’s door. She lingered there momentarily and was about to leave, but then John’s door opened.
                    John was surprised to see her standing there. “Teyla, how are you doing?” he said sympathetically.
                    A sudden urge sprung from her, she couldn’t control herself. She quickly embraced him for comfort and in the first time she felt peace. She could feel him hesitate briefly, but soon he returned her embrace. For the time, in what seemed to be an eternity, she felt all that was wrong in her life melt away. Even if it was only for a little while.

                    Ah, how sweet. I love this.



                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      Here's a sig in response to 'Enamor':

                      Under cut for size...


                      The Latin is Catullus and means 'No trust this great has ever existed in any bond as much as has been found in my love for you, on my side'

                      It's a really beautiful quote but also puts across the shyness and uncertainty of a lover as well. I love Catullus!!

                      This is beautiful. I love the texturing and the colors.



                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Thanks Camy for the kind words.

                        For those who don't usually look on the galleria. Camy and Girlinabox have put up some BEAUTIFUL artwork for Doxy's challenge.

                        Here's another very small fic for Delicious. :


                        Teyla and John were both in the mess hall sitting at one of the tables and they were the only ones there. In front of them was a tray with much different variety of fruits, mostly tropical. John was trying to explain how they tasted and during his last trip to Earth he decided to bring some home in the puddle jumper.
                        One by one he would slice off a small piece for her to try and would feed it to her. She was amazed at how each one tasted and expressed how she wished her people could too experience them. She couldn’t tell if she loved the mango, pineapple, passion fruit, etc. It was hard for her to say.
                        John laughed as Teyla’s face contorted when she tried the lemon and lime. She didn’t laugh at first, but after John made the same faces she made she knew why it was so funny.
                        One of the last fruit they tried was the watermelon. There was only a small slice of it on the tray. John lifts it up to have Teyla try it. As she takes a bit the juices run down past her chin. She smiles slightly in embarrassment. The juices continue down John forearm. Teyla grabs a napkin to wipe off John’s arm as John grabs one to wipe Teyla’s face. Their eyes meet as they slowly clean each other up. John smiles at her. She doesn’t even notice she is to into looking into his eyes.
                        “Well, which one is your favorite,” John asked softly.
                        Teyla smiled back, never taking her eyes off of his, “I would have to say it is the… watermelon.” They both started laughing. Teyla continues, “It was delicious.”
                        As they sat there and continued to get lost in each other’s gaze, Rodney comes in and interrupts their trance. “Hey! Where did all this fruit come from?” Rodney asked with a little snip in his voice. John first offers him a lime. “Oh. Nice. You know I’m allergic to citrus….” John then offers the tray and gives him the evil eye. Rodney looks at Teyla and then to John. “Oh. Oh! Ok. I’ll just take this tray and I’ll be on my way,” Rodney said nervously.
                        As Rodney was about to leave with the tray, John removes the remaining pieces of the watermelon and gives Teyla a playful grin. They both begin to giggle as Rodney hurries out of they mess hall.
                        LOL, Scifan, this was really cute. Love the ending and the happiness of it all.



                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          MrsB. I'm not sure if you'll like this or not but what do you think?

                          Very nice scifan.... John looks a bit worried at how close Ronan is to Teyla..


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            The Secrets Challenge Part 12 - NOT FOR THE SQUEMISH

                            Following the eerie wails, the two men snuck stealthily from room to room in search of Teyla. They silently and mercilessly took out three more henchmen without alerting anyone to their presence.

                            John tried to keep his mind focused on their plan of attack, but his thoughts kept wandering to Teyla and to what Ronon had said.

                            As they swept through another room, John turned to Ronon and cleared his throat. “Listen, Ronon, I just want to say that I—“

                            “Forget it. There’s nothing left to say,” Ronon spoke without ever meeting his eyes.

                            “I just thought you should know, you were right about one thing. I am—“

                            A piercing scream filled the air and they both froze in recognition of the voice.

                            It was Teyla’s.

                            The two men rushed out, knives extended, following her voice. They stopped outside a room, hearing movement inside. Slowly, they peered inside.

                            There she was, feet and hands bound and tied to a y gurney, writhing and rustling for freedom. Ezekiel and Claude were standing over her, each with a sinful grin on their face.


                            Teyla wrestled against Claude’s mighty grip but it was a futile effort. He held her down with one hand pressed to her stomach and touched her cheek softly with the other. “Ohhh…..pretty…..,” he said deeply as he stroked her skin and leaned down to her, breathing on her face. She cringed at his touch.

                            “Now, Claude…it’s hardly proper for any inappropriate behavior of that sort. Why, we’ve barely spent any time together! Mind your manners….” Ezekiel spoke solemnly to him. He pulled a long jagged razor from his pocket and held it to her exposed belly, treading it lightly across her flesh.

                            “My dear, I apologize for Claude’s insensitivity. He does not understand these things must be done with a certain...... finesse. He doesn’t appreciate fine craftsmanship like you and I.” He dug deeper with the razor and a small streak of appeared across her skin.

                            She clamped her mouth shut, deciding not to give them the satisfaction of hearing her screams.
                            Love the update MrsB!!!
                            I wish Exekiel and Claude wonderfully horrible d*aths

                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Ezekiel needs a padded room.
                            And extreme dental care.

                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Class???? Are you taking one online???
                            Yeah. Computer Programming. *rubs temples*

                            my ships


                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              To celebrate 1400 pages....

                              I like it, Blue! He almost looks wet.



                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                MrsB. I'm not sure if you'll like this or not but what do you think?

                                Wonderful banner Scifan!!!
                                Nina's right, it does look like John's looking over his shoulder and doesn't like what he sees.

                                my ships

