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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    So when S4 premieres will you have waited longer than us between seasons or will it air first again in Canada?
    We will have been then to waited longer between the seasons..since I think season 3 ended pretty early during this year in Canada...but hey I've been reliving back half of season 3 again when they started to air it on SciFi so I haven't forgotten anything *lol*
    Hrmm I do think SciFi will make the premiere first and I have no idea how far behind the rest will be... hopefully though there wont be a long mid season hiatus...according to JoeM there will NOT be a 6 month hiatus... so all in all I do hope SciFi will get to air most if not the whole season first.. since it is those ratings numbers that will count... and hopefully there will be a season 5
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      We will have been then to waited longer between the seasons..since I think season 3 ended pretty early during this year in Canada...but hey I've been reliving back half of season 3 again when they started to air it on SciFi so I haven't forgotten anything *lol*
      Hrmm I do think SciFi will make the premiere first and I have no idea how far behind the rest will be... hopefully though there wont be a long mid season hiatus...according to JoeM there will NOT be a 6 month hiatus... so all in all I do hope SciFi will get to air most if not the whole season first.. since it is those ratings numbers that will count... and hopefully there will be a season 5
      There will be a S5, I just know it
      So if Canada doesnt watch it on scifi, what do you watch it on?
      It must seem like years for you between seasons right now though, that sucks


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        There will be a S5, I just know it
        So if Canada doesnt watch it on scifi, what do you watch it on?
        It must seem like years for you between seasons right now though, that sucks
        Hrmm I think it was The Movie Central...

        It's been okay...sure it's a darn long wait until getting to see season 4 and some goody J/T again... but it's been okay I guess...watching clips when I try and make videos... watching some other fan videos... reading fics...checking out great everyday I'm reminded of the good things that are SGA and J/T especially *lol*

        Think I have to sit down tonight and go through some good J/T work and decide what to nominate to the J/T awards...

        If anyone hasn't done so yet...scoot , get going... we don't have much time,,, so off you all go and nominate so there are some good stuff for our fandome to vote on...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Hrmm I think it was The Movie Central...

          It's been okay...sure it's a darn long wait until getting to see season 4 and some goody J/T again... but it's been okay I guess...watching clips when I try and make videos... watching some other fan videos... reading fics...checking out great everyday I'm reminded of the good things that are SGA and J/T especially *lol*

          Think I have to sit down tonight and go through some good J/T work and decide what to nominate to the J/T awards...

          If anyone hasn't done so yet...scoot , get going... we don't have much time,,, so off you all go and nominate so there are some good stuff for our fandome to vote on...
          Ok tell me where to go and how to do it


            I finally finished a fic! YAY! The's not JT centric. (Sorry.) It's called Getting Back to Reality though I did manage to throw a scene with some JT (and Ronan). Hopefully, y'all will enjoy.

            For those who want some JTness, I'll post a link to my first fic, Friend In Need. I wrote this before I even came into this forum but I think some of y'all have read it anyway.

            Now, it's time to get back into some JT stories. I need some prompts though! What are your favorite JT scenerios? Shep whump/Teyla comfort? Visa versa? Team missions with some JT UST thrown in? I'm horrible at overt love stories...but any suggestions would be great!
            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


              Where is everyone today

              Yappichick - Will def read your fic today


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Part 5 -
                Teyla opened her eyes and found she was lying on her back in one of the many hallways of Atlantis. Silence surrounded her and all the lights were dim. She quickly sat up inspecting herself, unsure of how she had gotten there. She remembered the creature she had last encountered, half child, half Wraith and shuddered at its horrid image etched into her mind. She stood shakily and was determined to figure out what was going on. She walked for many hallways, checking rooms, treading cautiously, finding nothing but silence and shadows.

                Just when her legs were beginning to tire her, she heard an echoed scuffling behind her. She turned and her heart leapt into her throat as she spotted two Wraith side by side at the end of the hall she was in, their pace increasing with each step towards her. No weapons, she turned and ran as fast as she could, changing hallways, and ducking through doorways. She entered a room and closed the door behind her, holding her breath in anticipation. Staring at the door, she started to back up into the middle of the room. Something moved behind her. She gasped and turned.

                There Ronon sat, half in light, half in shadow. A bloodied knife gripped tightly in his hand, the blood glistened softly in the dim glow of the lamp. “Ronon?” she whispered. Ronon’s eyes never met hers. They were fixed steady on the door. “Ronon, what is happening? There are Wraith in the city!” She was barely audible. “It’s no use, Teyla. Where there’s one, there’s a hundred. Where there’s a hundred, there’s a thousand. We can’t stop them. They’ll eat our flesh over and over again.” His voice cracked in despair. Teyla walked over to Ronon and put her hand gently on his shoulder, they way she often did when things were grim. He flinched slightly at her touch and begrudgingly brought his eyes to meet hers. “Ronon, I do not know what is going on but I feel there is something very wrong about all this. Do you not feel it? This….this fog clouding our heads? It feels as though I am awake inside my own dreams.” He looked at her blankly. She sighed and started again. “Ronon, think. How did we get to be here? How did the Wraith enter the city? Where IS everyone? Where is Colonel Sheppard?”

                Ronon looked thoughtful for a moment before returning a deadly gaze to the door. “I’m sure they’re all dead.” Teyla stood back, her mouth agape at the mere thought. “No, you are wrong. If he….if they were dead I would sense it. They are here somewhere and I will find them. We need them to fight this and figure out what is going on. I ask you to come with me, Ronon.” Ronon did not respond. Teyla sighed heavily. “Be well, Ronon. I will return for you.” She tried to feign a smile to him as she left him there, but her heart sank heavy at the thought of finding anyone she cared for dead. An image of Colonel Sheppards dead body flashed through her mind, and fueled her body with such an intense rage, she felt as though she would choke on her own breath. Nothing would stand in her way of finding them.With that thought, she slipped out unnoticed by the Wraith into the hallway.

                Part 4 -
                John lay shirtless, sleeping silently, his body half covered by only a thin sheet. He awoke to the sound of gunfire and found himself off world, in an unknown forest. He was crouched behind some brush, holding his P-90 close to his chest, Teyla and Ronon on either side of him. They both were staring out into the woods behind him, concentrating. He looked around, confused, and instinctively ducked when a barrage of bullets clamored their way. “Wait a minute! What’s going on here?!” he asked to either of them. Neither moved, their eyes steady on their targets “I’ll take the two behind the bunker, you guys take the others,” Ronon gruffed as he began to rise from his position, John spoke to him in a hushed voice. “Ronon, wait!” Ronon took off without so much as looking back. “God damn it! What is going on, Teyla???!!”John panted as more bullets came flying by their position. "Do not worry, Colonel. I'll take point," and she stood quickly, firing multiple shots into the forest before somersaulting behind a nearby tree. John looked down at his gun, not knowing what to do and decidedly followed suit. After multiple rounds were shot back and forth, he finally spotted a Wraith hiding behind a large rock and shot him straight through his chest. He started to follow Teyla to the next cover, when he noticed another Wraith coming up dangerously close behind Ronon. "Ronon, behind you!" John yelled in his earpiece, but it was too late. The Wraith held up his gun and shot Ronon point blank in the back of the head. "RONON!" John cried. Ronon's body dropped to a heap on the forest floor, his eyes open, blood pouring out of the back of his head. "Teyla, Teyla, Ronon's been shot! There’s too many of them, we have to fall back!" John looked around wildly. Teyla was nowhere to be seen. "Teyla!" he yelled frantically. His heart stopped when he spotted Teyla ahead, surrounded and disarmed by three Wraith. She stood there amid them perfectly still. Her tearful eyes were on John as he screamed at the top of his lungs and ran towards her, running out into the open, calling her name and firing wildly at the surrounding Wraith. But he was nowhere close enough to stop one of them from jamming their hand into her chest and draining the life from her. Her eyes never left the sight of John, who was trying so hard to reach her, tears streaming from his face as he ran to no avail. His bullets seemed to pass right through the Wraith. He felt a flash of white hot pain sear through his leg and he fell on his face into the dirt, clutching his knee. The Wraith who had killed Teyla stood above John, as he lay there bleeding and heartbroken. He put a well placed foot to John’s throat and snarled at him, baring his teeth. “John Sheppard. Your failure as a leader knows no end. You could not even protect those closest to you. Your most loyal and bravest friend is dead. The woman you loved but failed to tell is dead. Their deaths are meaningless and you are responsible.” John looked over at Teyla’s limp body and his heart sank to a place he dared not go. He looked back at the Wraith and with all the strength he could muster, said “Go ahead. Kill me.” The Wraith laughed cruelly and said, “No, Colonel Sheppard. You’re punishment will be much worse. You’ll live your life knowing what you lost, suffering every day without them. Without her.” John’s eyes filled with tears and he shook uncontrollably. The Wraith removed his foot from John’s throat and kicked him in the side of his head, making John feel as if he were falling into the blackness of an unseen abyss.

                Part 3 -
                Rodney had fallen asleep at his computer in his lab, face resting comfortably on the keyboard, small drops of drool slowly falling from his open mouth. He awoke to find himself in the control room. Everyone was there, running amuck and talking loudly. The whole room was shaking and sparks were flying out from all sorts of control panels. "Whats going on?!" Rodney exclaimed loudly over the din. Radek was at the main control board with another technician talking rapidly and turned around quickly. "Rodney, the city is under attack! You have to do something!" Rodney stood still for a moment, very confused as to what was going on. Then he sprang into action, pushing the technician out of the way and looked at the main control panel. Rodney's eyes widened in surprise. Nothing on the panel made any sense to him. Numbers were upside down and sideways, words read in a language that he didn't know. Rodney frantically began pressing buttons."What....what is this? he cried ducking, as sparks flew at his head. "I can't read any of this!" The quaking grew worse. "The shield has been breached!The Wraith have entered the city!" the technician yelled. Rodney felt helpless as Radek stopped and looked at him very strangely. "You dissapoint me, Rodney," he said with an eerie calm. Col. Carter approached him from the crowd and said, "You failed us, Rodney." Rodney saw three Wraith making their way up the steps. He gasped in horror as two more faces approached him. Dr Weir had terrible lacerations on her face, bleeding slowly as she put her hand on his shoulder and said, "You let me down." Rodney looked at her with heartbroken eyes before another hand touched him. He turned to see his dear friend Carson, baring scorched flesh, as he told him, "You let us all down, Rodney." Rodney closed his eyes in disbelief and felt as if he were falling in an unseen abyss.

                Part 2 -

                Ronon's snoring was deafening as he lay face down, sprawled,and uncovered across his bed, his arms and legs dangling off the edges. When the fog entered him, he had not been dreaming. He opened his eyes and found himself alone in the training room, standing dead center, holding a large jagged knife. He stared down at it curiously, for he did not remember how he got here or what he was doing. Brushing his long hair from his face, he turned suddenly hearing a low growl behind him. His eyes glowed with anger as he spotted a Wraith, standing there, screeching. His body tensed and took position as he focused his eyes on the enemy. He baded the Wraith, waving his knife around, toying with him, before he lunged at him, full speed, hair flying, and slitting its throat. Ronon stood victorious over it's lifeless body, when he began to wonder how the Wraith had gotten in Atlantis in the first place. Surprised, Ronon heard another low growl behind him. Standing there strangely, were two Wraith this time. Ronon began to sweat. He knew they had not been there before. Still, he took stance and focused, carefully carving them up one at a time. He panted slightly and wiped the bloody knife on his pantleg, before starting to walk towards the door.
                Ronon feared turning around, yet he did ever so slowly to find there were four Wraith this time, each of them snarling and snapping at him. He dove at them, subduing two of them before the others had a chance to pin him down to the training room floor. His eyes were filled with hatred and confusion as the Wraith straddling him lifted it's arm in the air before striking him hard in the chest. Ronon closed his eyes in pain and felt as if he were falling back into an unseen abyss.

                I'm loving this story! nice Job MrsB!!!. I have to agree with everyone about chapter 4, i almost got a heart attack when i read the first line about John...drools!!! LOL!.

                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                  Okey dokey, I've just put a new fic on It's a short oneshot (just under 1000 words) and it's (hopefully) a funny one. It's about sparring, and foreplay, and... toothbrushes...

                  anyway, here's the link:


                  'Night all! xxxx
                  Oh this was great! had me laughing and smiling all the way through! LOL!.

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    LOL. ROF. Could you imagine the reactions on that one.

                    I'll be renting Family Album and The Other Sister for next week. I can't wait to see him dance again. It made my day that Pocus put that up.

                    Ok don't laugh. The editting is bad. It's so dark it was hard.


                    This is really good Scifan!. You definitely have talent for this, thanks for sharing it with us!.

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      I just saw this on JM's blog. Please share.
                      Ah! this is great news!. I don't watch Eureka but i'll definitely watch it to see new clips of season 4!!!

                      Sig by Camy



                        TEYLA: Are you alright, Colonel?
                        SHEPPARD (his voice a little hoarse): It's nothing. Just a cold. No big deal. It's just annoying.

                        SHEPPARD: Teyla, this is the man who asked you to be his seventh wife.

                        (Elizabeth looks round at her.)

                        TEYLA: I know. (She looks at Elizabeth apologetically.) I hope I didn't upset him.

                        SHEPPARD: Well, I guess we can assume there are Wraith on that planet. (He turns to Lucius and glares at him.)
                        TEYLA (smiling): Yes. Many.
                        WEIR: Now, don't overreact, John.
                        SHEPPARD: Are you kidding me? You send a team led by Beckett to a planet full of Wraith. How do you expect me to react?

                        SHEPPARD (to Lucius in disbelief): You sent them to get an herb?
                        TEYLA (smiling): We wanted to go.

                        (John smiles, but his is a smile of fury.)

                        SHEPPARD: OK. I've just about had enough.
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Ok tell me where to go and how to do it
                          Go here...
                          And there you can read up on how to do the nominations... under Rules, Submitting a nomination, FAQ
                          Hope it helps.. they list everything in there what you have to do ,,and you don't have to have a LJ account...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            I super excited and i love Eureka...the humor is amazing...this is good summer for television....Psych comes back on friday and im super excited!!!


                              hey ninam - is there anyway to view whats been nominated to see whats good


                                Good Afternoon Everybody!! It's 1:37 pm here!!

                                I'm sitting here watching Family Album and I've only seen about 2mins. originally.
                                Grandma comes in and starts watching it with me. I have been watching off and
                                on when I hear:"Hey, isn't that the guy who is Sheppard? What happened to
                                his hair?" , in which I responded yes, it is. So, needless to say, I have been
                                laughing all the way through this. She also noticed the older brother in the
                                movie and said "That's Leo from Charmed". Or, That's Spenser from One Life
                                to Live (Soap Opera here).

                                Isn't it wonderful to know that such a 'classic, well made for tv movie' is
                                such a mecca of great actors.

                                Elfie is very happy today!! *She has lots of new fics to read* Thank you
                                so much YC,Ruby,MrsB, and Devine for posting them!!!
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

