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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Thanks Nina ... you know me ... can't seem to keep the same one more than a few weeks even it I like them...

    Donna's thread seems to be causing a bit of confusion.... John and Teyla's score is showing incorrectly also... maybe its a bit soon to start another ship pic thread.... unless we try and make it a bit different... I usually don't know what ep the pics are from though... lets see what Donna would like to do.
    sorry if i caused any confusion hun im still new at this but i have posted the rules on thread now hope you can understand what ive put if you still dont understand it then pm me with any questions
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      I'm about a third of the way done with the second chapter of 'All I want for Christmas is you'. I'll work on it some more tomorrow, but right now I have to make dinner for my dad.
      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        Well since I know not everyone go to Rachel wow I thought I should give the rest of you the pleasure of seeing something..

        For size...
        Thanks Nina!

        She is such a pretty gal! and that smile of her's, definitely could light up a room!. I love her outfit, i can't wait to see what new wardrobe they come up with her for the new season!.

        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
          Yup, I agree with LC, I think it means he won't answer. I kinda take it as a hopeful sign, that maybe there's something there and he won't talk about it! But yeah, in general, he's gonna ignore those questions. Anyone got a clue about what ABA means? That one's got me stumped.
          I agree Suz, usually when it's a mean question he usually makes a joke or if it's something general enough he answers it either in detail or with a simple yes or no but when it's something important to the show or the characters he usually doesn't answer or is very vauge. So i see this as a good sign because if there wasn't going to be any Sexual Tension between them, he could have easily said no.

          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            In JM's post today he confirme what you guys just said.
            ABA = already been answered
            WA = won't answer
            CA = can't answer

            I would've never figured that out. After IMing with Donna today, I found out BRB = be right back. It took me awhile, especially since she was gone a while, to figure it out. LOL
            LOL! i wouldn't have either, i'm sooo bad with it as well. I'm just happy i know what "LOL" means and only recently Steph told me what "rof" meant!.

            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              So I'm reading the comments for JM's next post and some
              wrote about Shep/Teyla having no chemistry. Can I go kill them NOW please

              What else is new, these people never give up!. It's just someone who is upset because there ship isn't going to happen. I'm just glad that JM has a tough skin and doesn't let those types of comments get to him. He ultimately is going to do what he wants to do and at least from what i've read, please correct me if i'm wrong, he is in favor of a John and Teyla relationship right?

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                Thanks Nina!

                She is such a pretty gal! and that smile of her's, definitely could light up a room!. I love her outfit, i can't wait to see what new wardrobe they come up with her for the new season!.
                Yeah she sure can...hrmm might be some more leather for her in season 4... I mean this outfit...can't remember if the outfit we saw in the clip of Missing is in leather,,and then didn't she have some black leather number on too in the Spacey Award video... but she looks good in her outfits...

                And just to put it up for the heck of it....
                Seems like the show took an upturn in ratings for it's season finale with First Strike... struck 1.5 in ratings...
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                  What else is new, these people never give up!. It's just someone who is upset because there ship isn't going to happen. I'm just glad that JM has a tough skin and doesn't let those types of comments get to him. He ultimately is going to do what he wants to do and at least from what i've read, please correct me if i'm wrong, he is in favor of a John and Teyla relationship right?
                  Well he hasn't given me any other long as it's a normal slow progression... and I think most writers are in favor of J/T...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Can someone just tell me what is WRONG with people?
                    Read this trash:
                    That's just wrong, i understand if this person isn't happy with the changes being made. I know i have my reservations myself about the changes but i'm not going to jump ship when the show hasn't even started!. I'm going to wait and see how the new season develops before i make any decisions to keep on watching or not. This person's already ready to have the show cancelled before it even airs!. I know i wasn't happy when Ford left and was ready to hate the new character Ronon but Wow! i ended up loving the Ronon character right away!. He was definitely what the show needed and although i miss Ford, i see that this change was for the better. Same goes for other shows. I know Steph and Camy can probably relate to the changes they made for MX in their final season!. Didn't like the new character but in the end, i learned to except her (still wasn't happy about it) but the show ended before they really started making that character grow.

                    Sig by Camy


                      John and Teyla not having chemistry? Ha! *cough* deluded! *cough*

                      Can anyone remember the exact phrasing used about Teyla's pregnancy in the Seer spoilers? 'She says she hasn't told anyone on Atlantis yet because it's... ' ??? Did they say 'complicated'? Or was it another word?

                      I have a fic just about ready to upload about said 'complication' and I want to name it after the exact phrase they used. But I can't remember!! Hmm...


                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        That's the thing..not everyone hate changes...
                        I loved RDA..and his role O'Neill...did I give up on SG1 just because he left..of course not..I gave it a chance... and it has been enough to have kept my intrest during those seasons as well...

                        The storytelling in darker then SG1..especially in season 3..and it seems to keep the darker turn in season 4 as well... what from what I've heard of some episodes...they sound really great... J/T is and always will be my main favorites when it comes to characters... and through all storylines and the awesome moments between J/T and the deep bond between them,,,and their great onscreen chemistry is a reason to why I'm so invested in these characters..

                        now if they haven't been portrayed in a great way,,,I don't think I would have been so invested in them... I have to like the storylines around the people to like them,,to believe what they are saying,, to feel the things around them... I do that with SGA which gives me that,, they give me a good story to make me want to come back and experience what these characters are going through...

                        If I had given up on every show because of cast changes or whatever...then I would have stopped looking at many serier over the years...since I can't remember a single one that hasn't made some changes along the line..

                        So I say long live J/T and SGA !!!
                        Beautifully said Nina!!!! couldn't have said it any better if i tried!.

                        Agreed, long live J/T and SGA!

                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                          That's just wrong, i understand if this person isn't happy with the changes being made. I know i have my reservations myself about the changes but i'm not going to jump ship when the show hasn't even started!. I'm going to wait and see how the new season develops before i make any decisions to keep on watching or not. This person's already ready to have the show cancelled before it even airs!. I know i wasn't happy when Ford left and was ready to hate the new character Ronon but Wow! i ended up loving the Ronon character right away!. He was definitely what the show needed and although i miss Ford, i see that this change was for the better. Same goes for other shows. I know Steph and Camy can probably relate to the changes they made for MX in their final season!. Didn't like the new character but in the end, i learned to except her (still wasn't happy about it) but the show ended before they really started making that character grow.
                          I completely agree with what you say about Ronon and Ford - I was upset that they got rid of Ford but Ronon is one of my favourite characters on the show. The same with SG-1 - Jack was sorely missed but Cam and Vala were real assets, and even in Series 6 Jonas was a great fourth member for SG-1 and I always hoped they'd bring him back one day...

                          Anyone who can just stand up like that and demand the show be cancelled before giving the new series a chance is not a true fan, IMHO. And that's that!

                          Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            John and Teyla not having chemistry? Ha! *cough* deluded! *cough*

                            Can anyone remember the exact phrasing used about Teyla's pregnancy in the Seer spoilers? 'She says she hasn't told anyone on Atlantis yet because it's... ' ??? Did they say 'complicated'? Or was it another word?

                            I have a fic just about ready to upload about said 'complication' and I want to name it after the exact phrase they used. But I can't remember!! Hmm...

                  's Complicated
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    's Complicated
                              Cool, thanks!

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                That's Jess, you hard worker you.

                                Ok then, it's done. Here's my newest story. I hope you like it. It's mostly a Teyla story. Enjoy.
                                Just read your story scifan and totally loved it!!!!. You did an awesome job! and i love that John got to hear her sing, how i wish they do that one day on the show. I bet his reaction would be just how you described it in your fic. Also nice touch adding the line from "The Ark"!, totally love that line!.

                                Sig by Camy

