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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    So now that we've seen new clips of alienish stuff in her belly do we think a) its going to be a dream/hallucination, whatever or b) thats she truly will be impregnated by something and not someone
    *lol* yes that is the question... I'm guessing it might be one of the two scenarios... but which one I have no idea...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Well what are you personally more inclined to believe?
      I think its a dream. I dont think SGA is prone to give foilers so I'm inclined to believe when RL gave her interview to SCIFI she meant what she said about them casting a love interest for her or whatever. I hope that I'm wrong though.


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        Well what are you personally more inclined to believe?
        I think its a dream. I dont think SGA is prone to give foilers so I'm inclined to believe when RL gave her interview to SCIFI she meant what she said about them casting a love interest for her or whatever. I hope that I'm wrong though.

        I guess it feels to me more that it might be a dream from Doppelganger,,,since I don't know I got the feeling several of those pics are from that epi... but who knows... but I don't know I really don't want it to be a normal pregnancy... I really don't care to see a normal pregnancy with the love intrest,,,
        I guess I feel it's easier to do whatever with a freaky pregnancy,,since with a normal one,,I guess in the end no matter how bad it sounds the only way would be to have the baby die of something... since I can't even picture a normal littly baby in Atlantis...not such an action packed scifi show... those times I've seen it happen in a scifi's never been normal,,it's been some weird thing ,, either the baby isn't human or it grows up in matter of days...
        I really don't care to see Teyla playing house with a man and baby,,, and especially with a man that I haven't either seen or heard of...that is hardly slow progression like the writers of the show keep saying that is the only way a romance could work for just suddenly have guy there I'm to believe she has dated over some time,,especially since the guy sounded like he didn't know whatever was going on right in front of him when she talked about a romance in no that wont's not a slow progression,,that dropping a bomb on me...

        I've never cared for a ship to happen over epi he isn't there and the next he is... then I rather not see anything at all... I want a progression... I've gotten it with my other ship in CSI New worked it's way for 2 seasons before they finally became canon at the end of season 3 that aired a little while back...that's ho I want to see romance on a show done, especially in a show where the romance isn't the driven story...

        if I want to see character playing house with a baby and a man,,,I can put on whatever soap that is on...that I detest by the way...I don't care to see anything like that on a scifi show...

        Slow progression is something J/T has had for 3 season...a relationship with them ,,that I would believe if it happened...but to pull a guy out of a box and tell us *here he is,,,Teyla's new man* let me tell you... that wont fly with me... then a rather see her be like she has been and then develop J/T further and to have them move forward... Sure John has had his little flings,,, but in season 3 he attention hasn't been on other women,,,he has give it to Teyla... for me to have Teyla having some random guy,,,well that's not Teyla to me... what she has with John feels real... to bring in a guy and say he's been Teyla's boyfriend for a while... would get me to go MEH!!... and not even bother... to have such a thing hidden isn't any shocking to me,,,actaully I don't even give a damn... that's no surprise, that's no chock...what would be a chock would be them to actually take J/T further into a full blown relationship... not a new guy,,,I wouldn't care about him,,and I'm sure I wouldn't cry if that guy did die,,which I'm sure I would wish to happen *lol*

        so a rather see the pregnancy having NOTHING to do with whatever crush this is going to be...and hey there might not be anyone... or it might be some guy who has feelings for her but she doesn't feel the same...who knows... a rather continue seeing J/T develop... instead of seeing I guy I know I wont even give the time of day thinking about or even caring about... but hey that's me...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Well what are you personally more inclined to believe?
          I think its a dream. I dont think SGA is prone to give foilers so I'm inclined to believe when RL gave her interview to SCIFI she meant what she said about them casting a love interest for her or whatever. I hope that I'm wrong though.
          Thanks Nina for the links for the pics
          i think you could be onto something as it definatley looks like a dream and my instinct is telling me it could be from the Doppleganger episode which dosent really rule out Doppleganger Shep being the daddy as well
          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


            No I agree with you.
            1) I SO dont want to see Teyla with another man
            2) If we had to I'd want it to only be light stuff where as it could be great material to make Shep jealous and I would actually like to see Jealous Shep 3) If there is another love interest for Teyla besides John than we would have to wait for what would feel like a million years for her feelings for that guy to be over with and gear back towards Shep which would suck having to wait when it feels like we're already waiting a long time
            4) I cant stress enough how much I want the pregnancy to be alien/mystical whatever and lastly it would be REALLY awesome I think if she hooks up with the alleged "fake" shep in the doppleganger episode and thats who impregnates her while the real shep would be clueless. I know thats what lots of people are speculating and I have to say that would be a great scenario. Real Shep would be devastated she was preg with someone elses baby whilst not knowing it was from what she thought was her being with him.

            This summer better fly by or they better leak some more spoilers and clips and stuff


              I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THE PREVIEW! Damn me and my need to sleep.


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Alright I stand corrected... I never thought they would show anything from season 4.... since hey skiffy seems to be all weird when it has come to SGA... but I see sanssong has put up the LJ link for prion who I heard this from first....

                I'll give you two more links with larger screencaps from SGAFan they look really great....

                the clip where there are pics of in one of these posts about Teyla..yes the speculation is that it might be from Doppelganger ,,that she is having some kind of nightmare...but then again who know... I guess we just have to wait and see,,if it is a nightmare of her ,, or if it might my something freaky with her pregnancy...

                Season 4 looks really awesome,,,and seeing pics ,,I really don't mind seeing Carter there,,, it kind of looks like she might actally belong among them *ducks* *lol* I guess I'm just so used to her that I don't mind... and since the latest interview with Amanda,,it seems it might be turning out just the way I want it to...hopefully...

                anyway the links to the two posts by SGAFan with larger caps from the ads...


                And according to the ads...Season 4 is having it's premiere in September!!!
                Thanks Nina! i saw the first set of clips while watching the season 3 finale but i didn't get to see the one with Teyla!

                Personally i'm thinking it might be a dream just because from the lights in the back we know they are in atlantis and the hand holding her down is well human. If it was an alien experiment or something, i would think they would show a different background, like where they are keeping her. I know, the experiment could have happened already and they are back on atlantis when she started to feel the symptoms of what they did to her. The only problem i have with that is, according to The Seer, none of her team mates know about her pregnancy. If this is happening on atlantis and we could obviously see something is in her belly, don't you think maybe Dr. Keller would have caught it? and know she was pregnant. Now, the only other scenario is that Dr. Keller does know and Teyla has told her not to tell anyone...but does anybody know if in the spoilers, they have mentioned Dr. Keller knowing about Teyla's pregnancy?. Either Evil John could still be the father of Teyla's baby or because he enters her dreams, he may know about the pregnancy and tortures her in that way or this could still be a alien baby and the worst scenario for me anyway LOL! is that its from her secret love interest. In any case, i still have no idea what it could be.

                The possibilities just keep on mounting right?! LOL!

                Oh i know! i also got happy when i heard it was airing in September! YAY!. Well that's 3 months away but heck, it's better than 4! LOL!

                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  No I agree with you.
                  1) I SO dont want to see Teyla with another man
                  2) If we had to I'd want it to only be light stuff where as it could be great material to make Shep jealous and I would actually like to see Jealous Shep 3) If there is another love interest for Teyla besides John than we would have to wait for what would feel like a million years for her feelings for that guy to be over with and gear back towards Shep which would suck having to wait when it feels like we're already waiting a long time
                  4) I cant stress enough how much I want the pregnancy to be alien/mystical whatever and lastly it would be REALLY awesome I think if she hooks up with the alleged "fake" shep in the doppleganger episode and thats who impregnates her while the real shep would be clueless. I know thats what lots of people are speculating and I have to say that would be a great scenario. Real Shep would be devastated she was preg with someone elses baby whilst not knowing it was from what she thought was her being with him.

                  This summer better fly by or they better leak some more spoilers and clips and stuff
                  No as you...

                  I don't want to see her with another man,,since I feel Teyla is such a person she takes feelings, relationships and love very seriously... and to have her hook up with some random guy and if that is also the father of the baby... then for me that will be a Teyla I have not seen for 3 seasons... and something I don't want to see of her... to develop a character..that isn't done by some love intrest I wouldn't care about,, and a baby... it's tapping into what made her the woman she is today...and also a lot of some development that has been given if it's been of what she thinks and of her past or her people have usually come up in scenes with John...

                  Also...John or Ronon isn't that stupid or blind that they wouldn't pick up on anything... the only thing John seems to be blind is his feelings *lol* but Ronon sees something between John and Teyla... I feel like he has sensed something for a long time... so to make me believe they don't know a darn thing about it ,,doesn't fly either with me..I don't find either of the men stupid...

                  And to keep a new guy *hidden*,,,why it's not like I would give a damn...I would most like go...*so??* what so intresting about this guy it needs to be hidden,,, he could get stranded on a moon for all I care...
                  What I would feel would be better when talking about keeping something hidden and then talk about being complicated... to me that would be J/T... struggles to stay together while fighting a war,,, to fight for their love...exactly what Joe has been talking about ,,what he sees would be the best thing if they go through a love story in the show... and to have a norman guy with Teyla...well that's ,,what...?? bring in a guy only for being her love intrest...well then keep him out of Atlantis...I really don't see the use of the guy then to be there... a love intrest only there for the sake of being a love intrest... can anyone say,,,As the world turns,,,or The bold and the beautiful...YUCK YUCK YUCK... give me a bucket I can throw up in... no have her with John ,,that's I think where the struggle and angst might be in...

                  So no... have the pregnancy be something that isn't also might bring J/T closer since he will support her and help her through her fears and whatever might happen,,, and it also might bring on some great emotional scenes... as been stated will be happening between them...

                  that's another odd thing... If I had a man that I love in my life... why would I feel the need to seek support from another man,,, if that is what the hug scene could be about..her seeking support...

                  Hopefully I will be surprised,,and in a good way.... because if they drop J/T after 3 wonderful bonding seasons,,, I'll be pissed... and especially because of a new guy,,then I'll most likely will hope for every epi after that ,,,that he gets killed off...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    you know, they could really do some great scenes with this whole nightmare/doppleganger/enter your dreams stuff and I hope they take advantage of it. Even if they showed us a great shep/teyla sequence that proves their feelings only to have it be a dream or not with the real shep i would be absolutley psyched.

                    hey does anyone know how far along they are in writing season four and do any of you guys leave comments/questions on JM's blog?


                      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                      Thanks Nina! i saw the first set of clips while watching the season 3 finale but i didn't get to see the one with Teyla!

                      Personally i'm thinking it might be a dream just because from the lights in the back we know they are in atlantis and the hand holding her down is well human. If it was an alien experiment or something, i would think they would show a different background, like where they are keeping her. I know, the experiment could have happened already and they are back on atlantis when she started to feel the symptoms of what they did to her. The only problem i have with that is, according to The Seer, none of her team mates know about her pregnancy. If this is happening on atlantis and we could obviously see something is in her belly, don't you think maybe Dr. Keller would have caught it? and know she was pregnant. Now, the only other scenario is that Dr. Keller does know and Teyla has told her not to tell anyone...but does anybody know if in the spoilers, they have mentioned Dr. Keller knowing about Teyla's pregnancy?. Either Evil John could still be the father of Teyla's baby or because he enters her dreams, he may know about the pregnancy and tortures her in that way or this could still be a alien baby and the worst scenario for me anyway LOL! is that its from her secret love interest. In any case, i still have no idea what it could be.

                      The possibilities just keep on mounting right?! LOL!

                      Oh i know! i also got happy when i heard it was airing in September! YAY!. Well that's 3 months away but heck, it's better than 4! LOL!
                      No that is nothing that I've heard...

                      That Keller should know about Teyla's pregnancy... then again as you say yes the clips could very well be in the epi Doppelganger where she is having a nightmare about it... BUT I just thought if this...if she might be having this dream,,,and it's a nightmare,,,that gets be to think she doesn't know what has happened to her... I mean think about it...if it were a normal pregnancy why would she have a nightmare about it...if she knows who the father is,,, and I can't see her really falling for a slimey alien *lol* so that would leave a guy from either earth or an Athosian or another human race.. but if that is a nightmare,,that's like she is dreaming of her worst fear..the baby isn't humen,,,that gives me the thought that the pregnancy indeed isn't human and normal....

                      If it's not a dream...this could be taken place after she starts to feel something weird,,,and whatever then might happen... I don't know how far along she is going to be by the epi The Seer... she might not be far along,,since hey wouldn't the guys see something...or will they only think she has eaten to much cookies and getting fat... *lol*
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Ya know, thats an excellent point NINAM.

                        It would seem strange to dream about your baby being an alien if it were made normally and we all seem to agree she would only make a baby out of feelings with someone. So logically that would lead you to believe she's going to dream/fear the baby is alien if it either is alien or there was something wrong about the way it was made.


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          you know, they could really do some great scenes with this whole nightmare/doppleganger/enter your dreams stuff and I hope they take advantage of it. Even if they showed us a great shep/teyla sequence that proves their feelings only to have it be a dream or not with the real shep i would be absolutley psyched.

                          hey does anyone know how far along they are in writing season four and do any of you guys leave comments/questions on JM's blog?

                          Even if it were a dream... as in the Long Goodbye...the alien entity had to have been to sense John's feelings for Teyla...other wise why play on that...if he had feelings for Weir the alien could have played on that,,,but he must have sensed something about John's feelings for Teyla to say such a thing...and the same could be here too.... A dream entity having John's *face* could very well yet again tap into the feelings of both John and of Teyla if he enters her dream.... so yes if done right there are some great scenarios they could be doing with this...

                          I'm not really sure,,,but I do think they have written more then half of the season and have pretty much an idea for the rest... I think there is very few that isn't already in some kind of stage of ideas or writing... I think scenes from alteast half of the season has already started to be shot...

                          There are some that I know around GW that has been posted questions on his blog....
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Wow ...J/T is in the lead in the Ship Picture game... even though we are head to head with J/S all the time... *lol* but I guess that is to be expected...I think they are the major ship fraction in Stargate universe...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Morning all -
                              Do you really think that they would kinda have us "foiled" in Rachel's interview when she said something about a new crush and how she hopes to be part of the casting process...Do you think that might NOT be the case and she was just being misleading.....and that she really does get pregnant by some "thing"?
                              Hi Mrs. B! It's possible, we just don't really have enough information yet.

                              Did you see EC's interpretation of her interview when it first came out? I don't have time to go back and search for it, but basically, she was saying she read it as Rachel teasing. Which is very possible because Rachel is notorious for doing so! She has always been very vague in her ship/romance answers and she said very similar comments before the start of season two and again before the start of season three. Everyone got all in a panic last summer as well, expecting there to be a love interest because Rachel said there may be one. Almost the exact same thing she said again, down to the casting comment. SO, while it's very possible it's actually happening this time, it's also very possible she is just teasing some more!

                              Which is why so many of us are guessing there will still be some sort of twist to this pregnancy. That's what we're hoping for at least!

                              In regards to the S4 previews, I saw them both:

                              Teyla's stomach is very flat when that thing is moving around inside, so it's got to be early in the season. So my thoughts were the same as I see others guessing. I first thought either it's after Seer and it's how the others find out or it's from Doppelganger and it's still her secret, but the Doppelganger picks up on her fears of her pregnancy and uses it in her nightmares against her. And if she's having secret fears about it, it could very well be she doesn't know exactly how or why it happened either or fears it's not a normal baby growing inside her....all of which make me happy! So I'm crossing my fingers!
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Hi LoveConquers

                                I so didnt know that she had said those things before as well...Well that should def give me some comfort. And I know that alien/mystical pregnancy has been done oh so many times before but i will be thrilled if that is the case.

                                Hey maybe you can help me I'm trying to figure out which ep it is where Shep puts his hand over Teyla's when theyre sitting across from each other at a table...Know the answer?

