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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Hi LoveConquers

    I so didnt know that she had said those things before as well...Well that should def give me some comfort. And I know that alien/mystical pregnancy has been done oh so many times before but i will be thrilled if that is the case.

    Hey maybe you can help me I'm trying to figure out which ep it is where Shep puts his hand over Teyla's when theyre sitting across from each other at a table...Know the answer?
    That would be Sateda, ep #304!
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      That would be Sateda, ep #304!
      Ah yes the Sateda moment... such a lovely emotional scene... that I know several of my fellow shep friends that are not into ship at all...thought was such a lovely moment and they loved the scene,,,
      Sigs by Scifan


        Thanks so much!!


          Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
          I dont know if it necessarily is to do with the pregnancy, cause there have been some shots where she looks bigger than she does in that clip...and i think everyone would know about it if she was screaming like that

          They are showing something in her stomach area, it's moving. No, she doesn't look that big, but if I had to put money on it, I say this is tied into the pregnancy somehow, it's just too much of a coincidence to be anything else. Also the place she was didn't look like the Med lab on Atlantis, it had a Michael feel to it- or Wraith.


            Originally posted by 1DanielForMe View Post
            Ooh, yeah! I saw that! It creeped me out; made me think of "Alien". At any rate, if it does have anything to do with the other spoiler, it must have been before anyone could know,
            save, possibly, for Teyla, and whomever the father of the baby is.
            Or "whatever" the father is.


              Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
              Someone made a good point on JM blog
              it could be something from doppelganger...or however u spell it

              It DEFINITELY could be from Doppelganger and that would tie in perfectly with my idea that the pregnancy happens there and is part alien crystal thing. But, it could also be some sort of Wraith experiment as well from when Michael held her captive.


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Morning all -
                Do you really think that they would kinda have us "foiled" in Rachel's interview when she said something about a new crush and how she hopes to be part of the casting process...Do you think that might NOT be the case and she was just being misleading.....and that she really does get pregnant by some "thing"?
                Well I for one never thought that the pregnancy and the crush were connected. I fully expected Teyla's pregnancy to be by other than normal means. Now whether that is from a Wraith/Alien thing or if it was somehow connected to John from Doppelganger, I don't know. But I don't think this pregnancy is normal or wanted. As for the crush, I would not be at all surprised if she was completely spining a tale and it's still VERY much a reality that John is the "crush". It's really the only thing that makes any sense based on what JM and Robert Cooper have said.


                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  Well I for one never thought that the pregnancy and the crush were connected. I fully expected Teyla's pregnancy to be by other than normal means. Now whether that is from a Wraith/Alien thing or if it was somehow connected to John from Doppelganger, I don't know. But I don't think this pregnancy is normal or wanted. As for the crush, I would not be at all surprised if she was completely spining a tale and it's still VERY much a reality that John is the "crush". It's really the only thing that makes any sense based on what JM and Robert Cooper have said.
                  What have JM and RC said??


                    Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                    It DEFINITELY could be from Doppelganger and that would tie in perfectly with my idea that the pregnancy happens there and is part alien crystal thing. But, it could also be some sort of Wraith experiment as well from when Michael held her captive.
                    S4 teaser clip spoilers
                    DG was the first episode they shot, so it would've been fairly early in RL's pregnancy and her tummy would've been pretty flat. I read something that indicated the Teyla finds out way before The Seer and even before DG that she's pregnant, and I don't really think that that clip of the Alien-type thing in her belly is literally related to the pregnancy, more of a nightmare. That's my take.
                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                      S4 teaser clip spoilers
                      DG was the first episode they shot, so it would've been fairly early in RL's pregnancy and her tummy would've been pretty flat. I read something that indicated the Teyla finds out way before The Seer and even before DG that she's pregnant, and I don't really think that that clip of the Alien-type thing in her belly is literally related to the pregnancy, more of a nightmare. That's my take.
                      Well that is one of the specualtions...

                      That it might be a nightmare..if it might be taken from Doppelganger...
                      However I just get the feeling...why dream such a thing if at that stage she doesn't know about the pregnancy so for me I feel it's must be somehow if she doesn't know how or why or what...that her greatest fear is that it's something nasty that has happened to her,,,
                      I just feel it's odd if she is having a could easily be of something else if she doesn't know she is pregnant,,and hardly a kind of nightmare if you know how and by who she is pregnant with...if she knows it's normal and human... but hey that's just my spin on it...
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        Well that is one of the specualtions...

                        That it might be a nightmare..if it might be taken from Doppelganger...
                        However I just get the feeling...why dream such a thing if at that stage she doesn't know about the pregnancy so for me I feel it's must be somehow if she doesn't know how or why or what...that her greatest fear is that it's something nasty that has happened to her,,,
                        I just feel it's odd if she is having a could easily be of something else if she doesn't know she is pregnant,,and hardly a kind of nightmare if you know how and by who she is pregnant with...if she knows it's normal and human... but hey that's just my spin on it...
                        That's not what I said...

                        By the time DG airs, Teyla will aleady know she's pregnant. I the nightmare is related to the prenancy, but more in a worst case scenario sense. I don't think that anything's going to be thumping around in her tummy and then come bursting out on screen, in an episode. I think Teyla's nervous about her pregnancy, hence the nightmare.
                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                          That's not what I said...

                          By the time DG airs, Teyla will aleady know she's pregnant. I the nightmare is related to the prenancy, but more in a worst case scenario sense. I don't think that anything's going to be thumping around in her tummy and then come bursting out on screen, in an episode. I think Teyla's nervous about her pregnancy, hence the nightmare.
                          No I didn't mean that...

                          That it's going to be something moving around and then burst out of her... can I say yuck... *lol*
                          No just that I feel with such a crazy nightmare if it's actually Doppelganger.. then that it might be this freaky nightmare in case she doesn't know how, what or who or whatever that has gotten her pregnant...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            What have JM and RC said??

                            JM said just very recently in a clip for S4 that relationships would be revealved in the upcoming season and at the very moment he said it we got the S4 clip of that LOVELY hug between John and Teyla. Then a few days later when he was asked if John would have some nice emotional scenes in S3, he piped up himself and said yes- he would have lots of scenes with Teyla! Further, every time JM is asked to dispute JT getting together, he doesn't. Now, he doesn't answer flat out that they will be, but he gives you the impression that there is something in the works in regards to JT's relationship.

                            As for the RC stuff, I'm gonna have to go back and look through my stuff, but if I recall correctly, he and Brad Wright were the ones who came up with the John/Teyla ship angle in the first place and to my knowledge they've never recanted that.

                            As someone said before RL is not very reliable when it comes to spoilers. I love her to pieces, but she LOVES to mislead fans when it comes to episode details. So her comments from the Sci-Fi interview meant that she either a) doesn't know who the crush is, or b) she did know and she wasn't going to give a straight answer to keep everyone guessing. Either way, that still leaves a whole lot of evidence that her crush is and always has been John.


                              Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                              S4 teaser clip spoilers
                              DG was the first episode they shot, so it would've been fairly early in RL's pregnancy and her tummy would've been pretty flat. I read something that indicated the Teyla finds out way before The Seer and even before DG that she's pregnant, and I don't really think that that clip of the Alien-type thing in her belly is literally related to the pregnancy, more of a nightmare. That's my take.
                              But given the track record of these writers it is VERY unlikely that there are two un-realted incidences regarding some kind of baby/alien thing inside of Teyla. Yes, I agree that she finds out early, but I'm not convinced that the clip is a nightmare scene from Doppel and I still say what we saw last night is related to her pregnancy.


                                Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                                That's not what I said...

                                By the time DG airs, Teyla will aleady know she's pregnant. I the nightmare is related to the prenancy, but more in a worst case scenario sense. I don't think that anything's going to be thumping around in her tummy and then come bursting out on screen, in an episode. I think Teyla's nervous about her pregnancy, hence the nightmare.
                                Okay.... WHY is she nervous about the pregnancy? That is my point. She's nervous because it's not normal, she KNOWS it's not normal. Whether the pregnancy is a byproduct of Doppelganger or something else all the current spoilers lead to a sci-fi pregnancy, not a normal one. That's all I'm saying. I think the idea that Teyla fell in love with some strange guy and is having his baby, is last on the list of possibilities.

