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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I went over the vid again and yeah more or less, give or take, flat tummy.


    Thanks scifan for this bootyful siggie!!!


      Nicely said, Suz. And I am in no way asking anyone to take blame or responsibility or even suggesting that people shut up if that is how you interpreted my comment. On the contrary, I"m simply stating that going to their level isn't goint to do anything but cause a lash back. It's not going to stop them from continuing to post in JM's blog, it's not going to stop them from bashing us, and it's not going to make them love or hate JT even more.

      You know what I think is causing others to accept JT more, the fact that Joe and Rachel are so wonderful on screen and great actors. The fact that the writers are developing wonderfully these great scenes. And that we should let them know!

      And spreading the JT love around. Others have accepted and at least considered the possibility because many here go to the episode threads and present their points respectfully and in good taste.

      yeah, we are treated like crap by a group that is very united and plan things ahead. We don't do that and we don't think that way in this thread. We don't collaboratively plan what we are going to write and where we are going to do it. But in the end, even if it takes us a bit longer, we are going to shine.

      Again, I"m not excited about Keller anyone...but we will have to wait and see.

      I hope you and VB don't think that I"m going against anything that you guys are doing here, I am simply suggesting something different, original and new.


        Originally posted by happyatlantis View Post
        I went over the vid again and yeah more or less, give or take, flat tummy.

        It's so hard to tell. Either way, it has to be an early ep. I read some where that Doppleganger was filmed first. Humm.... I wonder. LOL.
        No matter what ep it's from, I'm just glad to see the growth in their friendship. I'm so excited to see the next season.


          I want to see how that scene ends and what caused it *wink*


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Nicely said, Suz. And I am in no way asking anyone to take blame or responsibility or even suggesting that people shut up if that is how you interpreted my comment.
            No, I didn't take your comment as telling me to be quiet. I was actually told by a sweir that I needed to shut my mouth one time. And I'm glad to hear that you don't think we're responsible for the crap that has gone on between the two groups.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            You know what I think is causing others to accept JT more, the fact that Joe and Rachel are so wonderful on screen and great actors. The fact that the writers are developing wonderfully these great scenes. And that we should let them know!
            I TOTALLY agree with this. Joe and Rachel REALLY sell JT in a big way. It's their unspoken body language and the way their expressions soften and brighten when they are close to the other that just makes J/T live for me. This is definitely done on purpose by Joe and Rach and I think it helps that they are truly good friends off the set. We should let them know somehow that we see what they're doing and love every minute of it.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            yeah, we are treated like crap by a group that is very united and plan things ahead. We don't do that and we don't think that way in this thread. We don't collaboratively plan what we are going to write and where we are going to do it. But in the end, even if it takes us a bit longer, we are going to shine.
            See, you hit the nail on the head. I think these people are very calculating and did plan a lot of mass hits on us. Sometimes it was like a military campaign! But you're right, JT shippers have never acted that way and I am soooooo glad.

            They do look rather foolish, especially on JM's blog when they make over-the-top insults and instead of being patted on the back the way they are here, everyone laughs at them. I can safely say that no JT fan has ever acted like *they* do on the blog and it makes us look like the more mature, reasonable group.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Again, I"m not excited about Keller anyone...but we will have to wait and see.
            Oh, come on! . You're got to see that she is PERFECT for Ronon. She's just like his wife on Sateda. She's a doctor, she's got a mind of her own, Ronon said he wanted to learn more about science and she even looks like his lost love a little bit. Poor Ronon needs some good lovin and I think Keller is just the thing for him. I know it's hard to get past the idea that she is replacing Carson, but I guess for me, the fact that she's not really in too many eps makes her more like Zelenka or Lorne. But I totally understand where you're coming from.

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            I hope you and VB don't think that I"m going against anything that you guys are doing here, I am simply suggesting something different, original and new.
            I think we have two very different ways of dealing with trouble makers. Both can be useful at different times and I respect yours and LC's method and I think you can see that people like VB and I are necessary as well. For me, at the end of the day we're all John/Teyla shippers and we'll stick together.


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Ok Steph, one more I couldn't resist.

              Oh Scifan, thank you so much!!!! You almost made me cry with this one! That was so thoughtful of you! Thank you!!! And those vids! Oh my gosh, too cute!!!! That definitely makes me feel better. How can you not smile at such sweet innocence and faithfulness? In fact, they remind me of J/T.... Just kidding! Just had to try to get back on topic a bit, hehe. Thank you!!!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by Black Panther View Post

                Sunday Shipper Report Part 1
                Teyla and Dr. Hewston are walking through the hallways of Atlantis. They are talking about a crush Teyla has on an unnamed man. Teyla: I could never just say that to him! Hewston: Why not? You like him, don't you? Teyla (sternly): That is not the point. Hewston: Uh, I think that is exactly the point, actually. Teyla: The ways of my people are... different. I would never... Hewston: Eh, he's not gonna make the first move. Teyla (assuredly): Ah, we shall see. Hewston: Look, you know him better than I do. Teyla: I would hope so. Hewston (knowingly): But I wouldn't be surprised if he was oblivious to the whole situation. Teyla: It bares no further discussion. Hewston: All right. I'm just sayin' if you want me to have somebody drop some hints... Teyla then changes the subject. They talk about why so many people have the day off. Hewston then asks if Teyla would like to get lunch with her. Teyla agrees then remembers she has left her bantos rods in the gym. So she turns around and heads back toward the gym. As she walks off an explosion occurs behind her and she is thrown. Teyla raises her head and sees a man who is on fire. When she tries to get up to help she notices she has a huge chunk of metal sticking out of her abdomen. She passes out.

                Here is the link to my interpretation of that discussion:

                The clock rolls back to three hours earlier that day, and we get to experience that day from Elizabeth's point of view. She ends up cancelling a dinner date with Teyla to go on a "not a date" with the attractive Mike Branton. Their "not a date" gets interrupted when Elizabeth is called to the control room to be informed of the explosion. Through out this we learn that Elizabeth believes she can't get involved romantically with those beneath her.

                The clock rolls back again now to five hours earlier. This time we get to experience the day from John and Ronon's point of view. Teyla is walking down a corridor when John and Ronon walks in. John looks up and sees her. John: Oh! Hey! John jogs to catch up with her. There y’are. Ronon in the background still walking motions with his hand for her to run. Been lookin’ all over for you. John stops jogging when he reaches her. Teyla smiles up at John while glancing behind at Ronon. Teyla: Oh? John: What? Did you forget? Teyla glances at Ronon who has finally caught up with them. Teyla: Uh, no. She gives John a don't be silly look. John (shocked and disappointed): You forgot! She looks at Ronon who is making a weird scrunched up face then he smiles at her. Teyla looks at John. Teyla: You were going to teach Ronon and myself how to play She looks down at the golf club in John's hand. golf. John (pleased): That’s the plan. He smiles at her. Teyla: I am afraid I have made other plans. As she says this she glances between Ronon and John. Then she smile regretfully up at John. John (sternly): What other plans? Teyla: Having lunch with Elizabeth. John looks down at his watch. John: Well, you’ve still got time. Teyla's mouth opens, and she pauses for a minute searching for an excuse. Teyla: Yes, true. However, I am afraid I have been... quite delinquent in filing my mission reports. I had hoped to get caught up before I met with Elizabeth. As she says this she smiles brightly yet regretfully at John. John exchanges a look with Ronon then smiles cynically at her. It is quite obvious he doesn't believe her. John: Okay. Teyla's response is immediate. Teyla: If you would like, I could cancel ... John (interrupting): No, no, no, no. She could use a little time out of the office. Some other time. John gives her another smile that clearly says he is letting her off the hook for now. Teyla gives him a huge smile. Teyla: Some other time. She turns a victorious smile on Ronon. Teyla pats him on the arm as she passes. When she is gone Ronon tries to use the same excuse Teyla used. John refuses to let him off the hook as well. John tries to get Ronon into the sport, but it is clear Ronon would rather be anywhere else. Ronon gets John to stop golfing and go to the gym with him. He teaches John a sport he used to play on Sateda. Which is hilarious to watch. John gets tired of getting his butt kicked so he takes Ronon to his room. There they listen to music, drink beer, eat popcorn, and talk while John reads a magazine. John: You ever hang out with anyone else besides me and Teyla? Ronon shakes his head. I’m not saying we’re sick of you or anything. I dunno. Are you datin’ anyone? Ronon informs John he left behind a special someone back on Sateda and isn't ready to start dating yet. Ronon: What about you? John: Yeah, what about me? Ronon: When are you getting married? Ronon grins at him. John laughs ruefully. John: Already done that. Not very good at it. Besides, there really isn’t anyone here that... well you know. I find the smile that appears on John's face as he says "there really isn’t anyone here that..." interesting. Not to mention the way he looks up at the ceiling and doesn't make eye contact with Ronon. Love the look Ronon gives him. Ronon: I always thought you and Teyla would, uh... you know. Ronon gives him a cheeky grin. John stares at Ronon with a smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks. John: Really? Ronon continues to smile at him. Ronon (amused): Yeah. Why not? John looks away and makes an "eh" sound trying to come up with an answer. The explosions occurs and John and Ronon hurry to check it out. As Carson explains what he knows a person calls for him. They look down the hall. John's brows knit and he immediately hurries there, with Ronon and Carson behind him, when he sees Teyla on the stretcher. Some how Carson reaches her first. John goes to the other side, grabs the stretcher, and walks along with it. John (staring at Teyla): She gonna be OK, Doc? John looks her over. Carson: She’s lost a great deal of blood. We’re gonna need to get her to the Infirmary stat. John (not liking what he is hearing): Is she gonna be alright!? Carson just gives him a look then looks down at Teyla. Let’s go! Let’s move! John stops in his tracks and watches in horror as they take Teyla away. Then he looks back at the scene with the same expression on his face. Seeing Radek he immediatly starts to question him about what happened. All he knows is that for some unexplained reason Hewston exploded, and it wasn't a bomb.

                AWESOME first half! I think you and I were separated at birth BP, cause you saw this ep EXACTLY as I did. Great job. I'm off to read part 2 and post to JTC.


                  Originally posted by Black Panther View Post
                  Sunday Shippy Report Part 2
                  The clock rewinds again. This time to 14 hours earlier. We get to experience this all again. Now from Rodney's point of view. Rodney is yelling at Dr. Hewston and James Watson, the other man John and Ronon were golfing with. They apparently messed with an unknown machine without following protocol. Afterward Carson reminds Rodney of their agreement to go fishing tomorrow. Rodney doesn't seem thrilled by the prospect. Rodney manages to get out of his commitment. He spends his time helping Katie Brown babysit ferns. During this we learn that Katie and him are in a relationship and seeing his sister again has made him realize he would like to get married. The explosion interrupts them, and he hurries off to a lab. He finds out that the device Dr. Hewston and James turned on gave them explosive tumors. So the question is where is James? James is shown to be in the operating room.

                  The clock rewinds for the last time. Now it is two hours earlier. We get to see the day from Carson's perspective. Rodney has just got out of fishing with him. Carson goes on the search for a new fishing buddy. During his search we find out Radek is a chess master and that Lorne is a beautiful painter. He learned from his mom who was an art teacher. Finding no one to go with him Carson goes to the infirmary. Where he relieves Dr. Cole who has a migraine. While he is finishing wrapping up a sprained ankle the explosion occurs. After taking care of Teyla it is James turn to be operated on. Rodney manages to radio Carson and inform him that James has an explosive tumor. Carson evacuates the others except one nurse. They prepare to operate and remove the tumor. John and Rodney try to talk Carson out of it. Saying he doesn't have enough time. Carson refuses to listen, and they can't go in and stop him because he locked down the entire section. Carson manages to remove the tumor and hands it off to the bomb man. Don't you like it when I use technical words? As Carson walks away the tumor explodes behind him engulfing him in the blast.

                  Rodney is in Carson's room packing up the rest of his things. Ronon walks in. They talk about what is going to be done. Rodney confesses his guilt over not going fishing with Carson. Ronon tries his best to console him.

                  Teyla is in the infirmary and tries her best to get out of her bed. John walks in an sees what she is doing. John (sighing): Where do you think you’re going? Teyla continues to scoot her way to the edge. Teyla: I would like to go to the memorial. John looks her over. John (firmly): I don’t think you should be going anywhere. Teyla: I am fine. Teyla tries to continue but grimaces in pain. John concerned and knowing there is nothing he can say to stop her gives in. John: Alright. I’ll get a wheelchair. He starts to look around for one. Teyla: No. John immediately turns around and faces her. I would like to stand. As a testament to him. She looks into his eyes. (concerned) How are you doing? John: Me? He looks down. I’m fine, but I didn’t get major surgery two days ago. Teyla: That is not what I meant. Her gaze never wavers from his eyes. John: Well, it hasn’t hit me yet. I’m not looking forward to it when it does. Teyla (softly): I feel a great sadness. He... She looks down. (whispers) I feel a great sadness. John looks at her not knowing what to say. Teyla sighs John steps closer to her. John (whispers): Here. I got you. John wraps his arm around her, Teyla wraps her arm over his shoulders, and he helps her down. They walk slowly to the door.

                  Everyone has gathered around Carson's coffin in front of the stargate. Elizabeth gives a speech. When she is done bagpipes play and the stargate dials Earth. Once the worm hole is activated John turns and looks at Teyla. He seems to be checking how she is holding up. He then moves to take his place as one of the pallbearers. Teyla watches him as he does this. John and the other five pallbearers pickup his coffin and go through the stargate.

                  The last scene is of Rodney and Carson strangely enough. Rodney is standing out on a pier on Atlantis staring at the sea. Carson walks up and joins him. Rodney tells him how the funeral on Earth turned out. Rodney then tells him that it won't be the same without him and how they might run into each other again. Rodney confesses that he was his best friend. Then he tries to apologize. Carson informs him there was nothing he can do. They say their goodbyes and Carson disappears. Leaving Rodney standing on the pier alone to stare at the ocean.

                  Now if you don't mind I am going to go off and have a good cry. I hope you like the report Camy.

                  Excellent! I just love your reviews.


                    Your welcome Stephie. Ok back on subject. Since GW posted pics from season 4 vid. Can I use my new sig?


                    I'll only do it if everyone says it's ok.


                      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                      You know, I wasn't that pulled in by Submersion Padme. I think I didn't give it a good review. If I gave it good reviews, it was because it was a new ep, at the time. On a rewatch..meh! I liked the water scene. I had to wonder if Teyla had been practicing her wraith ability---cause that was a bit risky (the beginning scene)---but it was handled very decently. I wasn't keen on the Ronon/Teyla scene. That could have been done better. Or maybe I just like Teyla in brawling fights, and really I felt the season turned Ronon into a pussy. I've never seen a man slapped and knocked around so much. Tossed around like a ragdoll. So I was bit peeved on Ronon's roll. I liked the Wraith queen, but I always like them, and I love the story told of her struggle with the underwater pressure and eating her crew. Wicked stuff.

                      But back to Teyla. Yeah, maybe it was her able to take out the queen, albeit Queen was weak. Maybe that's why. I just felt I needed to see devlop her mental skill and capability before such a heavy scene. Cause it doesn't look good for the Wraith Queen----Teyla is an amateur. It could have been better. But again, there are very plausible reasons why it worked.

                      Chillin' just not sleepin'. How you doin' girl? Rockin' the good life?
                      You make a few good points.
                      Ronan has gotten tossed around 'like a ragdoll' this season.

                      but I've been good, mostly. I just finished my second year of college.
                      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Your welcome Stephie. Ok back on subject. Since GW posted pics from season 4 vid. Can I use my new sig?


                        I'll only do it if everyone says it's ok.
                        I'm pretty sure that per forum rules anything that hasn't aired yet must be under a spoiler cut. So you can use it, but it has to be hidden.


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Linda06.. Welcome to the thread
                          Yes Welcome!
                          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                            I just finishing watching the Spacey vid,again, where JF,RL,DH,DN,JM are fighting over the award very,very funny. I love how they are constantly showing themselve having a good time. At the very end before they cut to the next scene you should see what Joe does to Jason. I loved it.


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              I just finishing watching the Spacey vid,again, where JF,RL,DH,DN,JM are fighting over the award very,very funny. I love how they are constantly showing themselve having a good time. At the very end before they cut to the next scene you should see what Joe does to Jason. I loved it.

                              There's clip of that? Oo! I wanna see! Link please?


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                David Hewlett and SGA won both a Spacey Award.... for Favorite character and Favorite TV show... Both Joe and Rachel was at set to accept the award with David H, David N & Jason
                                Here you go Sanssong. Enjoy. I had to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on free download.

