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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I tried to register so I could vote but it won't let me.. firstly it said I already had an account.. but then wouldnt accept my password ...

    I have never registerd there before so not sure whats going on... I'll try again later using a different email address and see it that works..


      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      Nick--I just love your posts and your awesome sense of humor! Thanks for always making me smile!
      Well, if you think so and i do, then i am glad.


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      Trying to capture some of the beautiful looks John and Teyla give each other.


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      another Wallie of our beautiful duo...

      Ah my copliments as usual blue. Another great wallie. And you captured the looks well indeed.

      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Pic of Rachel from the SFX interview...posted by Wraithlord over at the Rachel thread...thought I put the link here to since not everyone venture into other threads...
      It's such a gorgeous pic of her....
      Cheers Nina, and thanks to Wraithlord too. I really msut find soem time to check out the other threads on a more regualr basis.

      And oh yes i agree with you about the pic, and Rachel has such a beautiful smile too, always wonderful to see.

      scifan, thanks a lot for all the info from JM's blog. So at least we will find out and not be left hanging.

      YC, i must echo what the others have said. Love your sig . Credit to Witchy too, great choice of pic.
      Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 14 May 2007, 02:12 AM.


        Isis Awards, winners snnounced!!


        1st place: Long Road Home by Sholio - PG-13

        2nd place: Vengeance Trail by Ladyjax - R

        3rd place: The Crystal Room by Ryan C. Charles - PG-13

        Alternate Universe

        1st place - TIE: Between This And That by Ideal Girl - PG

        1st place - TIE: Five Stages of Love Challenge: Sheppard/Teyla by Tielan - R


        1st place: And In That Dreaming Weep by tielan - R

        2nd place: Fractured by allisnow - PG-13

        3rd place - TIE: Five Stages of Love Challenge: Sheppard/Teyla by Tielan - R

        3rd place - TIE: Shatter by ladyjax - R

        3rd place - TIE: The Promise of Skin by Wedjatqi - R

        3rd place - TIE: Then There Were Two by Nytel - R


        1st place: Ulbiquitous by Seldear - G


        1st place: Beholden by tielan - R

        2nd place: Sojourn by ltlj - NC-17

        3rd place: Next Sunday by agriope - PG-13


        1st place: The Intergalactic Adventures of Lieutenant John Sheppard in the Twenty-First Century by Harriet the Spy - PG

        2nd place: Pelage by loveconquers - PG


        1st place - TIE: Anger by Wedjatqi - R

        1st place - TIE: Next Sunday by agriope - PG-13

        2nd place: Beya by Cielito - G


        1st place: Long Road Home by Sholio - PG-13

        2nd place: The Crystal Room by Ryan C. Charles - PG-13


        1st place: Heat Of The Night: Clubs by tielan - PG-13

        2nd place: The Promise of Skin by Wedjatqi - R

        3rd place - TIE: Frail Fibres, Overstrung by tielan - R

        3rd place - TIE: Turn Of The Year by Tielan - PG-13


        We have some winners among us, we are not worthy.


        EC, Sel, Camy, Steph, all of you, very well done!

        Dee and Cyn, sorry to see that you were not also in the places, some hanging chads down Isis way perhaps.

        If it were up to me you'd all be on top of that podium, gold around your neck. All deserving.
        Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 14 May 2007, 02:07 AM.


          Blue, Nina and Nick-Thanks! I love the sig that WB made. I was fortunate that she, Firefly and Donna were kind enough to make a sig on that pic. I love how close the two of them are standing together.

          Happy belated Mother's Day! I was blessed enough to spend the day with my mom and Nana...that was three generations of mother's in the house. I hope all of you had a great day!
          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


            Hi everyone.

            I"m happy to report that I had a wonderful day with my loved ones. Thanks for all the wishes. Mothers deserve it!!!!

            In other matters, Nick, Thanks for posting that list. I was just thinking about that one. You know that I"m ashamed to write that I nominatted but completely forgot to vote. Sorry about that. You are so right, Cyn and Dee should have been on that list! For Sure!

            Thanks for those who voted and I"m humbly honored that Beya made it on that list. Thank you.

            Congrats to All The Winners....I"m rather pleased with this year's result, much better than last years but I still think we need to spread the word out cause there are so many great writers in our fandom.

            Hopefully the JT Awards will get a lot more participation. I know that the SG Fan Awards is also open and last night I simply started from page one in the Galleria and started nominating. There's so much wonderful work there and some have left us and haven't come back and that saddens me.

            But anywho. I only made it up to page 10 and went to bed. For some reason fanfiction wasn't cooperating with me last night so I opted to do the artwork. Maybe tonight I"ll do more artwork, fics and vids. Jeez.


            A party is coming to the Galleria very soon. It will be our one year anniversary this coming 6th of June and we need all your support. I"m going to be making some banners and some sigs and hopefully you can spread the word out and let others know so that our sister thread can get some new artists in there and also spread the love that we have for John and Teyla. I"ve come up with some ideas that allows even those that don't know how to do artwork to at least share some caps. So, no excuses for not participating!

            And besides, we love all those "thank you's and Wonderful and Awesome Work, Camy! OOoppps, I mean all those general comments....*grins*

            Seriously, I"m so pleased with all the new artists like Blue and Donna and all the others who join us often and share their talents and love.

            So, thanks for making the Galleria such a great success guys. And let's keep the John and Teyla loving ALIVE!

            Woohooo! Okay...BP, haven't read your newest report but I will. I'm a bit behind on things lately. And then captions for TOR are finally up in the Galleria as well as for Critical Mass for Season 2. The Tower caps will be done by yours truly so, it may be a bit. And captions for The Game will be up in the Galleria sometime this week. I can't remember if I posted Irresponsible caps....jeeepers!

            Now, this Friday will be my ultimate episode...right? Isn't The Ark airing this Friday? YOU GUYS BETTER HAVE THIS THREAD BURNING WITH DISCUSSIONS till I can join you on Saturday night or Sunday!


            I think that is it for now!

            Now go and nominate for the SG Fan Awards!!!!! We need to show the JT LOVING and Talents!


              I'm looking forward to this party Camy....


                Hey Folks,

                I wanted to congratulate all the winners for the Isis Awards. I think you guys are awesome and this proves it. And don’t worry Nick, I think it’s an honor just to be nominated (it proves that somebody actually read my story, well at least I think they did) LOL! Anywho, weren’t you nominated as well? We should crack open a bottle and share sad stories that will make us cry into our cups. Cyn is welcome to join us.

                Congratulations To All The Winners and Nominees of the Isis Awards


                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  I tried to register so I could vote but it won't let me.. firstly it said I already had an account.. but then wouldnt accept my password ...

                  I have never registerd there before so not sure whats going on... I'll try again later using a different email address and see it that works..
                  Contact our web girls, an announcement on the main page said something about aol and yahoo thinking the confirmation emails were spam or something.

                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Now go and nominate for the SG Fan Awards!!!!! We need to show the JT LOVING and Talents!
                  Yup, John and Teyla are too awesome a couple to get dropped down into a Other Pairings category! 6 days folks, keep up those nominations!
                  It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                    I'll check around and see what to nominate...not going to nominate my own videos.. it just feels weird to me to nominate my own work...*lol*
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Nina, can you give us the links to those again, or are these posted in Convergence?

                      Right now finding Teyla vids is frustrating but Aabuttons share a good link with us.


                      You know there is a wonderful Teyla site, Gifted. But not much is posted there as far as Teyla works. Those that make Teyla centric anything should consider posting their stuff there. I"m not sure if Convergence is strickly for JT stuff only.

                      Anywho, I"m sure I"ve asked you to do this a gizzillion times, but I just don't save vids into my computer.

                      And all of you here who have done vids, if they're not in Convergence, could you please post it here again? Thanks!


                        Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone who was nominated - you are all awesome.


                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          Nina, can you give us the links to those again, or are these posted in Convergence?

                          Right now finding Teyla vids is frustrating but Aabuttons share a good link with us.


                          You know there is a wonderful Teyla site, Gifted. But not much is posted there as far as Teyla works. Those that make Teyla centric anything should consider posting their stuff there. I"m not sure if Convergence is strickly for JT stuff only.

                          Anywho, I"m sure I"ve asked you to do this a gizzillion times, but I just don't save vids into my computer.

                          And all of you here who have done vids, if they're not in Convergence, could you please post it here again? Thanks!
                          Yeah Camy....I'll my videos are hosted on the Convergence site...I don't know if you need the direct links to the videos..(video download link or something like that).since all videos are hosted on the same page... well all my videos except for my first J/T "Gravity of love" seems to have dissapeared somehow... had a trouble with one before and then it was put back on and now another seems to have gone *poof*

                          I think Convergence host most J/T but have I think also of course invidual John or Teyla..since my three John videos are on I'm sure one can find most things either focused on them as a pair or in friendship or as inviduals...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Your work and Cyn's and Nick's and everyone else's in here is OUTSTANDING!

                            Never doubt it! I have a problem myself with competitions, but I also value the importance of recognition.

                            Which is why I Loved our Oscar night here.

                            So many wonderful things have been inspired by the conversations and ideas here, that I"m so pleased and blessed to be a part of it. Our very own shippy report by Black Panther is now used in the Convergence site and so many fics that have been inspired by our thoughts, parties and ideas here.

                            So, don't ever doubt your skills Dee, Nick and Cyn and Witchy and Ah, just everyone here...I hold all of your work dearly and beleive me, they are bounded and printed and read regularly! So, we should all celebrate cause anything that you have produced is an accomplishment all on its own!

                            When I started here in the JT thread eons ago, I was stumped by the lack of JT support. LOOK AT US NOW BABY! and we need to expand more!

                            WOOOOHOOOO! So,

                            *bows to the Masters*


                              Thanks Nick!!!!! That's a really cool surprise! Congrats to all the nominees and winners!!!! Yay! Go J/T! LOL! Very cool to see such great representation!

                              For the Stargate Fan Awards, I think JTC has most of our vids hosted there, but if anyone needs to host their vids somewhere for the contest, you're welcome to contact me as well. I have plenty of server space now, thanks to Nick! I haven't been able to nominate anything yet, but I definitely plan to this week!

                              We need a good variety of nominations to even be able to hold a category! Last year, I had two vids that were nom'd, but had to be removed from the contest because there wasn't the minimum 6 required for that category. I know of three other people that happened to for J/T fics as well. For example, we had J/T romance, but we didn't have enough for J/T friendship, etc. So let's make sure we have good J/T representation this year in all the various categories, not just romance!

                              Also, just an FYI for those trying to email me at the moment, my email has been down all weekend. I'm waiting to hear back from tech support. I can receive, but not send! So strange! So my emailing is piling up on me at the moment. So just wanted to let you guys know so you don't think I'm ignoring you! LOL!

                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                Yeah Camy....I'll my videos are hosted on the Convergence site...I don't know if you need the direct links to the videos..(video download link or something like that).since all videos are hosted on the same page... well all my videos except for my first J/T "Gravity of love" seems to have dissapeared somehow... had a trouble with one before and then it was put back on and now another seems to have gone *poof*

                                I think Convergence host most J/T but have I think also of course invidual John or Teyla..since my three John videos are on I'm sure one can find most things either focused on them as a pair or in friendship or as inviduals...
                                So, they are in Convergence? All of them? If any are missing just give us the link again. I think what Aabuttons suggested is that if there were multiples artwork or vids or whatever in one same link, then what you do is simply state the author and the name of the item nominating so as long as your vids have some title, it should be okay.

                                If any are missing, please post the link here. I think I"m going to just get that over with tonight!

                                Thanks Nina!

