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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Oh, I just went to see if I could find in the stores and no luck....again....

    you guys should have seen me......are you ready for this one...


    Seller: Miss, *love him for that one* do you need any help looking for something..?

    Miss: Um...yes, I"m looking for....Oh, what is the name of that show that my son likes? * puts her head down to think and scratches her head* Um..yes...Stargate..or something....

    Seller: Yes, the TV show, right?

    Miss: Yes, I think that's the one!

    The seller shows the Misses and there is only Stargate SG-1 season 1 and 2...

    *dissapointingly stares at the seller*

    Miss: Do you have Stargate...oh, have season 1....

    Seller: We can order anything that you like that is not in stock. After Xmas everything is pretty much sold...

    Miss: Oh, well that is good to know. Thank you.

    Misses leaves dissapointed!

    *lol*...totally cute Camy...but i can up you one on that...

    I walked into BestBuy and asked for Beauty and the Beast Season 1, the TV series, well he just had to repeat the TV Series part, and the guy looked at me like i had just about lost my mind. I swear I had something on my face by the way he looked at me....

    Turns out they didn't have it in stock...*sigh*...

    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    Hey all.....guess what............I come bearing a gift...

    Yes it's my 3rd J/T video that just got done..

    I can't now remember who on this thread that recommended this song,,, and to tell the truth I didn't think I would make a video to it but I thought about it and came to think what I saw when hearing the song..what did it tell me about J/T ...well this is my view for the song... and I'm sure the one that suggested this song will notice who they are when they hear it

    Anyway enough talk...and give a link instead....


    John & Teyla #3 (Keep Holding on)

    *claps madly* to dl it now Nina...

    Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
    I think this will need a second part else it will seem incomplete but there we go. And i was imagining something a whole lot more elaborate than this, longer too. But if i'd waited for the perfect moment as far as that was concerned, i should still be waiting this time next year, part of me believes.

    Freely admit i need to work on the descriptive side of things, and it's a bit random, simple even.

    Anyway, i had a small amount of spare time and put this together. I've beta'd it myself, and for the sake of expediency, i'll leave it at that. Any major errors, tell me quick. lol

    You getting the impression i'm setting the bar low here yet?


    More Than Just a Name

    Lt Colonel John Sheppard had a problem, and both the fault and solution of which, could be found in one person, Dr Rodney McKay. He and Dr Zelenka had taken apart one of the Jumpers for one reason or another, and gone walkabout. So John had been told, McKay was in the Botany Lab, supposedly just talking with Dr Katie Brown, but also it probably seemed like a pretty good refuge, until that is, John tunred the next corner into the lab, and the poor doctor would have nowhere to go.

    Well, that was the plan at any rate, for John could only see Dr Brown, no slacking Canadian scientist. Maybe she’ll know where he is. And there was no sign that she was covering for McKay when he entered the lab. Though there was surprise evident, this was likely dute to the fact that John didn’t pass by any of the labs that often.

    “Colonel Sheppard…not often that we see you down here, is there anything I can do for you?”

    “Yeah maybe, McKay been in here?”

    “Rodney? No, should he have?”

    “I was told I could find him here, him and Radek were doing some kind of repair job on one of the Jumpers but now I can’t find either of them, probably gone offto another job for all I know.”

    “I’m hoping to meet Rodney for some lunch later, I’ll tell him you came by.”

    “Nah, don’t’ do that, I don’t want to warn him.” John said with a grin. “Besdies, I plan on finding McKay before then.”

    He had missed it when he first walked in, but now John’s gaze was drawn to what Dr Brown must’ve been studying before he had interrupted her. At the centre of an orenge-red glow being emitted from an ooverhead lamp, was a large majestic flower, strong and deep in colour, a dark red or a burgundy maybe. Must’ve been part of a sample picked up when off world he guessed.

    Wondering if it was important, an unusual curiosity got the better of John. “What is that? Can’t ever remember seeing anything quite like that back on Earth?”

    Dr Brownstill thinking about the earlier conversation was distracted. “Sorry? Oh, that, Major Lorne and his team were on a ‘meet and greet’ mission a month or more ago, they heard stories from the local villagers about a plant with supposed medicinal benefits. They use it for pain relief and by all accounts, it puts our local anesthesia to shame. I went back to collect a range of samples for further study, there are whole meadows of the things, really was beautiful. And you are right, there is nothing qutie like it back on Earth, however there is a rose with some similarities, close in colour and the structure of the flower.”

    “A cause for good and beautiful, huh? Hm”

    She was lost in thought for a moment but then an idea came to her.

    “Colonel, would you like to name it?”

    “Me? Surely that is for you to do, since you discovered it, or the villagers on the planet, ?”

    “I have come to think, that a botanist does not need flora in two galaxies bearing her name Colonel Shepperd, I insist.”

    Still a little taken aback, it seemed likemore responsibility than he thought he’d be encountering on a quiet day on Atlantis.

    “I am not sure, got any suggestions.”

    “Why not yourself in some way?”

    He couldn’t hide his amusement at that prospect. “HA, no I couldn’t, I wouldn’t do that.”

    “Something to do with the city, or your time here in Pegasus, or someone else other than yourself then?”

    Dr Brown kept talking but John was miles away, or wherever exactly, Teyla was at that moment. ‘Beautiful and a casue for good’ I said. And Teyla most definetely is that, no argument. But naming a flower after her, even if it is all these things, how would she take that? How do you work that into a conversation? What would Doc here take from it? Saying that, a nice bunch of those, a walk along the mainland shore under the moonlight, I wonder…

    “Colonel? Colonel Sheppard?”


    “Someone else then perhaps?”

    “No, well yes, someone else. i can’t name it after myself as I said, this isn’t McKay you’re talking to, and can you imagine a flower called John Shppard anyway?It should be fitting, approriate.

    Name it the, Teyla Rose.”

    Dr Brown considered it and him for a long moment, and then smiled warmly.

    “That is so very nice Colonel, I am sure Teyla will be happy you chose her to name it after.

    Maybe one day, somebody will name something after me.”

    “I think you had a lucky escape, would you have wanted the Lantean version of Free Willy named after you?

    She looked at him, completely incredulous, he didn’t elaborate further nor tell her what Rodney had named the whale. Presently, his watch began beeping all of a sudden.


    “Oh sh…, listen I’’ve got to go, if you see McKay in the next hour or so, nudge him in my direction. I’ll be sparring with Teyla.”

    “Of course” was all she managed before he turned on his heels and half walked half jogged off, in quite the rush.

    Looking at the now Teyla Rose, she thought about the fact that he had named the flower after Teyla. And his ‘a cause for good and beautiful’ comment. It must be appropriate he said. She didn’t spend much if any of her spare time with John or Teyla, but instanes like this, and things she had heard, mostly from Rodney although he didn’t appear to see anything going on, did make her wonder.

    A rather guilty looking Rodney McKay made a discrete entrance to the lab, bringing a swift end to her musing.

    “Rodney! Colonel Sheppard was……”

    “Was what? Was he here looking for me?”

    “Yes, and he said he’d be in the gym sparring with Teyla till after twelve.”

    “Good, thanks, I know not to go near there then.”

    “Oh dear, can you not go and see him Rodney?”

    “No, not yet. So, what are you doing, fancy an early lunch?”

    “Maybe in a minute, I just need to finish this report on the Teyla Rose.”

    “The what? What did you say? The Teyla Rose?”

    “Yes, that’s right, I asked Colonel Sheppard if he wanted to name that flower, it’s the one with the unique anesthesic properties I told you about.”

    “Yes of course, whatever, but he named it after Teyla you’re saying?”

    “Well, he called it the Teyla Rose, yes.”

    McKay thought back some months, so Sheppard, first a country, now a red-burgundy rose eh? Hmm, where is this leading, I should’ve given the rumours and what Ronon was hinting at more credence. And wait a minute, red and burgundy, symbolically, aren’t they…

    “Love and beauty.”


    Edited as of 22:22
    great short story,
    I really liked the meaning behind John's naming of the rose

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Hey all.....guess what............I come bearing a gift...

      Yes it's my 3rd J/T video that just got done..

      I can't now remember who on this thread that recommended this song,,, and to tell the truth I didn't think I would make a video to it but I thought about it and came to think what I saw when hearing the song..what did it tell me about J/T ...well this is my view for the song... and I'm sure the one that suggested this song will notice who they are when they hear it

      Anyway enough talk...and give a link instead....


      John & Teyla #3 (Keep Holding on)

      Saw it, loved it! I"m not a huge Avril fan...


      But this one hit the mark! Cyn,

      what are you doing listening to Avril Lavingne...?Shouldn't you be listening to like Kenny Rogers or something...roflmao!

      Stephie....where are you? Heeeeelp!


        Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
        I think this will need a second part else it will seem incomplete but there we go. And i was imagining something a whole lot more elaborate than this, longer too. But if i'd waited for the perfect moment as far as that was concerned, i should still be waiting this time next year, part of me believes.

        Freely admit i need to work on the descriptive side of things, and it's a bit random, simple even.

        Anyway, i had a small amount of spare time and put this together. I've beta'd it myself, and for the sake of expediency, i'll leave it at that. Any major errors, tell me quick. lol

        You getting the impression i'm setting the bar low here yet?


        More Than Just a Name

        Lt Colonel John Sheppard had a problem, and both the fault and solution of which, could be found in one person, Dr Rodney McKay. He and Dr Zelenka had taken apart one of the Jumpers for one reason or another, and gone walkabout. So John had been told, McKay was in the Botany Lab, supposedly just talking with Dr Katie Brown, but also it probably seemed like a pretty good refuge, until that is, John tunred the next corner into the lab, and the poor doctor would have nowhere to go.

        Well, that was the plan at any rate, for John could only see Dr Brown, no slacking Canadian scientist. Maybe she’ll know where he is. And there was no sign that she was covering for McKay when he entered the lab. Though there was surprise evident, this was likely dute to the fact that John didn’t pass by any of the labs that often.

        “Colonel Sheppard…not often that we see you down here, is there anything I can do for you?”

        “Yeah maybe, McKay been in here?”

        “Rodney? No, should he have?”

        “I was told I could find him here, him and Radek were doing some kind of repair job on one of the Jumpers but now I can’t find either of them, probably gone offto another job for all I know.”

        “I’m hoping to meet Rodney for some lunch later, I’ll tell him you came by.”

        “Nah, don’t’ do that, I don’t want to warn him.” John said with a grin. “Besdies, I plan on finding McKay before then.”

        He had missed it when he first walked in, but now John’s gaze was drawn to what Dr Brown must’ve been studying before he had interrupted her. At the centre of an orenge-red glow being emitted from an ooverhead lamp, was a large majestic flower, strong and deep in colour, a dark red or a burgundy maybe. Must’ve been part of a sample picked up when off world he guessed.

        Wondering if it was important, an unusual curiosity got the better of John. “What is that? Can’t ever remember seeing anything quite like that back on Earth?”

        Dr Brownstill thinking about the earlier conversation was distracted. “Sorry? Oh, that, Major Lorne and his team were on a ‘meet and greet’ mission a month or more ago, they heard stories from the local villagers about a plant with supposed medicinal benefits. They use it for pain relief and by all accounts, it puts our local anesthesia to shame. I went back to collect a range of samples for further study, there are whole meadows of the things, really was beautiful. And you are right, there is nothing qutie like it back on Earth, however there is a rose with some similarities, close in colour and the structure of the flower.”

        “A cause for good and beautiful, huh? Hm”

        She was lost in thought for a moment but then an idea came to her.

        “Colonel, would you like to name it?”

        “Me? Surely that is for you to do, since you discovered it, or the villagers on the planet, ?”

        “I have come to think, that a botanist does not need flora in two galaxies bearing her name Colonel Shepperd, I insist.”

        Still a little taken aback, it seemed likemore responsibility than he thought he’d be encountering on a quiet day on Atlantis.

        “I am not sure, got any suggestions.”

        “Why not yourself in some way?”

        He couldn’t hide his amusement at that prospect. “HA, no I couldn’t, I wouldn’t do that.”

        “Something to do with the city, or your time here in Pegasus, or someone else other than yourself then?”

        Dr Brown kept talking but John was miles away, or wherever exactly, Teyla was at that moment. ‘Beautiful and a casue for good’ I said. And Teyla most definetely is that, no argument. But naming a flower after her, even if it is all these things, how would she take that? How do you work that into a conversation? What would Doc here take from it? Saying that, a nice bunch of those, a walk along the mainland shore under the moonlight, I wonder…

        “Colonel? Colonel Sheppard?”


        “Someone else then perhaps?”

        “No, well yes, someone else. i can’t name it after myself as I said, this isn’t McKay you’re talking to, and can you imagine a flower called John Shppard anyway?It should be fitting, approriate.

        Name it the, Teyla Rose.”

        Dr Brown considered it and him for a long moment, and then smiled warmly.

        “That is so very nice Colonel, I am sure Teyla will be happy you chose her to name it after.

        Maybe one day, somebody will name something after me.”

        “I think you had a lucky escape, would you have wanted the Lantean version of Free Willy named after you?

        She looked at him, completely incredulous, he didn’t elaborate further nor tell her what Rodney had named the whale. Presently, his watch began beeping all of a sudden.


        “Oh sh…, listen I’’ve got to go, if you see McKay in the next hour or so, nudge him in my direction. I’ll be sparring with Teyla.”

        “Of course” was all she managed before he turned on his heels and half walked half jogged off, in quite the rush.

        Looking at the now Teyla Rose, she thought about the fact that he had named the flower after Teyla. And his ‘a cause for good and beautiful’ comment. It must be appropriate he said. She didn’t spend much if any of her spare time with John or Teyla, but instanes like this, and things she had heard, mostly from Rodney although he didn’t appear to see anything going on, did make her wonder.

        A rather guilty looking Rodney McKay made a discrete entrance to the lab, bringing a swift end to her musing.

        “Rodney! Colonel Sheppard was……”

        “Was what? Was he here looking for me?”

        “Yes, and he said he’d be in the gym sparring with Teyla till after twelve.”

        “Good, thanks, I know not to go near there then.”

        “Oh dear, can you not go and see him Rodney?”

        “No, not yet. So, what are you doing, fancy an early lunch?”

        “Maybe in a minute, I just need to finish this report on the Teyla Rose.”

        “The what? What did you say? The Teyla Rose?”

        “Yes, that’s right, I asked Colonel Sheppard if he wanted to name that flower, it’s the one with the unique anesthesic properties I told you about.”

        “Yes of course, whatever, but he named it after Teyla you’re saying?”

        “Well, he called it the Teyla Rose, yes.”

        McKay thought back some months, so Sheppard, first a country, now a red-burgundy rose eh? Hmm, where is this leading, I should’ve given the rumours and what Ronon was hinting at more credence. And wait a minute, red and burgundy, symbolically, aren’t they…

        “Love and beauty.”


        Edited as of 22:22
        *claps madly* TAKE A BOW MY BOY!

        My new rose...the

        Love it!

        I wonder what Teyla will think...this merits a part 2, Nick! and don't forget to post it in!


          Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
          First, thanks.

          And, well i remembered us speculating on that possibility after the ep, seemed right if a little convenient, hopefully not too much so.
          HUH? Did I Miss that convo? You must repeat this for me...I don't remember him naming it after Teyla....or anything like that...what'd I miss?


            Oh Camy, not again.

            What you need to do, is go into the centre of town, and scream at the top of you voice, I'M A JT SHIPPER AND PROUD OF IT!! Keep saying it till you feel free and utterly alive. lol

            Alternatively you could go with, I AM THE SHIPPIEST SHIPPER THAT EVER SHIPPED! You have the award afterall. Though best to steer clear of any alcohol before you try that one me thinks.

            I got my Season 2 box set the other week, paid extra for next day delivery and everything. There was i thinking that ordering it in the mail, would ensure i got a copy in mint condition, which hasn't always happened int he shops. But no, i end up with a plastic sleeve that's dodgy in the extreme. You can only laugh really.

            Happier shopping next time Camy.
            LOL...yeah, and those are the stories that I choose to share with you guys...LOL

            I"m not going to share the one where I went to the bookstore to do some research on....oh, never mind!


            Oh, Witchy...yours topped mine..only difference is YOU LOOK CUTE DOING THAT! You're a baby! I on the other hand, I"m a bit older and wiser....I can't go around asking for Scifi stuff! LOL

            I swear it's for my boy!

            OH, sorry Nick...


            I don't think it's working!

            I"m most definetely a shipper! Where's that Oscar of mine!?


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              LOL...yeah, and those are the stories that I choose to share with you guys...LOL

              I"m not going to share the one where I went to the bookstore to do some research on....oh, never mind!


              Oh, Witchy...yours topped mine..only difference is YOU LOOK CUTE DOING THAT! You're a baby! I on the other hand, I"m a bit older and wiser....I can't go around asking for Scifi stuff! LOL

              I swear it's for my boy!

              OH, sorry Nick...


              I don't think it's working!

              I"m most definetely a shipper! Where's that Oscar of mine!?
              hahaha...right right...

              as for 'the game' I don't think we ever heard John's one did we?..that's where all the supposition came in on what exactly he named it. but then again i could be wrong.

              Oh BTW, finished Halcyon, and Exogenesis so maybe i'll do my review, spoiler post by the weekend on my LJ....

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Cool! I"m still debating should I get them or not....Hm...probabably not....

                I need heavy JT to get me to sit down and read! LOL

                Moving, how slow is this thread lately...dang it you people are no fun!

                So, manana....Season 2 DVD's should be arriving in my front steps


                So, what's in the calendar for this week....

                *goes to search calendar*


                  know how you feel Camy as im still waiting for mine coming as wll i ordered mine from a site where they had a sale on so they are only costing me £29.99 a good deal although im gettin a bit tired of waiting for them to come
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Cool! I"m still debating should I get them or not....Hm...probabably not....

                    I need heavy JT to get me to sit down and read! LOL

                    Moving, how slow is this thread lately...dang it you people are no fun!

                    So, manana....Season 2 DVD's should be arriving in my front steps


                    So, what's in the calendar for this week....

                    *goes to search calendar*

                    Freal, come on ppl Thread Mommy wants the kids to play...

                    Seriously though, how about we do the same thing we did when Season1 came out, do an episode a week, you know the full shebang, discussions, artwork, that kind of thing. That is if the calendar permits, *lost her calender*

                    *runs away*

                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    know how you feel Camy as im still waiting for mine coming as wll i ordered mine from a site where they had a sale on so they are only costing me £29.99 a good deal although im gettin a bit tired of waiting for them to come
                    don't you just love a good sale...*lol*....

                    hopefully i can drop by BestBuy and get my copy, snow permitting...

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      I got my copy yesterday, I'm watching Critical Mass as I type. I watched all the mission directives and other special features today...I have to say that the mission directive for The Intruder (with Peter DeLuise, that guy is hilarious) is the funniest, the Road to Dream featurette with Marting Gero is also pretty funny.
                      Last edited by Lady_of_Stargate; 09 March 2007, 02:20 PM.


                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
                        *lol*...totally cute Camy...but i can up you one on that...

                        I walked into BestBuy and asked for Beauty and the Beast Season 1, the TV series, well he just had to repeat the TV Series part, and the guy looked at me like i had just about lost my mind. I swear I had something on my face by the way he looked at me....

                        Turns out they didn't have it in stock...*sigh*...

                        WitchBlade, try Target, that's where I got mine. It's nice to know you're not only a J/T shipper, but a B&B shipper as well! Great minds think alike!! LOL



                          Originally posted by Spectrum View Post
                          Back again...
                          Nina- That was just perfect! Wow! Loved it! I give it 5 kissy J/Ts!
                          Thank you so much....I'm so happy that you enjoyed it... wow 5 kissy J/Ts....I'm honoured...

                          Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                          *Waves* Hi was me . When I first heard this song it so reminder me of our pair and I've yet to develope vidding talent. I love the scenes you used, you did a good job and justice to the music. Thanks so much for doing it.
                          I was wondering if it was you but didn't take a chance in case I was wrong...
                          Well a song like keep holding on and that they would make it through and be there for eachother...I felt it needed these kinds of scenes where they fight against all odds for eachother...
                          Thanks again....

                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          Hey Nina! Finally got home from work so was able to watch your vid!!! And it is GORGEOUS!!!! Wonderful all the around!!! I love how you used the words of the song and the idea to "keep holding on" despite and through all the hard times they've been through. Beautifully done!!!! Cyn, great song suggestion too! Nina, just a wonderful vid!!!! Yours just keep getting better and better!!!! I cannot WAIT for your next one!!! Thank you so much for making this and sharing it!!! It just makes my heart melt to watch such lovely and emotional moments with our favorite pair!
                          Awww thank you so much...I'm blushing....
                          I'm so happy you enjoyed it... those kinds of clips were the only ones I could see when I heard the song...
                          You say you cannot wait for my next one...well it might be a while...and I'm not really sure but my next one might be a solo John video... I usually tend to switch between John video or J/T videos...but we'll see....thanks again...

                          Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post

                          Nina, this was fantastic, a real delight. Makes a hat trick for you JT wise and no better shall i see today, other than maybe Henrik Larsson tonight. You're in Sweden so i'm asuming you know who i'm on about here. lol

                          Some super editing, the message of the video too, perfectly epitomises .
                          Common Ground, The Return, The Ark, Sunday, all of it. Really well done. We'll never tire of seeing those.

                          And all credit to Cyn on the song choice, it so hit the mark, really liked it.

                          Thank you, thanks a lot for posting it.
                          Thanks Nick for the wonderful feedback...
                          Those episodes just had the most perfect clips to use for this kind of a song...
                          *lol* yes I know who Henrik Larsson is... I'm not really a fan of Swedish football teams...but I have seen the team he plays for here in Sweden....they have their home arena like a 20 min car drive from where I live...but I'm not a fan though...

                          Thanks again for the feedack...

                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          Saw it, loved it! I"m not a huge Avril fan...


                          But this one hit the mark! Cyn,
                          Thanks for liking it... to tell you the truth Camy I'm not a huge Avril fan either... I've heard some of her songs but it isn't my kind I guess...but this song is by far the best one that I've heard...

                          And yeah it kind of hits the mark...with the mood of the song..the lyrics and to those kinds of clips...
                          Thanks again...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by mestes View Post
                            WitchBlade, try Target, that's where I got mine. It's nice to know you're not only a J/T shipper, but a B&B shipper as well! Great minds think alike!! LOL

                            oh wow! thanks, I'll check them this weekend...cause BB was telling me something about backorder and 2 anyway, hope Target has it......hehehe....isn't that the truth....

                            And in other my SGA season 2, in hand, and off to start watching them...Think i'll start with Allies...or maybe Conversion....or the long goodbye....oh no...episode overload...*dead*......

                            R.I.P Wraithlord

                            Awesome sig by SciFan


                              Playing Catch up! Hhmmm, let’s see….

                              Camy: Thanks for the fic recommendation. It was wonderful. Left the author a review……. Reads Little Miss story: *gasps in horror* Camy, shame on you!

                              Let me tell you a little story of my own:

                              Determined Mom cuts off the old lady in the Cadillac and slips into the parking space. She climbs out of her silver Ford Escape determined to get her prize. She marches proudly through the doors of Best Buy and goes directly to the DVD section. Slowly, as to ensure she doesn’t overlook her quarry, she searches the newly released TV series and snags a copy of SGA Season 2. She holds it proudly over her head and shouts, “Eureka!” to anyone within hearing distance. She boldly makes her way to the counter and whips out her Mastercard. Picking up her bag, with receipt inside, she marches from the store satisfied by the victory of her hunt. (Does Captain Morgan pose before climbing into her car. “Got a little Stargate Atlantis in you?”) The End. Okay, so maybe I didn’t shout Eureka or do the Captain pose, but you get the picture…..

                              Bluealien: Goodness! Your wallies keep getting better and better. That one is beautiful.

                              LauraT: Teyla jealous? Hell yeah! She either keeps it to herself or teases John mercilessly. Remember that little pre-picnic scene in Sanctuary. She and Shep are pretty good at keeping a lid on their feelings. *Great discussion.*

                              Nick: Writer’s block? Don’t worry. You’d be surprised where some of my inspiration comes from. One of my stories actually came from a convo with Hubby about SUVs and station wagons (Have A Seat). Go concentrate on something else for a while. We promise no drawing and quartering…..well, at least not for a couple more days. HEY, you wrote a story! Ahhh! That was sweet. Good job!

                              NinaM: That was wonderful! It’s going in the keeps file. Excellent job!

                              I come bearing gifts: This is my new fic; a work in progress. It’s called Tamere. Hope you like it.


                                GOT MY DVD and just watched The Siege...Oh, man...there's a part there when John walks in the conference room and not only does he sit next to Teyla but Teyla stares at him and never looses eye contact with him till he sits next to her...I wonder if she was using some of that mind reading and guiding him towards her...
                                Nah, he's been doing that on his own automatically....LOL

                                Oh, DEE! you got it at BB...I couldn't wait..I ordered it online through Amazon and I got it for a crisp 34.99 but I paid to get it two days rush and I got it in one day rush...woohooo! my BB never had the Season 1 so it never occurred to me to get Season 2 there....

                                LOL...that is priceless DEE...I"m not the only weird one out there...see Nick!


                                Anywho..I"m going to be posting caps in the Galleria since that was the whole reason why we started the Galleria....I Like your idea Witchy....we can continue the Calendar and continue with our discussions here as well....I still haven't found my calendar...*sighs*

                                Anywho....let's do from today till the weekend, episodes 1 and we will discuss and create artwork for THe Siege and Intruder..not heavily J/T but this way, I can finish my calendar....


