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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    i honestly don't know what to think...guess just wait until the months go by and wait for new spoilers.


      WOW! I leave for 24 hours and my girl
      is now pregnant with baby Wraith...jeepers, I did write I wanted, just goes to show you guys, be careful what you wish for....DANG IT, I NEVER WROTE WRAITH BABIES!


      Nick...Nick...Nick......Guys, don't take this personal...but Nick you have to promise me something.....posters come and go in this thread...but I seem to still stick around....I"m going to have to work on that one...but promise me...that you will stick around while I"m just make me Laugh OUT LOUD!

      Your experience, WOW! I'm still laughing!

      Camy, for you I have to start in the present. Lovely caps you’ve posted, some of my favourites there I think. And then there was that sign you did also, you’ve been busy while I was awol, wonderfully so.
      Well, Blue asked and I tried to deliver...I"m glad everyone enjoyed them....

      I very much doubt this has happened to you before, almost certianly not today, but I am going to compare you with a turtle , of the Teenage Ninja Mutant vareity. For in this world, you are an artist, I’m just not sure which name from history to give you.
      Now, you have to explain this...of all the things you could have compared me with! A TURTLE! Now I keep thinking of poor Carson and his turtles...and to think that Rodney is the one taking care of them...*sighs*

      Missed You, Nick.....I sooo needed that laugh!

      and don't worry about the woman under the will or the other and if you're lucky, both!


      Now, all these speculations....I didn't want to comment because, well because I just hate can take you anywhere and then you find out you were dead wrong....


      I'm a bit with VB on this pregnancy thing..when it first came out, I thought something similar...why would a woman like jeannie find pregnancy unexpected...unless hers was from a Wraith..LOL...or maybe something happened to her husband, God forbid, that now she needs her brother...but why that would tie to SGA, I have no clue...unless we want to send Rodney to Earth for just doesn't add up to me...however, like LC..I hope that it's her or someone of a minor character...hey, maybe Ronon shacks it up with Ellia...or maybe Keller is ELLIA's WRAITH/HUMAN CHILD! John...I doubt it's John' realistically, he's been around the block...what if pregnant...Teer, Chaya, or Meira....anyone of those could be pregnant...but I doubt it would be John for the simple fact that he's the hero and if John now has a baby..this would change everything for his character..he may have failed as a husband..but he will not fail as a, this would change him completely and his role in Atlantis...I I don't think it's him.....

      Now, Teyla....*sighs* this would so upset me.....I mean, this is why I was so hesitant on the whole Teyla character arc....everytime you put too much emphasis on a character plot...I don't, this leaves me a bit puzzled, did'nt Mallozzi replied that Teyla's fans would be very pleased or happy with her story, VB...can you correct me on this, if I"m right, why would Mallozzi think that Teyla being pregnant with Wraith babies make us happy? Jeepers! but I don't think that the idea is far from the writers....CLICHE! so, Cliche! and so not what I wanted for Teyla...but there are some possible good things is it going to affect Teyla and will this turn her into a dark Teyla...and or will she leave Atlantis...and will this mean she will be out of the team for awhile...and how is this going to affect John and the could be interesting as far as some really good characterization for Teyla...but I doubt that it will be Teyla.....who knows....

      Now, what if Ronon has a baby somewhere....he's supposed to have an episode, Reunion, right? what if he has a kid somewhere that he never knew of? who knows....

      The only good thing of Teyla being pregnant would be that it would definetly bring some closeness and some feelings for her and with John
      .....I guess..I don't know what to think anymore! LOL


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        WOW! I leave for 24 hours and my girl
        is now pregnant with baby Wraith...jeepers, I did write I wanted, just goes to show you guys, be careful what you wish for....DANG IT, I NEVER WROTE WRAITH BABIES!


        Now, all these speculations....I didn't want to comment because, well because I just hate can take you anywhere and then you find out you were dead wrong....


        I'm a bit with VB on this pregnancy thing..when it first came out, I thought something similar...why would a woman like jeannie find pregnancy unexpected...unless hers was from a Wraith..LOL...or maybe something happened to her husband, God forbid, that now she needs her brother...but why that would tie to SGA, I have no clue...unless we want to send Rodney to Earth for just doesn't add up to me...however, like LC..I hope that it's her or someone of a minor character...hey, maybe Ronon shacks it up with Ellia...or maybe Keller is ELLIA's WRAITH/HUMAN CHILD! John...I doubt it's John' realistically, he's been around the block...what if pregnant...Teer, Chaya, or Meira....anyone of those could be pregnant...but I doubt it would be John for the simple fact that he's the hero and if John now has a baby..this would change everything for his character..he may have failed as a husband..but he will not fail as a, this would change him completely and his role in Atlantis...I I don't think it's him.....

        Now, Teyla....*sighs* this would so upset me.....I mean, this is why I was so hesitant on the whole Teyla character arc....everytime you put too much emphasis on a character plot...I don't, this leaves me a bit puzzled, did'nt Mallozzi replied that Teyla's fans would be very pleased or happy with her story, VB...can you correct me on this, if I"m right, why would Mallozzi think that Teyla being pregnant with Wraith babies make us happy? Jeepers! but I don't think that the idea is far from the writers....CLICHE! so, Cliche! and so not what I wanted for Teyla...but there are some possible good things is it going to affect Teyla and will this turn her into a dark Teyla...and or will she leave Atlantis...and will this mean she will be out of the team for awhile...and how is this going to affect John and the could be interesting as far as some really good characterization for Teyla...but I doubt that it will be Teyla.....who knows....

        Now, what if Ronon has a baby somewhere....he's supposed to have an episode, Reunion, right? what if he has a kid somewhere that he never knew of? who knows....

        The only good thing of Teyla being pregnant would be that it would definetly bring some closeness and some feelings for her and with John
        .....I guess..I don't know what to think anymore! LOL

        LOL, yeah who knows what will happen!

        The pregnant with wraith babies rumor was started by two J/W shippers of all things and in the same breath they said it was because John couldn't be the father because he would only want to father children with Weir. OY! So yeah, everyone's just throwing out speculations and no one knows anything. LOL! Remember, they were saying it all in jest. And now it's taken on a life of its own.

        Oh, and it didn't say it would be unexpected, nor do we know it's a pregnancy. All is simply says is "Parenthood for another."

        And yes, JM did say Teyla fans would be pleased with her story arc. Yay!

        We have absolutely no indication that this would be connected to Teyla having wraith babies. I still think it's a rather cliched and long stretch myself.

        Also remember, we still don't know if Rachel's "dark" comment was for the later half of season three or four. I had guessed season four, but we still don't know for sure.

        We don't know who the parenthood comment is about.

        We don't know what Teyla's story arc will be about, other than we may learn something of her father.

        We do know that her story should make us happy.

        And as a side note, we do know the whole baby thing has been done to death in fanfic.
        And we do know SG1 has already done the pregnancy thing for Vala and the adoption thing for Sam/Janet with Cassandra. So cliched they may be and already done, they do be. Let's hope they keep them that way. Well, I'm hoping at least.
        And yes, I know a lot of people think the writers just recycle old SG1 storylines, but also remember, both Joe F. and JM have commented that they are excited for the quality stories being produced so far for season four, especially now that the writer's aren't so split between shows. Supposedly, these will be the best yet!

        So to sum up, we know nothing. But at least it's got the thread hopping again. LOL!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by Jodi518 View Post
          i honestly don't know what to think...guess just wait until the months go by and wait for new spoilers.
          That sounds very wise, Jodi! I love speculating myself, but only to a certain point. I really should learn to just stay away from the rumors, LOL!

          Anyway, back to J/T! What episode are we on now anyway? Camy?! Anyone?! Did we finish Intruder or jump to Runner? I'm lost.
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            All this rumour-mongering and speculation. Thanks VB for the links and info by the way. And Twix huh? Hm

            Reading back, LC had my feelings on the issue nailed on pretty much here...

            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            simply refers to Jeannie and not to one of our main team members. I would just find it terribly cliche for one of their long lost children to make a sudden appearance. How many times has that been done?! So perhaps I am turning a blind eye, but I truly hope John's marriage comment in Sunday isn't a setup for some child of his to suddenly pop up. I would find that annoying. If it's not Jeannie, I would rather it be something like adoption, where through emotional events, one of them becomes attached to a child and ends up taking him/her under his/her wing. That is also a bit cliche, but more tolerable for me. And actually the two scenarios I wouldn't mind seeing this happen to would be Rodney, because of stated intolerance for children...the ironic would be classic!...or John, because of his seemingly difficulty with emotion. I think that could open a whole new realm for him. I wouldn't want to see Teyla adopted a child, that is just way too stereotypical and cliche, at least IMO! She's the most natural one to take on the tender mother role, therefore, I'd rather see it be one of the lesser obvious characters. But my ultimate preference would be it to just be Jeannie or one of the other minor characters and not our team. I want to see more focus on THEM first before we bring in more characters into the mix.

            Whatever happens, I do have enough faith in the writers to make it work. I'm happy for the most part with what they've done so far in the big picture!

            But for the need of something original and remember you heard this first from me.

            I think
            that it's John it applies to.

            And no i don't mean an adoption or a kid from his failed marriage he never knew he had.

            No, quite simply, John is pregnent, an experience which the current Governor of California can relate to.

            For it is SGA does Junior.

            Now i know we have some talented people in here, who can manip with the best of them, though if you can do that and make it look even half real, well....if i were wearing a hat, i'd take it off to you. Might be slightly humourous.

            And as for Teyla backstory in Season 4, i'll be brief and to the point [for i am in a rush and i'll tell you why in a minute], about bloody time!

            All this talk of pregnencies and parenthood is all very apt and uncannily so in a way, as today, is Mother's Day this side of the pond.

            I don't think it too much to ask, to have some detail on Teyla's mother as well as ehr father when it comes to S4, if at all possible.

            Now, having ignored the temptation of Carnations from a petrol/gas station foreocourt, i have be off, must be a good, dutiful son, this day of the year you know. Not that i am not the other 364 days mind. Remind that certian person that you did remember.

            Maybe when celebrate it stteside, May isn't it, it could be used as a pretext for JT debate with a motherly twist.
            Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 18 March 2007, 04:19 AM.


              Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
              All this rumour-mongering and speculation. Thanks VB for the links and info by the way. And Twix huh? Hm

              Reading back, LC had my feelings on the issue nailed on pretty much here...

              But for the need of something original and remember you heard this first from me.

              I think
              that it's John it applies to.

              And no i don't mean an adoption or a kid from his failed marriage he never knew he had.

              No, quite simply, John is pregnent, an experience which the current Governor of California can relate to.

              For it is SGA does Junior.

              Now i know we have some talented people in here, who can manip with the best of them, though if you can do that and make it look even half real, well....if i were wearing a hat, i'd take it off to you. Might be slightly humourous.

              And as for Teyla backstory in Season 4, i'll be brief and to the point [for i am in a rush and i'll tell you why in a minute], about bloody time!

              All this talk of pregnencies and parenthood is all very apt and uncannily so in a way, as today, is Mother's Day this side of the pond.

              I don't think it too much to ask, to have some detail on Teyla's mother as well as ehr father when it comes to S4, if at all possible.

              Now, having ignored the temptation of Carnations from a petrol/gas station foreocourt, i have be off, must be a good, dutiful son, this day of the year you know. Not that i am not the other 364 days mind. Remind that certian person that you did remember.

              Maybe when celebrate it stteside, May isn't it, it could be used as a pretext for JT debate with a motherly twist.
              LOL! Nick! You are too funny! Happy Mother's Day to Nick's Mum by the way.

              Just a quick stop by as I'll be gone for most of the day today. Have a Baby Dedication at church for my cousin's baby, then quick lunch with a friend, then a baby shower for another friend. More baby talk! LOL!

              Have a great day everyone!!!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                [B]Nick!!! Welcome back!!! We missed you!!! Sounds like you've had a roller coaster of a week! LOL! But it sounds like some good possibilities coming up for you. I hope your dream comes true!
                My Mom's doing better now, thanks for asking! It wasn't too serious this time around thank goodness!
                And ohh, you've got me intrigued by this mention of a fic from the Fantastic Four conversation...!!!!
                Thanks, though the void i leave is on its way to being microsopic i am sure. You on the otherhand or Camy or blue or one of the others, we're talking the Great Barrier Reef,m without the coral.

                The dream isn’t overflowing with excitement, but it may lead to some.

                Glad to hear that your mum's doing better now.

                Well i might do as blue suggested in regard to the F4 fic, if it is ever ready. I was hoping one might've turned up by now, chance i've missed it but even then, could be worth doing.

                [QUOTE=Camy;6456252]Nick...Nick...Nick......Guys, don't take this personal...but Nick you have to promise me something.....posters come and go in this thread...but I seem to still stick around....I"m going to have to work on that one...but promise me...that you will stick around while I"m just make me Laugh OUT LOUD!

                Oh I’ll try to, I want to setup a couple of forums sooner or later, and a new business venture is immanent, but they’ll all feel like work, at least in the beginning.

                Whereas this is nothing like that, it’d be a rare day if I came here and didn’t get that feel good feeling. Thanks to you and the others.

                [QUOTE=Camy;6456252]Your experience, WOW! I'm still laughing! [QUOTE=Camy;6456252]

                Must be more in the way i tell it rather than wht I do I think.

                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                Now, you have to explain this...of all the things you could have compared me with! A TURTLE! Now I keep thinking of poor Carson and his turtles...and to think that Rodney is the one taking care of them...*sighs*

                Missed You, Nick.....I sooo needed that laugh!
                I was referring to these fellas >>

                They are named after famous artists from history, Leonardi di Vinci, Michaelangelo e.t.c.

                I could’ve just said it directly, but I went for a quirky twist to it.

                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                and don't worry about the woman under the will or the other and if you're lucky, both!
                II’m putting it down to poor timing, and the weather.


                  NICK! I was looking at my hubbys' Far Side Calendar and it says that it's Mothers Sunday in I immediately thought of you...don't know why since you are not a mother....LOL...but my sentiments to good Nick's good to your mother everyday of the year, cause you only get one!

                  Now, Hmmmm...which artist would I be...I like Michaelangelo myself....but hey...I"m good!


                  STEPHIE! CYN! GUESS WHERE I"M GOING!? What have I wanted to do for the a past two weeks....? girls know!
                  WOOOHOO! hubby is taking me to the movies to see 300!


                  You realize now, I'll be interpreting the whole damn movie from Bue and Norena....*Dee's inspiration was brought on by a trailler from this movie* and then automatically, Bue and Norena refer me to, YUP, you guessed it, John and Teyla...jeepers...Dee, I hope you are happy!

        's my fic coming along, btw!

                  Um...I thought I'd share this here since some of you don't go to the Galleria...or you do but whatever....

                  It was for a challenge in the weekly SGA wall LJ....the challenge was in the line of duty! I thought I'd win something....but nada!

                  Finally, Stephie....I like how you worded are right, all speculations...I hope the writers do better..I mean, I"m not seriously opposed to the idea...but at the same time....I'd rather she get pregnant with John...OH, GOSH, did I just write that!

                  And, be careful with all those babies running around you could be contagious! Have fun! I want to read all about it...I"ll drown you with 300 when I come back...
                  OH, CRAP! Stephie, I CAN"T have RAISINETTS! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

                  How can I go to the movies and not have raisinettes!

                  Be good girl Camy!


                    I've been having another think about this parenthood thing and the more I think about it the more I hope its not going to happen for ANY of the main cast.

                    The thought of any wraith/human hybrid just seems ludicrous to me. What on earth could be achieved by having a wraith human child and if it is Michael what would he hope to gain. His experiments in Vengeance were to create an army to do his bidding - but what could a small baby do....

                    So I hope Teyla's arc has nothing to do with babies..

                    John again I just can't see any child popping up for him at all - how he is going to function with a child around - unless its grown up - but again thats seems too soap operish. As much as I'd like to see some angst for both Teyla and John baby stories are just too cliched as I've said before. I do agree with VB though that if its Jeannie then parenthood wouldn't really need to be mentioned as she is already a parent.. sigh.

                    If Teyla is pregnant - how will John react and if its a wraith daddy sheesh that definitely would cause angst - but again I can't see a wraith baby being introduced for any lenght of time so what happens to it??

                    JM did say that someone is courted by the enemy and someone will go to the dark side -- so could all these tie in. Definitely food for thought and more speculation...



                      YUP, my sentiments exactly, BLue.....that courting the enemy and then going to the dark side....OY!

                      Oh, today's episode...I think will be runner...I'm going to post those caps tonight after I see and jump for joy for seeing 300! woohooo!

                      You know it's sad when a grown woman like me is excited about going to the movies...


                        Whoa whoa whoa, back that one up.

                        You're going to see The 300? I had no idea it was already out in the States.

                        Nick is more than slightly jealous.

                        If you like the story [anyone here does] i can recommend an absolutely fantastic book or novel. It is called Gates of Fire and is by Steven Pressfield. It was supposed to be movie too, Universal had the rights, but The 300 beat them to the mark, as is evident.

                        Mind you, i love my historical fiction, so there is a bit of a bias but this author is right up there IMO.

                        Could be verging on paranoia here, but this parenthood speculation.
                        If it were to be Teyla and i do hope it is not, more so with a pregnancy, i could see it being used in time to at best, sideline her, and at worst, haver her leave.

                        Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                        A little question posed on the telyafen LJ was interesting I thought I would share and maybe expound on it. The question:

                        What do you think would be Teyla's iTunes/iPod playlist be for Teyla?
                        What would John have in his??

                        Post your list and upload songs if you wish!!!

                        I think as has been mentioned that Teyla would have lots of earthy types of music, but I also think her association w/the Lateans would result in a wider more diverse range of music. Remember we're talking Teyla and iPod if she has one she would *have* been influenced to carry it by someone...John, maybe - LOL.
                        Anyway, here's my list:
                        1. A collection of traditional Athosian ballards sung by the women and children of Athos. Recorded for her by Rodney to help her feel close to her people when she was away. (We all know Rodney's just a big softie - LOL).

                        2.Beautiful Disaster - Kelly Clarkston
                        3.Irreplacable - Beyonce
                        4.Pearls - Sade
                        5.Straight Up - Paula Abdu
                        6.What's Love Got to do w/it - Tina Turner
                        7.I am Woman - Helen Reddy
                        8.Folson Prison Blues - Johnny Cash
                        9.I Walk the Line - Johnny Cash
                        10.Within Attraction - Yanni
                        11.Miss Independent - Kelly Clarkston
                        12.Independent Woman - Destiny's Child
                        13.Man Eater - Hall and Oaks
                        14.This Kiss - Faith Hill
                        15.What Would Happen if We Kissed - Meredith Brooks
                        16.Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross and the Supremes
                        17.You Found Me - Kelly Clarkston
                        18.I Will Survive - Gloria Gainer
                        19.Respect - Aretha Franklin
                        20. Piano in the Dark - Brenda Russell
                        21. The complete musical score from Evita
                        22. When the Stars turn Blue - the Corrs w/Bono live in Dublin
                        23. Summer Wine - the Corrs w/Bono live in Dublin
                        24. The complete musical score from *Grease*
                        25. Jazz by David Benoit

                        A list as diverse as our girl herself.

                        And after the loss of:

                        Carson - I'm Alive by Nickleback

                        Will get back w/John's list. So, what are some of your ideas???
                        I dont' know about the ret of you, but i can also see her being drawn to World Music, Folky & Roots type music.

                        I'll be back later with some specifics, off out for a bit to eat.

                        Just quickly though, a few months ag, DANIquinn did a JT vid with the sond What You Never Know on it, it was by Hayley Westenra. Well, she has a new album out called Treasure. In caee anyone here liked her music and was interested, thought i'd give you the heads up.

                        Later all, enjoy your Sundays.


                          Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post

                          Could be verging on paranoia here, but this parenthood speculation.
                          If it were to be Teyla and i do hope it is not, more so with a pregnancy, i could see it being used in time to at best, sideline her, and at worst, haver her leave.
                          I don't think so Nick - I really feel that the tpb have realised the the core of Atlantis is the team and can't see them making any changes to that. I think they realise that Teyla has so much potential and I'm optimistic that they intend to use this potential for many seasons to come.


                            I have to agree with you blue...the team is the core for me...and aside from great storylines it's the one things that keep my intrest... and I also think it would be easier to balance stories then they don't have to serve out for so many main characters... with only 4 I think it would be easier and then make the others who are recurring being there when needed... becasue lets face it... like Teyla and Ronon I have felt had to take the backburner at times because they needed to have Weir or Beckett since they were main characters... and for me they weren't even on team...that they yes was a part of the "family" but for me that doesn't make them in the team in my eyes.. and I think in season 4 they might be able to focus more on them...

                            And then the whole parenthood...
                            I don't want it to be John...that would just be one of the more cliched stuff that I've seen done to death...and the whole Teyla and wraith baby...hell I sure hope not... and would only need to think Vala and then groan since that storyline would do nothing for me just as it does nothing to me on SG1... yes it could bring angst.. but there are so many other and better ways to do that..not use something so cliche and not do something that has been done on SG1...why give everyone of them that do complain SGA does nothing but copy SG1 even more fuel... so no thanks I hope the writers come up with a better storyline if they want angst... then also I'm not even sure I could see Teyla wanting that baby if she knew she was experimented on and knowing it's a wraith (IMO).. come to think of it...this is a storyline I haven't just seen on SG1...heck I've seen it done on the 80's series V too... so no thanks not again...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              I have to agree with you blue...the team is the core for me...and aside from great storylines it's the one things that keep my intrest... and I also think it would be easier to balance stories then they don't have to serve out for so many main characters... with only 4 I think it would be easier and then make the others who are recurring being there when needed... becasue lets face it... like Teyla and Ronon I have felt had to take the backburner at times because they needed to have Weir or Beckett since they were main characters... and for me they weren't even on team...that they yes was a part of the "family" but for me that doesn't make them in the team in my eyes.. and I think in season 4 they might be able to focus more on them...

                              And then the whole parenthood...
                              I don't want it to be John...that would just be one of the more cliched stuff that I've seen done to death...and the whole Teyla and wraith baby...hell I sure hope not... and would only need to think Vala and then groan since that storyline would do nothing for me just as it does nothing to me on SG1... yes it could bring angst.. but there are so many other and better ways to do that..not use something so cliche and not do something that has been done on SG1...why give everyone of them that do complain SGA does nothing but copy SG1 even more fuel... so no thanks I hope the writers come up with a better storyline if they want angst... then also I'm not even sure I could see Teyla wanting that baby if she knew she was experimented on and knowing it's a wraith (IMO).. come to think of it...this is a storyline I haven't just seen on SG1...heck I've seen it done on the 80's series V too... so no thanks not again...

                              More parenthood speculation..

                              I'm still hoping that no babies will be involved in ANY story line .. lol


                              the thing that has me thinking that there may be a teeeny weeeny bit of credence to it, is that in JM's poem he says that someone is courted by the enemy and someone also goes to the dark side. SO... a big IF .. if it is Teyla and she is somehow courted by Michael and ends up pregnant!! then this could push John over the edge, where he goes to the dark side. We all know that he has a dark side so it may be a possibility.!!!


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                More parenthood speculation..

                                I'm still hoping that no babies will be involved in ANY story line .. lol


                                the thing that has me thinking that there may be a teeeny weeeny bit of credence to it, is that in JM's poem he says that someone is courted by the enemy and someone also goes to the dark side. SO... a big IF .. if it is Teyla and she is somehow courted by Michael and ends up pregnant!! then this could push John over the edge, where he goes to the dark side. We all know that he has a dark side so it may be a possibility.!!!

                                Then I think it would have to be an experiment,,I can't see Teyla going for Michael after what he has done... for her to be pointing out over and over before ,,,they are Wraith..well what ever Michael is ,,he is still a large part Wraith and to go for him well that would just go against anything that Teyla has said in the past.. so I rather don't see it at all...
                                John having a dark side... are you sure?? *lol* kidding...of course the guy has a dark side we have seen it come out in small portions but to go all over the edge..well then I can imagine they guy would become dangerous... wouldn't wanna be his enemy then...
                                Sigs by Scifan

