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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    You sure made me giggle...could almost see John's look on his face when she did that and told him that in the end... *lol*
    Thanx, I'm glad you liked it. Man, I'm tired from posting all those pics.


      Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
      Thanx, I'm glad you liked it. Man, I'm tired from posting all those pics.
      Well they were great all the glances they have been giving eachother over the years...
      Sigs by Scifan


        has anyone else been on the vengence thread theres such silly uproar about how much cleveage was shown in the micheal and teyla scene its daft u would think noboby had seen somebodys cleavage before
        Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


          Fly by Icon!

          I've got more Stargate (non Sheyla) here:
          It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


            Well if we're talking glances, i feel we've got to have some TLG on show.


            I thiink there is one in particular from Phantoms that stands out, hmm, have to find the caps for that ep.

            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
            has anyone else been on the vengence thread theres such silly uproar about how much cleveage was shown in the micheal and teyla scene its daft u would think noboby had seen somebodys cleavage before
            You're kidding?

            Some people on here, i dunno, i really don't. lol

            aaobuttons, oh, cheers for that.
            Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 02 February 2007, 03:16 PM.


              aaobuttons - Great icon

              Donna - I know I've read that too in the epi thread... it's just so silly... I mean come on.. it's like she is the only female on any show that would show skin or having cleavage... I mean sheez it's such a common thing today ,,, even in real life... it's nothing to make such a big deal out of it...
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                has anyone else been on the vengence thread theres such silly uproar about how much cleveage was shown in the micheal and teyla scene its daft u would think noboby had seen somebodys cleavage before
                I pretty much just started laughing when I read that stuff, I really don't see what the problem is.

                Some people are acting like it happens in every episode...


                  Originally posted by Lady_of_Stargate View Post
                  I pretty much just started laughing when I read that stuff, I really don't see what the problem is.

                  Some people are acting like it happens in every episode...
                  I stopped reading the thread when folks began to swear off SGA because they didn’t mention Carson during the episode. Nothing that comes from there surprises me.

                  Anywho, made a collection of sigs and decided to post them:



                    Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                    I stopped reading the thread when folks began to swear off SGA because they didn’t mention Carson during the episode. Nothing that comes from there surprises me.

                    Anywho, made a collection of sigs and decided to post them:


                    I really like these Devine



                      Devine - I laready said this in the galleria but the sigs are really great ones...really cool..
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                        Guess what! I was clearing out some unfinished fics on my computer and came across something kind of interesting. A long time ago I wrote a story called Have A Seat. I had every intention of finishing the story, but another idea came to me and I let it drop. This would have been chapter 3.............

                        Self Preservation (Warning: Some language)

                        (A.K.A. The Chicken Dance)

                        Click, clack.
                        “What is a rack?”

                        Sheppard’s ass was on fire, but that wasn’t his main concern. Teyla had just asked him a loaded question and followed it up with a stinging blow. He stood there rubbing his backside, hoping that the question would just go away. Man, I really walked into that one. He took a quick peek out of the corner of his eye and saw Teyla patiently waiting for a reply. $hit! He couldn’t answer, not unless he wanted her to pummel him into the ground. But, if he lied and she found out later….? He shook his head. She’d still beat him silly. Think, just think. You can talk your way out of this. Sheppard opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He took another quick peek at Teyla. Okay, pray. Prayer might be a little better.
                        Sheppard’s head snapped around.
                        “Will you not answer my question?”
                        He stalled.
                        “I’m sorry Teyla, what did you ask?”
                        “I asked what you meant when you said I had a nice rack?”
                        No you didn’t! He specifically remembered her asking what a rack was. Sheppard stared at Teyla. Was that a smirk? She raised an eyebrow in question. He sighed. No, maybe not. It looked as if he was going to have to sweat it out and tell the truth. And take his beating like a man.
                        “Well,” he cleared his throat, “some words, when used in a certain context, can mean a variety of different things…”

                        Teyla watched him squirm. He was really cute when he tried to talk his way out of something; the innocent eyes and the silly smile. She almost felt sorry for him. Almost. She’d nearly lost it when she saw the look of surprise on his face at her altered question. The one he supposedly hadn’t heard. Teyla knew what he meant by the term, or rather she had a good idea. She’d heard more than enough snide remarks from conversations and watched enough Earth movies to figure it out. John’s reaction only confirmed it. She’d already made the decision to let him off the hook in a minute or two, but for now she’d let him suffer.

                        Sheppard was having problems breathing. It felt as if the room temperature had gone up at least thirty degrees. He could feel the sweat running down his back. He wasn’t going to make it. He’d already blushed about three times and the word ‘goner’ wouldn’t seem to stop flashing across his mind. This wasn’t going as well as he’d hoped.

                        After the fourth blush Teyla decided to give him a break. She stepped close to John placing her hands on her hips. Teyla took a deep breath and slightly arched her back. Sheppard’s words ground to a halt. He glanced briefly down at her chest before quickly returning his gaze to her face. He waited.
                        “John, if you think I have nice breasts, all you have to do is say so.”
                        Sheppard’s mouth fell open.
                        Teyla arched one brow.
                        Sheppard closed his mouth. He wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t going to say anything at all. Self preservation told him it was safer just to remain silent.

                        Not as funny as the first two, I know. But it still made me giggle. Hope you liked it.

                        I loved this story and it was a great follow-up to part 2. I did tell you that I love that WHOLE SERIES didn't I ?? When I want a good JT fix it's what I read(in fact reread Growth just the other night ). Thanks D, for sharing this now I need to go back and read it all together - LOL.



                          Thanx NinaM and jtjaforever. Please feel free to add to the dictionary if a photo inspires you. It can be really fun.


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            GIRL! I LOVE IT!

                            YOU have to post that in HAVE TO!

                            that is BRILLIANT!

                            *claps madly*

                            bows to the master!

                            Okay...I have a present for Cyn...but it's to be shared with everyone cause today's word of the day.......Oh, man...I got the day wrong....Today's word is Glance....

                            So, here....he's glancing at someone....guess who this little chicky is...JT..CYN, I found JT!

                            This is from the wonderful manips of slodwich....go and check out all of her work...she has excellent stuff especially some JT manips and others...mostly of John though....

                            leave her some comment she's great!

                            and now...voila..Little JT with Daddy!

                            Camy been off line most of the day - but this brought the first REAL smile for the day. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS W/ME . I think I may be a little inspired...plot bunnies do your thing - LOL.



                              Silly me, I almost forgot the most obvious one………



                                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                                Silly me, I almost forgot the most obvious one………

                                Ah yes how could you forget that one... *lol* it..
                                Sigs by Scifan

