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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
    OMG ALI outed herself as a shipper!!!!
    ok well my turn then....having spoken via PMs about sheyla vs sparky with the lovely NINA on here, she totally convinced me of sheyla....ive especially noticed it in the latter episodes the ARK and was obvious to me that in sunday
    the ship was shep/teyla...her comments to dr housten and then him and ronon talking about obvious! the scene in the infirmary was beautiful, as usual teyla got through to john's emotions, her asking how he was and then him finally admitting it hadnt hit him yet, and at the funeral i noticed when shep was walking towards carson's coffin *cries* that teyla was watching john

    there have been some beautiful moments between them this season- sateda and phantoms for instance, and going back and watching the older episodes, im like why didnt i notice this before???
    Their growing bond is beautiful to watch, i could so see them eventually getting together.

    so here i am, a shep whumper/thunker and yes a sheyla fan!!

    Love this thread, ive been lurking for a while enjoying all the talk, but now is a perfect chance to delurk i feel!!

    Cant wait for the next episode, lets hope for some good sheyla/moments!!
    Oh, this is so exciting! Welcome to the J/T thread as well, Roo! Shippers or friendshippers of all sorts are always welcome! And that's awesome you're noticing more and more J/T! Yay!

    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      Oh, well said Sel!!!! I love how you show how logically obvious the J/T hints in Sunday were. It's beyond me how people can say they still don't see them after this.
      But I figure all that denial in the episode thread is ironically only helping us out in the end. Martin meant to show ship in this episode without going over the top. All that denial means they'll have to work that much harder to subtly show it. Apparently they can do a whole heck of a lot more since even this much still doesn't show it to people as they intended.
      I have to laugh when some say that they can't see any John/Teyla in Sunday but they see Carson/Teyla. Well of course some just don't want to see it even if it smacks them in the face but for me this was the most obvious John/Teyla ship episode.
      Ronan can see it and he hangs out with both John and Teyla all the time . John's reaction to seeing Teyla hurt just pretty much summed up exactly how he feels about her. When have we ever seen John lose his cool like this before.



        WooHoo! Alipeeps and Rootortoise both took the red pill......ur........saw the light and came over to the side. WOO! HOO!

        Originally posted by FORUM DUDE View Post
        Lol, hey you almost had me going there--niiiiiice one
        I'm a little stinker, ain't I?


          Roo so lovley to finally see you delurk...

          Yes we did have some intresting things discussing on PM a little while back...

          I never sought out ship in Atlantis... but John/Teyla just drew me in,,, they have the subtle gentle sparking air around them that just made me intrested in them and seeing things develop between them....

          It's intresting to see that you are discovering stuff from past episodes as well now Roo...

          And welcome to Ali too...nice to see you here too...
          Sigs by Scifan


            A bit OT – I was strolling the threads and stopped to peek at the S/W Thread, many are disheartened with the change in Torri’s character status and……
            the new beau from Sunday

            I can sympathize with them because if the shoe were on the other foot I think we’d all be pretty upset.

            Maybe they can change the name of the show to Atlantis – Big Love and John could have a wife at each pier: South/Teyla, North/Elizabeth, West/Sam and East/New Doc (Jewel). No? Teyla would break his arms, you say? Oh well, it was just a thought.

            Anyway, what I really wanted to say was how proud I am of you folks. In the past, things have gotten rather ugly between shippers when highly anticipated episodes were aired and so far, so good. SO, keep up the good work and if you feel the urge to gush or squee over J/T please post it here.

            *gathers index cards and steps back from podium*

            Back to topic at hand………


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Hi Ali! Welcome to the J/T thread! And thank you so much for the links to your stories! Just read them both and WOW, I am speechless. Absolutely gorgeous. Well done! I left you a review. Thank you!

              Awwwww thanks honey! *blushes*

              Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
              WooHoo! Alipeeps and Rootortoise both took the red pill......ur........saw the light and came over to the side. WOO! HOO!
              Love it!


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Roo so lovley to finally see you delurk...

                Yes we did have some intresting things discussing on PM a little while back...

                I never sought out ship in Atlantis... but John/Teyla just drew me in,,, they have the subtle gentle sparking air around them that just made me intrested in them and seeing things develop between them....

                It's intresting to see that you are discovering stuff from past episodes as well now Roo...

                And welcome to Ali too...nice to see you here too...
                Thanks for the welcomes LOVECONQUERS, BLUEALIEN, DEVINE27 and of course the lovely NINA!!!! Yep noticing a lot of sheyla these days!! season 3 especially, watching their bond grow more and more has been a beautiful thing to watch!



                  Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                  Thanks for the welcomes LOVECONQUERS, BLUEALIEN, DEVINE27 and of course the lovely NINA!!!! Yep noticing a lot of sheyla these days!! season 3 especially, watching their bond grow more and more has been a beautiful thing to watch!

                  Yes season 3 has been wonderful for the lovely couple... I have truly loved seeing the bond between them grow... and for me truly shows even that he deeply cares for his team and react when someone is in danger,,,but I see a difference in him towards Teyla... he react way more.. and he loses the control over his emotions that usually are in check...

                  I have loved all their moments ever since Rising... which I of course already saw the sparks and the start of their journey together... the trust started already building there... Teyla somehow managed to reach him already there... and attract him *lol* and he earned her trust in that episode... he may have gone back for his people,, BUT the major thing is that he adressed and asked Teyla is she was okay,,,the first of many times to come in the series where he has asked her that...

                  Even in 38 minutes he showed concern for her even if it was him that had it the worst... he already showed early on that he cared ... and since then they have gotten a more deeper bond...and in season 3 I feel they are on a road to something more...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post

                    Yes season 3 has been wonderful for the lovely couple... I have truly loved seeing the bond between them grow... and for me truly shows even that he deeply cares for his team and react when someone is in danger,,,but I see a difference in him towards Teyla... he react way more.. and he loses the control over his emotions that usually are in check...

                    I have loved all their moments ever since Rising... which I of course already saw the sparks and the start of their journey together... the trust started already building there... Teyla somehow managed to reach him already there... and attract him *lol* and he earned her trust in that episode... he may have gone back for his people,, BUT the major thing is that he adressed and asked Teyla is she was okay,,,the first of many times to come in the series where he has asked her that...

                    Even in 38 minutes he showed concern for her even if it was him that had it the worst... he already showed early on that he cared ... and since then they have gotten a more deeper bond...and in season 3 I feel they are on a road to something more...
                    I agree Nina - their journey started back in 38 minutes and it has been wonderful watching their connection grow thoughout the seasons. Season three has shown how they are becoming so much closer to one another. They not only rely on each other when on the team, but also spend a lot of their downtime in each others company. It really is a joy to see them together. They seem to light up when around each other and also share an emotional bond that we have not seen between anyone else.

                    They share so many looks that say so much more than words, and they are always there to support one another.




                      WELCOME ROO!!! that like Kangaroo??

                      Well i hope the season continues to convince you of your choice!
                      -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                      Thanks Camy!!


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        I agree Nina - their journey started back in 38 minutes and it has been wonderful watching their connection grow thoughout the seasons. Season three has shown how they are becoming so much closer to one another. They not only rely on each other when on the team, but also spend a lot of their downtime in each others company. It really is a joy to see them together. They seem to light up when around each other and also share an emotional bond that we have not seen between anyone else.

                        They share so many looks that say so much more than words, and they are always there to support one another.


                        thanks for the great pics...

                        I agree...their looks speak a whole lot more then the words at times...

                        Look at John's facial expression and his eyes when Teyla gets out of the game of golf...he knew what she was doing but let her off the hook...*lol* maybe he'll punish her and teach her golf another time,,,with no one else around

                        Then when Ronon stated about him and me the surprised look was like *Am I THAT obvious* and he had the time to say ,,no we are just friends, there is nothing between us...but NOTHING...he hardly knew what to say ,,, and he tried to play like he didn't know what Ronon was talking about it...but the look kind of gave the vibe of him being busted...
                        Ronon spends so much time with him and John if anyone he would notice if something went on there...just look at what he did in The Return 1...he backed away from them giving them their personal space in the gateroom when they said goodbye...he knows alright...

                        Then that whole thing was shown just how much she truly means to him... his facial expression when seeing her injured...he lost the control there...he usually never shows emotions in an overdo fashion,,,but he lost his cool here..raising his voice in panic and fear... just the way he froze at the spot when Carson didn't answer him the second time...

                        Then the infirmary touching,, so heart breaking,, but oh so lovely... how she is yet again the one to break through to him... he feels like he can truly reveal things about himself..he can BE himself around her... she has seen him at his worst.. she's been right there when everything went on around him... the looks between them... the support they give eachother...

                        The scene in the gateroom...John's eyes straying over before going over to the casket... yes he could very well have looked at the guys telling them it's time,,but he eyes kind of strayed a little downwards like looking at Teyla..she is shorter then the guys after all *lol*
                        And then seeing how Teyla's eyes follow his movements when he walks to take his's like she needs to watch him,,needs to know that he is able to hold it together,,she needs to know if he is okay...

                        To tell the truth it would be very believeble if Teyla would be there with him when it finally hits him... I don't think he would even wanna let anyone see him break down... he would lock himself in his quarters... but I think the only one he would let in would be just feels right someone for her being the one there for him... (so no wonder I truly saw what Ali told with her story.. World of hurt: Loss)

                        Okay that got long *lol* but I hope for more great J/T moments in the rest of the season and in season 4....
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                          WELCOME ROO!!! that like Kangaroo??

                          Well i hope the season continues to convince you of your choice!
                          its a reference to Roo in Winnie the pooh! hehe and Thanks for the welcome!!!see youre all so lovely on here!!!

                          i have no doubt in my mind that ive made the right shipper choice now, the ark and sunday definately confirmed it to me and im sure the rest of the season will have some great shippy moments!!!

                          Cant wait for submersion next!!!!



                            Is it me or did Teyla's personality and voice change this season? Before she was very serious and her voice seemed a little deep.
                            Then when I saw Sunday (thank God for youtube) she seemed so bubbly and her voice sounded more girly, epecially around shep

                            Maybe im just crazy



                              Originally posted by mishy91 View Post
                              Is it me or did Teyla's personality and voice change this season? Before she was very serious and her voice seemed a little deep.
                              Then when I saw Sunday (thank God for youtube) she seemed so bubbly and her voice sounded more girly, epecially around shep

                              Maybe im just crazy

                              You're not crazy, lol! I noticed that too, it seems to me like Rachel is putting a little bit of her own personality into Teyla, I love it!


                                hi there, Im a recent convert to Sheyla!! its now so clear.

                                I made a vid for sheyla with big spoilers right up to SUNDAY, if you're interested


