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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by seldear View Post
    Wow. Sounds amazing!

    WAH! CARSON! *weeps*

    Okay, I'm presuming Majortrip gave us pretty much a scene-by-scene...

    Is it just me, or does this episode almost go out of its way to bust a couple of the relationship-oriented fan theories?

    John and Rodney as best friends. (John's shown hanging out with Ronon, Rodney admits Carson as his best friend.)

    Rodney as gay. (Rodney's date with Katie and his desire for marriage to a woman.)

    Ronon as sexin' Atlantis up. (Still not over his wife, although the bisexual reference from John was interesting.)

    And yes, I'd say that John/Teyla and John/Elizabeth are in there, too. (With John's admission that he's not after anyone in Atlantis.)

    Sure, the way the scenes seem to be aligned - Ronon's reference to John and Teyla in the context of marriage (suggesting it's far enough gone that he thinks of it in commitment terms, and not just sex), John's stutter, then his (over-?)concern about Teyla - suggests a John/Teyla focus, but that's a contextual reference, not a textual one.

    A lack of John/Elizabeth interaction? I'm not sure if Majortrip avoided mentioning anything of this, or if there truly were no scenes between John and Elizabeth about her dating someone...

    At any rate, it definitely sounds like a fascinating episode!

    Thank you so much, majortrip and LoveConquers for putting together what you did and sharing it with us!

    Good summary, Sel! LOL! And about J/T:

    You're exactly right, none of it was of course textual. We knew that would be the case. But I am very happy with the contextual and with the subtext we got in this ep. For me, it was more John and Ronon's conversation than anything that made it more obvious. I know some will say John said there's no one there for him on Atlantis, but it was purely and obviously deflection. John grinned and blushed when Ronon said Teyla's name. And Ronon's knowing grin said it all back. It was totally like two teenage boys. What's that expression? "Me thinks he doth protest too much." So it was actually handled very well. Enough to make some shippy hints, but also enough to keep it beneath the surface for however long they choose.
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      Good summary, Sel! LOL! And about J/T:

      You're exactly right, none of it was of course textual. We knew that would be the case. But I am very happy with the contextual and with the subtext we got in this ep.
      So am I, Steph. So am I!

      *glees and weeps simultaneously*



        Some caps for Sunday. I don't know why they're so small. I imagine Wikked will be along tomorrow with some super duper big ones, but ...


        Mike Branton, Noah Wyle. Noah Wyle, Mike Branton.

        Mike Branton you say?

        Teyla tells Sheppard she's having lunch with Elizabeth.

        ...with one arm hopping one one foot. ROFL!

        "Well, Teyla...well..."

        "Is she gonna be alright?"

        Dress blues Shep!

        "It hasn't hit me yet."

        "I feel a great sadness."

        Something's wrong with my player. Bring on the big pretty ones!
        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by seldear View Post
          So am I, Steph. So am I!

          *glees and weeps simultaneously*


          LOL! Yeah, that about sums it up.

          Oh, I forgot to mention. Ronon calls John by his first name for the first time too!

          Trippy, thanks so much for the caps!!!!! You are awesome!!!!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            hi everybody...this is my first time in this thread...

            i've been all over in JF/JS thread and before i decided to get into this thread, i was trying to get clear pic about the shipping thing...whether it's J/T or J/E ....

            and considering JS character and all...I found I like J/T much better....coz I think they're really cute together....I can really see that they share unspoken bond...strange chemistry that some people might find it's just a normal long as I knew...JS never try to flirt with TE....and for me....that's really fits JS character...coz he won't try to do something like that to someone he cares deeply or in other words someone he likes more than just friends unless he's really sure he wants everybody to know his feeling towards that person which is very rare, especially with Teyla. I noticed that JS becomes uncomfortable or nervous when talking about relationship with Teyla, he's becoming very cautious.

            Some people say JS has a lot of chemistry with EW coz he's flirting a lot with her and vice versa....but for me looking into Sheppard character, that's just because he sees her as his really good friend. And from the way I see looks like EW more into JS than JS to EW...the way she looks at's a crush...but the way he looks at's flirty kind of look or...the harsh word is look of a jerk (oops sorry!)

            But to Teyla....he always give her this warm look...."I lost words" look...

            What I like about the whole thing is....the actors, the writers, the directors, etc are brilliant enough to make the shipping things come and go in the dialogues but we still can see the essence of it through unspoken words that the actors made on the variuos's very cool....

            And ..... I love the fanfics y'all wrote....espcially about J/T....they did showed me more's way fitted better John and Teyla than John and's's more unique....

            Well, finally I have to admit that i am becoming a J/T shipper now....whew!!!


              Originally posted by majortrip View Post
              Some caps for Sunday. I don't know why they're so small. I imagine Wikked will be along tomorrow with some super duper big ones, but ...


              Mike Branton, Noah Wyle. Noah Wyle, Mike Branton.

              Mike Branton you say?

              Teyla tells Sheppard she's having lunch with Elizabeth.

              ...with one arm hopping one one foot. ROFL!

              "Well, Teyla...well..."

              "Is she gonna be alright?"

              Dress blues Shep!

              "It hasn't hit me yet."

              "I feel a great sadness."

              Something's wrong with my player. Bring on the big pretty ones!
              Ah thanks a lot for posting those and so soon after as well, hey're more than good enough small or not, cheers.

              LC, Sel,

              I think your assessment of what should be taken out of Sunday, JT wise, is spot on, totally agree. Beforehand, i did wonder that with all the anticipation and what was hoped of Sunday, how could it possibly meet them, well it sounds like it certainly did that.

              Can't wait to see it, this Tuesday is going well indeed, if you ignore the dull and grey weather.
              Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 16 January 2007, 01:13 AM.


                Originally posted by gatinha View Post
                Well, finally I have to admit that i am becoming a J/T shipper now....whew!!!
                Hey gatinha, welcome to the thread!

                As they say, admission is the first step towards cure - that is, if you really have a disease in the first place! *grins*

                Hope you stick around and make friends!



                  As they say, admission is the first step towards cure - that is, if you really have a disease in the first place! *grins*

                  Hope you stick around and make friends!


                  thank's...and i'll stick around...


                    Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                    Conclusion of Sunday

                    McKay is packing up Carson's room. Ronon asks if he needs help, and McKay says hs remains are being sent to Earth and that he would speak to Carson's mom.. He feels incredibly guilty for not having gone fishing with him.

                    OMG, Shep in dress blues!!!!!!!! He goes to see Teyla in the infirmary. She wants to go to the service, but she's in great pain. They share another moment like in The Ark. She asks how he's doing and he says he's not looking forward to when it hits him. She says she's sad. She wants to walk, and Shep helps her to the service. VERY lovely scene, with all the looks we've grown accustomed to.

                    Elizabeth does the eulogy (sp?) and everyone is close to tears. They have a piper. They carry his casket through the gate.

                    At the very end, Rodney is talking to Carson's spirit, and tells him his family is amazing. Carson says it's good to hear the church was full, lol. Rodney tells Carson he's the closest thing to a best friend he's ever had, and says he's sorry for not going with him. They say goodbye, and Carson diappears.

                    Holy cow! That was great!
                    Thanks MT/LC for the wonderful spoilers. For once I'm off tonight and instead of sleeping I'm at this computer reading up on Sunday. So far major hands up have been note I'm read. Some things I noted in the postings:


                    1. Sure enough, it was true, poor Carson is dead . I love Carson and the actor that plays him - they will be missed. Fortunately in SciFi ( as in soap operas) no one stays dead for ever. As was mentioned on one thread, he could have ascended - he does have the ATG naturally although not as strong as Shep's and the ancient women were always hitting on him in hopes of his ascension(but then again, we are talking about John).

                    2. The bit about Teyla speaking to a woman & confessing her *feelings* about someone was confirmed - yay ! - but the who was not(it was noted somewhere that it was thought to be Elizabeth). I have to agree 2/LC when she saids that the fact that it is different for her people to appoach relationships in that way to an Earth woman must mean she was referencing someone from *Earth*. Some may say - it could have been the mystery marine from M&MM, but the mention that Teyla *knows* this person well seems to point in the direction of John. Also to note that Rachel has mention in recent interviews the confirmation of sorts of a long *hinted at* relationship that had been spanning the seasons. Along w/this I feel there is a confirmation of what we have noted from the beginning. J/T -is & was meant to be cannon. Now what they do with this from this point on esp. in light of the recent news about AT coming on board remains to be seen, but if they continue the slow progression toward building this relationship it would work for me(not as much as I like, but it would work). The up side to that is in doing it this way when the relationship is finally *fully* aknowledged by both, the audience will know that both are trully committed to the relationship & each other expounding on their already close and trusting relationship.

                    3. John married before. I can believe that it would be good reason for his being closed in his relationships and even maybe an answer to his *kirking* in S3. If he was starting to feel he was getting too close to Teyla maybe that was a way of distancing himself. With the events of Sateda(the lost of a close friend and what he really means to him ) may have given him the push to be more open, less guarded about his feelings. Also we have seen the growing sense of family in S3 & w/Teyla he was not only immediately attracted to her(very differently from the others we have observed) but trusted her and that speaks volumes esp. for a man that has been so emotionally detach for sometime as his BS has hinted. And big yahoo - more BS on Shep and extra added bonus!! - this ep really rocked it seem.

                    3. Ronon celibate. I would have not thought that, but I didn't pin him as being a *player* either. Ronon is very *loyal* & *committed* when it comes to people he choses to *let* get close to him. After Sateda I could understand why he would be hestiant about having another relationship even though it may have been awhile. Even when he was on the run, the thought of him casually taking advantage is also a no-no IMO, because remember how upset he got when he realized what his staying did to those people and what that girls kindness costed her. That scene alone showed that it was/is not in Ronon's nature to treat relationships lightly. As for the little bit about a guy(the slashers may have a hayday w/that one. May feel Shep was asking for himself. Don't hump ya'll you know I'm right ), but I think that was just guy talk and Ronon's & John's usual dry humor they use when around each other.

                    4. Liz's new man. Browsed the other thread(you know which) and many aren't happy w/this ep. However, they did like the Mike guy and even posted a cap of him. Not bad on the eye from what I could see(would have been better w/out the beard) and looked as if he worked out a little too(could see a little be of pack there under the tee). I could see Liz's attraction -smart, sexy and interested in her - what woman wouldn't be. And Liz is a *woman* at least that is what we have been shouting at TPTB about her and Teyla's characters and the need to build on that. It was nice to note in the spoilers that Teyla and Liz had a girl's day off planned. That was encouraging to see that TPTB were moving toward trying to connect these woman together on a more intimate level of friendship. It is also sad in light of the recent news about Torri's character, but I wouldn't go there.

                    5. Rodney - David said in an interview I read the other night that this was going to be a very emotional ep for his character esp in light of his relationship w/the character of Carson and his relationship w/Paul. Both would impact how this story played out and what I've read so far that seems to be true. I hate to see such a sad conclusion to their relationship but the fact that he seems to be speaking to the *spirit* of Carson may support what I mentioned earlier. If this is the case then it is reasonable to see Carson again as a recurring character even if in this sense. Who knows Rodney may find some way to reintegrate his DNA from some new Ancient device they come across - hey don't laugh this IS SCI-FI. Admit it you guys watch this stuff because the unbelievable can be made believable in the context of science and technobabble(that's my story and II'm sticking to it ).

                    Okay, enough of this, I'm off to do other things since I'm awake. Later gang and thanks again Steph and Trippy for the hightlights , cann't wait to see for myself.

                    Have a great day all,


                      Some caps for Sunday. I don't know why they're so small. I imagine Wikked will be along tomorrow with some super duper big ones, but ...
                      it's nice caps....can't wait to watch it.....


                        Originally posted by gatinha View Post
                        Well, finally I have to admit that i am becoming a J/T shipper now....whew!!!
                        Hello there gatinha! Welcome to JT goodness Hope you stick around and have a great time here.

                        And as for Sunday;

                        On the one hand; WHAAAAAAA!!!!! *sobs* CARSON NOOOOOOO!!!!!! *falls to the floor in a very meloncholy manner and weeps self dry*
                        And on the other; OMG YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! It sounds so wonderful! I can't WAIT to see this now! Ahhhh!!! *jumps up and down and starts singing random tunes* Goooooo JT!!!

                        Thanks for the lovely caps and the FANTASTIC summaries trippy and Steph! Absoultely fantastic! I can't wait to see the convo between John and Ronan... Woooow!

                        Last edited by Just_breathing; 16 January 2007, 01:24 AM.
                        Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


                          Originally posted by gatinha View Post
                          hi everybody...this is my first time in this thread...

                          i've been all over in JF/JS thread and before i decided to get into this thread, i was trying to get clear pic about the shipping thing...whether it's J/T or J/E ....

                          and considering JS character and all...I found I like J/T much better....coz I think they're really cute together....I can really see that they share unspoken bond...strange chemistry that some people might find it's just a normal long as I knew...JS never try to flirt with TE....and for me....that's really fits JS character...coz he won't try to do something like that to someone he cares deeply or in other words someone he likes more than just friends unless he's really sure he wants everybody to know his feeling towards that person which is very rare, especially with Teyla. I noticed that JS becomes uncomfortable or nervous when talking about relationship with Teyla, he's becoming very cautious.

                          Some people say JS has a lot of chemistry with EW coz he's flirting a lot with her and vice versa....but for me looking into Sheppard character, that's just because he sees her as his really good friend. And from the way I see looks like EW more into JS than JS to EW...the way she looks at's a crush...but the way he looks at's flirty kind of look or...the harsh word is look of a jerk (oops sorry!)

                          But to Teyla....he always give her this warm look...."I lost words" look...

                          What I like about the whole thing is....the actors, the writers, the directors, etc are brilliant enough to make the shipping things come and go in the dialogues but we still can see the essence of it through unspoken words that the actors made on the variuos's very cool....

                          And ..... I love the fanfics y'all wrote....espcially about J/T....they did showed me more's way fitted better John and Teyla than John and's's more unique....

                          Well, finally I have to admit that i am becoming a J/T shipper now....whew!!!
                          BIG WELCOME You'll welcome aboard and join in the fun, the more the merrier(and we are a very merry crowd here ). Hope to see more post from you.



                            Fantastic of you to join us Gatinha!! Please stick around cause we are always interested in your ideas!!

                            Thank you once again Trippy for those excellent caps!!!


                            I am soo excited about this episode...even though i know i should be mourning, cause i loved carson!!
                            -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                            Thanks Camy!!


                              Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                              Some caps for Sunday. I don't know why they're so small. I imagine Wikked will be along tomorrow with some super duper big ones, but ...


                              Mike Branton, Noah Wyle. Noah Wyle, Mike Branton.

                              Mike Branton you say?

                              Teyla tells Sheppard she's having lunch with Elizabeth.

                              ...with one arm hopping one one foot. ROFL!

                              "Well, Teyla...well..."

                              "Is she gonna be alright?"

                              Dress blues Shep!

                              "It hasn't hit me yet."

                              "I feel a great sadness."

                              Something's wrong with my player. Bring on the big pretty ones!
                              Don't you go to worrying about that player darlin' these caps are just fine and good, thank you. As I posted earlier I saw a cap
                              of Liz's beau on another thread, but it was far off. He does look like Wyle, as I said not bad on the eyes, I can see why Liz was tempted.

                              I did say I was going to do something else right. GANG quit doing this to me (covers eyes and walks away from computer -not looking, not doing it, no not...).

                              Later ,


                                It is amazing to read in the episode thread, from non-JT shippers


                                That they enjoyed and very much saw the shippy scenes with our fav couple...which is a positive sign!
                                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                                Thanks Camy!!

