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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NubianQueen View Post
    The Next episode is "Sunday". What was the summary on that eppy? Because I think I got it confused with "the ArK". I know it's got some Weir centric plots in it but what else was stated regarding our girls Teyla and Weir.

    Well, we don't really know much of anything other than a bunch of vague speculations and spoilers.

    The only actual "facts" are what is stated in the ep summary spoiler, that Elizabeth agrees to lunch and shares a kiss with a new guy. We know there is an explosion. Beyond that, from interviews, we know there aren't any bad guys. We know Teyla confides to another woman about having feelings for someone, but that no names are revealed. We know that Martin Gero calls it a "ship ep." We know we will see various team members going about their day off and we will see their various reactions to events that happen at the same time...the same moment in time seen from different POV's. We know Teyla and Elizabeth talk. We know Lorne will make an appearance.

    We don't know who Teyla confides in, if it's Elizabeth as part of their talk or if it's someone entirely different, an Athosian or another expedition member. We don't know if "ship ep" refers to romantic ship or friendship and if it refers to a main character or a secondary character. We don't know the exact plot or cause of the bomb or if anyone is injured by the bomb. We don't know if even though Teyla states no name if there will any hints implied as to who this person is. We don't know what the response or outcome will be of Elizabeth's kiss. We don't know if this is the ep where Carson disappears. We don't know if John will also reveal feelings, but that his revelation will only be known to the audience. I could go on and on about all the various rumors that have been speculated about this ep.

    So really, we know a string of vague facts, but nothing about their implications or impact.

    Personally, I think it will be a a great ep, but that it won't have a major change overall to anyone's immediate relationships. What I am hoping for is that it will lay some additional seeds for more to come in regards to romantic relationships and of course, in regards to J/T. I base this upon the comments from producers that S4 won't have any major ship. We know things will pretty much continue as normal. But that doesn't stop me from hoping some seeds will at least be sown and that when Martin says "ship" he does not mean just friendship. He's made enough comments over the years to show us he knows the term and the difference.

    If we are to believe every rumor that's been whispered. Everyone will die, yet no one will die. John and Teyla will be in love, yet John will be jealous of Elizabeth's kiss and will declare his love to her. Elizabeth will have a new boyfriend, but yet will declare her love for John as well. And then Teyla and Elizabeth will share girly laughs over it all.
    Last edited by LoveConquers; 10 January 2007, 06:10 PM.
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      The Ark

      I think it's all been said already, but I just have to say the infirmary scene was so sweet! The tone of John's voice and the looks between the two of them...just more confirmation of how they both feel about each other.

      I think someone mentioned Weir looking like she knew how John and Teyla really felt about each other. When Weir was teasing John about having his head examined, Teyla interupts to say that yes, he did pull the rescue off and Weir kind of smiles knowingly and then makes her exit to leave the two of them alone...
      Sig by Cazzblade


        I know Spec..I saw that too...and it was great!


          Originally posted by Spectrum View Post
          The Ark

          I think it's all been said already, but I just have to say the infirmary scene was so sweet! The tone of John's voice and the looks between the two of them...just more confirmation of how they both feel about each other.

          I think someone mentioned Weir looking like she knew how John and Teyla really felt about each other. When Weir was teasing John about having his head examined, Teyla interupts to say that yes, he did pull the rescue off and Weir kind of smiles knowingly and then makes her exit to leave the two of them alone...
          You know, I was thinking the same thing!

          The way she kind of smiles knowingly and then purposely leaves them alone. It was like she knew they needed to talk.

          Camy and Spec, LOVE your sigs!!!! Those are absolutely breathtaking!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Just finished watching the Ark

            Fantastic episode, very engaging for the whole episode...wish it was longer though!!

            That last scene was wonderful...full with shippiness if u ask me!!...

            When Teyla says 'I know' i got the shivers!! The look they shared between each other cold melt the coldest heart!! I think that it would have converted some viewers!

            I think Ken C said something about the fact that guys just joke like that, especially when they are nervous or not very good at expressing themselves or feelings, as we know John isnt...

            Going to watch that last scene over and over!!

            -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

            Thanks Camy!!


              Originally posted by NubianQueen View Post
              The Next episode is "Sunday". What was the summary on that eppy? Because I think I got it confused with "the ArK". I know it's got some Weir centric plots in it but what else was stated regarding our girls Teyla and Weir.


              As far as I know the next episode is Submersion and then Sunday.


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                As far as I know the next episode is Submersion and then Sunday.

                We don't know for sure, but it seems like Sunday is next. Movie Central, the Canadian Channel airing the eps, has it listed in its schedule for Monday and Submersion the following week. Also, Ken C, wrote a while ago that he wasn't sure, but thought Sunday was ep 317, after Game and then Ark. So far, his guess has proven true and it matches what is listed on the channel schedule. I'm really looking forward to both though, so I would be perfectly happy with either one. But am hoping for Sunday first!

                Guess we'll find out on Monday night!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  We don't know for sure, but it seems like Sunday is next. Movie Central, the Canadian Channel airing the eps, has it listed in its schedule for Monday and Submersion the following week. Also, Ken C, wrote a while ago that he wasn't sure, but thought Sunday was ep 317, after Game and then Ark. So far, his guess has proven true and it matches what is listed on the channel schedule. I'm really looking forward to both though, so I would be perfectly happy with either one. But am hoping for Sunday first!

                  Guess we'll find out on Monday night!
                  I don't mind which ep is next but I thought that Ken had said again while he was in one of the threads here that it was Submersion next - but as you say we'll find out monday - or tuesday in my case.

                  It would be great if it was Sunday as there has been so much speculation on that ep that I just want to see it.


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    I don't mind which ep is next but I thought that Ken had said again while he was in one of the threads here that it was Submersion next - but as you say we'll find out monday - or tuesday in my case.

                    It would be great if it was Sunday as there has been so much speculation on that ep that I just want to see it.

                    Oh, it's quite possible I missed one of his posts! LOL! I know he was talking about Submersion, but I didn't know he had said it was next. I saw him comment that

                    Elizabeth goes with them on the mission..I'm assuming he means underwater, LOL, since that seems to be their mission in this one! And he commented that John will get wet! That sounds very promising, hehe.

                    So yeah, I'm excited to see either one too, whichever one airs!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Oh, it's quite possible I missed one of his posts! LOL! I know he was talking about Submersion, but I didn't know he had said it was next. I saw him comment that

                      Elizabeth goes with them on the mission..I'm assuming he means underwater, LOL, since that seems to be their mission in this one! And he commented that John will get wet! That sounds very promising, hehe.

                      So yeah, I'm excited to see either one too, whichever one airs!
                      Both eps sound good and I'm really looking foward to see wet Shep - WOOOHOOO!! - with Teyla helping him dry off.


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        Both eps sound good and I'm really looking foward to see wet Shep - WOOOHOOO!! - with Teyla helping him dry off.
                        LOL! Now there's a good thought to end the day with! Hehe. Someone has to write that in a fic now! It's 4am for me, so I'm off to dream now.
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          LOL! Now there's a good thought to end the day with! Hehe. Someone has to write that in a fic now! It's 4am for me, so I'm off to dream now.

                          WOW - 4am - yes indeed time for your bed!!

                          Pleasant dreams of wet Shep and Teyla trying to keep him warm.


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            WOW - 4am - yes indeed time for your bed!!

                            Pleasant dreams of wet Shep and Teyla trying to keep him warm.

                            Ahhh! Now it's after 5am! This place can be way too addicting sometimes, LOL! Just kidding, I've actually been working on some reports for work as well. Ugh!

                            But anyway, LOL, thank you!!! Now I truly am off for some pleasant dreams!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              i cant agree with you more wet shep then teyla drying him off that would be a real fantasy neither can i wait till submersion
                              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                                Well I've finally got my hands on a copy of The Ark and I gotta say...

                                I really liked this ep! Not only did it have some looovely moments through it, the story was pretty good too! I liked the whole idea really.
                                I love the way he told Teyla to stay where she was when there was a risk of danger (he did that at least twice didn't he?) and the looks exchanged throughout the ep were wonderful! And when Teyla was in the device, the way John says "You can get her out" (or something along those lines) was breathtaking!
                                The whole ep had moments like that for me... Especially the infamous Infirmary Scene! (caps needed lol) That was.. that was... wow! I loved it!

                                Reading what they said just didn't give me nearly the same shiver I got when I watched and heard them speaking... the tone of their voices- Teyla more so than John when she said "I know" that was fantastic! It planted a hauuge grin on my face when I saw it. Even my friend, (who happened to come in just when the infirmary scene was playing) who has no idea what SGA is, said "So they together then?" Imagine my scream of delight! Then my explanation of "No, they're not together but there's something there."
                                His reply- "You can say that again."
                                So yay! People who dont even watch the show see the connection they have.
                                Overall, I liked the ep. It was nice to see an ep that wasnt focused on McKay for a change... Sorry, that'll be my cynical side coming out- please excuse me.

                                Oh, btw I tried to convert the file this morning Camy but said it doesnt support m4a files yet. I'll try a few other of your suggestions though Wikkid- I really want to listen to this song!! lol

                                Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.

