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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    thanks Steph...I must have missed that or paid little attention....

    but, there was also a slim chance that they would both die in the process too, he did to save her while risking his life, but in either scenario he'd be there for her...right, even if they both died in the process....
    Aw, I love this episode....


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      JB...I am in Megaupload but it's asking me for my email and the recepients do you do that....should I just log in...and save it as one of my files...Oy....

      let me see if I can try something else....

      told you I"m not good at this...

      JB, it is a slow no worries if you don't like it...but I just like the words too....and the song...LOL

      You can leave those fields blank Camy, you don't have to supply emails. Just use the browse computer to select the file, put a check in their little agreement box and hit send.

      I get all my songs through iTunes or Rhapsody.
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by fates4jt View Post
        Well I finally saw The Ark and I gotta say I loved it from beginning to end; my favorite part of course being the last scene which from my perspective was shippy because it left me feeling all warm and fuzzy and that’s really all it takes to confirm it as JT shippy for me.

        Here we have Teyla who’s just sooooo amazing…I mean John goes to see how she’s doing and to provide comfort if need be, but it turns out that while he’s being chastised in jest by Weir, Teyla’s the one in the end providing the comfort by reaching for him…affectionately placing her hand on his arm…soothingly reassuring and confirming him with her words of the good he’d done in his actions.

        It was so adorable, because even though he knew Weir was only joking about having his head checked for what he’d done, one can still see how Teyla’s supporting words bolstered him causing him to raise his head even higher…proudly turning away from Weir to lay his eyes back on Teyla .

        Then later in their talk when he refuses to feel sorry for Jamisus after Weir informs him of his grim status, Teyla first tries to have John see things from Jamisus perspective and then goes on stressing to him how it was because of his efforts Jamisus people could live on. She’s so selfless this woman…not once did she focus on herself in their convo; practically the entire infirmary scene was of her providing him support and lovingly acknowledging his actions…OMG just watching her face throughout it all you can see how much she loves him. She was so incredibly warm and sweet with him how could John not be in love with her.

        Oh yeah and him…Mr. putting on such an obvious front; standing there pretending to be all indifferent; please John, do us all a favor and give into her already; that whole shtick about “don’t go feelin’ special…I would have done it for anyone a you” all of it was plain ole foolishness...He’s fully aware of how exceedingly special she is to him, so on his part that whole spiel was just him putting on a grand act, because this guy, while spouting his nonsense with a smug pout, was just standing there bathing in her sweetness…greedily lapping up all of her warmth.

        He sooo loves her.

        I loved this epi…it was fantastic… totally supports JT.
        *claps madly*

        Beautifully said...couldn't agree with you more....
        I had commented about the arm thing and how not even Weir paid attention to him
        ...but you worded this beautifully!



          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          You can leave those fields blank Camy, you don't have to supply emails. Just use the browse computer to select the file, put a check in their little agreement box and hit send.

          I get all my songs through iTunes or Rhapsody.
          but what happens to the file, Steph?


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            thanks Steph...I must have missed that or paid little attention....

            but, there was also a slim chance that they would both die in the process too, he did to save her while risking his life, but in either scenario he'd be there for her...right, even if they both died in the process....
            Aw, I love this episode....


            From John's POV, Teyla would either survive, or they'd both die in his trying to save her. There was only a slim chance that she would even survive. The most likely outcome was that they would both die. Which is why Rodney and the others tried to stop John. But for him, that slim chance at saving her was worth it. Awww is right! I love that Ken put that romantic angle on it.
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              but what happens to the file, Steph?
              Once it uploads, it will give you the link in the upper right hand corner. You just click on it to open in a separate browser and then copy and paste it so you can post it or send to someone else.
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                but what happens to the file, Steph?
                Okay, I tried it...JB...I'm not sure if this will's my file through Itunes....THANKS Steph!


                let me know if this works....


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post

                  From John's POV, Teyla would either survive, or they'd both die in his trying to save her. There was only a slim chance that she would even survive. The most likely outcome was that they would both die. Which is why Rodney and the others tried to stop John. But for him, that slim chance at saving her was worth it. Awww is right! I love that Ken put that romantic angle on it.
                  romantic....I LOVED IT!


                    And the thing is Steph..that when you see the episode,
                    he didn't even think about this...he didn't hesitate, he didn't doubt it, he didn't pause, he made it an order and he was going to do it....Man, if that 's not a declaration, what was....Aw, he'd die for her and with her...and when did he come up with the idea? I guess they knew that was the plan that the people had from the beginning.....

                    I think that for the second half of this season , this has to be one of my favorites...I think it might top Echoes too...


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      Okay, I tried it...JB...I'm not sure if this will's my file through Itunes....THANKS Steph!


                      let me know if this works....
                      It will only work if JB has iTunes as well. And even then, it can't be imported into moviemaker because it's protected. I pay for and legally download my songs, burn to CD, run through a converting program to convert to .wma and then can finally import into moviemaker.
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        And the thing is Steph..that when you see the episode,
                        he didn't even think about this...he didn't hesitate, he didn't doubt it, he didn't pause, he made it an order and he was going to do it....Man, if that 's not a declaration, what was....Aw, he'd die for her and with her...and when did he come up with the idea? I guess they knew that was the plan that the people had from the beginning.....

                        I think that for the second half of this season , this has to be one of my favorites...I think it might top Echoes too...
                        I loved it too!

                        And well, it was kind of their people's plan all along. They just didn't account for so many years to pass, the station and shuttle being damaged, the computer freezing, and the shuttle being out of fuel! LOL! So that is why they said they couldn't save the storage containers when they were about to burn and were pressed for time. BUT, when it was suddenly Teyla, John decided to do it anyway, knowing there was no fuel and no chance of survival. Hence, why it was a suicide mission for him that he did with the slim hope that perhaps Teyla inside the container would survive.
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by fates4jt View Post
                          Well I finally saw The Ark and I gotta say I loved it from beginning to end; my favorite part of course being the last scene which from my perspective was shippy because it left me feeling all warm and fuzzy and that’s really all it takes to confirm it as JT shippy for me.

                          Here we have Teyla who’s just sooooo amazing…I mean John goes to see how she’s doing and to provide comfort if need be, but it turns out that while he’s being chastised in jest by Weir, Teyla’s the one in the end providing the comfort by reaching for him…affectionately placing her hand on his arm…soothingly reassuring and confirming him with her words of the good he’d done in his actions.

                          It was so adorable, because even though he knew Weir was only joking about having his head checked for what he’d done, one can still see how Teyla’s supporting words bolstered him causing him to raise his head even higher…proudly turning away from Weir to lay his eyes back on Teyla .

                          Then later in their talk when he refuses to feel sorry for Jamisus after Weir informs him of his grim status, Teyla first tries to have John see things from Jamisus perspective and then goes on stressing to him how it was because of his efforts Jamisus people could live on. She’s so selfless this woman…not once did she focus on herself in their convo; practically the entire infirmary scene was of her providing him support and lovingly acknowledging his actions…OMG just watching her face throughout it all you can see how much she loves him. She was so incredibly warm and sweet with him how could John not be in love with her.

                          Oh yeah and him…Mr. putting on such an obvious front; standing there pretending to be all indifferent; please John, do us all a favor and give into her already; that whole shtick about “don’t go feelin’ special…I would have done it for anyone a you” all of it was plain ole foolishness...He’s fully aware of how exceedingly special she is to him, so on his part that whole spiel was just him putting on a grand act, because this guy, while spouting his nonsense with a smug pout, was just standing there bathing in her sweetness…greedily lapping up all of her warmth.

                          He sooo loves her.

                          I loved this epi…it was fantastic… totally supports JT.

                          fates4jt That was a wonderful summary and I agree with you 100%.

                          Teyla was awsome in this ep and so was John. You can see why they are so wonderful together and why they deserve each other so much. They are both the most beautiful selfless people who put everyone else above themselves. Sure John has put his life in danger before but never to this extent. This really was the ultimate sacrifice and it was Teyla he was making it for. As Camy (I think) said, he did it without the slightest hesitation. His life for hers. His little speech in the end no matter how much he tried to hide it, was obvious that he did it becasue she IS so special. But again John cannot come out and say that - he is not ready to say something like that to her - but he is getting closer. The looks they shared screamed how much they care for each other. Teyla I am convinced is hopelessly in love with him - but like John is not ready to admit to anything yet - but the time will come - and I believe the writers will eventually get these two to the point of where they share their real feelings. As to when that may be is anyones guess.


                            Ok for those that saw The Ark

                            I'm gonna be putting up the clips from the ark and wanted to know does anyone want to see the part that has John trying to get Teyla out of the room as a clip and the infirmary scene of course will be added but i wanted to know if that scene with John trying to get the door open should be added to the clips for the unique bond site?
                            part of:
                            Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                            wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                              Originally posted by Sheylafan87 View Post
                              Ok for those that saw The Ark

                              I'm gonna be putting up the clips from the ark and wanted to know does anyone want to see the part that has John trying to get Teyla out of the room as a clip and the infirmary scene of course will be added but i wanted to know if that scene with John trying to get the door open should be added to the clips for the unique bond site?

                              Oh yes - that would be great Sheylafan


                                Originally posted by Sheylafan87 View Post
                                Ok for those that saw The Ark

                                I'm gonna be putting up the clips from the ark and wanted to know does anyone want to see the part that has John trying to get Teyla out of the room as a clip and the infirmary scene of course will be added but i wanted to know if that scene with John trying to get the door open should be added to the clips for the unique bond site?
                                oh yes!!...I loved the tone of his voice in that scene.

                                i finally saw it, and well i can't say anything else but...OMG...the infimary scene was total cuteness.

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

