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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
    He's facing a courtmarshall???? WOah..... I can't wait to see the episode lol. He must really love Teyla then, he'd even face a court marshell just to get back to her....but...well....we knew that all along lol
    for the return:
    He would be facing court-martial for implicitly disobeying the orders of the SGC.



      Originally posted by sin392
      Okay y'all, how do you do it? Seriously? I mean, I've been reading fanfic after fanfic and I'm going into serious withdrawls here. The more I read about my Sheyla, the more I want to see them and the mvid's help (but not enough LOL). Is everyone hating on this hiatus as much as I am? I mean it feels like a lifetime!

      How do y'all do it?

      Not so well, lol. But then I knew the hiatus was going to make me grumpy. I am practicing restraint!

      I usually think about the holidays this time of year and then it's back to all-new Stargate eps. Not so this time.

      My friend says stay on the thread, chat, and do the challenges. By March, we can have every aspect of seasons one and two ... every scene, every costume change, every character nuance laid bare. Our favorite moments and the ones we've hated dissected and swept up ... Even the ones we've done before, here and elsewhere.

      What else can you do when you're, um, I don't know, addicted to the show?

      By the time the show comes back with new eps in the US, someone may have invented technology
      that can see what was really in John's hand after he and Teyla did the head-touch in The Return.

      Oh, and we'll all be a half-year older ...


        Hi guys

        I know that this has already been mentioned a couple of times on the thread, but I just wanted to remind everyone that there is a John/Teyla Ficathon running on LiveJournal, and that the deadline for signing up is tomorrow.

        To take part, you simply request a story that you would like to see by suggesting a few prompts, and in return you will receive somebody else's prompts. You have six weeks to write a story, preferably 1000 words or more, focussing on John and Teyla. Stories can be based around their friendship or the way they work in a team, or can explore their UST (if you're inclined see it) or suggest how a relationship between them might develop. Seriously, anything goes - we'd love to see any level of friendship/relationship and with any rating for the story. There are some great writers on this thread, and we would love to see you take part. It's also a good opportunity to try your hand at writing if you haven't done so, as you would be writing specifically to meet another fan's needs - personally I find it easier to write a story when I have a few prompts rather than start from a blank page. Ultimately, our aim is to have more John/Teyla fic to read

        For more information and to sign up, follow the link:


          Originally posted by LoveConquers
          Hi WikkedAngel! Wow, thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so happy you liked it! And thanks for your comments on the editing too! I worked hard on that in this one. I can't tell you how many hours I spent rendering it over and over again, thinking it was finally done, only to watch it and find another myserious glitch that had to be fixed and re-rendered again, LOL! So thanks for noticing! On the fast clips, I've noticed that it's best to keep them at 1.5 seconds at a minimum so the eye has time to register them. In this case, the beat of the song was every two seconds, so I just made several two second clips and strung them all together with only a tiny fade overlap. On the opposite end, I try not to have most clips be longer than 4 seconds so the eye doesn't get bored either. I'm still just using moviemaker, but I'll be learning Premiere soon hopefully! Anyway, sorry for rambling, hope that makes sense! Thanks again so much!!!!
          All the effort you put into making this really showed. I feel you on WMM, I hate it. I have been trying to make clips for over 2 weeks now and it keeps locking up on me. I just got Premiere and I am trying to figure it out.


            Originally posted by LoveConquers
            Hi guys! Got a new video for you! So sorry for disappearing lately. Have been working 60+ hours per week the last few weeks and any spare time was spent working on projects. But one of those was the vid that I just finished!

            I had trouble with this one and couldn't quite get it right for some reason. But basically, this was supposed to be like an episodic vid, with many of the shots from the last ep, Return Part 1. The premise is that J/T have to say goodbye. But he is lonely back on earth, comparing things he is doing to similar things he did with her in the past, and eventually steals the jumper to get back to Atlantis. So that's what it's supposed to be, LOL! I'm sorry it's not better for you, but hopefully you'll enjoy it anyway!

            The song is "What Hurts the Most" by Rascal Flatts and the video is called A Hurting Heart.

            My server only allows limited daily downloads, but it should be up at JTC soon as well. In the meantime, I've also uploaded it to yousendit for additional downloads if the one from my site gets exceeded. Please try this one first as my server will get suspended if it gets exceeded.




            That was a really great music video!

            Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


              i also really liked your video left me pining for more jt videos wish i could make 1 as i don't know how :teyla:
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Originally posted by bluealien
                I'll start with the my top 10 top JT favourite moments.

                10 - When Teyla leans over Sheppard after he is stunned by the Wraith

                9 - When John keeps Teyla and Bates apart in Suspicion and is so
                protective of her.

                8 - When John tries to reasure Teyla that he still trusts her when
                Weir thinks that there is a Wraith spy among the Athosians.

                7 - When John runs after Teyla to see if she is ok with their plans in

                6 - When John kissed Teyla in Conversion

                5 - John and Teyla in Letters from Pegasus. All of their interaction.

                4 - John and Teyla sparring in Hot Zone and Conversion.

                3 - Their conversation in the mess hall in Sateda,

                2 - The look they shared when John put the necklace on Teyla
                in Rising.

                - The head touch from Rising and finally the head touch and good bye scene from the Return - they came full circle

                Ohh, can I steal this?! LOL! Just kidding! But my list is pretty much the same, hehe. Great moments!!!!

                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by WikkedAngel
                  All the effort you put into making this really showed. I feel you on WMM, I hate it. I have been trying to make clips for over 2 weeks now and it keeps locking up on me. I just got Premiere and I am trying to figure it out.

                  I rewatched it today and felt like screaming because I kept finding even more little glitches that I missed! Argh! Stupid moviemaker!
                  But that's awesome you got Premiere! I just got it recently too, but haven't tried playing with it yet. I have a friend who is going to show me the basics one of these days, so hopefully someday I can actually figure it out. LOL! Good luck!!!!

                  Huge thanks to Green-eyes, Planet_TV, and Donna Booth!!! Thanks guys!!!

                  Welcome to NubianQueen!!!!!! Love seeing new J/T fans!

                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Hi guys! I bring two more new videos for you!

                    The first one was made by a friend of mine, who I've finally won over to Atlantis, yay! She is still collecting all the eps, but made a video based on Rising. So I thought it was fitting given our Rising discussions.
                    It's called Atlantis Beginnings, and I think it's very beautiful.

                    The second vid is one I made, but it's a bit OT for this thread, since it's actually a Rodney-based vid this time, or I guess kind of a Shep-team vid from Rodney's point of view. It was supposed to just be a silly little vid just because the idea popped into my head when I was listening to Rascal Flatts for my last vid, and heard this song from them as well. I cut the song in half because it was just too obnoxious to vid the entire thing, hoping it would be funny if I kept it short, but instead it just turned out kind of dumb. LOL! So take this one with a grain of salt. It's not my usual type of song or my usual type of vid, just something I threw together this afternoon for fun. Nothing deep or emotional about this one. So I apologize for how bad it is ahead of time, hehe.

                    Both can be found on my little site:


                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      I came up with this fic idea about Shep/Teyla so I though I would post it here and see if someone could run with it, I would but I got enough fic ideas right now and am currently writing a Shep/Teyla fic, so here it is:

                      This seems like a good season 3 fic so set maybe sometime after the Return Part 2 but please no spoilers after Return part 1 for those of us who have 6 months for the rest of season.

                      Sheppard and Teyla are about to seat down, watch a movie (Back to the Future or some other one. Up to the decision of the author) and have popcorn but they get interrupted because of something big where something happens to Teyla (something else that’s up to the author) but she feels find until later on. They try to have another moment together this time on the mainland: a picnic dinner near a campfire, s'mores and Jiffy pop Popcorn.

                      Just as they are getting ready to head to the mainland another interruption, about something minor, happens but they ignore it and head to the mainland. They leave their radios in the jumper so they don’t get interrupted a second time. After they have eaten and have had the s’mores and Jiffy Pop Teyla complains that she is cold so Sheppard gives her his jacket. Sometime after Teyla starts shivering and keeps complaining that she is cold so he wraps one of the two blankets they brought around her thinking that might help but then thinks it best to head back to Atlantis and have Dr. Beckett look at her so he puts out the campfire. When Sheppard does radio Dr. Beckett in the jumper he tells Beckett about Teyla and Beckett tells them to wait on the mainland incase it’s contagious and that he will be there ASAP. Sheppard doesn’t know what else to do for Teyla until Beckett gets there other then to wrap the other blanket around her. This is part of the something big where something happens to Teyla and is the until later on part.

                      Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                        ooohhh...sounds like a really good exciting plot planet!!! i want to read it!!

                        edit: i cant write fanfiction...just cant ideas together like that in a logical and coherent order...and also i am in the final weeks of semester for the year so i am VERY busy!!! but i hope someone does write it!
                        Last edited by spirited Chihiro; 08 October 2006, 03:07 AM.
                        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                        Thanks Camy!!


                          That does sound cool. I'd take it, but I have another fic in the works at the moment that's taking up most of my attention. I hope someone picks it up!

                          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                            This week is
                            The Beginning

                            Unfortunately I have no time at the moment so there's not as much this week.

                            DISCUSSION. Johns past.

                            DISCUSSION. Teylas past

                            CHALLENGE. The Newbie guide.
                            We’ve threatened to do this many times, now lets actually do it!

                            What is SGA? Who is J? Who is T? What is J/T?
                            Top 5 Shippy moments.
                            Top 5 Shippy pics.
                            Links to: Forums, Sites, LJ’s, fic archives
                            Best fics, Best art,
                            In jokes,
                            J/T shippy rating for eps. (Eg, 5 for Rising, 0 for GUP)

                            I won't be around much this week but I'll still be lurking!
                            I now leave you in the capable hands of Camy.


                              Originally posted by bella
                              This week is
                              The Beginning

                              Unfortunately I have no time at the moment so there's not as much this week.

                              DISCUSSION. Johns past.

                              DISCUSSION. Teylas past

                              CHALLENGE. The Newbie guide.
                              We’ve threatened to do this many times, now lets actually do it!

                              What is SGA? Who is J? Who is T? What is J/T?
                              Top 5 Shippy moments.
                              Top 5 Shippy pics.

                              Links to: Forums, Sites, LJ’s, fic archives
                              Best fics, Best art,
                              In jokes,
                              J/T shippy rating for eps. (Eg, 5 for Rising, 0 for GUP)

                              I won't be around much this week but I'll still be lurking!
                              I now leave you in the capable hands of Camy.
                              Nice ideas Bella.


                                Alrighty... I was bored and I saw bella's challenge... so I came up with this.. It's only a prototype.. I can definately add more!! Let me know what you think.

                                What should be added?
                                What isn't necessary?


