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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    sorry camy i won't be able to take part in some of the challenges as i am going into hospital next week so the docotors have told me to to rest but i will still be popping in to the forum to see what everyone has come up with for the challenges
    oh i hope you are ok!!! Best of luck with whatever you are going in for!!!
    Yeah i wont be able to this week either! i have 4 assessments due for next week!
    But i wish i could camy!! i will once i finish uni a week!
    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

    Thanks Camy!!


      Guys, don't worry.....this is all for you guys...anything that you can do would be great...showing up is great.....

      Bella...I"m so glad you are going to be around....

      Devine..did I tell you that I LOVED the latest chapter of Growth....

      did you post it here btw!?

      If you haven't read it guys...go and check it out! her series is truly phenomenal...I know I"M hooked!

      so, for today....

      We want to do a JT,
      come up with words that you know are exclusively for JT....

      we've already established...JT...right.John and Teyla.....

      Oh, I have a question...or a discussion...I"ve started this with a friend online...we are literally dissecting the episodes starting with Rising..and so,
      when do you think that the trust between John and Teyla...and that I know many of you say in the cave scene...but be specific...when exactly did John commit and his trust for her began..and why? and the same for Teyla....what pull them or attracted them together...was it physical, emotional...was it just a coincidence...what made John say in Hide and Seek to Weir, I trust Teyla when they had been together for only a few days....what happened? what brought on this and do you think Teyla felt the same so soon as well?
      I have my own findings but I want to see what you guys say....

      common people...give me at least a challenge to reply to you! LOL


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        so, for today....

        We want to do a JT,
        come up with words that you know are exclusively for JT....

        we've already established...JT...right.John and Teyla.....

        Oh, I have a question...or a discussion...I"ve started this with a friend online...we are literally dissecting the episodes starting with Rising..and so,
        when do you think that the trust between John and Teyla...and that I know many of you say in the cave scene...but be specific...when exactly did John commit and his trust for her began..and why? and the same for Teyla....what pull them or attracted them together...was it physical, emotional...was it just a coincidence...what made John say in Hide and Seek to Weir, I trust Teyla when they had been together for only a few days....what happened? what brought on this and do you think Teyla felt the same so soon as well?
        I have my own findings but I want to see what you guys say....

        common people...give me at least a challenge to reply to you! LOL
        Well in regard to Teyla i think that she had made up her mind to trust John before the cave scene itself, otherwise i have to question whether he would have been taken there in the first place.

        Where you've hidden from the Wraith? A record of the history your people and more? It's an important site and as evidence by the necklace having a personal aspect to it too, not one you would show and talk about with someone who you do not trust and have a.....reckoning of their character if you will. And they went alone too, to where no-one back at the settlement knew; now clearly Teyla can take care of herself but it's another undeniable bit of evidence from my point of view.

        Before that though, there are only three instances where John and Teyla come into direct contact, that we saw in the ep that is. They may well have shared a cup of tea , could've been a tad too stout for John's liking and his reaction amused her. Or maybe Teyla observed and overheard the stance John took with Sumner over the old city. From what we saw however, it wasn't necessarily so much what John said to Teyla in the initial welcome and after that, but how he said what he did and his manner.

        If there is a sentence where we hear Teyla make her mind up about John and trusting him, it is as simple and as short as it gets, one word, "No".

        The rescue and John then going off to try and save Col. Sumner from the Wraith clinched it IMO.

        Yes there was a physical attraction but also these were two people who commanded the attention of those in a room by how they act and carry themselves, and in the opening scene this in spite of Sumner actually being the one in charge, the "official" leader. John and Teyla are two very personable types of people. And although they can be restrained with their most inner feelings/emotions [one big one which advocates of this thread have an interest in ], they portray an open and warm nature if that's the right way of putting it.

        I'm afraid my thesaurus contribution here doesn't take ust much further than J/T, i'm going to go with "Sheyla" which pretty much does what it says on the tin, ha. I'm sure we can do better.

        DONNA BOOTH,
        oh i hope you are ok!!! Best of luck with whatever you are going in for!!!
        Ditto, i had to go in for a fairly standard annual check up the week before last meself, although the hospital was by the river in central London so at least the surroundings were quite picturesque.

        Right now i feel like some breakfast , i'll come back and post more specifically in regard to John and those questions a bit later on.

        Have a good day.
        Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 14 October 2006, 06:24 AM.


          Originally posted by Camy View Post

          We want to do a JT,
          come up with words that you know are exclusively for JT....

          we've already established...JT...right.John and Teyla.....

          Oh, I have a question...or a discussion...I"ve started this with a friend online...we are literally dissecting the episodes starting with Rising..and so,
          when do you think that the trust between John and Teyla...and that I know many of you say in the cave scene...but be specific...when exactly did John commit and his trust for her began..and why? and the same for Teyla....what pull them or attracted them together...was it physical, emotional...was it just a coincidence...what made John say in Hide and Seek to Weir, I trust Teyla when they had been together for only a few days....what happened? what brought on this and do you think Teyla felt the same so soon as well?
          I have my own findings but I want to see what you guys say....

          common people...give me at least a challenge to reply to you! LOL
          Ooooh, something I can contribute to ...

          There was a connection between John and Teyla the first moment they met -it was almost like they had always known each other. I don't think you can call it physical or emotional - just a knowing that you like and trust this person - and it was definitely a two way thing. John wouldn't have gone to the cave with Teya if he hadn't trusted her, and Teyla would not have invited him if she didn't trust him. The cave scene really just gave them a moment to take in this connection and realise that there was an instant understanding and possibly also an attraction between them.

          Their faith and trust in each other continued to be shown throughout the episode. John trusted Teyla to get them off the planet and when she was culled by the Wraith John went to the hive ship to rescue her. Did Teyla play a large part in John's decison, or would he have been as adament to save Sumner if Teyla has not been captured.


            Yes! Something I can also contribute to.

            As I'm sure many of you are aware I didn't start out a J/T shipper.. However when I look back at the early episodes and wonder what I missed, I am always brought back to the scene in Rising in the cave. When John found the necklace and Teyla said that it was hers long ago, John places it around her neck. The gesture was so simple, yet so utterly caring and sweet. John had only met this woman and he was already giving her jewelry . Teyla had just met this man and she didn't even flinch as he reached around her neck to clasp the necklace. It was obvious that there was already an underlying caring and trust that the two were feeling.
            Last edited by 4prettierships; 14 October 2006, 11:56 AM.


              A J/T Thesaurus...

              Shep and Em.



              S & E


              T&S S&T


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                A J/T Thesaurus...

                Shep and Em.



                S & E


                T&S S&T
                teppard!! haha...that sounds like we're feeling the water temperature or something!
                cool thesaurus Blue
                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                Thanks Camy!!


                  hello it's been a while since I made any sheyla graphics...I'm a bit rusty but I thought this looked pretty.

                  trying to capture a "farewell" feel from The Return pt 1

                  4prettierships, I'm loving that graphic! It's the OTP in a nutshell.


                    Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                    hello it's been a while since I made any sheyla graphics...I'm a bit rusty but I thought this looked pretty.

                    trying to capture a "farewell" feel from The Return pt 1

                    4prettierships, I'm loving that graphic! It's the OTP in a nutshell.

                    It looks really pretty HyperCaz!!! i saved it under name in my pic folder, perhaps for a later time! I really like it...i think that you succeeded in capturing the emotions that were going on!
                    Hey ur sitting ur HSC soon right??
                    If so...GOODLUCK!!! DONT PANIC!!! thats all i can say!
                    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                    Thanks Camy!!


                      AHHHHHHHH! NOT THE EVIL THREE LETTER WORD! *hides* my apologies for OT, but I'm going to need all the shippiness possible in the eps starting at the end of the month if I am to survive the HSC.


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        There was a connection between John and Teyla the first moment they met -it was almost like they had always known each other. I don't think you can call it physical or emotional - just a knowing that you like and trust this person - and it was definitely a two way thing. John wouldn't have gone to the cave with Teya if he hadn't trusted her, and Teyla would not have invited him if she didn't trust him. The cave scene really just gave them a moment to take in this connection and realise that there was an instant understanding and possibly also an attraction between them.
                        Couldn't agree with you more.

                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        Their faith and trust in each other continued to be shown throughout the episode. John trusted Teyla to get them off the planet and when she was culled by the Wraith John went to the hive ship to rescue her. Did Teyla play a large part in John's decison, or would he have been as adament to save Sumner if Teyla has not been captured.
                        If it's not too simplistic i think you could say that John's decision wss governed by two separate motives for Sumner and Teyla. It was a duty, his duty, to try and rescue Sumner, and Bates also. However even that early on, when it came to Teyla, it was personal.

                        Originally posted by 4prettierships View Post
                        Yes! Something I can also contribute to.

                        When John found the necklace and Teyla said that it was hers long ago, John places it around her neck. The gesture was so simple, yet so utterly caring and sweet. John had only met this woman and he was already giving her jewelry . Teyla had just met this man and she didn't even flinch as he reached around her neck to clasp the necklace. It was obvious that there was already an underlying caring and trust that the two were feeling.
                        A classic example, broken down and explained just right IMO.

                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        A J/T Thesaurus...

                        Shep and Em.



                        S & E


                        T&S S&T
                        Now that is better, i do agree with spirited Chihiro though, Teppard definitely sounds.....aquatic.
                        Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 15 October 2006, 08:42 AM.


                          Playing Catch Up……

                          Videos…Check: Awesome as always. That Rodney one was hilarious.
                          Fics …..Check: Always love J/T.
                          Wallpaper/Art….Check: 4prettierships that was perfect. Hypercaz, that’s beautiful.
                          Hhmmm…what else? I think I spied a newbie a few pages back so….Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

                          Discussion: When do I believe Teyla began to trust John?

                          I have to agree with Bluealien that when John and Teyla first laid eyes on each other there was an instant connection. But I don’t think Teyla chose to follow through with that connection until she and John spoke in the tent before going to the cave. My take on the scene was that Teyla liked John because he was charming, but felt no need to believe the people claiming to have never heard of the Wraith or help them. Sumner’s disrespectful attitude was more then enough for her to send them packing, but John’s sincerity appealed to her. When John asked Teyla if she thought he looked through her as Sumner did and she replied no, that was the moment that Teyla decided to go with her gut and trust him implicitly. Now that I think about it, this scene and the one in Allies both point to a well known truth: Teyla places all of her trust and hope for the future of her people in John. Maybe that’s what she meant in LFP: “Too much I fear.”

                          My Fic: Growth: This is something that I’ve neglected for some time, but plan to finish by mid hiatus.

                          FYI: Has anyone recently seen Teyla's bio on the MGM site? Has it always said that? Take a lookie here.
                          Last edited by Devine27; 15 October 2006, 07:56 PM. Reason: Corrected link


                            Hi everyone..

                            Oh, guys...Blue, Pretty, Spirited, guys always contribute great things..please don't even think differently.....

                            Loved everything written...I"m so busy right now, but otherwise I would reply to each one....

                            Blue...I love your thesaurus...Teppard, that is an original! I love it!

                            I might consider using that name for one of my fics...LOL

                            Hypercaz...I love your work..and I miss you and your jukebox!


                            I love how Teyla is looking from the it!

                            Um...what esle....Devine..yes, that summary for Teyla has always the original as far as I can remember...Scifi had it as well....but they changed it and now only have a one sentence summary for her which is why I want a bio on her and I"m sending it to them.....

                            Um....I'm running out of batteries....but I have to say I will come back to give you my thoughts on the J/T moment in Rising.....

                            I think you guys covered it all....but I would just add that Teyla looked at John like if he was her hero....for me, these two connected to very important things for each other that neither one of them had until they met each other...

                            Teyla was lonely and fighting a battle without any hope...
                            John was shamed and had nothing to fight for....

                            Teyla found hope and a hero in John...John found a purpose and strength in Teyla.....

                            I'll give more details later.....although I wish my friend would post here...

                            Uh, running out of batteries...

                            more John and Teyla love people!


                              Originally posted by Devine27;

                              FYI:[/B] Has anyone recently seen Teyla's bio on the MGM site? Has it always said that? Take a lookie here.
                              Oh - that is very interesting. I had heard that Teyla's bio was only ment to be a few lines while Weir and Sheppard had much longer ones. They all looked about the same lenght to me - but as I havn't read it before I don't know whether it was changed. I can't believe that they actually acknowledge feelings and a romance between her and Sheppard. Whoohooo!!!!


                                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                                Playing Catch Up……

                                Videos…Check: Awesome as always. That Rodney one was hilarious.

                                My Fic: Growth: This is something that I’ve neglected for some time, but plan to finish by mid hiatus.

                                FYI: Has anyone recently seen Teyla's bio on the MGM site? Has it always said that? Take a lookie here.
                                Hi Divine! Thanks for the link to your story! That's great you plan to finish it during the hiatus! Can't wait to read more! Thank you!

                                And thanks for watching and commenting on my Rodney vid! Thanks To Nick also! I'm so happy you guys liked it!

                                The bio on Teyla is the original one that was created for her. The bit about her and John has never been removed or re-written, but other ships like to argue that it only their original intent for Teyla, but was not their intent soon after filming started and no chemisty was seen.
                                Obviously we don't agree! And ultimately you cannot argue with black and white. This is the bio I have referenced many a time in my discussions in this thread when stating that J/T have and always will be canon.

                                Caz, gorgeous banner!!!! Thank you so much!!!!

                                Donna, I'm sorry to hear you have to go into the hospital. I hope everything goes well for you! Please keep us updated if you're able.

                                Camy, BA, Bella, 4PS, everyone, loving all your J/T thoughts! Sorry I'm so far behind on things lately. Real life can be hard to keep up with sometimes. But thank you for all your thoughts and the Beginner's Guides and the Athos Guides. They have been BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for all your hard work!

                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

