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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Quickie 'Return' WP...cause I couldn't help myself!



      Originally posted by mello123
      After rewatching the episode

      I also noticed that John's eyes don't leave Teyla during the whole conversation when they come back to get Ronan and Teyla - he looks at Ronan for a millisecond and then looks right back at Teyla for the entire conversation. OH, YESSSS!!! Hard to deny that - Also when he says " I'll be damned if I let a bunch of Replicators take our home away from us." he is looking directly at Teyla - no doubt he's thinking of Teyla as his future and as his significant other - not once does he look at anyone else on his team thru that complete sentence. He is speaking directly to her!! OH, YESSSS!!!He doesn't look away until he asks Ronan if he's with them...and you can see his head and eyes move.
      I loved the way his eyes are continuely on her, just like a man who missed just the sight of the woman he cared about would act.

      *squee* Did I mention how much I loved this episode? ^_^

      And that's my two cents...
      My LiveJournal
      ^_^ ~ DANIquinn ~ ^_^


        VB, GL, thank you so much. You give me hope again. Suz, I'm so very sorry. I know you've had a lot of horrible and unfair pain in the past. I wasn't here then, but I'm here now and am just trying to keep that from happening again to anyone else, at least for here and now in this little part of the fandom world.

        Cyn, thank you!

        My inbox is full of PM's! We can make a difference if we keep on trying!

        Wow guys, beautiful thoughts!!!

        AG, gorgeous wallpaper!

        I typed this up while on the plane, it's from memory, so I'm sure I'll think of more things once I see it again! Sorry if there are any repeats for what's already been said here. My flight was shorter than I thought, nice! So now I'm sitting in the hotel room...staying up way too late for how early I have to get up tomorrow, LOL!

        But anyway, my thoughts for Return 1:

        I rarely use the word shippy, but oh my, it definitely fits for this ep! While not overtly shippy, I thought it was just beautiful. The forehead touching goodbye was my favorite in how it showed a complete circle from Rising and how it represents everything they've been through in between...and everything to come. Which is exactly what I was hoping to see for my vid ideas for this ep! Yay!

        Some of my favorite moments:

        *Rodney's proud speech of the completion of his intergalactic bridge to the Deddy's staff and asking for applause and his little pout when Caldwell interrupted.

        *John's line, "Everything seems to be in one piece," when he went through the first half of the intergalactic bridge. Was he talking about the jumper or himself? Hehe.

        *John tapping his fingers impatiently against the table in the meeting aboard the Deddy

        *John and Rodney's open mouthed awe and eager giddiness at meeting the Ancients. While Rodney's babbling in excitement, John's practically salivating in the background. And I think it's one of the first time I've actually seen the expression, "His eyes gleamed," in real life. LOL!

        *The control box thing that popped out of the floor and the team's dropping smiles as they quickly realize the Ancients are taking over.

        *John's reference to cheetos. His seemingly uncaring slouched position and feet on the desk belayed by his tense rise out of the chair. "We should have left them out there."

        *Teyla and Ronon seeking John out in his room to say goodbye. I have a feeling that was Teyla's idea. John's shifting eyes and feet and attempts to ignore emotion. "You guys want any of this stuff..." As usual, Teyla wouldn't let him. His imploring look to her. "I just had to say it outloud.....we also just had to say it outloud." Awww! Teyla's, "I believe our paths will cross again John Sheppard. Of that I am sure." John again trying to crack a joke to avoid emotion and this time, Teyla letting him get away with it. He knows it and so does she. She joins in, "And popcorn?" Her tone there is adorable.

        *Ronon picking John up in a half hug/tackle. John's groan sounded real, lol. First Carson, now John. I love Ronon!

        *Elizabeth's room is huge! John's, "I'm only a quarter of the way through "War and Peace." And John's quoting Princess Bride. One of my all-time favorite movies.

        *The goodbye at the gate. Rodney trying to give last minute instructions to the Ancients. Teyla's ever present grace. "You have been good friends, to all the people of this galaxy." John's stepping forward, her stepping up to meet him, and Ronon's stepping back to give them their little private moment. John and Teyla pausing, smiling poignantly at each other and then both their heads coming down at once into the Athosian headtouch. Their then smiling again and John's husky, "Take care," whispered in such a way that it was for Teyla's ears only. Oh, so intimate and beautiful!!!! For a brief moment, they were alone in a room full of people.

        *John's boredom with his new team and new life on earth. John's face after mentioning missing Rodney and Laundry's mention of chemistry in the very next sentence. LOL!

        *John's instantly perking up with any mention of Atlantis and his trying to get back involved with the dealings for the city.

        *John looks really good in green. His playing with darts and then model jets while talking to Rodney on speaker phone. Rodney's admission of missing, "certain people he may never see again," and John's, "I know what you mean."

        *Carson checking on Elizabeth and not letting her shut herself off. That man oozes sweetness.

        *John, Rodney, Carson, and Elizabeth in civvies and going out to eat for supper.

        *Carson mentioning that he and Cadman broke up! Poor man needs a hug! The mention of events in the ep Duets. Hehe.

        *John's jean-clad legs. Oh my.

        *John starting the whole rogue mission thing with the sentence, "You know, hypothetically, Teyla and Ronon would be more than willing to help..if we asked." And then mentioning them by name again and getting them again in the next sentence. He really wants to see them. The whole "hypothetical" plotting was cute. They all came alive again.

        *John's hanging up on Laundry mid-threat. He made his choice there.

        *Carson and his turtles. Did I mention how much I love that man?

        *Ronon and Teyla's disagreement over the wraith and the Genii. Poor Ronon was itching to get back into the fight.

        *John and team walking up behind them and John's, "That smells great," in reference to the boiling soup pot. Teyla's huge smile and another beautiful, "John?" just like in Misbegotten. Love, love, love the camera doing a quick zoom on first John and then Teyla, again singling them out as it did with the head touching scene. Very deliberate camera work in this ep. Teyla's, "It's so wonderful to see you....all of you." Nice correction there. John cracking another joke about the soup pot to again skim over emotion. "We missed...that...." Points at soup that clearly represents Teyla. Awww. I love that man and his issues.

        *John's line to Ronon and Teyla, "I need you because you're a part of the team."

        *John's line, "I'll be damned if I let a bunch of replicators take our home away from us."

        Such a beautiful ep! A little slow moving on action, but a very nice building up for what will come in Part two and lots of lovely emotional moments. The team is closer than ever. John and Teyla are closer than ever. And shippy moments!!!! Yay!!! Love it!

        Last edited by LoveConquers; 23 September 2006, 12:01 AM.
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by LoveConquers

          But anyway, my thoughts for Return 1:


          *The goodbye at the gate. Rodney trying to give last minute instructions to the Ancients. Teyla's ever present grace. "You have been good friends, to all the people of this galaxy." John's stepping forward, her stepping up to meet him, and Ronon's stepping back to give them their little private moment. John and Teyla pausing, smiling poignantly at each other and then both their heads coming down at once into the Athosian headtouch. Their then smiling again and John's husky, "Take care," whispered in such a way that it was for Teyla's ears only. Oh, so intimate and beautiful!!!! For a brief moment, they were alone in a room full of people.


          I absoltely agree about him

          whispering those words for her ears precious is that...annnnnnnd I totally agree with you about them being in their own little world. It was such a sweet depiction of how much they're yearn to not be apart from the other.


          Teyla's manner as she was bidding a warmhearted farewell to everyone at the gate was platonically relaxed and neutral, but whennnnn John stepped forward her smiling expression quickly changed.
          From the initial look on her face, I gathered she wasn’t expecting him to come forward with another farewell. I guess she figured he’d already expressed it back in his room with his round about manner of dispensing with his belongings and telling her she and Ronon are welcomed to come to Earth.
          But as she saw him walking towards her, with his eyes fully locked on hers, she realized this wasn’t so; although she knows how awkward and hesitant he is when it comes to expressing sentiment, she immediately recognized what his intentions regarding her were and sweetly welcomed him.

          John coming forth and initiating, in front of so many watchful eyes, such a public yet so privately simple farewell intimately whispered for her ears alone, shows how far he’s come in letting his guard down for and because of Teyla.

          Sighs…with everyone around them, they truly were for a moment alone in their own little world… absolutely oblivious of anyone else in their company.

          Oh and the music...I just loved loved loved how it took on an even more delicately sweet affect as they held their touch.

          All I can say is it was a small amount of Sheyla Beautifully done.

          Shipperific to the MAX!
          Last edited by fates4jt; 23 September 2006, 12:54 AM.


            Well damn, you only managed to make the ep sound totally enticing, if it already wasn't.

            I have not yet seen it myself [hopefully that will change in the coming days thanks to You Tube] but i can imagine well enough. Plenty of very good comment by you people, and some images kindly put up by majortrip makes Return P1 all the more tempting, thanks.

            I'll say what i actuallyi think about all the goings on in the episode as and when.

            But for now it would appear that the saying, quality not quantity, applies to the Sheyla scenes, which when you think about it has been so since day one.
            Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 23 September 2006, 02:33 PM.


              sparky shipper here... just wanted to add what I thought about the
              head touching scene.
              Ok I only see them as friends and I loved that scene! John showed that he really was a good friend, that he respected Teyla and her culture, not that we didn't know if before... but that moment was just different from all the others. I thought it was a really touching good bye. Little moments like that show who the characters really are.

              Then you know, the scene on the planet.. That was great! Teyla really missed being a part of the Atlantis team and I thought her reaction to the return of Sheppard and the co. was great. It really showed how much she loves the team


                Her and John rocked...point blank. It was undeniable in Sateda, it was apparent in MMM, it's no change here... It may not filled the airwaves, but it similar to what happened in S1, there was tons of JT just everything really subtle. And JT rocked, and I'm bloody glad---and it seems that the writers aren't immune to defining a ship (as so many seem to think) ...and the JT love was fantastic.

                As I said to a friend earlier...if you were a JT shipper you saw the something, if you were not a JT shipper you didn't miss the interaction between the two of them.
                Click statement above to read article.


                  Originally posted by Erised
                  sparky shipper here... just wanted to add what I thought about the
                  head touching scene.
                  Ok I only see them as friends and I loved that scene! John showed that he really was a good friend, that he respected Teyla and her culture, not that we didn't know if before... but that moment was just different from all the others. I thought it was a really touching good bye. Little moments like that show who the characters really are.

                  Then you know, the scene on the planet.. That was great! Teyla really missed being a part of the Atlantis team and I thought her reaction to the return of Sheppard and the co. was great. It really showed how much she loves the team

                  I love that vibe too. I really like them as friends although I can also see that they are attracted to each other (they're both gorgeous).


                    E, great to see you here!

                    I have to agree, the head-touching was very sweet and well, touching Leaving someone indefinatley who you have been good friends with for over 3 years, and who you have seen every single day, is hard to say the least. That moment was a true example of how strong their friendship is, and Teyla's "John!" only solidified that. I would have been dissapointed if any of the good byes were less than what they were.

                    I'm really looking forward to the next part where all the action kicks in!


                      I'm really going to start getting confused between what thread is which...but then there is a lot of action on our thread in regards to John/Teyla; I can understand the beginning of love and admiration from non-j/t shippers. They're relationship is very great, and so in your face no one can deny it apparently!!

                      All relationships that are sucessful start through friendship and lead to more, and nice to see that so many Shep/WEir fans are seeing this very grounded and plausible relationship as being very in your face and dare I say more tangent than John with anyone else, as again Teyla has special privilege to his private thoughts as in Sateda and Phantoms...hopefuly more of it.

                      John and Teyla always had it, it's good to see so many of you admitting to it and deciding they're point though that this is shippy...I guess mainly romantic ship, as in they're the OTP right. Well you can just deal with the fantastic love that us JT shippers see...
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        *after reading all the spoilers and viewing the lovely caps*

                        Are you people trying to make me die with anticipation lol? Sounds like such a beautiful ep!!
                        I think its interesting and highly significant that John initiates the head touch. It brings to mind scene on the deddy from Sateda.
                        I can't wait to watch this epp!! Stupid movie network starting slow this year. Last year we got the eps at the same time you guys did, with the exception of getting the second half earlier.

                        Thanks so much for the spoilers, it sounds like it was a truly beautiful epp!
                        Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                          E, great to see you here!

                          I have to agree, the head-touching was very sweet and well, touching Leaving someone indefinatley who you have been good friends with for over 3 years, and who you have seen every single day, is hard to say the least. That moment was a true example of how strong their friendship is, and Teyla's "John!" only solidified that. I would have been dissapointed if any of the good byes were less than what they were.

                          I'm really looking forward to the next part where all the action kicks in!

                          I liked all the goodbyes and not just the JT one...I was afraid TPTB were going to rush by it or give us hardly anything...but from Ronon/Shep/Teyla to Carson/Zelenka/ was just the perfect combination to show that these people are family...great build up in the last few episodes, starting with 'Sateda' and building upon it in 'TRW' and 'Common Ground' all lead to this family being broken up...wonderful!

                          And who didn't love Rodney trying to say he missed Teyla and Ronon when he mentioned to Shep about missing people he would never see again...although I wished he would have gotten himself outta of his office and to Weir's door instead of just leaving messages but then I have to love Carson...

                          Errrr.... ....I really need a WP that says 'Return to Me' on it ...Witchy?


                            I didn't see anything that was shippy in a romantic way. Not between any pairing. As a shipper, I can see how the scenes between Ronon/John, Carson/Elizabeth, John/Teyla, John/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth, John/McKay would please those shippers. They were lovely scenes and each shipper has a right to be happy because of them.

                            I saw lots of close friends moments, just not anything that screamed OTP ship, and if a ship is to be made canon then I think everybody - not just shippers - has to be able to see it. It has to be THAT obvious (eg: J/T flirting in early S1, the hug in Siege 3).


                              Originally posted by Doxymom
                              Hi! Yes, I'm almost positive it was confirmed. 6 months off. Tonight through March. They're airing BSG and Dr. Who instead. However, the show is still airing on some other channel for at least part of the time, in syndication.

                              The Return Part one...yes, it airs tonight for the first time. But apparently there's a way on Amazon to watch old episodes and Amazon screwed up a few days ago, putting on The Return p1 intead of Phantoms for a short while. So a lucky few who watched it right away got Return instead of Phantoms--until Amazon realized their mistake and took it off. That's how the spoilers and episode comments got out on the Net.

                              Hope this helps!

                              Thanks Doxy!! THat helps a bunch...

                              There is a way to watch over Amazon? Could someone be so kind as to tell me how? Do you have to pay for the eps?
                              Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                                Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                                *after reading all the spoilers and viewing the lovely caps*

                                Are you people trying to make me die with anticipation lol? Sounds like such a beautiful ep!!
                                I think its interesting and highly significant that John initiates the head touch. It brings to mind scene on the deddy from Sateda.
                                I can't wait to watch this epp!! Stupid movie network starting slow this year. Last year we got the eps at the same time you guys did, with the exception of getting the second half earlier.

                                Thanks so much for the spoilers, it sounds like it was a truly beautiful epp!
                                Yeah GEL...his final
                                goodbye was to Teyla not Ronon. It was ridiculously're sitting there getting gooey. Rodney nor Weir said good by to Teyla in such a way, they used words and that was the end of it. John used action and Teyla was so totally responsive it's not funny.

                                I thought that is a great point, many people feel that John is far more agressive or more blatant in his feelings toward Teyla, I find that Teyla is very responsive in kind especially when John initiates.

                                The relationship is overall undeniable and you definitely see Teyla is very much into John
                                you can tell she knew what he was after because of that smile and grin on her face; she was wanting to do it...and he opened up that door, publicly!!
                                He did it...she didn't run into his arms...and he wasn't sitting there in shock as to what to do. He's definitely a man who keeps his emotions and feelings on lock. PDA's are not his thing but in
                                The Return 1, we definitely se something else. He wanted the display and the affection, he wanted it and she gave it. And that slip at the end from Teyla, " John, it's great to see you....all of you!!" I was like they were all there Tey, why not say everyone at once...but she had eyes only for John, afterwards noticing everyone else, and John had the same for her.
                                That kind of energy is far more than friendship.

                                For an ep that wasn't about JT love and coolness, it sure gave you enough to keep you talking!! Long live JT----Ha-Ha!!!

                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                I didn't see anything that was shippy in a romantic way. Not between any pairing. As a shipper, I can see how the scenes between Ronon/John, Carson/Elizabeth, John/Teyla, John/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth, John/McKay would please those shippers. They were lovely scenes and each shipper has a right to be happy because of them.

                                I saw lots of close friends moments, just not anything that screamed OTP ship, and if a ship is to be made canon then I think everybody - not just shippers - has to be able to see it. It has to be THAT obvious (eg: J/T flirting in early S1, the hug in Siege 3).
                                You do realize you're on a SHIP thread, and as such shippiness is what we talk about and promote in regards to John/Teyla. If you dont' see that why here in the first place, and since you do see a friend'ship' effect your shipping us together, since I dont' see you on the Carson/Elizabeth thread, since I was just there.

                                Again if you're here, we believe that this is OTP...and as such is the focus of our discussion...much like the Shep/Weir thread is for Shep/Weir shipping or R/T, or McWeir, or the various other threads. If you don't see it, why post here, saying as such. We apparently do and love talking about the scenes that were definitely shippy in regards to our ship, and you posting to that affect says you do think so as well. And I say welcome to the ship, you're definitely seeing what we're seeing and not saying anything different, long live John/Teyla ship!!

                                If you like JT together you obviously post here. And since you posted must definitely be seeing John/Teyla or you wouldn't be. You never used to post here until recently...the JT love probably affected you in S3.
                                Last edited by vaberella; 23 September 2006, 09:04 AM.
                                Click statement above to read article.

