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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM
    Yes I noticed they didn't show that...but there one other thing I noticed...

    When they stand down there I can't see anything in John's hand,,but I noticed when he stepped back from Teyla he had something in his hand ,, and were looking at it when they started to walk to the whatever it was I have no idea... just something I noticed that's all... *lol*

    I've got to say I love how you all notice all the little details. I'm going to have to go back and look at this eppy again lol



      Originally posted by sin392
      I've got to say I love how you all notice all the little details. I'm going to have to go back and look at this eppy again lol

      I usually notice small details when I see them again,,,to much concentration is going on when I see something for the first time...the second, third and so on gives me more time for details...
      Sigs by Scifan


        That's how it is for me too NinaM! I watch it the first time and as hard as I try all the details slip past.. but then the second/third/fouth.... times through I can be like "AHH did you see that!?" and it also helps to be able to rewind and rewatch certain parts again right away


          He had something in his hand? Oh! I didn't notice that. I'll have to go watch again...darn it. Twist my arm.


          I did wonder if their hands brushed together this time. Wouldn't that be sweet? Who knows, though. It's a great thought.


            Daniquinn, I just got the chance to watch the vid your sister made for you. Give her my compliments. It was wonderful! I love how she worked in the clips of the recent eps with the older eps. I'd never heard the new version of that song and...okay, I like it much better than Allison Krauss' version. It was really sweet.

            Btw, I tried to pass on the link and was told people are now getting an expired notice. Guess lots of folks want to see it.

            Great vid!

            Psst...tell her to make more. She does good work.


              See the pic...


              He's holding something...What do you think it is, what do you want it to be...I need a few ideas for a drabble I was going to write about what both John and Teyla was thinking as they said goodbye...but now...this little tidbit has wormed its way into the fic...and I don't know what he's holding...give me your best ideas...pretty please!


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                Okay...I read this and just opened up 'The Return' on itunes and I can't make it out,
                but it must have been something important...he was holding it in his hand and turning it over and over...I think...
                Some memento then, like a locket maybe? Or would that be too much.

                Regardless, if something was indeed handed over it will surely be written into Part 2 or an ep soon after, otherwise it's a dead end, diluting what act of gesture that their could have been, a waste.
                Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 25 September 2006, 12:56 PM.


                  Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                  See the pic...


                  He's holding something...What do you think it is, what do you want it to be...I need a few ideas for a drabble I was going to write about what both John and Teyla was thinking as they said goodbye...but now...this little tidbit has wormed its way into the fic...and I don't know what he's holding...give me your best ideas...pretty please!
                  I wouldn't even try to think of something,,,just that...
                  Since he didn't have it in his hand before ...could have Teyla slipped it into his hand since he had it when they parted and then he really looked at it,,before starting to turn it over and over in his hand,,,that actually would have been give him something to remember her by
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    im really loving al the caps wallpaers and posts about phantoms and the return that i have started to make a scrap book of every cap picture and wallpaper of john and teyla also doxymon how do i get involved with the calender
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      Hello everyone. I see I'm going to have to watch The Return again tonight. Oh well ...

                      If you like long dark fics with J/T, here's my new one, Proteus. Enjoy!

                      How's everyone loving the first week of the hiatus?


                        Originally posted by expendable_crewman
                        Hello everyone. I see I'm going to have to watch The Return again tonight. Oh well ...

                        If you like long dark fics with J/T, here's my new one, Proteus. Enjoy!

                        How's everyone loving the first week of the hiatus?
                        This is your story!!! i found it on fanfiction last night!! i reviewed there...not under this name though!....i REALLY enjoyed it!!! some of the imagery of teyla and john was awesome!!! it was very poetic but i loved the action and angst together...these are my fav kind of stories!!
                        thanks...ill green ya!
                        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                        Thanks Camy!!


                          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                          See the pic...


                          He's holding something...What do you think it is, what do you want it to be...I need a few ideas for a drabble I was going to write about what both John and Teyla was thinking as they said goodbye...but now...this little tidbit has wormed its way into the fic...and I don't know what he's holding...give me your best ideas...pretty please!

                          Hi AG! I've actually been trying to figure it out since Friday night as well! I only knew to watch for it since Trippy mentioned it in her reivew.
                          I capped the distant scene of them standing by the gate waiting for Rodney, the scene you just showed, and the one right before it with the distant shot of Teyla walking away, blew them all up, and I still can't tell! LOL! John is not holding anything right before, he has his hands resting on his belt or something. Only one of Teyla's hands are visible, and the visible one is not holding anything either, but she is wearing a soft gray wrist wrap thing, but I can't tell if she's still wearing it or not in the next distant shot of her walking away past Rodney. When I enlarge the shot of John playing with the thing in his hands, it's too blurry, but it looks like some kind of soft gray material. That's why I thought mabye it was her wrist guard (Although why that would be significant, I have no idea!!). But I think she is still wearing it when she walks away...just can't tell for sure. So it's possible she had something in her other hand that was not visible. That is more likely than John pulling something out of a pocket I think since he had no other contact with anyone else. So perhaps she handed him something in that moment that Ronon was watching them that got edited out or perhaps he really did pull a hanky out of his pocket and it's nothing! But I love the idea of her handing him something, so I'll stick with that. But anyway, my guesses are not very romantic, but all I can think of for small gray material is boring stuff like her wrist guard, a hanky, a little packet of spices, that kind of thing. Or maybe she stole one of his golf balls and was giving it back to him wrapped up in a bit of material. That's about all I've come up with so far, hehe.
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by expendable_crewman
                            Hello everyone. I see I'm going to have to watch The Return again tonight. Oh well ...

                            If you like long dark fics with J/T, here's my new one, Proteus. Enjoy!

                            How's everyone loving the first week of the hiatus?
                            Oh, EC!!! This is AMAZING!!!! Just beautifully written! I can't thank you enough for writing it and sharing it with us!!! Thank you so much!!!!

                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH
                              im really loving al the caps wallpaers and posts about phantoms and the return that i have started to make a scrap book of every cap picture and wallpaper of john and teyla also doxymon how do i get involved with the calender
                              Hi, Donna!

                              The calendar is listing events for the JT Hiatus Event. Camy and Bella are about to start up a whole bunch of stuff here for GW's part. An All-Rating/all ship definition JT ficathon just started on the new john_teyla_fic LJ, the sga_john_teyla lj will hold a Halloween party in Oct, and GW will host a Harvest Party here and an Art/Fic Collaboration on 31 Oct and theme fortnights which I thought had already started or start very soon. On the John_teyla Lj a Christmas JT ficathon will be taking sign-ups soon, and they have ongoing icon contests. The JT yahoo list is going to have a Scary Video Challenge for their Halloween Party(in conjunction with the sga_jt LJ) and a contest for a banner for the party. Lots more goodies are being planned for the hiatus by all sorts of JT communities.

                              The Master Calendar is just a compilation of where and when the goodies are all over JT Fandom. :-) I'm working on making it easier to navigate. I hope to have that part finished tomorrow.

                              So, if you'd like to participate, take a look at the calendar and at Camy's Theme Weeks calendar and jump right in! I know they need writers to sign up for the ficathon. If you make vids, I'll be writing an ad for the Scary Vid Challenge tomorrow to post on the sga_john_teyla LJ. Camy's got a lot of challenges for here too.

                              Very soon there'll be challenges and discussion all over the bulletin boards, lists and LJs for you to participate in. I believe the STF list just started a dissection of what makes Shep, Shep too.

                              If you want more suggestions of where to participate, email or pm me and I'll look up links for you. Sound good?

                              Thanks for wanting to be a part of the fun!



                                Originally posted by Camy
                                EDITED:Oh, thanks Dan...I will see it very soon....

                                Okay, I tried to put this in a poster but it's too here are the challenges for the Month of October here in GW...Now, there is a sign up for this or you can make up your own. This will go around the participating sites so you must let me know. I guess we could have more than one person take the same but I'd prefer to have a variey of fics and artwork.

                                Here's the idea. On October 31st we are going to host the Major Event here at GW. The idea is that you don't display any of your work from this challenge until that date and POST it FIRST here and then distribute in the participating sites.

                                The Main Event is that you write a fic and find someone that will do the TITLE or COVER POSTER that would go with your fic. The Fic and Artwork will be displayed here but the artwork should also be posted in the Galleria. The MONTH of October is broken down into SIX THemes: Choose one of these themes and either pick one of these or come up with your own...

                                The THEMES ARE: Athos, The Past/Beginning, Angst, Harvest, Halloween, and Fears If you want to make your own artwork along with your fic, that's fine as well.
                                In addition we have other challenges that are not fic, but require writing and artwork. We also have vids as part of the challenges. Remember, these you are to post only on the 31st, here in GW. However, everyday we will have small challenges or discussions, games and other goodies.

                                So, Bella and I thought about these for a long time...I hope you enjoy them and Remember, these are just ideas. You make up on with your own as well.

                                Thanks everyone and I hope we have a lot of participants.

                                If you have any questions ask away, Bella, DM or I.

                                LONG FIC CHALLENGES:

                                • Long fic Challenge….Teyla spends the day in Athos after the culling to search for any remains and supplies needed to rebuild later on. What does she do? Does she contact other worlds? Does she visit other worlds to inform other worlds, or anyone in particular? Describe the environment and the feeling it bring upon her, the scents, what does she touch, what does she hear, what does she taste? Does it feel the same for her? Is she crying? Is she mourning someone in particular? Have her be accompanied by someone from Atlantis…could be John with her and him watching her experience all of this…or it could be someone else…but she must come to meet with John at some point. Either before she leaves or after….it has to be J/T …it could be that they meet up to tell of each others day. But it’s from Teyla’s Point of view…accompanying this challenge, create a wallpaper with the title and pics that go with your fic.

                                • Long Challenge: Write a mission report from John’s Point of View from every episode either from S1 or S2…has to be J/T centered but not strickly…Then have a Poster/Banner from every episode with the Title and pics chosen from the episode or do a summary report with pics as if John was sending the report with pictures supporting it for every episode.

                                • Write a journal entry from Teyla’s Point of view for every episode..choose either S1 or S2 or what we’ve seen so far from S3..Then have Teyla use her art abilities by creating a wall for each episode from Teyla’s POV..shippy centered of coarse..

                                Long fic…Pirates of the Carribean…John/Teyla style…Accompanying Wallpaper…use manips CAMY”S TOP PIC

                                Write a long Fic…From Rod’s POV…either telling us the story from his eyes..or him telling the story to someone in Atlantis….on how Mensa John and Quiet Teyla fell in love from Beginning to the End….Make accompanying Wall.. CAMY”S PERSONAL FAVORITE

                                Long fic…Masquerade Ball…J/T…Galleria…Accompanying Wall/Poster to go with your fic… CAMY”S TOPIC

                                • Reversed the Scenario from Phantoms…Have Teyla be affected by an Ancient Device and then have John be the one to see the effects of it on Teyla…Angst Fic…could be her relieving her fathers death, or her mothers’ passing, it could be anything you want…but Teyla is the only one affected or you could include the team but it has to be J/T centered. Accompanying Artwork with Teyla of fic…CAMY”S 2nd FAVORITE…

                                SHORT FIC CHALLENGES:

                                • Write a Detailed Bio for John and Teyla Individually
                                • Write a Detailed Bio on John and Teyla’s Relationship From the Beginning till the Present
                                • Create a Wallpaper For each Bio include the Bio info. The Teyla individual Bio will be a contest. Scifi has changed Teyla’s Bio to one sentence summary, and we know our girl does more than that….The winner’s bio will be sent to the webmaster of the Atlantis site in Scifi…

                                • Short fic…John shared things that he liked with Teyla…football, ferris wheels, popcorn…Now it’s Teyla’s turn to share something that she likes with John. Make it something that is of her culture…can be something like the first time John saw her spar and got interested…or it could be something you make up from Teyla…write it from Teyla’s POV…accompanying artwork with fic

                                • 500 Words…Teyla ponders leaving Atlantis after the Suspicion events…..John changes her mind…Accompanying with pic fic, wall or flip book

                                • Short fic…John helps out the Athosians during one of their Harvest which concludes in a Festival from Teyla’s or John’s POV….Accompanying Wall paper using Fall themes, colors to go with your fic…title for Fic..

                                • Short fic…John and Teyla learn together a daring sport. Accompanying Wallpaper

                                • Short fic…John scares Teyla for Halloween. Accompanying Wallpaper..John and Teyla in Halloween Costumes…or something that relates to your fic…

                                • Short fic…John asks Teyla to join his team…Pic fic convo or Flip Book with Pics.

                                • Drabble…Use each of these words in a sentence..J/T style…try to have it in a sequence of events to form a story is possible...each words begins with a letter from the Alphabet….

                                Anidote, belated, chamber, deny, emerge, fearsome, glimpse, heidious, impossible, joke, knit, love, momentary, notice, oatmeal, pinch, quiver, reason, sanctuary, toxin, ultrasound, velvet, writhe, x-ray, yearn, zipper

                                Make a wall/poster using ten of these words..J/T

                                More info to come....Now remember these are just suggestions...and they don't have to be long or can choose a topic here and if it's under long fic, you can change it and make it short and vice versa.

                                Here is the calendar again. I hope you guys join up...

                                Soon you will get the daily events for the month of October...these are detailed challenges for people to do and post at the end of may come up with your own....

