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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    All right...Time for me to admit something...I didn't watch either Stargates... ...I tried to watch SG:200 but after the first ten minutes my family, who I am trying to get to watch Stargate as much as me, wanted to change the channel because they thought it was 'stupid' mother's word and she watch Stargate reruns and know the story, my father was just bored but he only watched once in a while...uggg...not what I wanted to hear...They loved 'Sateda' but now....

    And when 'TRW' came on I had already read through the Gateworld 'TRW' episode thread...tis the problem living in CA...and I
    read a lot that said it was boring, dull...and other reviews that said Torri was great...but by 10:00 I was beat and just went to bed....There were no JT moments and that's okay after 'Sateda' but when the whole team gets thrown out the door...I really don't like that...

    Not to worry...I did leave my TV on for ratings sake!

    But from what has been said...I can't wait for 'Common Ground'..,


      Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
      I'd be for that...

      Course I'd also go for Teyla basically tearing that Wraith and Koyla to shreds... my only question is... how are they gonna get Sheppard back to healthy after that....

      But we know Teyla's gonna be mad, stand back Genii, there be no fury worse than a lover scorned, and I think Teyla's gonna be angry and mad beyond Sith...

      And if she kicks but because of it... all the better!

      Sheylafan... copy and paste? I didn't think there was more to it than that...
      part of:
      Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

      wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


        Originally posted by Sheylafan87

        You can't copy and paste streaming video. You have to have a way to capture it. It's possible, but I've never tried it. You can try googling for capturing streaming video and see what programs come up.

        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Common Ground sounds like it's going to be a great episode and Teyla is going to be soooooooo mad because the one person she truley trust's with her life more then anyone in atlantis is caught by the Genii and so wraith not that she doesn't trust the others but she mostly trust's John.


            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
            I'd be for that...

            Course I'd also go for Teyla basically tearing that Wraith and Koyla to shreds... my only question is... how are they gonna get Sheppard back to healthy after that....

            But we know Teyla's gonna be mad, stand back Genii, there be no fury worse than a lover scorned, and I think Teyla's gonna be angry and mad beyond Sith...

            And if she kicks but because of it... all the better!


            Kolya and the Wraith don't stand a chance if Teyla's there. She'll be like Ronon against all those Wraith in Sateda. I can't wait to see Teyla's reaction to Shep being captured. After hearing Shep's talk about how he cares for the team, will we see/hear how she cares about John? It would be great to see Teyla save the day and rescue Shep. Maybe a nice reunion scene perhaps?? Sounds like it will be a great ep no matter what though.
            Sig by Cazzblade


              Okay...I was browsing through itunes and just found out you can buy Stargate episodes...when did they start that? I bought 'Sateda' because I had to have it on my ipod for 'the scene' when I go back to school in these episodes haven't even aired else where and they put them online?


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                All right...Time for me to admit something...I didn't watch either Stargates... ...I tried to watch SG:200 but after the first ten minutes my family, who I am trying to get to watch Stargate as much as me, wanted to change the channel because they thought it was 'stupid' mother's word and she watch Stargate reruns and know the story, my father was just bored but he only watched once in a while...uggg...not what I wanted to hear...They loved 'Sateda' but now....

                And when 'TRW' came on I had already read through the Gateworld 'TRW' episode thread...tis the problem living in CA...and I
                read a lot that said it was boring, dull...and other reviews that said Torri was great...but by 10:00 I was beat and just went to bed....There were no JT moments and that's okay after 'Sateda' but when the whole team gets thrown out the door...I really don't like that...

                Not to worry...I did leave my TV on for ratings sake!

                But from what has been said...I can't wait for 'Common Ground'..,
                No offense but your parents are ignorant, so that's why you've gotta get a tv in your room.


                  I liked TRW...way more than I thought I would...

                  It was clearly a Weir episode..not really a team episode..the story itself was kind of boring and repetitive...but Torri was great! I'm not sure what others see as far as shippy....if anything they didn't show John doing anything more than what he's done for any of them...I thought he showed more emotion and concern for Weir and Rodney in The, that didn't worry me at all....they could have had another great conversation at the end, and yet again, it was all professional and to the point..and showing a shaken but not a broken Weir....Teyla and John were together more than I thought I would see them in this episode..and the fact that Teyla was even there the entire time was very telling and promising...we didn't get the comfort scene but again, these two are more comforting with each other by just being in each others's presence...and the fact that Teyla understood John when he was explaining what was happening to Weir wa s more tellling to me and I almost thought that by the way he looked at Teyla, he just wanted to grab her and kiss her for being so damn smart and understanding him so again, to have her be there the entire time with him was telling enough for me..this was not supposed to be a lovey dubbey scene but one in which they are there for each other and for the rest of the team....
                  Common Ground...well, by what Bambam wrote in the Ask Bambam thread it is going to be much a Sheppard episode and I think he's going to do more butt kicking than the I do hope we get to see a shaken Teyla but an Action Teyla as well....YIPEE!


                    hey i found this short story on the internet a while back, luckilly I saved it cause i cannot find the site again. Seems alrite and has a few shelya and stuff moments to it. It didnt have the author listed on it so enjoy.

                    The Daedalus made its way through hyperspace on a return trip to Earth. It had been five years since she made her first trip to Atlantis and she has never missed a trip.
                    Members of the Atlantis expedition were aboard and were eager to take a well deserved vacation back to their home world. The happy family of Atlantis, John, Teyla, and their three year old daughter Sorra, stood at the bride with their close friend Steven Caldwell admiring the beauty of the hyperspace window.
                    “Now this never gets old,” John said happilly holding his daughters hand as she stood in aw at the beautiful colors of the hyperspace window.
                    “The only thing keeping me sane, going back and forth from Earth to Atlantis.” Caldwell said with a yawn.
                    “C’mon dear lets get you to bed.”Teyla said picking her smiling daughter up in her arms walking away from the bridge.

                    The ship continued on its course until about a quarter way through the void from the Pegasus galaxy to the Milky Way did they begin receiving a very weak signal from a ship somewhere off twelve light-years away.

                    “Sir, we wouldn’t have noticed it unless we had our subspace communications boosted to maintain contact with Atlantis.” The navigator explained to the Commander of the Daedalus.

                    “We’ve got time for a side trip, lets check it out.” Said an enthusiastic Cornell.

                    The Daedalus dropped out of hyperspace in full view of what looked like a Wraith Hive ship, only ten times bigger...

                    As the Daedalus approached the great ship they began to notice that what seemed to be the hyper drive engines had burned out and had been that way for a long time.
                    A scan of the ship indicated no life signs but they could never trust that when a hive ship with at least one sleeping Wraith was concerned.
                    “Looks old, older than the one we came across near the Ancient satellite, but this one didn’t take that big of a hit.”Said Sheppard, eyeballing the massive ship.
                    “This ship must be at least ten miles long and must hold or once have held millions of those pale life sucking *******s.”Said Caldwell with a deep breath.
                    The closer they got to the massive Wraith ship, the smaller the Daedalus became. Soon a large hole near the rear of the ship became visible leading to the conclusion that the ship had vented all of its atmosphere and nothing survived.
                    “Doesn’t look like the ship could have healed itself with a wound this size.”Said Shepard with a sigh.
                    “We’ll get McKay out there to see if he can recover the datalogs to see what it was doing here.”Said Caldwell sitting down in his captains chair.

                    A small jumper launched from the Daedalus and flew towards the nearly destroyed ship. They landed on one of the exposed levels near a Wraith computer terminal and McKay stepped out in a space suit to see what he could learn.

                    After a half an hour of nosing around McKay radioed into the Daedalus.
                    “Well it seems this behemoth of a ship belonged to a renagade Wraith, who thought that he’d found a larger feeding ground in another galaxy, however the other Wraith thought he was crazy.”He paused. “Actually that’s hard to believe, but any ways he built or should I say grew this massive hive ship to bring himself and those still loyal to him to search for this new feeding ground and prove that humans existed elsewhere in the universe. But while trying to get there he blew out his already inadequate hyper drive and apparently almost all of his followers were sucked out into space when the hyper drive exploded, creating this nasty looking hole you have me standing in on what is supposed to be my vacation, thank you very much.”
                    “Alright quit your complaining and come back aboard.”Caldwell said in agrovation with McKay’s complaining.
                    As the puddle jumper came aboard a lone Wraith Dart shot our and made its way towards the Daedalus, beaming the pilot into the fighter bay before being destroyed.
                    A seemingly elderly Wraith who had become more of a ghost white in color, began to make his way through the fighter bay vigorously feeding on several repair men making modifications to the F-302's.
                    Several marines surrounded the Wraith and shot him with what seemed to be their entire clips of ammunition before finally killing him.


                      The Real world wasn't that bad....
                      It had its moments, and I know the sheweirs must be having a feild day, but I don't think it was shippy
                      when john had gone inside and grabed her arm to save her, it showed that he cared for her, but not in a romantic way, sheppard had said in sateda that Elizabeth was like family to him, and that he would do anything for them,that included sacraficing himself. The Real world just proved it



                        Originally posted by mishy91
                        The Real world wasn't that bad....
                        It had its moments, and I know the sheweirs must be having a feild day, but I don't think it was shippy
                        when john had gone inside and grabed her arm to save her, it showed that he cared for her, but not in a romantic way, sheppard had said in sateda that Elizabeth was like family to him, and that he would do anything for them,that included sacraficing himself. The Real world just proved it

                        thats what I saw also. It really didnt show romance in a wy but more of a sacrifice kind of thing.
                        He cares for his team and weir is family, nothing really more then that but he showed more of compassion and fear of losing weir, but if it was teyla he probably would of talked to her and might of done the samething.
                        part of:
                        Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                        wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                          Hi all! Been catching up on the last 8 or so pages and checking out the new site design. Just wanted to say:

                          Angel 007 – Shattered Dreams is a beautiful story. AU/whatever, doesn’t matter as long as it’s J & T; looking forward to the next chapter. ‘13 Words’ , ‘Finding Home’ was short, but sweet. ‘Torn’ , ‘Visions of the Past’ I’m very excited about this story and dying for the next chapter, BUT we want you in the happiest mood possible when you write it.

                          Cpt. Ritter – Didn’t get a chance to post a review, but loved the ‘A Long Meeting’. Always enjoy J/T lovin’. ‘Not Real’ was so cute, I can just see Rodney crying in frustration/pain. Very nice. ‘Never Alone Again’, I’ll have to go back and catch up on the whole story, but it looks very good.

                          Gigajules – ‘Anything’ was hilarious. I can see John cursing himself as he hurried from the room.

                          Doxymom – Saw your plotbunnies. I’m a little behind on other things right now, but if something comes to me I’ll post it.

                          TPTB & J/T Shipping – If I remember correctly, didn’t Teyla’s original character bio mention that she was ‘originally considered a love interest for Sheppard’. People always say things like that when they want to plant an idea in your head, but make you think that they’ve changed their minds. In the case of TPTB, they need to keep things open, just in case they do a character change or have a change in the storyline. If I can find the bio, I’ll post it.

                          NinaM Tried to download your video, but it looks as if I’m a little too late.

                          Padme18 – I like ‘Stranded’ and am very interested in seeing where this goes.

                          LoveConquers – I’ll say it again….you should have been writing SGA ages ago. ‘A Study of Awareness’ is outstanding. I look forward to your next fic.


                            A few thoughts on:

                            Sateda – I know we’ve talked this episode to death, but I think one important factor has been over looked; Ford.
                            John, Teyla, and even Rodney were all dealing with the possibility of losing yet another teammate. We all know that deep down John believes/hopes the Aiden is still alive and that, so far, he’s failed him. I can’t help but think that played a serious part in John’s fear of not being able to save Ronon. I also think this gave double meaning to his conversations with Teyla; her reassuring him that they would find Ronon and her surprise and pleasure at what he was willing to do for an outsider, but more importantly what he was willing to do for his family. There were so many levels to that conversation that I couldn’t cover them all, but here are just a few: failure, loss, fear, friendship, love, surprise, and most importantly hope. Hey! I just think I gave myself a plotbunny.

                            The Real World – I know a lot of folks said that this was boring and do agree that they could have given us a little more than the first 30 minutes of Weir in a nut house, but I liked this episode.
                            I think it gives us a good idea of how strongly Weir believes in the Atlantis Expedition and how uninterested she is in returning to her old life. It also showed how attached she’s become to the people in Atlantis. Relax, I’m not turning into a J/E shipper. I’m just admitting that J/E do have a special bond. We know that they are good friends, respect each other and that John considers her to be part of his family. We also know that J/E are ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the expedition. Though some viewers chose to see John in Elizabeth’s dream sequence as shippy, I simply saw it as common sense. Elizabeth has come to depend on John. Though they may not always see eye to eye, they both have the best interests of the city in heart. I think she feels his skill with Ancient technology and ‘out of the box’ thinking are both needed in dealing with their unique situation. So it only makes sense that she sees John as her life line. One, because of their bond, two, cause he was the only one that actually spoke to her. As for him touching her arm, he’d have done it for any of his family.

                            Oh, and another thing. Someone in another forum wondered what would have happened if Teyla had been infected considering that she has Wraith DNA. How would John have reacted? Would Teyla have had a fighting chance? Do I hear a plotbunny?

                            The Ark
                            This sounds very interesting, but if Teyla becomes seriously injured in this episode, will they do the same in ‘Sunday’? Wouldn’t that get a bit old? Maybe the guy is about to hurt Teyla and John and Ronon do another double whammy like in ‘Instinct’. Could possibly be a triple whammy; Rodney’s gotten a little gun ho (killing the Queen Wraith in ‘No Man’s Land’).

                            Common Ground - I’m drooling over the shippy possibilities of this episode.
                            Unfortunately, Koya has to survive this episode if he’s to make an appearance in ‘Irresponsible’, but we should see some serious @ss kicking then.

                            Oh, shame on me. I forgot something:

                            Welcome All Newbies, Oldies, and Anyone in between.


                              Common Ground..
                              when I saw the preveiw for it, and saw shep getting fed on, me and my brother both said whoa at the same time lol this season is very intense! Especially when Koyla had the entire team watching, and I'm hoping that we get some shippy moments this episode, beacuse there were none in the Real World You know what would be awsome? A hug! Teyla thinking he's dead, and when she sees him, just hugs him

                              I'm such a romantic....



                                Originally posted by Devine27

                                NinaM Tried to download your video, but it looks as if I’m a little too late.
                                I've uploaded it again ,,, the other site that I had it before it didn't work putting it back up so I had to pick another place ..hope it works..

                                BE AWARE FOR SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3... !!
                                Last edited by NinaM; 20 August 2006, 12:22 PM.
                                Sigs by Scifan

