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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
    Okay... since Camy and Expendable have done their little talks on this... time for my totally different opinion from everyone on this thread... maybe I'm just not seeing this clearly. Don't read this if you don't want to be met with disagreement, I can see it both ways, this is just my view on it (or at least it will be until Expendable and Camy force me to see things their way...

    Now we're looking at a scene where John has just chased Thalen (in Teyla's body) all over Atlantis, stunned her, and then brought her in front of this camera after Caldwell stalling, now he's gotta listen to Phoebus tell him that she will vent... 'THE GAS' into the living quarters of the city if he doesn't shoot Thalen (AKA Teyla in this scene)

    Now I'm gonna freeze frame right here... what's going on in John's mind. He's not going to shoot Teyla, he loves her (we're shippers right?). Okay... so he's starting to do the math in his head, probably doesn't even have his gun raised.


    Shep (to Caldwell): 'Can she really do that?'

    Caldwell: 'She has the power to do what she says she does.'

    Shep: 'How many people?'

    Caldwell: 'A 3rd of the expedition.'

    Now freeze the tape again... in this instance Sheppard is looking at two eventual possibilities for this outcome, at least at the moment. There is no word on when McKay is gonna get the city unlocked. Choice 1) Shoot Teyla and hope that Phoebus doesn't release the gas. Choice 2) Refuse to shoot Teyla and possibly doom almost a 3rd of the expedition.

    Now... I've been butting head with Camy and Expendable on this issue of Sheppard's military mind. Just how far does he take the math, how much weight to the lives of a 3rd of the expedition does he attribute to it. And how much weight is Teyla's life.

    Sheppard (with emotion): "Why are you doing this?"

    Phoebus: "Shoot her or the gas is released."

    Sheppard would glare angrily at the camera for a little while, before finally turning back to Teyla.

    Thalen: 'Teyla doesn't think you'll do it.'

    Sheppard (Raising the gun): 'Teyla... I'm sorry.'

    Thalen: 'She cares for you, more than you know.'

    Freeze it up again... now if I'm getting winded, its because I'm trying to explain my thinking. Anyway, back to the ship. Right now he's desperately trying to make his decision (all while delaying as long as possible, that goes without saying) Now, if this were the show... McKay would unlock the city right then and then he could drop the gun... but assuming that McKay didn't... where does that lead us, Sheppard's choice.

    Almost all of you are saying that Sheppard couldn't do it, that he couldn't value the lives of a 3rd of the expedition to Teyla's... that he couldn't make that decision. That he'd drop the gun and Phoebus would release the gas, possibly killing them both.

    I believe he (like Teyla) could've done it, if there was no other option. What would there have been left of him afterward... nothing... absolutely nothing. He'd probably be dead within a year, either from a mission or suicide. Just like with Teyla it would've destroyed him if he pulled that trigger, but could he have done it to save the expedition, I still believe his military mind can make that jump.

    Now don't everyone kill me, I am a Sheyla shipper. This is just how I see it right now... I am in no waying saying he could have really lived afterwards, I don't think Teyla could've either...
    I actually agree with you on that point. (dodges tomatoes ) John and Teyla both live by a code of duty before self. It would hurt. It would destroy them, but if given no other option they would do what was right; what was necessary. That’s who they are. That’s part of the respect that they have for each other. Each would understand the other’s decision without question.


      Now, now...Ritter...I never said...that John couldn't make that decision or that he couldn't choose or kill Teyla as I think Teyla could have..nope....not what I said...

      I think that they just think differently and I think they see the scenario, I already wrote this to Ritter so, bare with me ....

      John is all about preserving life and thinking of scenarios and ways of avoiding death at all possible...remember Childhoods' End..he said to that guy who had to sacrifice himself for his thinking it would save them...what did John I'm paraphrasing...he said something like he is about life...about living...everytime John has put his life on the line has been for two things that I can save the people in Atlantis and because there was no other alternative...I don't think that John likes to be the one to die for others...I think he does it because as he said in SATEDA..he woud do anything and risk his life for his, the key in that conversation is....he didn't say he's risk his life for anyone....he said, he's risk his life for his family...those who he considers his does this mean that John wouldn't risk his life for others..of coarse not..but I think he has a special place for them higher than for others....and if he had to choose...he would choose Teyla...

      Now, in no way in my view do I see this as being due to the fact that I think he loves her...I think the same would have been for John if it had been Weir, Ronon, Ford, Carson or Rodney...those who he considers his family.....
      so, aside that it was Teyla..the love of his life...he would have done the same thing in my book for the,
      what I think he would have done....see when there are other options, John thinks of them...Teyla saw it as a hopeless situation...there was nothing more she could do to save John...but John would have seen it as an opportunity for that brain of his to think up of other scenarios...I like the way Expandable thinks..too...btw...but I see him more as telling Phoebus, you want to kill him so badly, come and do it yourself....I see John as screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs to get Rodney to do something now! I see him as grabbing Teyla and getting her to safety while he runs off to save the others....I see John as preserving life till there's no more hope..and if that means that he has to die in the process, then he dies...but knowing that Teyla was there...hiding behind her own eyes..knowing that it would only be a matter of seconds before Rodney would have found a way out, knowing that he would rather die than kill Teyla cold blooded, he wouldn't have done it...he would have rather died with Teyla and the others than be the one to pull the trigger...and he would have fought till the very end of his breath to save her and the rest...but he wouldn't have given into Pheobus orders...for him that would have been failure....and he wouldn't have done it....

      Now, on the other hand, I wonder if Caldwell would have said the same to Sheppard like he did to Teyla...let him choose what to do....what if Caldwell had ordered Sheppard to kill, see here is another scenario....even more reason for John not to have shot Teyla...he would have not followed if you think that John wouldn't have followed Caldwell's orders, then you have to also beleive that John wouldn't have followed Phoebus orders....

      just my two cents...turned into four cents...LOL

      now, all these rumors about SG1 characters going over to much as I love SG1 characters...I"ve never liked any of them in SGA...they don't belong there...I love SGA the way it is..and if they bring any of the other characters from my or more of our loved characters would be booted out..and two....SGA wouldn't have a season 5....


        okay...I told you I have a challenge for you guys...

        on a side note...keep DM in your thoughts and prayers....she is in bedrest due to her, let's give her a nice shout out since she will be coming in and out of the threads if she can...make her feel better...

        LOVE YA, DM....I'm thinking of you!

        Okay..back to my regular schedule posting....

        here is a challenge....I read David Hewlett's interview and I love, love, love the fact that when asked which character he wanted to have more screentime...or something like that.he mentioned Teyla....

        here's the script to that piece...straight from GW..

        GW: Obviously you've had more screen time with your cast mates than with others. The writers have said that they want to focus on the team's relationships with one another this season. Tell us which Atlantis character you'd most like to explore Rodney's relationship with.

        DH: I'm always interested with -- well, we've done it this year with Ronon. But Teyla. There's no connection with Teyla. There's sort of a healthy respect, because he's seen her with the sticks. I would love to be in a situation where it's Teyla and McKay stuck in a situation, because I'd be very curious to see how they get along or don't get along. Because McKay also has two settings with women: absolute disregard, or complete love. Obsessive, almost.

        So I think it would be very interesting to see what he's like with somebody who is neither. Obviously he respects her and yet he also is not all over her all the time.

        GW: He's pretty indifferent with her.

        DH: Yeah. God knows why. This gorgeous woman walking around all the time, you'd think McKay would be all over that. Again, the way Teyla holds herself. She really is from another world. And that's something that I think McKay is probably ... there's a healthy respect there for Teyla. Which is probably wise.

        It's self-preservation, really. I think that's it. So as not to get killed, McKay tends to avoid Teyla.
        so, Challenge...write a fic as long or as short as you want of Rodney and Teyla trapped somewhere....and have them develop their relationship, I don't mean shippy....never go there....but where would these two go and how would they deal with each other under such, the kicker...although it should either be mainly Rodney/Teyla have to have a side or even more of John/Teyla...I can just see it now, John pacing at the thought that Teyla has to endure with Rodney for even a minute alone...and should I dare say that John may even come out feeling a bit jealous....?

        Okay...WOW me people..WOW Me...

        Now, I know there are some Rodney/Teyla friendship fics out there..I want to read new ones...I"m going to give my own challenge a try...but no promises....

        Guys...I need new fics...I'm dying here with all of these sudden news....


          Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
          Almost all of you are saying that Sheppard couldn't do it, that he couldn't value the lives of a 3rd of the expedition to Teyla's... that he couldn't make that decision. That he'd drop the gun and Phoebus would release the gas, possibly killing them both.

          I believe he (like Teyla) could've done it, if there was no other option. What would there have been left of him afterward... nothing... absolutely nothing. He'd probably be dead within a year, either from a mission or suicide. Just like with Teyla it would've destroyed him if he pulled that trigger, but could he have done it to save the expedition, I still believe his military mind can make that jump.

          Now don't everyone kill me, I am a Sheyla shipper. This is just how I see it right now... I am in no waying saying he could have really lived afterwards, I don't think Teyla could've either...[/SPOILERS]
          This is how I see it also. John could have done it if the situation became desperate enough, but he would have done it only as a LAST resort and doing so would destroy him.

          Looking at TLG situation, it is losing one person to save many. I don't think Teyla would have been able to forgive John for spareing her life and letting 1/3 of the Expedition die. As a leader, she would have sacrificed herself to save her people and in a way this is kind of the same. Living with the threat of the Wraith her whole life, she probably understands the concept of sacrificing one to save the many better than anyone. Even though it would have been a struggle for John to pull the trigger (if it really came to that) I don't think Teyla could live with that outcome if many others died while she still lived.

          It would definitely be a huge conflict for Shep between his military thinking and his personal feelings, but I think in the ep, although he obviously didn't want Teyla to have to shoot him, he would have sacrificed himself to save the others and Teyla understood this as she prepared to do what she had to. In the reverse situation, I think they would have had the same understanding between them.

          My shipper side hopes it never comes to this obviously! But like Ritter said, if it did, neither Shep nor Teyla would ever be the same afterwards.
          Sig by Cazzblade


            HEy everyone.
            I'm working on what the Return part 1 ending would be well my POV in a way the things that go one in Teyla dn Johns mind while being apart. its not finished yet but hope you guys like it.
            part of:
            Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

            wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


              Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
              Okay... since Camy and Expendable have done their little talks on this... time for my totally different opinion from everyone on this thread... maybe I'm just not seeing this clearly. Don't read this if you don't want to be met with disagreement, I can see it both ways, this is just my view on it (or at least it will be until Expendable and Camy force me to see things their way...

              Now we're looking at a scene where John has just chased Thalen (in Teyla's body) all over Atlantis, stunned her, and then brought her in front of this camera after Caldwell stalling, now he's gotta listen to Phoebus tell him that she will vent... 'THE GAS' into the living quarters of the city if he doesn't shoot Thalen (AKA Teyla in this scene)

              Now I'm gonna freeze frame right here... what's going on in John's mind. He's not going to shoot Teyla, he loves her (we're shippers right?). Okay... so he's starting to do the math in his head, probably doesn't even have his gun raised.

              Phoebus: 'SHOOT HER OR I RELEASE THE GAS'

              Shep (to Caldwell): 'Can she really do that?'

              Caldwell: 'She has the power to do what she says she does.'

              Shep: 'How many people?'

              Caldwell: 'A 3rd of the expedition.'

              Now freeze the tape again... in this instance Sheppard is looking at two eventual possibilities for this outcome, at least at the moment. There is no word on when McKay is gonna get the city unlocked. Choice 1) Shoot Teyla and hope that Phoebus doesn't release the gas. Choice 2) Refuse to shoot Teyla and possibly doom almost a 3rd of the expedition.

              Now... I've been butting head with Camy and Expendable on this issue of Sheppard's military mind. Just how far does he take the math, how much weight to the lives of a 3rd of the expedition does he attribute to it. And how much weight is Teyla's life.

              Sheppard (with emotion): "Why are you doing this?"

              Phoebus: "Shoot her or the gas is released."

              Sheppard would glare angrily at the camera for a little while, before finally turning back to Teyla.

              Thalen: 'Teyla doesn't think you'll do it.'

              Sheppard (Raising the gun): 'Teyla... I'm sorry.'

              Thalen: 'She cares for you, more than you know.'

              Freeze it up again... now if I'm getting winded, its because I'm trying to explain my thinking. Anyway, back to the ship. Right now he's desperately trying to make his decision (all while delaying as long as possible, that goes without saying) Now, if this were the show... McKay would unlock the city right then and then he could drop the gun... but assuming that McKay didn't... where does that lead us, Sheppard's choice.

              Almost all of you are saying that Sheppard couldn't do it, that he couldn't value the lives of a 3rd of the expedition to Teyla's... that he couldn't make that decision. That he'd drop the gun and Phoebus would release the gas, possibly killing them both.

              I believe he (like Teyla) could've done it, if there was no other option. What would there have been left of him afterward... nothing... absolutely nothing. He'd probably be dead within a year, either from a mission or suicide. Just like with Teyla it would've destroyed him if he pulled that trigger, but could he have done it to save the expedition, I still believe his military mind can make that jump.

              Now don't everyone kill me, I am a Sheyla shipper. This is just how I see it right now... I am in no waying saying he could have really lived afterwards, I don't think Teyla could've either...
              Cpt. Ritter, I see your point. Don't agree with it, but I see where you're coming from. What would really be interesting ... if we didn't actually see Teyla take aim, if we had more of a blank thing to fill in, how would we feel?

              An example of a professional rescuer or warrior having a bad day:

              A mother when told to shoot her child or 200 people will die will (a) let 200 people die if the child is very young, or (2) shoot herself if the child is older because carrying the burdon of either choice results in (a slower) suicide anyway. Why not just skip the BS and get to the inevtable without killing anyone?

              A guy when told that he's the only one who can pilot a boat with 20 people in need of rescue on it has to leave his trapped wife and get on the boat will (1) say do the best you can to the 20 people, I'm not leaving her, or (2) tell the others to wait until the decision is made for him by fate.

              Both the mom and the lover can be a Marine. I was. I'm telling you for my son the expedition would have been in big trouble.

              To keep it in context, I don't think Sheppard would shoot either the kid (mine or his) or leave the trapped lady, Teyla or Jane Doe. That's the way he's wired.

              I like Camy's idea that there was a third option, and not suicide either, although I've seen that depicted in drama (where I can't recall). Hanging in there and fighting is the best kind of drama for fiction. Teyla, God bless her, stayed within the box and gave in. The writers showed us that. John's not a "box" guy and shooting her means giving in. He doesn't give in. Neither would be (is) wrong. Neither is saying the lives of the expedition are expendable. The way they resolve the problem would be different, that's all I'm saying, and it defines them not as lovers or warriors or professionals but as human beings. To be fair to Teyla, her decision results in less risk of failure, failure being the expedition folks die. She has way more experience with loss, living under the cloud of the Wraith, than John, whose first act of defiance in the Pegasus was to rescue culling victims. Going by the Athosians' reaction to John's heroics, rescuing culling victims, even when achievable technology-wise, seemed unheard of.
              Last edited by expendable_crewman; 23 August 2006, 10:52 AM.


                *sighs* She likes my idea....*sighs*

                I agree with Cheryl...this is not about John not being capable of pulling the trigger...and this isn't a wrong or right answer either....this is about two people going to the point where they see no other choice...

                Teyla's point of no other choice for her was when she had to choose between the lives of the crew or would have killed her to kill John....but she would have done it....and John understood her as was the logical thing to do in her mind, even though I believe every fiber in her body told her not to shoot him...but Teyla has learned how to repress her emotions for the better of her people and for others...and she thinks rationally and objectively better than most people...and so, she felt that this was the better choice, the only choice for her.....

                To me, John's point of no return is when there is no other choice for him..and I believe he had other his mind, there is always a backdoor...he looks for them, he performs the best when he's under such stressful conditions......there is always a way, you just have to find it..and his ultimate choice is he rather die himself than to let others die in his place....

                In the end, John stops only when there is no more for him to do....when he places his life as the ultimate sacrifice to save others.. and killing Teyla was not going to save anyone in his mind.....

                He doesn't give in...this is not about John being capable or not capable or even Teyla....

                In either scenario there would have been death...and John fights all the way for life...and so does Teyla..but in the end, John is the ultimate hero..and the ultimate hero never gives up until the point where he can do no more....until the point where he himself is uncapable of doing anything else....

                He'd rather die himself than pull that trigger....

                Both of them in my opinion, want to save lives...but both come to the decision and view the scenario very differently....neither is right or wrong, neither is better than the other, it's all about both of them going out all the way and finding what in their view is the only solution to the problem.

                In the end, I think both of them would have accepted and understood the decision of the other....whatever Teyla had decided, I think John was willing to accept it and move on.....and Honestly I don't even think that he would have been angry with her if she had not shot him and let the others die...I can just picture John struggling and suffering for Teyla...and hating Thalen for putting her in that position...thus I think Thalen picked up on all the emotions that John must have felt at that point...and I think that the last thing that he was thinking about was himself...I think the entire time he was thinking of Teyla and the others....that's just how John is...

                ADDED THIS...and EDITED...

                on another many emotions are running high in regards to the latest news of the cancellation of SG-1 and renewal of Atlantis...I can't believe that people are actually spreading the idea to boycott much as I disagree with Scifi's decision to cancel SG-1, I love the idea that Atlantis will still be around for another season....SG-1 had TEN YEARS..and they most likely be seen again.....
                if they don't, they still have something that not many shows have done..and that is a victory within itself...Atlantis has the capability to do the same...but if others begin to go against Atlantis, then it doesn't stand a chance...I feel for the actors and the crew of Atlantis...right now, they must be so saddened to think that the fans have actually separated when in reality both shows come from the same franchise..and one is the "daughter" of the shouldn't be that way, it shouldn't be competitive...SG-1 is legendary all on its own...Atlantis has been so great in part because of SG-1..and now we should let this show continue and strive even if only for a fraction of what SG-1 did....

                I love SGA..and I hate all the bad rep that is now getting because others are upset about SG-1...the rumors of bringing and replacing some of the cast from SGA is completely wrong and absurd..if this continues, not only will it bring down SGA ..but the franchise itself would be in shame because its own fans brought it down...

                I say, support both shows...but if SG-1 is near its end, then let them leave proudly and let SGA live on and continue what the first one started! spread the word around...SGA must remain the way it stands... I love these characters and they need to flesh them out more...bringing new characters and even the ones from SG-1 would really hurt the show in my opinion....

                so, TPTB..keep SGA the way it is now with the cast and crew....and let it shine and grow just as the legendary SG-1 has done for the past 10 years....

                Make John and Teyla the couple that they are meant to be....and let them continue to fight the Wraith side by side and then cuddle in each other's arms after a good days' work...
                Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 23 August 2006, 07:46 AM.


                  Originally posted by Camy

                  Make John and Teyla the couple that they are meant to be....and let them continue to fight the Wraith side by side and then cuddle in each other's arms after a good days' work...

                  Lol! Here Here!!

                  This is a bit of shameless self promotion, but, heres my first ever SG:A fic!! Yay! Its my take on what might happen durring The Return Part 1. Any feeback would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks

                  Last edited by green_eyed_lady; 23 August 2006, 11:45 AM.
                  Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                    Popping in quick to say, "Hi!"

                    I'm a bit better today. Still have to take it easy. Baby's fine. He's going to be an a soccor player.

                    Re: would John shoot Teyla? Hmm. I think it could plausibly be written either way. He may love her, but he has an enormous sense of duty and she was wearing a vest. So, as was said, he could shoot her in the vest and she could play dead, yet only be bruised.

                    Anyway, I'm off.



                      you know how they combine names of the wanted cuple? check out Shepard/Emagen = Shamogen


                        Originally posted by Doxymom
                        Popping in quick to say, "Hi!"

                        I'm a bit better today. Still have to take it easy. Baby's fine. He's going to be an a soccor player.

                        Re: would John shoot Teyla? Hmm. I think it could plausibly be written either way. He may love her, but he has an enormous sense of duty and she was wearing a vest. So, as was said, he could shoot her in the vest and she could play dead, yet only be bruised.

                        Anyway, I'm off.

                        Hi sweetie....

                        OH, no you don't....that's the easy answer...give me something to bite on....LOL

                        I'm so glad your feeling better....



                          Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                          Lol! Here Here!!

                          This is a bit of shameless self promotion, but, heres my first ever SG:A fic!! Yay! Its my take on what might happen durring The Return Part 1. Any feeback would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks

                          GEL...I can't wait to read this..but I"M off right now to cook supper...I will leave you a review much later on tonight....


                            Originally posted by Doxymom
                            Popping in quick to say, "Hi!"

                            I'm a bit better today. Still have to take it easy. Baby's fine. He's going to be an a soccor player.

                            Re: would John shoot Teyla? Hmm. I think it could plausibly be written either way. He may love her, but he has an enormous sense of duty and she was wearing a vest. So, as was said, he could shoot her in the vest and she could play dead, yet only be bruised.

                            Anyway, I'm off.

                            Originally posted by Camy
                            GEL...I can't wait to read this..but I"M off right now to cook supper...I will leave you a review much later on tonight....

                            Thanks Camy! I look forward to your review lol. Enjoy your supper

                            Aww! Happy to hear your okay, and the baby is fine!

                            I agree with your thoughts about the "Would he shoot her" debate.
                            Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                              Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                              Lol! Here Here!!

                              This is a bit of shameless self promotion, but, heres my first ever SG:A fic!! Yay! Its my take on what might happen durring The Return Part 1. Any feeback would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks


                              Just read your fic...I'm MadCapSciFiWriter on by the way....I always love to see new writers for JT fic becasue I like to see how different people interpret the characters...I also loved the whole idea behind your fic so it was a two for one good read for me! I am hoping, wishing, calling to the Ancestors that we get something as tender as what you wrote...great job!


                                Got a question;
                                what would u call the scene in suspcion, the one where john and teyla talk on the balcony more of a conversation or a sheyla scene?
                                part of:
                                Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                                wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one

