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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Well, I saw Sateda and all I have to say is...


    I'm just loving everyones delightful perspective on Sheyla's convo and all of their other interactions...I'm seeing shipperiness where I origianlly thought there hadn't been...I've gotta get my darn shipper glasses fixed.

    Happy-Happy Joy-Joy

    Whenever, Where ever, Whatever, I'll risk life and limb when it comes to you.
    Pretty Sig by Annie Shep.


      WOW I missed alot lol
      but I noticed something in the caps I had seen that I'm kicking myself for not seeing it before..
      I think John puting his hand on Teyla's was mean't to be shippy..I think it was John kinda testing the waters to see if she would back away, and thats probably why he didn't keep it there for too long, but I thought it was sooooooo romantic when he puts his hand on hers and then you see the blue going by in the window between them! They didn't have to shoot it that way, but they did to make it more romantic.

      ...maybe I'm just seeing things



        Originally posted by outta-orbit
        Well, I saw Sateda and all I have to say is...


        I'm just loving everyones delightful perspective on Sheyla's convo and all of their other interactions...I'm seeing shipperiness where I origianlly thought there hadn't been...I've gotta get my darn shipper glasses fixed.

        Happy-Happy Joy-Joy
        Yeah... that was my response... SQUEEEEEE! I couldn't help it.

        The hand touching was tenative... Sheppard walked out of that room real slow... real slow I'm wondering if he was waiting for her to say something more, who knows. I half expected Teyla's hand to wrap around his in the end there, if only for a second, but his hand was nearly doing the whol shaking thing and her's didn't move at all as he touched it.

        IMO, they were both not saying things that they need to eventually say. I was satisfied with what we got, I'd like more in the future, but for now... its good. It was a solid scene where they both sat down... and danced around the real issue... which is of course the underlying sexual tension.
        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


          Okay... its finally available for public release... the Stills Vid I made for Annie.

          Enjoy everyone, Annie loved it. It features artwork from alot of the people here and on Stargate Omega.
          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


            Still flying on a JT high...

            After admitting what he had, John must have thought wow…Teyla’s got me revealing a little too much here... I’d better leave before I profess how much I can’t live without her…heeheehee



              Originally posted by fates4jt
              Still flying on a JT high...

              After admitting what he had, John must have thought wow…Teyla’s got me revealing a little too much here... I’d better leave before I profess how much I can’t live without her…heeheehee

              The first time I watched the scene I thought he was
              When he started saying "look Teyla, I'm, not really good at" and I forgot the rest, but it sounded like he was tell her

              I just hope one of these days he will tell her! I don't wanna wait 10 years for them to get together like sam and jack(actually I'm still waiting lol)


                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                Yeah... that was my response... SQUEEEEEE! I couldn't help it.

                The hand touching was tenative... Sheppard walked out of that room real slow... real slow I'm wondering if he was waiting for her to say something more, who knows. I half expected Teyla's hand to wrap around his in the end there, if only for a second, but his hand was nearly doing the whol shaking thing and her's didn't move at all as he touched it.

                IMO, they were both not saying things that they need to eventually say. I was satisfied with what we got, I'd like more in the future, but for now... its good. It was a solid scene where they both sat down... and danced around the real issue... which is of course the underlying sexual tension.

                This was a great scene...Here's my take on this..and I said this already to Ritter and someone else...but the email got LOST! AH!
                When you think about this scene...John dind't say anything that "we" the viewers don't already know..*this is not my observation but someones else's who she knows who she is and so does Ritter*
                Who didn't know that John would risk his life for any of them...he's done this repeatedly...but, the key here is did Teyla know this...clearly she had her doubts...remember we wanted a Trinity scene..well I think we can relate this back to Trinity....
                See, Teyla doesn't feel completely accepted yet..everything that John and the others have done up till now has been for Atlantis, or for Earth...not for someone in specific and not for someone that is an Ronon who is the extreme...she would have probably never questioned that John would have come after her..but for Ronon she did! and thus Trinity....she knew then that it would have put John in a difficult predicament...and whether she believed that he would have defened Ronon for his actions in Trinity or not even the point, she didn't want him to even have to choose...remember again her line in Letters From Pegasus, "too much I fear"
                and towards the end of that episode, she understood his responsibility, which went beyond his was his duty and responsibility that came first in his line of work..and she finally got that at the, my point...Teyla came to John because now she really knows that for him, there are no barriers when it comes to his team..that he will do and save his life...and that he sees them as his family moreso than friends...I think Teyla needed to hear that...she had doubts...she needed to hear from him...that kiss in Conversion meant nothing to her if she doesn't know his true feelings..Remember that she's a very soulfoul woman and for her a partner is a lifetime of commitment..she can't have doubts...she needed this in order to move forward...and then same for John...when he said at the beginning when Teyla first asked him about his actions...he said, "at the beginning...referring how people doubted her...he wasn't going to say that he doubted her at the beginning, he never has! but, he was probably going to say that the others did doubt her...Dang, Elizabeth still doubted her in the Siege 2 with the whole thing with, she does have the right to still feel this way..she hasn't been given total and complete trust! and yet, John has never done that to her...and I know she doesn't question it...but for Ronon it was different..and for her to see this side of him was very thinking...if she's seeing John as a future partner...she needs to have this type of person do the same for her people.....and John just proved to her that he can! he can be a leader of her people along with her for he has nothing holding him back to how true his heart is....AW!

                the other thing that I think is that I agree with Ritter,...Teyla did look like she was expecting more and the fact that she said, what YOU MEANT to say, confirms this...the question is what was she expecting...and what did she think he meant!
                I personally think that John was telling her..this is the real me...I give myself completely to those that I love and that I hold as my family! there is no holding back! and I think he was telling her, I hold nothing back for you either...In reality, John was opening a new side of him to her...a side that we won't see often because it's his vulnerable side...his weakness...
                I think that when we saw his reaction to seeing first that Teyla was not in her spot in the village and then seeing her on the ground, tells you that he went back for Teyla..because in the end, he knows that Ronon can take care of himself and has been through a lot...but he couldn't live with himself if anythying happened to Teyla..and that is what he didn't mention to her..and that is what she wanted to hear...I think anyways!
                In retrospect, we didn't get the 'I love you" and frankly, this was not the scene for this and it would have been too thing that I love how the writers are doing this is the way in which they are developing it...slowly but very with power! For these two to be together, they have to go against all odds and for them to take things lightly is not within their character...If anything Teyla showed just how much her people mean to her....and now she understands that when John tells her I will see that it's okay for both you and my people, he means it! He really would!
                and that is who Teyla is and now she knows that is who John is...and I think deep inside she knew this..but she had to hear it! and she did! Now, they can move on....
                Just my opinion....

                Again, in the end, this again just opens new doors and strengthens even further what we knew was there..but the characters themselves need to know it and now Teyla knows...and John knows that she can end there...or it can move to the next level...and I think it's going to the next level....YIPEE! and again, I think this is so different from Sam/Jack...and it has to be because and I"m glad it is because these characters are extremely different from every aspect....Ah, okay..I want to see what others think....




                  I think the scene between them was wonderful and the fact that he opened up to Teyla tells me how much he really cares about HER. I do believe that Sheppard would do anything for his team and we have seen this before but his confession to Teyla just seemed that bit more intimate.

                  Even though he mentioned everyone he was directing it at her - he didn't have to put his hand on hers but again it just seemed to reaffirm that eventhough his team mean so much to him - she is special.

                  The writers have left the scene open to interpretation. They have laid the groundwork for John and Teyla to become more than friends and have indicated that that they do indeed care for each other more than they are letting on.

                  They could also just leave things as they are - that John would do anything for any of his team and still go with a different pairing. If TPTB are intending to go down the relationship route then I hope they go with one pairing and stick with it. My biggest fear is that they will continue to hint at both pairings but never really make either one canon.

                  I would rather not have any pairing then be messed around. John and Teyla have such a wonderful unforced natural chemistry and if the writers continue to give us such fantastic scenes as we saw between them in Sateda I think they could really give us a wonderful relationship. I see so much potential between these two and their scenes together are never forced.

                  I really hope the writers see how well received they are, and realise the wonderful potential for giving us a realistic and heartwarming relationship.


                    If anything, as a poster said before, the writers are clearly indicating which pairing they are DYING to write....there has been moments between others...but like I've said, none has expressed so much from John or Teyla as their scenes together...I totally agree with you bluealien...I think the writers know exactly which pairing the want to do and I don't think they will question where they want to go..the question is will they go and make it canon or will they continue with these scenes....


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      This was a great scene...Here's my take on this..and I said this already to Ritter and someone else...but the email got LOST! AH!
                      When you think about this scene...John dind't say anything that "we" the viewers don't already know..*this is not my observation but someones else's who she knows who she is and so does Ritter*
                      Who didn't know that John would risk his life for any of them...he's done this repeatedly...but, the key here is did Teyla know this...clearly she had her doubts...remember we wanted a Trinity scene..well I think we can relate this back to Trinity....
                      See, Teyla doesn't feel completely accepted yet..everything that John and the others have done up till now has been for Atlantis, or for Earth...not for someone in specific and not for someone that is an Ronon who is the extreme...she would have probably never questioned that John would have come after her..but for Ronon she did! and thus Trinity....she knew then that it would have put John in a difficult predicament...and whether she believed that he would have defened Ronon for his actions in Trinity or not even the point, she didn't want him to even have to choose...remember again her line in Letters From Pegasus, "too much I fear"
                      and towards the end of that episode, she understood his responsibility, which went beyond his was his duty and responsibility that came first in his line of work..and she finally got that at the, my point...Teyla came to John because now she really knows that for him, there are no barriers when it comes to his team..that he will do and save his life...and that he sees them as his family moreso than friends...I think Teyla needed to hear that...she had doubts...she needed to hear from him...that kiss in Conversion meant nothing to her if she doesn't know his true feelings..Remember that she's a very soulfoul woman and for her a partner is a lifetime of commitment..she can't have doubts...she needed this in order to move forward...and then same for John...when he said at the beginning when Teyla first asked him about his actions...he said, "at the beginning...referring how people doubted her...he wasn't going to say that he doubted her at the beginning, he never has! but, he was probably going to say that the others did doubt her...Dang, Elizabeth still doubted her in the Siege 2 with the whole thing with, she does have the right to still feel this way..she hasn't been given total and complete trust! and yet, John has never done that to her...and I know she doesn't question it...but for Ronon it was different..and for her to see this side of him was very thinking...if she's seeing John as a future partner...she needs to have this type of person do the same for her people.....and John just proved to her that he can! he can be a leader of her people along with her for he has nothing holding him back to how true his heart is....AW!

                      the other thing that I think is that I agree with Ritter,...Teyla did look like she was expecting more and the fact that she said, what YOU MEANT to say, confirms this...the question is what was she expecting...and what did she think he meant!
                      I personally think that John was telling her..this is the real me...I give myself completely to those that I love and that I hold as my family! there is no holding back! and I think he was telling her, I hold nothing back for you either...In reality, John was opening a new side of him to her...a side that we won't see often because it's his vulnerable side...his weakness...
                      I think that when we saw his reaction to seeing first that Teyla was not in her spot in the village and then seeing her on the ground, tells you that he went back for Teyla..because in the end, he knows that Ronon can take care of himself and has been through a lot...but he couldn't live with himself if anythying happened to Teyla..and that is what he didn't mention to her..and that is what she wanted to hear...I think anyways!
                      In retrospect, we didn't get the 'I love you" and frankly, this was not the scene for this and it would have been too thing that I love how the writers are doing this is the way in which they are developing it...slowly but very with power! For these two to be together, they have to go against all odds and for them to take things lightly is not within their character...If anything Teyla showed just how much her people mean to her....and now she understands that when John tells her I will see that it's okay for both you and my people, he means it! He really would!
                      and that is who Teyla is and now she knows that is who John is...and I think deep inside she knew this..but she had to hear it! and she did! Now, they can move on....
                      Just my opinion....

                      Again, in the end, this again just opens new doors and strengthens even further what we knew was there..but the characters themselves need to know it and now Teyla knows...and John knows that she can end there...or it can move to the next level...and I think it's going to the next level....YIPEE! and again, I think this is so different from Sam/Jack...and it has to be because and I"m glad it is because these characters are extremely different from every aspect....Ah, okay..I want to see what others think....

                      First off, just wanted to say I loved this episode. Ronon was amazing and Rodney and Carson were hilarious. Most important, though, was the scene with J/T. My shippy glasses nearly cracked when John started trying to tell Teyla how he felt. I completely agree with the spoiler posted above and I think this goes back to the discussion of how and when J/T should get together (there is no if). They could be an item by the end of the next episode, which would be fine with everyone, but for me to believe that they have an enduring love I need more scenes like in Sateda. John, though flirtatious and charming on the outside, has a deeper side to himself. He struggles with his past, his duty to Atlantis, and the feelings he has for his ‘family’. Teyla, though at times subdued, is a very passionate person who has a deep sense of duty to her people, love and respect for John, and hope that the Atlantis expedition can help defeat the Wraith. As someone mentioned before, both are controlled by outside influences. John could be sent back to Earth on a whim and if the Athosians decided to move off world, Teyla would be duty bound to follow them. For two people, with so many responsibilities, to just haphazardly fall into a relationship would be cute, but a bit absurd. BUT, if they slowly, somewhat cautiously, allowed their feelings for each other to bloom into an undying love - that would be beautiful. And a little more believable. And offer us some really good J/T moments. And then we could make sigs. And a few videos. You get my point. I don’t know why, but I like it when they drag a relationship out. Cause, honestly, once they’re together I can see TPTB letting the relationship fall off track (which I pray that they won’t). Anyway, that’s just my chump change.


                        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                        Okay... its finally available for public release... the Stills Vid I made for Annie.


                        Enjoy everyone, Annie loved it. It features artwork from alot of the people here and on Stargate Omega.

                        It won't play!!!! What program do I use to see it??

                        I made another video as well. I kinda have mixed feelings about it like Sexy Lady, but it's done. And I pinky swear, this really is my last Season 1 vid. I promise, no more.

                        Hope you like it: Keep Giving Your Love To Me


                          I agree that there is enough between John and Teyla at the moment to lead us to believe that they care deeply for each other but both have duties and committments so I can't see them rushing into anything.

                          I wouldn't want to see this anyway and would be happy to see similar scenes that we got in Sateda. But I feel at the moment that the writers are giving similar scenes to other pairings. Yes we know that John cares for all of them but if we see him giving the same type of talk to Elizabeth or anyone else then where is the distinction that either one means more to him than just a good friend.

                          I want to see him caring for everyone on his team but if the writers are going to go down the shippy road then they have to do something more with one or the other. But I have a feeling that we will continue to see scenes with John showing the same type of care to both Elizabeth and Teyla. All that will mean is that both shippers will be insisting that he has "feelings" for their pairing.

                          To me of course the logical choice is to go with John and Teyla as even without any shipper glasses I see so much chemistry between these two. I just love that they are from different worlds and yet have so much in common. I really feel that Teyla understands John so well and can read him like no one else can. I never get this feeling when he is around Elizabeth. He has a totally different dynamic with her in my opinion.

                          I don't really know what the writers think about the whole relationship thing but I do hope that they don't flit from one to the other and leave both pairings hanging which is possibly what they may do.

                          I'm hoping that the rumour that John will reveal his feelings to Teyla will happen, even if she is not able to hear it. Then at least it will be made clear as to who John really has feelings for.


                   have made some very good the end, anything can happen..but again...everything goes to interpretation....we can go back and forth on how I see and you see and they see and we don't see...blah, blah, blah...

                            Bottom line...our ship is strong...we can see between these two a bond and a chemistry that goes beyond friendship..whether the writers continue or not, is like you say another story...I've yet to see any scene that I think is powerful between any other ship than John and Teyla..the sparring scenes between John and Teyla are pure heat...nothing comes off like that between Teyla and Ronon...the kiss between John and Teyla was secretive and so full of emotion that I can't see how anyone can deny one thing from that scene, John wanted to kiss Teyla...nothing romantic...he wanted to kiss her..
                            in the end, like you say, until the writers go and do something as canon as revealing feelings romantically or of love, we can only interpret each scene which ever way we want...I like the subtle things but I do want more eventually....and I think the writers can make it happen without taking away from the show....but it all goes down to how we see it and how we interpret it..but who can deny , the way John continually defends Teyla...and trusts her from day one..Suspicion, the Siege 1..., the fact that he wants her to be okay with their plans, Allies..."he cares for you more than you know"TLG, the Kiss.....putting his life and his responsibility on the line...LFP....and now subtle confession of feelings....and Teyla saying "what you Meant" .Sateda...and I could go on......oh, these things cannot be shared by any other ship in SGA! I'm sorry, that's how I see it...for now anyways!

                            But, I do see what you are pointing out bluealien....I just think we stand above the rest...for the things that we have so far...



                              Bottom line...our ship is strong...we can see between these two a bond and a chemistry that goes beyond friendship..whether the writers continue or not, is like you say another story...I've yet to see any scene that I think is powerful between any other ship than John and Teyla..the sparring scenes between John and Teyla are pure heat...nothing comes off like that between Teyla and Ronon...the kiss between John and Teyla was secretive and so full of emotion that I can't see how anyone can deny one thing from that scene, John wanted to kiss Teyla...nothing romantic...he wanted to kiss her..
                              in the end, like you say, until the writers go and do something as canon as revealing feelings romantically or of love, we can only interpret each scene which ever way we want...I like the subtle things but I do want more eventually....and I think the writers can make it happen without taking away from the show....but it all goes down to how we see it and how we interpret it..but who can deny , the way John continually defends Teyla...and trusts her from day one..Suspicion, the Siege 1..., the fact that he wants her to be okay with their plans, Allies..."he cares for you more than you know"TLG, the Kiss.....putting his life and his responsibility on the line...LFP....and now subtle confession of feelings....and Teyla saying "what you Meant" .Sateda...and I could go on......oh, these things cannot be shared by any other ship in SGA! I'm sorry, that's how I see it...for now anyways!

                              I agree with you Camy We have had so many moments between John and Teyla that I am convinced that there is so much more between them than they let on. The sparring scenes alone just sizzle with sexual tension. But I do think that its also Joe and Rachels wonderful chemistry that brings it to life so much.

                              I have never gotten any romantic vibe from any other pairing or felt the intensity that I get from John and Teyla and to me this is why they work so well. I don't need to put on any shipper glass and look for things that are not there and I also agree that no other ship has gotten the shippy scenes that we have had between John and Teyla.


                                Hehehe...well....My hubby just watch that scene with me...and the !@#$ just said that I"m putting too much into it...DANG MAN!


                                but, then again...he doesn't care for shippy glasses...but on the good side, my kids are seeing it...HIP HIP HOORRAY!

                                okay..I'm done for today...hubby just killed my muse!

