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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Oh, DM..I love your thinking....and got to deliver this fic for us...don't make promises....or I"M going to hunt you down....

    I do hope we get at least the mentioning of her name...It would make me just jump up and down...and trust me...hubby already knows.....

    But, you guys have to go to the Galleria cause Bella posted this link with a picfic...Darn it, I thought I invented that! but this person...has outdone my picfics....

    and it's definetely Shep/Teyla centered...LOL

    Oh, I'll chat with you guys tomorrow night...Ciao!


      These darn shippy glasses…Okay, here goes

      So yes, John, was annoyingly peeved most of the episode thanks to Lucius the obnoxious …but he still managed to keep his head knowing the dangerously influential impact Lucius was having on everyone on Atlantis; he even maintained his cool when he found out Weir, under Lucius’s influence, gave a team (Teyla, Carson, and Ronan) the go ahead to retrieve herbs from a Wraith riddled planet…that decision and the fact that the team actually went left him, if anything, irritatingly flabbergasted; he couldn’t believe that Teyla and the others risked their lives for this guy… and so interestingly enough it was the words “ We wanted to go” being uttered proudly from Teyla’s mouth that finally made him blow his top as he simultaneously made a grab for her bag of herbs; John obviously had an issue with the overall Lucius situation but seeing Teyla proudly declare risking her life for a man who John realizes sees her as a potential bed warmer got him especially riled up.


        Just got done watching the second airing of Irresistible.

        Shippy moments for Irresistible
        I would like to point out that John seriously doesn't like this guy. Teyla unlike the others, while clearly under his spell too, isn't shown physically close to him that much. Only when he tells the story does Teyla grab his hand and slaps his knee nothing more.

        As they fly to Lucius' planet John sneezes. Teyla immediately looks up at him. Teyla: Are you alright Colonel? John says it is only a cold.

        When they get into the village Rodney and John check out all the attractive women. Teyla watches Rodney then John. She turns to Ronon and they share a look that says here we go again. They meet Lucius who, when he notices Teyla, starts hitting on her. John seeing this looks away uncomfortably. Lucious continues on until he asks her out to lunch. Teyla glances over at John. John looks at Lucius slightly irritated.

        They are at a table, sitting with Lucius, surrounded by the villagers. Lucius asks John if Teyla is taken. As John looks up stunned by the question and is about to answer Teyla immediately takes charge. She immediately says no and tells Lucius that she speaks for herself and not John or anyone else speaks for her. Lucius mentions she will make an excellent wife and has a great body. Teyla looks away disgusted. John looks down amused by this. Lucius asks for a puddle jumper. John refuses to trade with him. Lucius desperately trying to trade with them tries asking for other things. He asks John how he gets his hair like that. John stares at him in shock. Teyla glances at John and at his hair. She then looks down with this wierd expression on her face. John looks pointedly over at Teyla and mentions that they should go. Lucius tries to talk them into staying. As he does this John politely refuses and continuely glances over at Teyla during this. Teyla immediately backs John up appearing relieved to leave. As the team gathers at the table's end to leave Teyla moves to John's side. They are stopped by the villagers. Lucius tells them to let John and his team leave because they are friends. Hearing this John and Teyla look at each other. Immediately after the people part John takes off with Teyla on his heels. For some reason Ronon and Rodney follow a ways behind them.

        Rodney and John find everyone listening to Lucius' story in the cafeteria clearly taken in by him. John has a meeting with Elizabeth, Teyla, Ronon, and Carson. They tell him what a great and wise man Lucius is with Teyla agreeing with all they say. John: Teyla this is the man who asked you to be his seventh wife. Teyla glances at Elizabeth and Carson, who look at her in shock, she looks down embarrassed. Teyla: I know. I hope I didn't upset him. The others continue on trying to convince John of Lucius' goodness. When this meeting ends John is clearly not happy.

        When John visits the village to get Lucius' potion he talks with one of Lucius' wives. She mentions that at one time she repeatedly refused to share Lucius' bed and that she was ashamed about it. John looks away for a few seconds uncomfortable with this statement. Makes me wonder what he was thinking about?

        When John returns he finds out Teyla, Ronon, and Carson went on a mission to a planet that is a suspected wraith outpost. John is angered and worried by this news.

        They come back with wraith on their tail. John comes down the stairs clearly concerned about them. They are laughing and appeared to have had a good time. It is mentioned that they encounted the wraith. I forget by who. Maybe John? Teyla: Yes, many. She laughs. John looks at her concerned. John is upset and the others try to calm him down. Teyla mentions that they wanted to do this. John stares at her. John (calmly): Ok, I just about (angrily) had (growls) enough! John lunges at the bag Teyla is holding. Teyla grabs the bag defensively and stares at him. Ronon pulls out his gun on him and warns him not to touch the bags. Elizabeth approaches John and asks him what the matter is. Lucius mentions that he thinks something is wrong with John. John, seeing where this is headed, quickly apologizes and explains he must be tired because of his cold. As he does this he glances at Teyla a few times then turns and apologizes to Lucius. Elizabeth suggests he rest. As John leaves he looks back over his shoulder. I can't tell if it was at Lucius or Teyla though.

        After John is imprisoned Lucius visits him. He tells John that his herb doesn't harm anyone and that he never forced anyone to do anything they didn't want to. John points out his six wives. Lucius brags sometimes they do it all at once. John is clearly uncomfortable with that statement. Is it the thought of Lucius in bed with six women at once he finds disturbing? I know that alone makes me cringe. Or is it something else it brings to mind?
        Last edited by Black Panther; 06 May 2007, 03:03 PM.


          BP... this is why we love you.

          I just loved the expression on John's face in the early part of the episode where Lucious was... hitting on Teyla. I just loved it. He had enough of a guilty streak to realize that their positions had been reversed before, but was disgusted enough to also show just how annoyed he was.

          Later when Carson, Teyla, and Beckett came back Sheppard was royally pissed, and I personally think it had to do with Teyla's proud statement, just like you said.

          The six women at once... uhhh... disturbs me... no fantasies about that in my mind. I think John was actually alittle more disturbed by the fact that Teyla might've become one of them... or even Elizabeth (since Elizabeth seemed to be really hanging on Lucious, even more so than everyone except maybe Carson)

          Overall, not a bad episode, when I get pissed at the bad guy... you know the writers and actors, and producers and everyone are doing a great job.
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            Okay... this isn't a Iressitable tag.. but I did it again...



            Originally posted by Name redacted.
            I think that's a pretty good assesment of the epesode. If I had been John though I probably would have thrown Lucius out of the puddle jumper.
            I would've just hit him over the head with the P90...
            Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:21 AM.
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              More fic... I'm on a non-stop roll

              A Cold Cell (an Irresistible Tag)


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                I have two fic challenges for you all based on Irresistable.

                1. Write the aftermath. Focus on JT but you may make it longer to include
                everyone--like Teyla talking to Carson or John to Liz or McKay.

                In the ep, Teyla basically turns on John along with all the others. She acts
                like she thinks he's lost it and helps to not only track him down and stun
                him, but to imprison him. Did she interrogate him? Now that she's recovered
                does she remember everything? Does she feel guilty for not trusting John? Does
                she apologize? Is he a little leery or does he freely accept that she didn't
                mean it?

                Write their talk after she has recovered and include all the emotional
                baggage that had to happen for each of them as a result of this.

                2. Write the missing scene in which John and Teyla's team take Lucius back
                to his home planet full of angry people. This can be before or after the above
                "talk". Give us their thoughts or introspection. Are the happy the people
                are angry with him? What happens to him and how do they react?

                Enjoy! Doxymom


                  I have to say that since we didn’t see any J/T in the Peagusas Project, Irresistible more than made up for it. The episode was hilarious. It was nice to see how uncomfortable John was to see Teyla smitten with another man. And the look on his face when Lucius asks if she was taken, says she has a nice body, and then asks about John’s hair, were priceless. Some laugh out loud none J/T moments: the baby from the lake , Rodney explaining how Ronon held him against the wall so that he could ‘chat’ with Lucius, and John telling Carson to ‘buck up’ while they were in the jumper. This was a nice break from the intense drama.

                  Good Lord, why did someone tell me I spell corrected his name to Luscious. He was ok, but not that great.
                  Last edited by Devine27; 29 July 2006, 07:29 PM.


                    Okay... already replied to Doxy's challenge, where is everyone.



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                      Hi does anyone have anymore links to any other sheyla Music Vids out there. anything that is their favorite one.
                      part of:
                      Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                      wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                        Okay... this isn't a Iressitable tag.. but I did it again...



                        I would've just hit him over the head with the P90...

                        WOW!! You wrote those fast!!! I'm impressed! Very nice though!!! I was in the mood for fluff today, so I was so happy to see you'd written not one, but two more! Thank you so much!!!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by Devine27

                          Good Lord, why did someone tell me I spell corrected his name to Luscious. He was ok, but not that great.

                          LOL! I laughed outloud when I read this! I agree with your thoughts on the ep though! I really enjoyed it as well!

                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by Black Panther
                            Just got done watching the second airing of Irresistible.

                            Shippy moments for Irresistible
                            I would like to point out that John seriously doesn't like this guy. Teyla unlike the others, while clearly under his spell too, isn't shown physically close to him that much. Only when he tells the story does Teyla grab his hand and slaps his knee nothing more.

                            As they fly to Lucius' planet John sneezes. Teyla immediately looks up at him. Teyla: Are you alright Colonel? John says it is only a cold.

                            When they get into the village Rodney and John check out all the attractive women. Teyla watches Rodney then John. She turns to Ronon and they share a look that says here we go again. They meet Lucius who, when he notices Teyla, starts hitting on her. John seeing this looks away uncomfortably. Lucious contiues on until he asks her out to lunch. Teyla glances over at John. John looks at Lucius slightly irritated.

                            They are at a table, sitting with Lucius, surrounded by the villagers. Lucius asks John if Teyla is taken. As John looks up stunned by the question and is about to answer Teyla immediately takes charge. She immediately says no and tells Lucius that she speaks for herself and not John or anyone else speaks for her. Lucius mentions she will make an excellent wife and has a great body. Teyla looks away disgusted. John looks down amused by this. Lucius asks for a puddle jumper. John refuses to trade with him. Lucius desperately trying to trade with them tries asking for other things. He asks John how he gets his hair like that. John stares at him in shock. Teyla glances at John and at his hair. She then looks down with this wierd expression on her face. John looks pointedly over at Teyla and mentions that they should go. Lucius tries to talk them into staying. As he does this John politely refuses and continuely glances over at Teyla during this. Teyla immediately backs John up appearing relieved to leave. As the team gathers at the table's end to leave Teyla moves to John's side. They are stopped by the villagers. Lucius tells them to let John and his team leave because they are friends. Hearing this John and Teyla look at each other. Immediately after the people part John takes off with Teyla on his heels. For some reason Ronon and Rodney follow a ways behind them.

                            Rodney and John find everyone listening to Lucius' story in the cafeteria clearly taken in by him. John has a meeting with Elizabeth, Teyla, Ronon, and Carson. They tell him what a great and wise man Lucius is with Teyla agreeing with all they say. John: Teyla this is the man who asked you to be his seventh wife. Teyla glances at Elizabeth and Carson, who look at her in shock, she looks down embarrassed. Teyla: I know. I hope I didn't upset him. The others continue on trying to convince John of Lucius' goodness. When this meeting ends John is clearly not happy.

                            When John visits the village to get Lucius' potion he talks with one of Lucius' wives. She mentions that at one time she repeatedly refused to share Lucius' bed and that she was ashamed about it. John looks away for a few seconds uncomfortable with this statement. Makes me wonder what he was thinking about?

                            When John returns he finds out Teyla, Ronon, and Carson went on a mission to a planet that is a suspected wraith outpost. John is angered and worried by this news.

                            They come back with wraith on their tail. John comes down the stairs clearly concerned about them. They are laughing and appeared to have had a good time. It is mentioned that they encounted the wraith. I forget by who. Maybe John? Teyla: Yes, many. She laughs. John looks at her concerned. John is upset and the others try to calm him down. Teyla mentions that they wanted to do this. John stares at her. John (calmly): Ok, I just about (angrily) had (growls) enough! John lunges at the bag Teyla is holding. Teyla grabs the bag defensively and stares at him. Ronon pulls out his gun on him and warns him not to touch the bags. Elizabeth approaches John and asks him what the matter is. Lucius mentions that he thinks something is wrong with John. John, seeing where this is headed, quickly apologizes and explains he must be tired because of his cold. As he does this he glances at Teyla a few times then turns and apologizes to Lucius. Elizabeth suggests he rest. As John leaves he looks back over his shoulder. I can't tell if it was at Lucius or Teyla though.

                            After John is imprisoned Lucius visits him. He tells John that his herb doesn't harm anyone and that he never forced anyone to do anything they didn't want to. John points out his six wives. Lucius brags sometimes they do it all at once. John is clearly uncomfortable with that statement. Is it the thought of Lucius in bed with six women at once he finds disturbing? I know that alone makes me cringe. Or is it something else it brings to mind?
                            Awww!! You always do such an amazing job at finding all the great little moments! Thank you!!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by Sheylafan87
                              Hi does anyone have anymore links to any other sheyla Music Vids out there. anything that is their favorite one.
                              Have you seen the four new ones posted in the last few days by Divine27 and Witchy? Divine had three and Witchy had a new one too!

                              I just finished a new vid tonight as well, although it's not really a J/T shippy one. It's more of a Teyla-centric vid. But here it is just in case, it's called Teyla's Fight:
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by Devine27
                                CAMY, OH MY GOD!!!! I think I've only been to Unique Bond and I've seen the sig for Convergence. What site is the best to post on? Should I visit them all? I guess I have a lot of catching up to do and sites to visit. WHOO! You ladies stay busy!

                                I've been reading all the fics and watching the videos (Witchy), but haven't had the time to post reviews. Just wanted to say Bravo to everyone. This is a very talented bunch. I hope to have more time for posting soon.

                                So, let's see: 10 Places for J/T Hot Loving

                                1. The Kitchen (strawberries and whipped cream does it every time)
                                2. John's office (prv)
                                3. Community lounge
                                4. John's room (prv)
                                5. In a closet/small room (during a community function)
                                6. The Hallway
                                7. The ocean, off of one of Atlantis' piers (late night skinny dip)
                                8. The Infirmary (prv)
                                9. Dr. Heightmeyer’s office (love a chaise lounge)
                                10. Off world (prv)

                                Oh, that is a great list!!! I hope someone writes some of these!! (Like Ritter did!!!) Yay! We need some more fic to read!! I can never get enough of it, lol!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

