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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Love both "John's room" and "The Hallway" That's some great stuff you are coming up with!! Keep it coming!!


      Devine... Love the little fic "The Hallway"... keep it up...
      Sigs by Scifan


        That was beautiful, Devine! I'd green you again if I could...

        Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


          Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
          BP... this is why we love you.

          I just loved the expression on John's face in the early part of the episode where Lucious was... hitting on Teyla. I just loved it. He had enough of a guilty streak to realize that their positions had been reversed before, but was disgusted enough to also show just how annoyed he was.

          Later when Carson, Teyla, and Beckett came back Sheppard was royally pissed, and I personally think it had to do with Teyla's proud statement, just like you said.

          The six women at once... uhhh... disturbs me... no fantasies about that in my mind. I think John was actually alittle more disturbed by the fact that Teyla might've become one of them... or even Elizabeth (since Elizabeth seemed to be really hanging on Lucious, even more so than everyone except maybe Carson)

          Overall, not a bad episode, when I get pissed at the bad guy... you know the writers and actors, and producers and everyone are doing a great job.
          I totally agree. I was pissed at Lucious. I did like the looks between John and Teyla thoughl.

          Also Ritter and Devine I love the fics very funny stuff.
          Last edited by Padme18; 02 August 2006, 05:31 AM.
          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



            Sateda...AY! Where's Witchy's tick tock....?

            So, what is the most important thing that you would like to see in Sateda between John and Teyla?


              i guess i have not been around here for a while-i been keeping close to my old usual threads only, needing somewhere quiet after being ill and just hearing my soldier nephew is to be packed off to Iraq soon. I feel better so now i have returned to get to know you all again on this thread.

              I wanna do Doxyman's 29th july challenge- mitchell and Shepard meeting Teyla. I have noticed most of the challenge replies are in spoiler so toadopt good manners and customs i 'll do the same!!

              John was mildy enjoying showing Mitchell about the City. Mitchell seemed just impressed with the old lady herself without needing to to much encouragementas the visitor from Earth walked round in a mock tour with Sheppard. So John decided that he wanted to show Mitchell the rolling whisperings seas that surounded Atlantis like a sibilant jewelled silver guardian. So he let Mitchell go out on the first Atlantis balcony they came across by hisself for a few seconds. Just for his guest to feel the effects of the watery magic-for as long as his bladder could take it...especiallly after being water logged by Athoisian tea at off duty lunch with Teyla

              "Well, Mitchell I think you will find the view from here entirely attractive and stunningly beauitiful. Sheppard heard himself say."

              "You are not kidding , John- She is so beautiful and those big eyes of hers- I just want to stare at them. What's her name John and can i get her number.

              Puzzled, Sheppard followed Mitchell out onto the sunny breezy balcony. Well the sea doesn't quite have that affect on me- particulary now with all that sea slooshing back and forth.

              " Ah Teyla..!" Sheppard said out loud to Mitchell. For there she was looking beautiful beyond his wildest dreams in an off duty loose long sleeved tunic and trousers in silky green. The fabric veiled her form yet enticingly allowed him to glimpse her body as she moved. He had never seen her wear anything like it before. He guessed it must be new. He wanted to slap his brain back in place before his eyes fell out.

              "OOh" Said Mitchell grinning madly with enthusiam. " Hello Arteylah.

              " it 's Teyla you nitwit, Mitchell." Hissed John at his guest who might outstay his welcome if he just kept going.

              Teyla laughed softly at Mitchell's artless mistake as Mitchell bent and kissed her hand as a knight might of done in the old Earth legends she was reading about at this moment. She sent John a warm smile over Mitchell's head to tell John that she ws fine with this gallentry. John gave her a slight hand signal and a facial expression that said "Tell me if his attention gets a bit too much." Teyla nodded and sent him another of her lovely wicked smiles.

              Mitchell straightened and held onto her hand. " I would wish to inquire whether you are dining this evening and may i escourt you, my lady." Mitchell was pleased all those Arthurian legends and Merlin things were rubbing off onto him in such a practical manner.

              Sheppard instantly considered shoving Mitchell through the Stargate on the nearest Wraith infested planet. Hey no , Mitchell was a guest and the way his bladder was becoming demanding it gave him a more evil idea.

              Teyla looked up at Sheppard pulling a face. She like Mitchell and his openly enthusiastic manner, but it...He was not John.

              "Mitchell don't press Teyla- you dont want rush a lady like that do you." He grabbed Mitchell to by the arm gently so they could continue the tour of the Atlantis." His mind and body protested loudly at leaving Teyla...

              "Okay" Said Mitchell distractedly, with his head screwed on backwards to look at Teyla. He was disappointed He could no longer see the beautiful woman as Sheppard lead him away from the Balcony." Where are we going next, john?"

              " Somewhere you are going to love." Said Sheppard as he let go off Mitchell's arm's calmly

              "Oh?" Said Mitchell greatly interested but with his mind still on Teyla.

              "Yeah!" Said John." I am taking you to see Atlantis' sewer works- a very important place for you to see." While he was emptying his own tank, Baker the Sewer Technician could bore the pants right off iMitchell with, well- all the er ..technical crap! It was the only he was getting them off this trip. With a bit of luck Mitchell might fall in the sewer tanks like Rodney did on his last visit. Life on Atlantis was brillant at this moment in time!"
              Last edited by kaeyla; 02 August 2006, 09:12 AM.
              We are angels of death in black leather
              Your demons without wings, we glide
              We are angels in black with a hunger
              Not your sheep to change or guide.
              We are angels in the blackness for ever


                Originally posted by Devine27
                Another answer to the Challenge: Places for J/T Lovin' - The Hallway


                John waited. For a shift in her stance, a hitch in her breathing, for any sign that she was about to attack. He watched as Teyla circled to the left twirling her batons as she moved. “You are showing significant improvement, John. Have you been practicing?” He smirked. “As a matter of fact, I have.” After two years of kissing the floor, what did she expect? Mind you, he realized he’d never be as good as Teyla, but he wanted to at least be able to give her a run for her money. John noticed the subtle shift in her stance. Gotcha! He easily blocked her attack from the right, countering with his left. John pressed, putting Teyla on the defensive. He lunged, swinging in sharply from the right. Unfortunately, Teyla took advantage of his overextension and with three well placed hits soon had John flat on his back. Opening one eye, he glanced up from the floor. Teyla grinned. “Shall we continue?” John shook his head. She held out her hand an assisted him off the floor. “You really are doing very well, John. You should be proud.” He turned to her and huffed. “Tell that to my dignity.” Teyla leaned into John slipped her arms around his neck. “Is it really so bad? Losing to me?” John let out an exaggerated sigh. “Well,….” She smiled enticingly. “Aw, poor baby. Shall I make it up to you?” He couldn’t have stopped his smile if his life depended on it. “If you insist.” Teyla rose to her tip toes and gave John a lingering kiss. She continued, placing soft kisses along his jaw line, finally stopping to nip his earlobe. “I insist.” John watched as Teyla turned to collect their things and place them in his backpack. Once done, she walked to the door and glanced back at him. “Are you coming?” His feet propelled him into motion. John gave thanks that some part of his brain still functioned, because he doubted there was so much as a drop of blood flowing in that area. He took the backpack from Teyla and slung it over his shoulder and they exited the gym. Together they walked down the deserted halls of Atlantis. Giving in to the need to touch Teyla, John reached for her hand. A few moments later she leaned into his side and slipped her arm around his waist. There was no risk of being seen. The hour was late and very few of the personnel ventured into that area of the city after midnight. They could caress each other freely and stop to share an occasional kiss without the fear of being interrupted. John glanced at Teyla. “Exactly where are we going, your quarters or mine?” Teyla paused. “Do you have a preference?” He grinned and leaned forward for another kiss. “As long as you’re there? No.” Teyla smirked. She grabbed his hand and pulled John into one of the shadowed corners of the corridor. Teyla backed against the wall and pulled John close. His eyebrows rose. “Here?” She titled her head. “I am here. Will this not suffice?” The thud of the backpack hitting the floor gave Teyla her answer. John’s words merely confirmed it. “Good enough for me.” He leaned into Teyla capturing her lips in a smoldering kiss. There were no words, only a frenzied state of touch, taste and feel. John used his hands, mouth and tongue to sweep smoldering ash into flame and when he sank into Teyla’s heat, flame burst into blazing inferno. In enslaved them, it compelled them, and finally it consumed them. Teyla panted for air as John lowered her to the floor the wall. “John?” He breathed heavily in her ear. “Hhmm?” “Is this what you meant when you asked if I was up for a tussle?”

                I promise to clean these up later. Right now I'm working on 2 chapters from a story that I've been neglecting. If anything else comes to me I'll post it.
                Yowza... that was... holy smokes...

                So... to substitute for Witchy...
                2 days 8 hours 20 mins until Seteda
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                  Originally posted by kaeyla
                  i guess i have not been around here for a while-i been keeping close to my old usual threads only, needing somewhere quiet after being ill and just hearing my soldier nephew is to be packed off to Iraq soon. I feel better so now i have returned to get to know you all again on this thread.

                  I wanna do Doxyman's 29th july challenge- mitchell and Shepard meeting Teyla. I have noticed most of the challenge replies are in spoiler so toadopt good manners and customs i 'll do the same!!

                  John was mildy enjoying showing Mitchell about the City. Mitchell seemed just impressed with the old lady herself without needing to to much encouragementas the visitor from Earth walked round in a mock tour with Sheppard. So John decided that he wanted to show Mitchell the rolling whisperings seas that surounded Atlantis like a sibilant jewelled silver guardian. So he let Mitchell go out on the first Atlantis balcony they came across by hisself for a few seconds. Just for his guest to feel the effects of the watery magic-for as long as his bladder could take it...especiallly after being water logged by Athoisian tea at off duty lunch with Teyla

                  "Well, Mitchell I think you will find the view from here entirely attractive and stunningly beauitiful. Sheppard heard himself say."

                  "You are not kidding , John- She is so beautiful and those big eyes of hers- I just want to stare at them. What's her name John and can i get her number.

                  Puzzled, Sheppard followed Mitchell out onto the sunny breezy balcony. Well the sea doesn't quite have that affect on me- particulary now with all that sea slooshing back and forth.

                  " Ah Teyla..!" Sheppard said out loud to Mitchell. For there she was looking beautiful beyond his wildest dreams in an off duty loose long sleeved tunic and trousers in silky green. The fabric veiled her form yet enticingly allowed him to glimpse her body as she moved. He had never seen her wear anything like it before. He guessed it must be new. He wanted to slap his brain back in place before his eyes fell out.

                  "OOh" Said Mitchell grinning madly with enthusiam. " Hello Arteylah.

                  " it 's Teyla you nitwit, Mitchell." Hissed John at his guest who might outstay his welcome if he just kept going.

                  Teyla laughed softly at mitchell's artless mistake as Mitchell bent and kissed her hand as a knight might of done in the old Earth legends she was reading about at this moment

                  That was a funny one...
                  Oh Mitchell , Mitchell... wonder what John might have done after that display...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by kaeyla
                    i guess i have not been around here for a while-i been keeping close to my old usual threads only, needing somewhere quiet after being ill and just hearing my soldier nephew is to be packed off to Iraq soon. I feel better so now i have returned to get to know you all again on this thread.

                    I wanna do Doxyman's 29th july challenge- mitchell and Shepard meeting Teyla. I have noticed most of the challenge replies are in spoiler so toadopt good manners and customs i 'll do the same!!

                    John was mildy enjoying showing Mitchell about the City. Mitchell seemed just impressed with the old lady herself without needing to to much encouragementas the visitor from Earth walked round in a mock tour with Sheppard. So John decided that he wanted to show Mitchell the rolling whisperings seas that surounded Atlantis like a sibilant jewelled silver guardian. So he let Mitchell go out on the first Atlantis balcony they came across by hisself for a few seconds. Just for his guest to feel the effects of the watery magic-for as long as his bladder could take it...especiallly after being water logged by Athoisian tea at off duty lunch with Teyla

                    "Well, Mitchell I think you will find the view from here entirely attractive and stunningly beauitiful. Sheppard heard himself say."

                    "You are not kidding , John- She is so beautiful and those big eyes of hers- I just want to stare at them. What's her name John and can i get her number.

                    Puzzled, Sheppard followed Mitchell out onto the sunny breezy balcony. Well the sea doesn't quite have that affect on me- particulary now with all that sea slooshing back and forth.

                    " Ah Teyla..!" Sheppard said out loud to Mitchell. For there she was looking beautiful beyond his wildest dreams in an off duty loose long sleeved tunic and trousers in silky green. The fabric veiled her form yet enticingly allowed him to glimpse her body as she moved. He had never seen her wear anything like it before. He guessed it must be new. He wanted to slap his brain back in place before his eyes fell out.

                    "OOh" Said Mitchell grinning madly with enthusiam. " Hello Arteylah.

                    " it 's Teyla you nitwit, Mitchell." Hissed John at his guest who might outstay his welcome if he just kept going.

                    Teyla laughed softly at Mitchell's artless mistake as Mitchell bent and kissed her hand as a knight might of done in the old Earth legends she was reading about at this moment. She sent John a warm smile over Mitchell's head to tell John that she ws fine with this gallentry. John gave her a slight hand signal and a facial expression that said "Tell me if his attention gets a bit too much." Teyla nodded and sent him another of her lovely wicked smiles.

                    Mitchell straightened and held onto her hand. " I would wish to inquire whether you are dining this evening and may i escourt you, my lady." Mitchell was pleased all those Arthurian legends and Merlin things were rubbing off onto him in such a practical manner.

                    Sheppard instantly considered shoving Mitchell through the Stargate on the nearest Wraith infested planet. Hey no , Mitchell was a guest and the way his bladder was becoming demanding it gave him a more evil idea.

                    Teyla looked up at Sheppard pulling a face. She like Mitchell and his openly enthusiastic manner, but it...He was not John.

                    "Mitchell don't press Teyla- you dont want rush a lady like that do you." He grabbed Mitchell to by the arm gently so they could continue the tour of the Atlantis." His mind and body protested loudly at leaving Teyla...

                    "Okay" Said Mitchell distractedly, with his head screwed on backwards to look at Teyla. He was disappointed He could no longer see the beautiful woman as Sheppard lead him away from the Balcony." Where are we going next, john?"

                    " Somewhere you are going to love." Said Sheppard as he let go off Mitchell's arm's calmly

                    "Oh?" Said Mitchell greatly interested but with his mind still on Teyla.

                    "Yeah!" Said John." I am taking you to see Atlantis' sewer works- a very important place for you to see." While he was emptying his own tank, Baker the Sewer Technician could bore the pants right off iMitchell with, well- all the er ..technical crap! It was the only he was getting them off this trip. With a bit of luck Mitchell might fall in the sewer tanks like Rodney did on his last visit. Life on Atlantis was brillant at this moment in time!"
                    Missed this the first time... LOL, completely and totally random and hilarious. Poor, poor Mitchell.
                    Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                      Glad you like it- NinaM- I had found it fun to write and I wonder if Mitchell did fall in the ... and what would Sheppard do as well- ah maybe a sequel.

                      Also,lovely to say Hi to you.

                      Well, Hello Cpt Ritter- glad you liked it too- I just wanted to catch the randomness of how Shep's day might go....maybe Mitchell never did land in the ... but hearing about may just have been worse.
                      We are angels of death in black leather
                      Your demons without wings, we glide
                      We are angels in black with a hunger
                      Not your sheep to change or guide.
                      We are angels in the blackness for ever


                        OH, kayela...I love it..and we do miss you...hope you don't leave us again any time soon...

                        That fic was hilarious...I wanted to see more people writing about that...Mitchell and John have quite some things in common and I can just see the two of them heading it off great...I was dissapointed that Teyla was not mentioned in the scene but then again, John was almost in a hurry to get the hell out of there and he left quickly and willingly...he didn't mope around or linger....I wonder what he had preferred to do instead or who he'd rather be with...hmmm...maybe a sparring session with Teyla?


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers
                          I just finished a new vid tonight as well, although it's not really a J/T shippy one. It's more of a Teyla-centric vid. But here it is just in case, it's called Teyla's Fight:
                          Another great vid LC! Very nice!

                          First of all,Ritter, WOW three fics in one night! I finally found time to read them all. They were all great! A Cold Cell was one of my favorite. Loved how John was the one to get through to Teyla.

                          Devine, you're on a roll too! Great fics!

                          Originally posted by Camy
                          So, what is the most important thing that you would like to see in Sateda between John and Teyla?
                          Can't wait to see Sateda! Sounds like it will be really good.
                          I hope...
                          we get to see some good John and Teyla only moments since it sounds like the team will be without Ronon and McKay for awhile. Maybe a scene together in the puddle jumper like in LFP while they are searching for Ronon...hey, wasn't one of the make out fic places in a puddle jumper? Seems like it will be a great team ep too!
                          Sig by Cazzblade


                            Well we'll see wont we very soon...
                            Hoping the epi will be really great and have great J/T moments,,
                            Maybe as usual the epi can feed the minds of all the great authors out there...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Oh, Nina...I like the way your mind thinks....LOL

                              Yeah, I don't want to get my hopes to high for Sateda..Clearly a Ronon centered episodes...but I read that the production held nothing back for this one and all the writers and actors have been raving about it...and the stunt coordinator loved it, so lots of action.....overall, I think it will be a great team episode..and we so need one...

                              and fics...OH, I"ve already got a few in my head and I haven't even seen the episode...LOL

                              okay, for those of you interested..Bella opened a Teyla chatter and resources in the OT thread I believe where we can share links and tips on artwork effects and anything like that....and of coarse this include J/T stuff


                                Originally posted by Spectrum
                                First of all,Ritter, WOW three fics in one night! I finally found time to read them all. They were all great! A Cold Cell was one of my favorite. Loved how John was the one to get through to Teyla.

                                Can't wait to see Sateda! Sounds like it will be really good.
                                I hope...
                                we get to see some good John and Teyla only moments since it sounds like the team will be without Ronon and McKay for awhile. Maybe a scene together in the puddle jumper like in LFP while they are searching for Ronon...hey, wasn't one of the make out fic places in a puddle jumper? Seems like it will be a great team ep too!
                                Thanks Spec, and I'm hoping too,
                                I haven't seen too much McKay in the episode spoilers, which means perhaps Teyla and Shep save the day, whenever those two work together... bad guys beware!
                                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now

