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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Oh, Devine...You ARE GOOD! this is fantastic..great clips and the song..OH, yeah, I can see John thinking of Teyla while that is playing....that would be a great clip to run while they are sparring! LOL


      Hi again everyone!!!

      Another Brilliant Vid Devine!!!

      Have to agree with you AthosianGirl and Witchy

      the kiss from the tower is definately the worst!!!

      I've typed up another one of the lil' fics i did while on holiday so here it is!!!
      It's the challenge to find a JT related word for each letter of the Alphabet and write a story for it.

      White Tigeress
      Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


        Devine, love the vid! Thanks for posting it!



          Devine...downloading your vid and White Tigress...can't wait to read yout fanfics!


            Originally posted by Devine27
            Hi all,

            Here's the other video. If you liked the first one, then this one is okay. These are just shippy clips thrown together, no rhyme or reason, but I love this song. It's still John's point of view; what he sees when he looks at Teyla. You'll actually catch him checking out Teyla's 'girls' a few times, putting on his 'Mack Moves' and there are a couple of funny shots. I'm looking for a song that's Teyla. If you have any ideas let me know.
            Again, GREAT work Devine!! More please!!

            Originally posted by White Tigeress
            I've typed up another one of the lil' fics i did while on holiday so here it is!!!
            It's the challenge to find a JT related word for each letter of the Alphabet and write a story for it.
            Nice fics White Tigeress!
            Sig by Cazzblade


              *Finishing watching Devine's vid*

              Okay... reminds me of Striptease... not quite as hot... but pretty darn close.

              White-Tigress... left you reviews... awesome work.

              On the issue of that bloody poll... okay.. some of the comments against the Shep/Teyla are legit... but some of them are pure ship war... nothing more.
              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                I feel like there is somethin stiring between them this season,
                -I mean the looks they gave in Misbegotten (in the conference meeting)
                -Teyla's voice was so happy to hear John's voice
                -Then siting kind of close to each other in the meeting
                -When Teyla and John ran inside the tent to get Beckett
                In the begining on no man's land
                -Teyla was sad to hear that John might be dead.
                Part of me thought that maybe John was thinking of Teyla and the others while he was in the F302 and him missing not bein back on Atlantis.

                I think in Sunday maybe John will be by her side if she is hurt and he will be focused on tryin to ge tthe bomber and thinkin of teyla in the process. I feel like they have a more attraction goin on then him and Weir,( I'm not sayin that I'm against them but to me I feel that maybe Weir doesnt see John in that way. But I also see jonh maybe changin his ways around other woman dependin on his attraction to them but he has a more substantal chemistry with Teyla and has a more friendship/leadership relationship with Weir
                part of:
                Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                  Originally posted by Sheylafan87
                  I feel like there is somethin stiring between them this season,
                  -I mean the looks they gave in Misbegotten (in the conference meeting)
                  -Teyla's voice was so happy to hear John's voice
                  -Then siting kind of close to each other in the meeting
                  -When Teyla and John ran inside the tent to get Beckett
                  In the begining on no man's land
                  -Teyla was sad to hear that John might be dead.
                  Part of me thought that maybe John was thinking of Teyla and the others while he was in the F302 and him missing not bein back on Atlantis.

                  I think in Sunday maybe John will be by her side if she is hurt and he will be focused on tryin to ge tthe bomber and thinkin of teyla in the process. I feel like they have a more attraction goin on then him and Weir,( I'm not sayin that I'm against them but to me I feel that maybe Weir doesnt see John in that way. But I also see jonh maybe changin his ways around other woman dependin on his attraction to them but he has a more substantal chemistry with Teyla and has a more friendship/leadership relationship with Weir
                  I'm routing for something like that.. we'll see.
                  Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                    Shippy poll alert.


                      Ay, I do hate this damn polls...they just don't represent the majority of shippers for J/T in this forum...

                      so, many have left because of the shipping wars and character bashing and it's really sad...cause we all know that J/T 's kiss was not only the only kiss so far initiated and pursued by John....but it was the hottest and most seductive, powerful kiss...Oh, I can't wait till they kiss for real....that will show these polls who's the best!

                      Hey,did you guys see the kiss that Paul planted on Rachel in David's H. film? that was hilarious...I must me it just didn't look right! LOL


                        Originally posted by lissa1000
                        Its already turning into a shippy poll, personally... I voted Rodney/Carson because of my sympathy for Cadman in said situation... I'm actually routing for a Beckett/Cadman kiss.. I think its probably the highest likely one.. even though Beckett's not always in each episode and Cadman certainly isn't.

                        And yes Camy... when John and Teyla share that first passionate kiss... it will light up the screen. I know it will.

                        Originally posted by Camy
                        Hey,did you guys see the kiss that Paul planted on Rachel in David's H. film? that was hilarious...I must me it just didn't look right! LOL
                        I saw the clip... A.) They were on the Daedalus. B.) My goodness it sounded strange... was it just me or was Rachel trying to overdo the moaning? Anyway... that's OT... probably better not to reply...
                        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                          I think y'all are right, the numbers in these polls don't mean anything. Didn't tptb say they didn't take online polls seriously? It's the comments that are interesting to me.


                            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                            Its already turning into a shippy poll, personally... I voted Rodney/Carson because of my sympathy for Cadman in said situation... I'm actually routing for a Beckett/Cadman kiss.. I think its probably the highest likely one.. even though Beckett's not always in each episode and Cadman certainly isn't.

                            And yes Camy... when John and Teyla share that first passionate kiss... it will light up the screen. I know it will.

                            I saw the clip... A.) They were on the Daedalus. B.) My goodness it sounded strange... was it just me or was Rachel trying to overdo the moaning? Anyway... that's OT... probably better not to reply...
                            Well, I think that was the entire point..that's why you see David's face looking quite repulsive....LOL

                            OH, where you sending me a hidden message....


                              I don't think I posted this here. Sorry if it's a double post.

                              Hypothetically speaking, if they do a 6 month hiatus.

                              So, let's say they do go with the 6 month hiatus at the end of the year, what types of things would you all be interested in to keep the bbs active during that time? All John and Teyla focused stuff, obviously.

                              I know Capt had some great ideas too. :-)

                              an AU RR type fic?
                              traditional RR's?
                              discussion questions
                              a virtual season?
                              Ficathons in various forms?
                              Theme parties?
                              Graphics challenges?
                              Timed fic days-- a challenge to write for, say, 20 min or 30 min and post what you finish.
                              ep by ep discussion or challenges, etc.

                              I suggested on one bbs (Omega) the idea of a once weekly posted fic with different authors per "chapter" in which we start with Rising and write the JT Story "behind the scenes" of what we see on the show. Basically write out the whole show from John and Teyla's POV and skim the things that actually aired without writing out the entire episodes again, but tell us the JT stuff around it and the missing scenes from the eps. Make sense?

                              Anyone have other ideas? I know it's a long way out. I'm thinking maybe if the fic lists, LJs and bulletin boards can 'sort of' coordinate, JT fandom as a whole could benefit from having something fun going on in one or two communities at a time, but avoid the "no one talks to each other so there's too much happening at once" syndrome. That's a sure fire way to ensure people get burned out or can't attend everything.

                              Part of the reason I suggest this is I mod at a few of the communities and lists, belong to most of them, and I suggest the same creative stuff (and asked this same question) in a bunch of places. So we all may get the same ideas and I'd really hate for, say, everyone to do a theme party the same week and someone's party get no input while the other one gets a lot. We're all one JT community and need to work together in some sense to benefit us all.

                              Cooperative advertising of fun stuff and cross-posting of JT goodness can only help bring JTdom closer and draw more fans in.



                                Doxymom][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I don't think I posted this here. Sorry if it's a double post.
                                You are always so thoughtful...I could kiss you right now....

                                Hypothetically speaking, if they do a 6 month hiatus.
                                I so hope that this doesn't become true....I know your intentions are great, but I don't know how I could survive and I'd loose interest easily and if they don't make this season worth the viewing...I don't know...but I will stick around..but I'd be very discourage...I think it will affect things...or maybe not! look at BSG..but that will remain to be seen in OCT...but that show ended much better than Stargate..and with much more popularity too...if this season SGA can pull that off, then not only will I be waiting but others as well and that means more seasons too...

                                So, let's say they do go with the 6 month hiatus at the end of the year, what types of things would you all be interested in to keep the bbs active during that time? All John and Teyla focused stuff, obviously.
                                I know Capt had some great ideas too. :-)
                                Okay, clarification...who's or what's Capt..?
                                an AU RR type fic?
                                traditional RR's?
                                discussion questions
                                a virtual season? huh? Explain, please...Ficathons in various forms?
                                Theme parties? Love these...I already have a couple of ideas...
                                Graphics challenges?
                                Timed fic days-- a challenge to write for, say, 20 min or 30 min and post what you finish.
                                ep by ep discussion or challenges, etc. I love this one..still working on that one with the wallpapers...
                                I suggested on one bbs (Omega) the idea of a once weekly posted fic with different authors per "chapter" in which we start with Rising and write the JT Story "behind the scenes" of what we see on the show. Basically write out the whole show from John and Teyla's POV and skim the things that actually aired without writing out the entire episodes again, but tell us the JT stuff around it and the missing scenes from the eps. Make sense?
                                LOVE THIS IDEA!
                                Anyone have other ideas? I know it's a long way out. I'm thinking maybe if the fic lists, LJs and bulletin boards can 'sort of' coordinate, JT fandom as a whole could benefit from having something fun going on in one or two communities at a time, but avoid the "no one talks to each other so there's too much happening at once" syndrome. That's a sure fire way to ensure people get burned out or can't attend everything.
                                YOU ARE SOOO SMART... I've always thought this way...I know there are a lot of communites out there and the problem is that we don't know all of them because they tend to be secluded, private and most by invitation and membership..and that is a deterrant for some...I know that I don't have the time to log in and do all this stuff and honestly...I forget my passwords...*sighs* I can't always use the same ones..and I've come across others that have my same name....I didn't know there were so many Camy's floating around...LOL
                                Part of the reason I suggest this is I mod at a few of the communities and lists, belong to most of them, and I suggest the same creative stuff (and asked this same question) in a bunch of places. So we all may get the same ideas and I'd really hate for, say, everyone to do a theme party the same week and someone's party get no input while the other one gets a lot. We're all one JT community and need to work together in some sense to benefit us all.

                                Cooperative advertising of fun stuff and cross-posting of JT goodness can only help bring JTdom closer and draw more fans in.
                                Ay, she's thoughtful, intelligent, beautiful and can write coherently! WOW! Your husband must love ya!

                                I couldn't agree with you more...I think that if all of the J/T communities out there would unite, there would be no stopping us..there's no need to be competitive with each other (I'm not saying that we are either)...I think a lot of it has to do like you say, DM..time spent on each..but if we combine forces...where's sidekick...WONDERPOWER ACTIVATE!
                                we can not only produce more things and enjoy each other's company...but also, we could spread the J/T love, hold hands, and we look across the sky and ponder on the endless possibilities that we can share and benefit from each other...

                                I"M WITH YOU BABY! Just tell me what I have to do .....

                                I'll come up with a list of ideas once my mind starts to work again....

                                right now...I have to do a couple of things myself....but I"m thinking....
                                get the vid people together...start uniting those vidders that would be willing to do J/T and those that already do and give them plenty of time to create their stuff..

                                We could do one day of just posting old fics that have been around from the beginning..lots of us don't know where all the great fic sites are and newbies could benefit from seeing those oldies here...

                                Also posting old vids and stuff like that...
                                Create pic fics..Um...scratch that one out!

                                but, I"ll post other stuff if I think of more..

                                bottom line, my point of view..I hope Scifi...changes their mind and this is just a way for them to see just how many Stargate fans are out seems that many are doing Tivo and that doesn't do well with its ratings....In the end, I would hate for this to happen...but I'm with you.....and I support your ideas..and agree completely....
                                Thanks DM...


