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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by vaberella
    I agree we have yet to have a consensus on what is best. This is the problem. Can you define for me what is sporadic posting? Can you tell me exactly how many pics are allowed to post for a topic?
    I'm not sure why I should be the one being asked this question. But a simple PM to a mod would have given the answer without this debate in the S/T ship thread.

    Not only that you obviously don't take into consideration that a few of us do find it aggravating and also silly to be switching from one thread to another when it's all pretty much about John and Teyla. As BlueAlien has posted and a few of us have's more effective when there's a single thread to focus on.
    So maybe I was unclear? I was pointing out that since the same stuff is there, why should it matter if there's another one? If someone posts both here and there, it will still be in one place for those that want everything here. If people don't want to go to the second thread, they wouldn't have to.

    Things are far more compartmentable. And also as an artist I thought you'd like the idea where most people can review your work especially for those of us who really dont' want to deal with a second thread.

    As an artist, I am happy that my stuff actually got noticed on the other thread. Here it disappeared in the middle of everyone's discussion, and I felt like people must have hated it... If they liked it, they would have said so, right?
    The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


      Originally posted by majortrip
      So, let's make a poll or something and vote. Sounds fair to me. That way, everyone who wants to participate can vote, and we'll go from there. We can leave it for a couple of days, so those who've not had a chance to see this discussion. I got nothing on the details of doing such a thing, though.
      I'd agree with the poll....except I get the feeling that those who are not JT posters at all will vote on the poll and we'll have a skewed result. But what could work is if people states their views on here or or another thread if need be, those who are not regular JT posters but haunt and love JT and those that do of course regularly post. It might work out better that way and we take a tally. I just don't see a poll as being worthwhile...

      I vote for the new plan that SD stated which I think works for all the people who are regulars effective and effecient.
      Yay for SD's new plan.

      Click statement above to read article.


        Originally posted by vaberella
        I agree we have yet to have a consensus on what is best. This is the problem. Can you define for me what is sporadic posting? Can you tell me exactly how many pics are allowed to post for a topic?
        Skydiver addressed this. Posts with more than 1-2 pics should have spioler tags.

        The only reason I mentioned a poll is that is seemed a democratic way to resolve this issue. I see your point on who might vote, though.

        As far as people appreciating your work, I see your point, but with a fast moving thread like this, and the thunk threads, too, is that you might not get immediate feedback, but that doesn't mean no one noticed. It happens to all of us.
        Sig by Camy


          I vote we take the poll elsewhere or do it by private message because it has no place in a thread devoted to Sheppard/Teyla ship. This place is for ship discussion, not thread discussion.

          Or did I miss something? (I must add that I have been just as guilty of this, but I repent and say, let's go back to John and Teyla, people, please.)

          That said... Is the Seige the episode of the day? And what were we last discussing?
          Last edited by fishyone; 14 June 2006, 07:16 PM.
          The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


            Originally posted by vaberella
            Yay for SD's new plan.
            Works for me.


              [fishyone]I'm not sure why I should be the one being asked this question. But a simple PM to a mod would have given the answer without this debate in the S/T ship thread.
              Best suggestion made all day!

              So maybe I was unclear? I was pointing out that since the same stuff is there, why should it matter if there's another one? If someone posts both here and there, it will still be in one place for those that want everything here. If people don't want to go to the second thread, they wouldn't have to.
              I'd say that there should only be one place to post the wallpapers and artwork...this way, people who don't care to read about our EXTRA shippy Scenes and our THANK YOU"S and YOUR WELCOMES..can be placed somewhere more appropriately! I'd ask not to repeat things here..not because I want this thread to go down...JEEPERS...I post here more than anyone else in here! Why would I want it to go down the cracks!? but because it would be foolish to repeat artwork in two threads in the same site..but yet, post them all over the world wide web...everyone's work in here is to wonderful to just keep here! Post it in the in the Forum sites, post it in the Convergence site..I"m ALL for that!

              As an artist, I am happy that my stuff actually got noticed on the other thread. Here it disappeared in the middle of everyone's discussion, and I felt like people must have hated it... If they liked it, they would have said so, right?
              And that is exactly what has happened..If I go back and read and repost all of the times that people have commented how busy this thread is and how they couldn't come here because it's so'd see that your work is not the only one that has been missed...

              In the other don't even have to's more like an EXPO of the GREAT work that everyone does here..a DISPLAY and EXHIBITION..a GALLERY persay! and I don't see how that would be time consuming for viewers..the only ones that would have this concern would be the ones that post pics....and mind you, that is only a handful of people in here that post their artwork..the majority just come and I don't see how that is an hinderance on the majority!

              Not to mention that right now, the thread has over 188 viewers....and many aren't posters from this thread...wasn't that my strongest argument....don't you think it would be great to have others see your work! and if you don't want to see pics because of your computer, then you don't go there..but pics will still be posted here..but over in the other thread as long as it's the right size, you can post as many as you want..all of Annies' and Warriors great postings can be appreciated by more posters in GW and allow the posters here free space for discussion and we wouldn't be breaking any guidelines..since clearly the mods don't want more than three or four pics consecutively..this means....I can't do anymore of my picfics in here..but I can in the other thread and the same goes for Warrior and Annie!

              If we are united in the threads...this can and would work! but I guess I was wrong about that!

              Again...I'm not going to discuss this anymore...the best suggestion Fishyone made..PM Sky and Tame and let them make the most logical decision...I have no problem with this....I've been through worse things in here..and I'm still going to be around...

              The only thing that this whole argument is causing is separation among our thread..and causing others not to post and to let's let the mods do what they do best! and just voice your opinion in a private, and in orderly fashion..that is all! Very simple!

              now, tomorrow's episode....The Siege part 2....Guess this rained out that parade!

              Now, where are the Siege pics?


                So... debate got ugly... Um... Peace offering, anyone?

                John, Teyla & Atlantis

                Wish I had a valuable contribution to the Siege, but I don't. I just want to remember the shippy goodness... which is part of why I made this.
                The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                  Wow!! Didn't realize there was such a problem going on! Personally I'm impartial to either option. Sometimes it truly does take a long time for all of the pictures to load, but being between seasons there isn't as many things to discuss for lack of new eps! Also, with the second thread for just posting all of our artwork and pictures so it's all in one place, is that not the same as just having a website with a collection of everyones art? Like I said, I really don't care which way things go... but we should go back to enjoying John/Teyla.. and not arguing amongst ourselves about what we should do?


                    Originally posted by fishyone
                    So... debate got ugly... Um... Peace offering, anyone?

                    John, Teyla & Atlantis

                    Wish I had a valuable contribution to the Siege, but I don't. I just want to remember the shippy goodness... which is part of why I made this.
                    It's GORGEOUS! ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS...

                    Are you kidding me..Siege had lots of shippy moments..Warrior mentioned the scene with John holding Teyla back from BATES...and then there's the scene with John flipping and going all gun ho, when the Wraith attacked Teyla...very shippy!


                      Pretty i tried PM ing you..but your inbox is full! can you empty it?


                        Just going to add my two cents quick and then move on to the Shep/Teyla goodness this thread is for...
                        I think SD's plan of using spoiler tags for pics would work. I love all the pics and art everyone here posts and it's definitely true that they do add to and create discussion so I think it would be nice to keep everything together. It's true that the party right now is generating a lot of art and pics, but I am afraid the second thread would be lost when it is over...I could be wrong, but that's just my opinion. I would hate to see that happen, since we all love J/T. I still like the idea of being able to post the art on the Convergence site. That is a great way to keep track of everything and display it so everyone can see the awesome work we have all done. Speaking of that, I'm still working on getting all mine together... Anyway, I don't have a problem with just using spoiler tags when posting pics. Just my two cents.

                        Now on with the party!
                        I don't have any art for today, but I will post a Bates scene since I know we all love him...
                        BATES: Major. Is Teyla coming with you?

                        SHEPPARD: You're not seriously asking me that?

                        BATES: I think that's a bad call, sir.

                        SHEPPARD: Here we go again!

                        BATES: All I'm saying is, we still don't fully understand her connection to the Wraith and, in my opinion, I don't think we should expose her to information we wouldn't want the Wraith to have -- not the least of which is the location of our evac site.

                        SHEPPARD: The doctor gave her a clean bill of health.

                        BATES: And that's good to hear, sir, but if she can't control how the Wraith use her ...

                        SHEPPARD (interrupting): You don't know that.

                        BATES: That's right, we don't! She saw everything they saw -- who's to say they can't do the same with her, see what we see? If she's been compromised in any way ...

                        SHEPPARD: She's an integral part of my team. Period. End of story. We're done here. (He walks away.)
                        Love that last line especially. Shep defending Teyla as an important part of his team yet again.
                        Sig by Cazzblade


                          Woah! I missed a very intense discussion! Wow! I like the idea of the spoiler tags. That way, I can catch up on posts, and still have time to do other things.

                          I don't remember The Seige ... It has been forever since I have seent that EP! Almost ... *Stops to count* a year since I have! Man! *Runs off to find it on tape and watch it*

                          I am recording the first season for my dad *Whom I have most recently addicted to SGA* but I haven't quite got up to that EP yet. Huh...I guess I will have to work faster...

                          When are we starting season two?

                          (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                            What I love about the Siege?! Hmmmm..definitely a fave ep of S1, I mean it has straight undeniable John admiration of Teyla and 'personal feelings' of John for Teyla says it all. My favorite scene is definitely the deckign scene and not because of John grabbing Teyla out of the frey, but because Teyla just decked someone. The added bonus was John....

                            An all time favorite scene is the look that was passed towards the middle end when John and Ford went into her room and were asking her questions. The eye contact...Teyla sort of saying with her eyes, 'You do believe me?' and John saying, 'There's no doubt' with his own look..and the slight nod. And let's not even forget Ford who was was checking out the look shared by the both of them.

                            That was an intense scene, extremely telling, very nice. I really liked seeing the level of friendship between the characters, the obvious connection of J/T and definitely silent word play with looks. The episode work to show John's devotion to Teyla and of course Teyla equal comforting response to John.

                            The matched up energy and spirit was amazing...and I can't wait to see more, in S3 as people are talking about from clips and spoilers. It's something I'm missing, don't get me wrong Lost Boys gave us that and Allies...but I would like it more prevalent as it was in S1, for something like this, mainly because it was a balanced ep for Team relationship, individual character relationship and definitely development.

                            9.5/10 rating by me!
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              My more straightforward opinion on two threads. I'd like the mods to read this if no-one else.

                              I count 2 new posters in 24hrs on the Galleria thread, both who said they were unlikely to post on the discuss thread.

                              I often visit only the WOW thread for certain characters simply because I'm only interested in the pics and artwork and not the discussion.

                              I got on to the Discuss thread so much quicker today . I'm going to carry on posting at both because I enjoy both. I may not always contribute to the disscussion but I still enjoy reading them.

                              We've had this conversation before and it didn't work. People remember the links and spoiler cuts for a while and then forget. I don't want to keep reminding people and I don't want to have this discussion again in a few months time.

                              The Galleria thread gives us a chance to discuss our artwork, how we made it etc, and 'Wow thats fantastic' to our hearts content. Things that would probably be considered OT or excessive on a multi purpose thread.

                              Threads tend to live or die on how sucessful they are. There may well be times when the discuss thread is the centre of j/t shipping and times when the Galleria thread is depending on recent episodes, articles, pictures, etc.
                              How about we leave the Galleria thread for a while and see how it does. If it thrives, leave it, if it doesn't, merge.

                              The Siege? Bloody brilliant!
                              The first eps I watched were BIS, the Gift and the Siege. I loved the BIS concept, a different take on the time travel/AU ep but it was the last 3 that made me a fan. The tension, the plotting, the characterisation, the acting, the dialogue, everything. I still think it was some of the best TV I'd ever seen. Even though I had only a little idea of who these people were I got caught up in it, Grodins death went straight to my heart. I rushed out to buy the boxset and see all the other eps, only to find out it wasn't going to be released for another FOUR months! So I found GW and lurked alot.
                              Can't add much j/t though, i thought Rachel and Joes performances were amazing but I didn't 'see the light' until Rising (which was the next ep I watched).


                                Originally posted by bella
                                My more straightforward opinion on two threads. I'd like the mods to read this if no-one else.

                                I count 2 new posters in 24hrs on the Galleria thread, both who said they were unlikely to post on the discuss thread.

                                I often visit only the WOW thread for certain characters simply because I'm only interested in the pics and artwork and not the discussion.

                                I got on to the Discuss thread so much quicker today . I'm going to carry on posting at both because I enjoy both. I may not always contribute to the disscussion but I still enjoy reading them.

                                We've had this conversation before and it didn't work. People remember the links and spoiler cuts for a while and then forget. I don't want to keep reminding people and I don't want to have this discussion again in a few months time.

                                The Galleria thread gives us a chance to discuss our artwork, how we made it etc, and 'Wow thats fantastic' to our hearts content. Things that would probably be considered OT or excessive on a multi purpose thread.

                                Threads tend to live or die on how sucessful they are. There may well be times when the discuss thread is the centre of j/t shipping and times when the Galleria thread is depending on recent episodes, articles, pictures, etc.
                                How about we leave the Galleria thread for a while and see how it does. If it thrives, leave it, if it doesn't, merge.
                                I agree, Bella. Some of those were points I felt the need to make and was going to do in my PM to the mods.

                                The Siege? Bloody brilliant!
                                The first eps I watched were BIS, the Gift and the Siege. I loved the BIS concept, a different take on the time travel/AU ep but it was the last 3 that made me a fan. The tension, the plotting, the characterisation, the acting, the dialogue, everything. I still think it was some of the best TV I'd ever seen. Even though I had only a little idea of who these people were I got caught up in it, Grodins death went straight to my heart. I rushed out to buy the boxset and see all the other eps, only to find out it wasn't going to be released for another FOUR months! So I found GW and lurked alot.
                                Can't add much j/t though, i thought Rachel and Joes performances were amazing but I didn't 'see the light' until Rising (which was the next ep I watched).
                                I first saw the last few eps of season 1 out of order, so they get kind of screwy in my mind. I haven't watched them enough to get them straightened out. Siege was very powerfully done (my sister had to rush over that same night she finished Siege one & two to see season 2). I did really feel for Grodin when he died...

                                I can't really add anything J/T to the discussion, though... maybe I'd better browse some screencaps... That seems to jog my memory.
                                The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.

