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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by LoveConquers
    Of course. Same here.

    I can't speak for anyone else of course, but for me, I definitely see them as equals. Not in terms of position because that can be argued both ways. John is obviously in a higher ranking military position, but Teyla is the leader of her people. Lt. Colonel vs. Leader of a race of people, it's not my place to say which position is higher up, but I don't believe a person is necessarily or competely defined by their roles. So no, I was not speaking in terms of positions.
    And not necessarily in terms of combat either because this can again be aruged both ways. In my opinion, Teyla is more skilled in hand to hand combat (All the sparring sessions and the hand to hand battles we've seen her do), but John would seem to be the one more skilled with weaponry/guns (He seems to have some marksmenship in his background with the way he saved Elizabeth in The Eye and the way he took out all the Genii in Storm/Eye). Hand to hand vs weaponry, it's again not my place to say which skill is higher up as both have their moments of importance.
    What's really interesting to me is that all the reasons you used to argue against them being equals are exactly the same reasons I would argue that they are. John is very aware of what he needs to do and how he needs to do it, but yet he listens to Teyla's opinion as well. Sometimes he agrees and sometimes he disagrees. Sometimes he follows her advice and sometimes he doesn't. But she does the same with him. What's important is the fact that they do discuss their opinions with each other, when it is appropriate (ie, not when he is talking to her as her ranking military officer or not when she is representing her people as she deems necessary).
    They have also both rescued each other on more than one occasion. And I too believe he feels she is more than capable to hold her own and has high admiration of her. And this also clearly goes both ways as we see her also putting her trust in him, knowing he can hold his own and showing high admiration for him, the most significant example being in Allies, exactly as you mentioned!
    But I do not agree with your statement, "if he thought of Teyla as an equal to him, then I don't think that he'd be as attracted to her either." May I ask why you think that? I've never actually heard someone say that before. I personally would find it hard to be attracted to someone who I felt wasn't on the same level as me. I am attracted to someone who shares my interests and passions, who challenges me on all levels physically and intellectually, and who (for risk of sounding utterly cheesy!) can complete me by filling in my weaknesses and enhancing my strengths. I would not find this with someone if this person was not my equal in all matters of importance.
    For me, when I say they are equals, I mean in terms of honesty, conviction, values, interests, passions, etc, not in terms of job or physical strength. Ones job or ones expertise are tangible things, I was thinking more of the intangible.

    You could be a couple of I'm all hyped up with Nyquil AGAIN! Yup, Camy's getting sick again!

    Or it could be that I misunderstood what you meant, which is very common btw! or it could be that I'm not using the right words, again, something very common for me, but I AGREE with everything that you wrote here...

    so, let's just say! we misunderstood each other....

    I do agree that they have similar qualities and attributes that makes them work together so well..and because of their understanding, respect and admiration to one another they are able to even surpass when there's a difference between them! and that is what makes them unique and just works for them!

    As far as my statement, again, I wrote that at I think 12:30 or something...and you are absolutely right, he wouldn't and shouldn't and it would not be as interesting to me if he didn't like Teyla if she wasn't an equal..I think what I was trying to say, is what Sanssong posted in an earlier posting, that he finds Teyla attractive because of her uniqueness and her no nonsense attitude....that's what I meant to say...

    Let me not mess this up's her posting and I think this is what I was trying to write..

    Gotta disagree with you here.... John is the kind of man who gets bored easily and a woman who jumps when he says jump doesn't seem to interest him. Teyla interests him because she doesn't do that- although at the same time, her respect for him is obvious and men are drawn to women who respect them for who they are and the decisions they make. Though I do agree that part of her charm for him is that she is somewhat of a mystery. Guys LOVE that- John is no exception.
    He is attracted to Teyla for ALL that she is....not just her beauty and her skills but for her personality and for standing up for what she is and what she believes in...and men like that in a woman..some of them anyways! LOL

    So, I think it's safe to write, that I do agree with you Loveconquers....We can just see the vibe coming from these two a mile away! hehehehehe

    Jules wrote..
    When he is full of crap, she tells him so. That's what I meant, and it's a good thing in both a teammate and a, er...just plain mate. (Oh good wording, Jules. Not.) When he charms her it seems to be because she lets him.
    Again, I'd have to refresh my memory of when he's full of crap...I see him doing things like this with Weir and with Rodney but with Teyla, I see him only treating her with the utmost of respect and even when he gives her that puppy dog look that does work the charm on her, he does it not to manipulate her or even demean her statement, I think it's more his way of trying anything to get Teyla to side with his reasoning...For example, in Suspicion, no matter what Teyla decided, she wasn't going to win that one on her he first talk some of the reasons why, that didn't work, the he stated some facts, that didn't work and finally he gave her the "puppy dog" look and she caved after pausing and looking at him...See, I see this as something that they kind of started back in Rising...remember that scene in her tent right before she took him to the cave, when she mentioned her comment about how Summner looks at her..when John asked her, do I? she stared at him and looked at him straight in his eyes..almost as if she was looking straight through his soul...AH! Okay, Camy is mellowing here...but what I mean is that it's almost a gift that Teyla has only for John...she can see right through him and see that he only means well for her and so she allows him to do things and agrees with him on things that normally she wouldn't do for others...another perfect example was the look he gave her in the Siege 1 when Ford when to question her about Bates...if it was someone else, I wonder if Teyla wouldn't have appreciated again, her actions in question..yet all John did was nod at her and give her a different kind of glance that she clearly saw and thus cooperated...I'm not saying he dictates thing for her, but this is going back to their level of trust for one another and their utmost and completely connection that only they have between one another...I don't see that with any other in the show...but just the two of them...

    But, I was just adding this, Jules..I agree with you 100% .....Teyla is too smart and too wise for her own good to let John or anyone else for that matter get the best out of her...I think in the end, she goes in John's side because of their connection, trust and level of respect and understanding for one another..and Teyla wouldn't give it a second thought to voice her opinion with John or anyone else for that matter, and John knows it...that is why sometimes he needs to speak with her the way he did in the Siege after the Bates incident, only to protect her and to get her to see that he's only looking out for her own good...And certainly, when he charms her, it's because Teyla knows better and thinks with her head and not with her heart! and that is one more thing that I love about them....they can have fun with each other, but never loose sight of their ultimate goal....and of what needs to be done!

    But you are right! Again, I"m just a nutty shipper! Don't mind me!


      Originally posted by Camy
      The Defiant One has no shippy moments..besides Teyla worrying about John..and yeah, there was that scene where John is looking up, I think he was thinking of Teyla...LOL
      This is true. It was more of a John ep then a team one or J/T. I did get a kick out of the fact that the little light bugs resembled the ones from SG-1's "Prodigy". It made me laugh.
      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



        Originally posted by White Tigeress
        Hi Everyone!!! I'm a dedicated J/T shipper so is it okay if i join in and butt into a few conversations every now and then???

        Oh and Mel, that vid back then was AMAZING!!!!
        Welcome to the Thread!

        Nath you too!
        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



          Originally Posted by LoveConquers
          LOL! I almost spit my coke at my computer screen. Well said.
          LOL! We did this back in the Teyla Wow thread..and we came up with some cool and funny Warnings....How about we take this challenge...

          Make a warning sign for the Shep/Teyla thread....see what people come up with...


            I can always see that Sheppard has a wonderful respect for Teyla, even from the moment he met her, in the Rising too. Even they do disagree they do not part disliking each through both series of SGA.

            Both are definately equals Teyla has intelligant- she has kept her people together in a violent galaxy and so is Sheppard he is mensa level but he shows indivuality by not joining the movement... even if he has a hard time following orders he only disobeys if he believes it is right. They are both excellent leaders in their fields. they both know each others value and each other well. Both have codes of honour even they differ they can mesh in agreement.

            Am i beginning to see yet?
            We are angels of death in black leather
            Your demons without wings, we glide
            We are angels in black with a hunger
            Not your sheep to change or guide.
            We are angels in the blackness for ever


              Originally posted by LoveConquers
              Ok, REALLY stupid question now. Can you tell me how to do this? I understand about needing to open an account with photobucket or a similar site, but do I just save this and then upload? And going back to my original question that CR was kind enough to answer, how do I give you appropriate credit then? Thanks!

              Yep, just save it to your computer then upload to photobucket. Once you've done that PB will generate an image code that you copy and paste to whereever you want to use the pic. For the forums you use the code with the []'s for most other web-sites you use the one with the <>'s and if you just want to give someone a link to the pic you use the plain one that starts with http.


                Originally posted by kaeyla
                I can always see that Sheppard has a wonderful respect for Teyla, even from the moment he met her, in the Rising too. Even they do disagree they do not part disliking each through both series of SGA.

                Both are definately equals Teyla has intelligant- she has kept her people together in a violent galaxy and so is Sheppard he is mensa level but he shows indivuality by not joining the movement... even if he has a hard time following orders he only disobeys if he believes it is right. They are both excellent leaders in their fields. they both know each others value and each other well. Both have codes of honour even they differ they can mesh in agreement.

                Am i beginning to see yet?
                I would agree with that.... Sounds like the light is beginning to dawn- absolutely!


                  Originally posted by White Tigeress
                  Hi Everyone!!! I'm a dedicated J/T shipper so is it okay if i join in and butt into a few conversations every now and then???

                  Oh and Mel, that vid back then was AMAZING!!!!
                  Feel free to jump right in! We love new people!


                    Oh! Melly! I just watched "Hero" and I just had to tell you how much I LOVED LOVED LOVED it! It was so well done- from the clips you used and how you fit them to the song and the way you captured what it is about John and Teyla that makes them so dynamic. Awesome job honey!


                      Originally posted by kaeyla
                      Greetings to you White Tigress and I see Black Panther too. Thank you to Camy, and majorTrip for welcoming me about a week ago i think there was someone else so i apologise for forgetting your name.

                      I am here to learn about the likes and relationships of Sheppard and Teyla. I do not know if any one dicussed this but if Teyla and Sheppard ever came together in life union and produced offspring all the three major races, in the Pegasus Galaxy would be represented in one little being! I wonder in the long run that would bring about peace, an end to warring.

                      Today I am more calm and collected than last week- for a start I have not forgot my pain meds, so I am not flying around brainlessly like a confused Dart pilot trying to fly his dart out of a hive ship in a hurry and not knowing which hole to fly out through first.

                      I am glad each day I have her prescence in mind
                      Her hair flows bright cinnamon in the sunshine.
                      In her company, her laughter I am glad to find
                      Her body's motion and movement are grace divine
                      Her eyes dark ,starfilled are wide and fine.
                      Her smile, her companionship grew on me like the headiest wine.
                      To all the others, in her charm and beauty I am blind.

                      Here is a peace offering I know it's a certain gentleman thinking about Teyla. I apologise if the poetry is not up to much!!
                      Well here was my response to yur first time on the board. About how their so different they wouldn't work-- ...
                      As for if they both had a kid, it has been discussed....the kid would be super cool, but this isn't BSG or Harry Potter. Shoot Yeshua didn't bring peace to mankind..they were killing before him, they killed after him. He just left a legacy. So this rut about a kid of theirs bringing peac?! Hogwash.

                      Teyla is not loved and appreciated by the Wraith. Shoot it's even been said that
                      Michael is going to be shunned by both the wraith and humans
                      so in what way woudl their kid mean anything?! The only things it could probably do is some really quick math, fly a few ships, and jump 3 feet in the air (Teyla did in Rising).

                      So I don't see this as an important thing them having a kid. They would have a pretty special kid, but nothing that would result in THE ORACLE of EXCELLENCE!

                      Not only that there are not 3 major races. Teyla is not full on wraith and people like Teyla were viewed as a threat and were wanted dead by the wraith because of their skill and advantage over them. She has their DNA but people of her kind are not looked in love, but fear and hatred---this also goes for the human populace---but Teyla is for all intents and purposes human and is the leader of her people so she's one of the humans now. John has the strongest ancient gene seen, but as of yet, we dont' know the extent of his powers and what he can REALLY do, not to mention he's not impressed by it. As for humans, not very powerful, I don't think it would be that much special; besides being the first kid on Atlantis--and be the offspring of two of the most important heros next to McKay on Atlantis. But their kid being first on Atlantis is a tentative position...any scientist, doing a bit of hanky panky, could do that.

                      Last edited by vaberella; 31 May 2006, 09:06 AM.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        If you all haven't seen Steph's John/Teyla vids you need to run - not walk- to her website right now! She's got one especially called Memory Book that is just wonderful! Here's the link-


                          Originally posted by vaberella
                          As for if they both had a kid, it has been discussed....the kid would be super cool, but this isn't BSG or Harry Potter. Shoot Yeshua didn't bring peace to mankind..they were killing before him, they killed after him. He just left a legacy. So this rut about a kid of theirs bringing peac?! Hogwash.

                          Teyla is not loved and appreciated by the Wraith. Shoot it's even been said that
                          Michael is going to be shunned by both the wraith and humans
                          so in what way woudl their kid mean anything?! The only things it could probably do is some really quick math, fly a few ships, and jump 3 feet in the air (Teyla did in Rising).

                          So I don't see this as an important thing them having a kid. They would have a pretty special kid, but nothing that would result in THE ORACLE of EXCELLENCE!

                          Not only that their not 3 major races. Teyla is not full on wraith and people like Teyla were viewed as a threat and were wanted dead by the wraith because of their skill and advantage over them. She has their DNA but people of her kind are not lookd in love, but fear and hatred---this also goes for the human populace. John has the strongest ancient gene seen, but as of yet, we dont' know the extent of his powers and what he can REALLY do, not to mention he's not impressed by it. As for humans, not very powerful, excluding the humans---and I don't think it would that much besidesit being the first kid on Atlantis and would be the offspring of two of the most important heros next to McKay on Atlantis. But their kid being first on Atlantis is a tentative position...any scientist could do that.

                          Well you just sucked all the fun out of that little plot bunny! Having a bad day VB?


                            Originally posted by kaeyla
                            I can always see that Sheppard has a wonderful respect for Teyla, even from the moment he met her, in the Rising too. Even they do disagree they do not part disliking each through both series of SGA.

                            Both are definately equals Teyla has intelligant- she has kept her people together in a violent galaxy and so is Sheppard he is mensa level but he shows indivuality by not joining the movement... even if he has a hard time following orders he only disobeys if he believes it is right. They are both excellent leaders in their fields. they both know each others value and each other well. Both have codes of honour even they differ they can mesh in agreement.

                            Am i beginning to see yet?
                            That last statement made everything you say null and void. What kind of comment is that?! Obviously your not a John/Teyla shipper, just stick with that title and you can post if your interested in the discussion and remain on topic. If this is forced for you---then why post here at all?!

                            They're the closest friends with the most likely possibility of being more. I find they work well togeher and are the most comopatible match both have saved the other's life, not one of them was needy of continous rescue. It's a mutual thing. Teyla is valued more by him--as seen in TLG and Conversion (as minor examples) and obviously he means more to Teyla especially in Allies and The Lost Boys..

                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Originally posted by sanssong
                              Well you just sucked all the fun out of that little plot bunny! Having a bad day VB?
                              Hmmm....something along those lines. You know my problem with silliness. But you know what--let me hear the plot bunny, but don't throw in this nonsense about peace. I can't see the Wraith bowing down in reverance, of the John and Teyla special baby, when it's hungry.

                              It's most likely Carson is the Begotten Child since he's the one who's perfected the retrovirus to turn Wraith human.

                              Click statement above to read article.


                                Originally posted by White Tigeress
                                Hi Everyone!!! I'm a dedicated J/T shipper so is it okay if i join in and butt into a few conversations every now and then???

                                Oh and Mel, that vid back then was AMAZING!!!!
                                Hey WT...welcome to the board..its' fun, it's peppy. We're a lazy bunch of sods when it comes to be pro active. But we love J/T and we love just showed up during a party actually---and a heated discussion that's just mellowed out. I'm sure there'll be more.

                                Last edited by vaberella; 31 May 2006, 09:08 AM.
                                Click statement above to read article.

