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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Home Shippy Moments

    They are walking on what looks to be a foggy planet. John: You talked me into coming here because you thought those energy readings indicated the presence of a civilisation. There are no buildings, no people, no nothing just fog. Rodney: It's not technically fog. There's no actual water vapour in the atmosphere. John and Teyla share an exasperated look. John orders Aiden to dial back to Atlantis. Teyla moves closer to John as she turns and waits for the stargate to turn on.

    Rodney and Aiden have gone to the other planet to see if they could get its DHD to work with the control crystal. Teyla: Major Sheppard, have we heard back from Doctor McKay? John: Not yet. Teyla: Word of the discovery has already spread throughout the base. John: I've noticed. Teyla: It is to be expected, of course. Faced with the prospect of being reunited with loved ones, returning to familiar ground ... She studies his face as she says this and as she waits for his reply. John: Yeah. I'd love to go back. Teyla: You would consider leaving Atlantis? She tries hard to appear casual as she says this and her voice slightly cracks. John: I just wish I knew I could gate back here, then I'd go in a heartbeat. She smiles. Teyla: It would be wonderful to see your world. John: You could help me with the briefing. She smiles clearly pleased with this suggestion. Teyla: I would like that. John: Hey, you know more about the Pegasus galaxy than anyone. And then there's all of those cool Earth things I talked about football, Ferris Wheels... Oh! Do you remember the last of the popcorn we ate? We could get more! Teyla: If we knew we could return. Rodney radios in. John and Teyla hurry into the control room. Rodney informs Elizabeth he is done. John glances at Teyla. Elizabeth asks about the energy readings. Rodney informs her there is enough for an eighth chevron. John glances at Teyla again. He looks down an expectant look appears on his face and he licks his lips. Elizabeth tells Rodney they will come and the conversation ends. John turns toward Teyla.

    They have contacted Earth and been informed that the Prometheus has been fitted with engines capable of reaching other galaxies. John turns to look at Teyla.

    John and Teyla have gone to Earth together. John enters the infirmary. Teyla is sitting on a bed. John turns to talk to a doctor. John: Well, how's our patient doing? John asks being his usual charming self. John and Teyla look at each other, and Teyla smiles at him before turning back around. Doctor: We're all done, Major. She's free to go. John walks over to Teyla. Who turns and looks at him. Then turns back around. Teyla: (Looking Serious) I was afraid you had abandoned me. John: (With a smirk.) Just setting up our ride. Teyla stands up and turns to face him. Presenting herself with a huge smile. Teyla: So? Where are we going? John: We should start He looks down at her top. He raises his eyebrows, looks up at her, and smiles. by getting you a new outfit.

    John is waiting in a car. Teyla opens the door and climbs in wearing a low cut casual baby blue striped shirt and short jean skirt. Teyla is clearly excited over what she just experienced. John: Yeah, you seemed like you were having fun... Teyla rolls her eyes and looks out the window. hours and hours of fun. She looks back at John and gives him a look that clearly says he is exaggerating. But you have picked out a nice outfit. Teyla smiles a pleased with herself smile and looks back out the window. Teyla: (In a pleased with herself tone.) Thank you. John feels confident enough to express his concerns to Teyla.

    John takes Teyla to his dream bachelor pad. Teyla is obviously interested in what she thinks is his house. John grabs two beers and hands one to her. Teyla: And this is...? John: It's called beer. John flicks one of the caps across the room. Teyla takes a taste and immediately takes a longer drink from it. She smiles at John. John smiles and nods approvingly. Teyla notices John isn't his usual self and asks what is wrong. John explains it away by saying he was thinking of how Weir and everyone at Atlantis is doing.

    John wants to get out of here. Teyla knowing something is wrong asks why. John: You wanna see Earth, right? It's out there. Teyla: I thought you would want to spend time in your home, visit with friends. John: There is an idea. Two of John's friends arrive.

    A party seems to have started at John's house. Aiden arrives with pizza. As Aiden hands out the pizza John looks around, unzips his jacket, and looks back in the direction Teyla is at.

    Dex is telling Teyla a story with Aiden and others as a captive audience. Teyla slightly smiles at the amusing story but seems tense. The way she is holding on to the chair and sitting so straight. Even her expression belies tension as she tries to smile at the story.

    John mentions that his two friends are supposed to be dead. Teyla: What are you saying? John explains and Teyla doesn't question the truth of what he says. John takes out a gun and shoots Dex. Teyla: Major! John is startled by her outburst and glances back at her with concern.

    They all appear in the gateroom. Fake Hammond: Major Sheppard discovered the truth some time ago. Rodney: He did? John: Well, home for the last eleven months has been a research base in Antarctica... Although I did dream about a bachelor pad like that. John glances at Teyla as he says the last part. Fake Hammond: Major Sheppard seemed uniquely capable of manipulating his own fabricated reality. John: When I think about the scenarios I could have thought up, I'd kick myself. John glances twice at Teyla as he says that. Fake Hammond: The realities you experienced were fabrications of your own minds. (To Teyla) Since you had no memories of Earth to draw from, you shared in Major Sheppard's illusion. John and Teyla look at each other. John: I thought that was you. His eyes travel the length of her body. Fake Hammond: It is unfortunate that you all became aware so quickly. However, you may now create a fabricated reality of your own choosing in which to live out the remainder of your lives. John glances back at Teyla. John: That's not gonna work for us. Fake Hammond: I'm afraid the matter is beyond your control. John glances back at Teyla. John: (Sternly) Well, we'll find a way to fight you. John and him get into a debate. Elizabeth interupts and asks why they are doing this. Fake Hammond explains. Rodney remembers they will die without food and water and informs him. Fake Hammond: Then I suggest you make the most of the time you have left. John looks in the direction Teyla is at. Teyla: (Calmly and Seriously) If we do not go back, our friends will come looking for us. Fake Hammond: Others of your kind? John realizes what she is trying to do. John: They'll show up. What are you gonna do kill them too? Aiden: More will come. John: Sooner or later they'll figure out how to access the Gate; then millions of your kind will die. John glances back at Teyla as he says that. We don't leave people behind. If you were really General Hammond, you'd know that. Elizabeth: But if you allow us to leave here, we promise we will never return ever. You will not have to fear us ever again I give you my word. Fake Hammond: How can you make such a promise when you so desire to return home? John glances back at Teyla. John: Sure, we'd like to go home. We're not willing to kill millions of your kind to do it. Now, you've been in our heads... You're... You're in our heads right now. You should know we mean that. Fake Hammond: I understand. They wake up on the planet's surface. They are asleep in two rows. Teyla and John in one and Elizabeth, Rodney, and Aiden in the other. Teyla is the first on her feet in a crouch. She watches as John gets up. Both stand facing each other as a conversation ensues.
    Last edited by Black Panther; 30 May 2006, 01:19 AM.


      'The Storm'



          thanks Mike for the pics
          now back to studying...


            Camy and 4ps I like the colours you used in your artwork especially the pale blue one Camy.
            Annie, Thanks for the storm caps. I'll post my artwork later.


              Head's up! I just found a new John/Teyla LJ, the JT Newsletter! It seems to be patterned on the SGA Newsletter and should make finding JT stuff much easier. Check it out!




                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                Ok I have a thought! *dun dun dun* Actually the discussion in the shweir thread transferred this thought to my brain...but it's still a thought...

                season 3 spoilers

                In season 3, Woolsey will be in Atlantis, right? I remember discussing with some of you on MSN that all the antagonists of the show were no longer used (especially our favourite sheyla device, Bates). What if Woolsey was the new sheyla device? He definitely causes a stir...imagine what he would say if he saw some of thar them "personal feelings" that Bates saw...

                not particularly interesting today, sorry.
                What I'm worried about when I heard about
                is Woolsey and Weir turning into a terrifying shipper group of major popularity. Not that it's a bad thing, but he's there to do a serious job, not have a girlfriend.
                That could be interesting when you mention it of
                Woolsey being used as a brand new J/Tdevice, to get our way. I'm keeping an open mind about that because I didn't like Bates being there and then leaving. Is it true Woolsey is there for 10 will make for interesting tv and definitely create the balance of power I wanted.
                As for Woolsey verbally decking it out with John, I don't think that's gonna happen, because as it's been said before. If John has a relationship with Teyla it would really be unimportant because all they'd have to do is change her team. Laws of earth again don't apply to her in anway shape or form and they woudln't be on earth when they get together. But it would be interesting for that to be brought up and John to also mention that in defense of his relationship---how advance---with Teyla.

                Last edited by vaberella; 30 May 2006, 04:57 AM.
                Click statement above to read article.


                  Oh VB... I love your rant on the 'dead ship.' We are anything but! Okay.... I'm kicking myself and trying to get back to my fics... I'm on summer vacation now... so time to write like a madman.
                  Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                    Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                    Oh VB... I love your rant on the 'dead ship.' We are anything but! Okay.... I'm kicking myself and trying to get back to my fics... I'm on summer vacation now... so time to write like a madman.
                    No no no...this wasn't a rant. A rant really has no voice, just a words jumbled together. This is far more than a rant, there's a final book closing on the difference between what happened on Conversion---because I can debate the final points of what is 'death'. Again getting choked with no apology is a butchered ship, than getting kissed with an apology.

                    I thought people would get that by now..but again I think it further proves we're definitely far from delusional...and TLG just solidified our spot. J/T is the ruling ship. It also wasn't to deny that Shep/Weir have no relationship---since everyone on this thread has said and continuously states that their good friends, and as leader of Atlantis people support and respect her---and John is one of those people.

                    What I wanted to state was that there is nothing....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ROMANTIC!!! While with J/T it's something else entirely.

                    It would be funny to me though if Shep ends up hooking up with someone like Novak though---actually that would be cool. But at the moment we are OTS or OTP!!

                    Last edited by vaberella; 30 May 2006, 07:17 AM.
                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Originally posted by 4prettierships
                      I'm quite pleased to share with you all what I think is one of my better creations.. I really like the way this turned out, and while Teyla is not acutally IN it, the words tell the story well enough.. without further explanation.... An "Eye" WP!
                      Oh, Pretty! This is


                      *Camy walks into the portal and she is finally united with the light*


                      *do you know that I had something similar in mind for this episode as well...*

                      Bella, thanks for the compliments...I like the way both of my last wallpapers came out! but that blue is different!


                        There aren't any transcripts in GW for The Eye...but I love the scene where Teyla says to John something like " I fight along side you"....

                        Love it! and then at the end..where he tells Rodney to give them the two seconds or something like that!

                        and finally when he sees that Teyla and Sora finally worked something can tell that even after everything that is going on..he is still very much observing everything about Teyla....

                        Oh, and the part when Ford tells him that Teyla is not responding when she should have headed back to the Jumper....clearly he didn't want Teyla in harm's way, my opinion, that he sent her to go in the Jumper with Beckett....
                        and when he finds out she's not there, he tells Ford, change of it!


                          Ok, There is another transcript website, can't remember the exact url but it's something like: and another run by someone called Callie which I can't even remember the url but I know there are links in the episode threads, definitely the 2nd half of S2. I hate my brain, I'm good at remembering obscure things but rubbish at remembering details.

                          Artwork for Underground, didn't turn out as I wanted but it's passable.


                          I've never thought j/t was a dead ship. It's alive and kicking all over the place.


                            Originally posted by 4prettierships
                            I'm quite pleased to share with you all what I think is one of my better creations.. I really like the way this turned out, and while Teyla is not acutally IN it, the words tell the story well enough.. without further explanation.... An "Eye" WP!

                            I love it! You so deserve shipper of the month.
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              It would be funny to me though if Shep ends up hooking up with someone like Novak though---actually that would be cool. But at the moment we are OTS or OTP!!

                              Okay... pass the brain bleach! That is just too horrible a thought to contemplate! I tolerate Sid's Novak/Ronon romps because she writers incredible smut and I love her dearly, but Novak/Sheppard? Dear Lord! There probably isn't enough brain bleach in the world to erase that horrible image from my mind! Bad VB! Bad VB!


                                Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                                'The Storm'



                                A huge thank you to you Annie for reminding me that there were some very shippy J/T moments in the Storm! How could I have forgotten their exclusive little excursion to the mainland? And how he was content for Teyla to be away from Atlantis during all the trouble. I think he must have been more focused knowing she was safe. He certianly kicked butt and took names! I'm also reminded of how connected to each other Weir and Rodney seemed to be through these two eps- If you are a W/R shipper you had to love them!

