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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by majortrip
    No! No nutters!

    rofl....that's the original....

    And don't forget the every wonderful sequel....

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
      rofl....that's the original....

      And don't forget the every wonderful sequel....
      I guess I forgot to save part dos. *snicker*


      T: All this talk of nuts is making me a bit hungry.
      J: I have popcorn.
      Sig by Camy


        Jumping in here to rec a fic that was rec'd over at the SW thread. It's SW UST, JT UST and has detailed season one spoilers, and vague season two spoilers for Conversion and TLG.

        Rumours and Specualtions by irony_rocks

        I'll admit to being dubious about reading this but I did anyway and really enjoyed it. Hope you guys do too


          so boredom has set in....

          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            I have mastered the right click save as option! I'm with many fabulous pics that I am inspired!

            Thanks Admiral Q O for a great laugh this morning...I love the ones with Shep falling down the hill...internal commnetary was a riot!

            So....Witchy...when we say schedule for making wallpapers for each episode are we talking season 1 and 2 or just season 2...technically we got a jump start on season 1 with Bella's challenge and plus I have been inspired by the pic above to make a banner from 'Rising'...what do you think?


              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
              Jumping in here to rec a fic that was rec'd over at the SW thread. It's SW UST, JT UST and has detailed season one spoilers, and vague season two spoilers for Conversion and TLG.

              Rumours and Specualtions by irony_rocks

              I'll admit to being dubious about reading this but I did anyway and really enjoyed it. Hope you guys do too
              I like irony-rocks, both her fic and artwork.

              Why doesn't the show mention the gossip grapevine more often, I mean 200-ish people on one base and with all the weird situations that the principal characters get into they could probably power the city on sheer gossip alone!

              I'm currently attempting to read the entire J/T thread. I'm on page 87. Congratulations to whoever said they'd read all 700+ pages before they posted.

              Theres a whole host of TheWarrior posts worth checking out (he's a screencapping genius) but my fave so far is
              this one. Lots of rare Rising and 38mins pics.

              Astronomicalchick's theory of shipping (hope you don't mind me posting it, if you do just PM me and I'll edit).
              To me it's the closest attempt to explain shipping I've seen.
              Well you see, you tend to see what you want to see. I have a theory about shippers and ship. Firstly, I think you have a tendency to ship, which as shippers we all have. Then you have a tendency for ship in a particular way, there's fluffy ship, cutesy ship, sexy ship, angsty ship, UST ship, snarky ship etc, etc. I'm an angsty, sexy, UST shipper-type myself. Then you usually fancy like mad the opposite sex member of your chosen pairing, Sheppard in this case and then you find the person of the same sex you identify with most and/or like the most, (Teyla for you, Elizabeth for me) and who would give you the type of ship that you like and bingo! You ship for that!
              Yes, I think Shep is the most attractive man in Atlantis but I don't think I identify with any of the Atlantis women. I think Novak would probably be the closest for me or Heightmeyer as I deal with psychologists alot in RL. However I think that Teyla is probably the character I'd most like to be. Shes got alot of qualities I'd like to have and shes drop dead gorgeous.


                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                so boredom has set in....

                Witchy, Bella, Everyone! some great work here...

                I love that Infirmary this rate I'm never going to finish my ABC Challenge...LOL...

                Um..yeah...FORGET all this stuff about another thread, if you guys really want to discuss this...I really don't care....for this topic..I joined LJ only because I had to if I wanted to post in the AtlantisLovers LJ...which Trippy opened...and I wished we had done more there...but anyways, I fell in love with this couple because I watched the show...not because of anything that I heard or read...I joined all this stuff afterwards...and frankly, I find a lot of things upsetting and discouraging...let's remember the idea is that this is entertainment and we all have the right to like and or dislike whatever and whoever we want! I like to keep things simple and to the point...Don't get me wrong, I like the points that all of you have made here...I just think we should keep it away from here! HUGS!

                Okay...I am not sure if I have already posted this or not..but I made this awhile back and then my computer this did funny thing and erased half of my work! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
                So, I found the sig and I"ve made some modifications to it...hope you like it...TLG was such a surprising episode that by far it has to be one of my favorites for our ship!

                And I just love this pic of Teyla and John...,so I had to do something with it!

                and Yes, Witchy...I've been really busy so I will compile all the ideas this weekend, and I will post the invitation with the calendar of suggestions and we can host the party next week if that sounds okay to everyone....

       This was my original one)

                I love ALL the screencaps from Rising....EXCELLENT!
                NEWBIES...To all of you! WELCOME!


                  Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                  I have mastered the right click save as option! I'm with many fabulous pics that I am inspired!

                  Thanks Admiral Q O for a great laugh this morning...I love the ones with Shep falling down the hill...internal commnetary was a riot!

                  So....Witchy...when we say schedule for making wallpapers for each episode are we talking season 1 and 2 or just season 2...technically we got a jump start on season 1 with Bella's challenge and plus I have been inspired by the pic above to make a banner from 'Rising'...what do you think?
                  I love pics with commentary, so much more fun.
                  What exactly is the episode by episode challenge? You should probably explain slowly and with simple word cos I'm feeling a bit tired at the moment.

                  Happy Birthday Jodi!


                    Originally posted by bella
                    I like irony-rocks, both her fic and artwork.

                    Why doesn't the show mention the gossip grapevine more often, I mean 200-ish people on one base and with all the weird situations that the principal characters get into they could probably power the city on sheer gossip alone!

                    I'm currently attempting to read the entire J/T thread. I'm on page 87. Congratulations to whoever said they'd read all 700+ pages before they posted.

                    Theres a whole host of TheWarrior posts worth checking out (he's a screencapping genius) but my fave so far is
                    this one. Lots of rare Rising and 38mins pics.

                    Astronomicalchick's theory of shipping (hope you don't mind me posting it, if you do just PM me and I'll edit).
                    To me it's the closest attempt to explain shipping I've seen.

                    Yes, I think Shep is the most attractive man in Atlantis but I don't think I identify with any of the Atlantis women. I think Novak would probably be the closest for me or Heightmeyer as I deal with psychologists alot in RL. However I think that Teyla is probably the character I'd most like to be. Shes got alot of qualities I'd like to have and shes drop dead gorgeous.
                    I've no problem with you posting anything and gosh I wrote that a long time ago! I still agree with most of it though, although I think you don't necessarily have to fancy the male and want to be totally like the female (or vica versa!). And since I wrote that I tend to be more equal with how I like Teyla and Elizabeth and I don't like Sheppard so much

                    But you don't want to hear my ramblings, on with the fun!

                    I really liked irony_rock's fic as it showed very nicely how much respect Sheppard has for both women. And that's good in my book.


                      Well, to answer your questions, AG and Bella...VB and I have been discussing having another suggestion was that all of those that still have the episodes recorded somewhere, view them again and we discuss and create episode by episode from now until the premiere...but I don't think we have enough time to start with S1 so I suggest we start with Season 2...and if we do this, then I'm not sure we should have a week party going for pics and vids and all that stuff going on at the same what do you guys prefer? Should we do the week like we did for Valentines activity per day and then do the episodes the following week? or should we just do one thing, and which one? i just don't want to have too much and then not have people contribute anything....

                      let me know what you guys think and I will compile the stuff and posted by saturday night or sunday.....

                      At least this was VB and I were planning and DM gave us some suggestions as to things we could do for the week...the only problem is that I really wanted to give people plenty of time before hand with a schedule so that you can participate eveyday..and also I wanted posted all over the world wide web to invite others....let me know what you guys think..I will be back laterz...


                        Okay...what happened with the flood of OT. Witchy I am so sorry..becuase I thought I had ended the nonsense..but it came enmasse and it's bloody ridiculous. I'm tired of the excuses and the fedup with defensive Sheyla shippers. You like them, you like them; if you got friends who have problems with it...either stand your ground or get over it. It's a show, there shouldn't be drama involved with it. But I'm done with this..becaus eyoru totally right Witchy this is way OT!

                        By the way who cares if we don't have Fandom...We have what really matters; Don't we know?!?! So if we're so unpopular....we seem to be growing in number and the people who count like it! So I think we're sorted!

                        As for S/T fics with implied S/W, or vice versa? I dont know normally care for them or waste my time. Mainly because it seems OOC to me; and if they happen to be J/T shippers.
                        Mary (my absolutely wonderful BETA *woohoo*) glad you posted here. I'm shocked you stopped by!! Loving the pics, are you going to post more?!

                        Camy...we should talk about the party off the board and get the dyanmics sorted, but right now I'm bogged with finals!

                        Mary would you happen to be a secret shipper or your just fishing for some greens?!
                        Last edited by vaberella; 19 May 2006, 10:39 AM.
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                          So....Witchy...when we say schedule for making wallpapers for each episode are we talking season 1 and 2 or just season 2...technically we got a jump start on season 1 with Bella's challenge and plus I have been inspired by the pic above to make a banner from 'Rising'...what do you think?

                          It seems as though we're rolling with the punches right now. But the idea was Camy's and VB's i believe....and i'd been attempting to do a sig for each episode of season 2...

                          I say we start with season 1...and when Camy does the invites and all that we'll tackle season 2...since there's so many classic season 1 moments to use in sigs that i'm sure we haven't used yet.....

                          Originally posted by Bella
                          What exactly is the episode by episode challenge? You should probably explain slowly and with simple word cos I'm feeling a bit tired at the moment.
                          it's almost like the same thing where you challenged us to do sigs, icons, wp for the 'Suspicion' balcony's just that for episodic challenges we use any and all j/t scenes from the whole episode....did that make sense?

                          You're right Bella...the only time they've even come close to gossip was in 'duet' talking about how Cadman found out about Rodney's date with katie....I'm all for gossip......

                          Camy, i love TLG sigs.....and as for the invites...i can totally wait...I know they'll be awesome...

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Originally posted by vaberella
                            Okay...what happened with the flood of OT. Witchy I am so sorry..becuase I thought I had ended the nonsense..but it came enmasse and it's bloody ridiculous.
                            rofl....VB you never know i'm just messin' with you...atleast i didn't mention *puke*...

                            As for S/T fics with implied S/W? Idont know normally care for them or waste my time. Mainly because it seem OOC to me.

                            Mary (my absolutely wonderful BETA *woohoo*) glad you posted here. I'm shocked you stopped by!! Loving the pics, are you going to post more!

                            Camy...we should talk about the party off the board and get the dyanmics sorted, but right now I'm bogged with finals!

                            Mary would you happen to be a secret shipper or your just fishing for some greens?!
                            Now now! Mary, i'm assuming that's who i think it is.... fab...i loved those pics....and it's definitely got me in a wonderfully creative mood...may even do a fic....

                            R.I.P Wraithlord

                            Awesome sig by SciFan


                              VB...I don't know if we will have time this me instead and tell me what you want to see in the party...give me some specific details...if you email me between now and 5:00p.m. I will be able to reply, otherwise it will have to be tomorrow...

                              I'd like to read what others would prefer to do first...if the party for the week or the episode by episode challenge....

                              EDIT! I know I will probably regret this..but who's Mary?

                              EDIT, EDIT...VB..You're killing me with that John/Natalie Sig! GET RID OF IT!
                              What happened to your Snickers, or was it Twizzler sig? hehehehehee

                              OH, I HAVE THREE PICFICS IDEAS! You guys are going to love it! I guarantee, is a ROFLMAO picfic! All three of them..Two are just Teyla and the team...which if I ever do it will be in the Teyla WOW thread..and one is J/T....

                              I just don't have enough time in the day! or at night! Have a great weekend everyone! I might post later...going home now! YIPEE!

                     new baby girl (my puppy) went on her first Vet visit with Mommy (me) yesterday...She's, dare I say, PERFECT!


                                Sorry for the OT stuff, I let myself get sucked in because I felt the need to clarify the information about the groups I own/mod. I'd much rather talk about J/T!


                                Bella, I think I'd probably love anything with your name on it, once again, your banners amaze me!

                                Camy and DM- I'm all for another party- anytime, anywhere!

                                VB and I are considering starting a J/T archive/website- stay tuned......

                                I've been listening to the audio commentary for some of the S2 eps and it is really great! It's nice to hear that the actors/writers/director's comments really back up how most of us J/Ters have intrepreted the important scenes! It makes me excited for S3!
                                Last edited by sanssong; 19 May 2006, 10:46 AM.

