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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by vaberella
    When we go off topic we really go off topic don't we?! Well let's see if I can veer it back on topic with a rant of mine, which developed through several consecutive nights of chatting with a good amount of members on this thread...some who are frequent and some who aren't.
    You scare me when you start your posts off like this...

    Hmmm..where to begin. I'll begin with 'the look' as I label it. Now those who I spoke to might remember what I said about 'the look' for those who don't here's the low down. After rewatching S1 and the vids of S2 I have, I came to a conclusion. John's use of the 'puppy dog' look. Now some of you might know what I'm talking about, some don't. And it wasn't anything I paticularly paid attention to, until of course amongst various girl talks in real we had mentioned men and how they seem to use that look on women, which they probably learned from using on their mums. Is that sexist? Sure, girls use it too..but it's more of a pout. Boys tend to draw their brows together and give this pleading look, you get a few who add a pout, but they usually would have outgrown. Again this isn't to focus on the various areas of the look, it's just a generalized point which I've noticed.

    In the case of John we see this use in 'Suspicion' mainly, seen it used in 'The Gift' and most noticeably I've seen it used in, 'TLG' and 'Allies'---even moments of 'Intruder' and ONLY from what I gathered on Teyla. I will diverge from the look a bit, to bring up another point of contention I have and will really be the focal point of my rant.
    Yes we have realized 'the look', he's also at one time or another used it on Teyla i do believe more than anyone else on Atlantis

    Where in blazes do people see that John disrespects and undermines Teyla? Not only that makes her feel like crap and treats her like a child?! Where has anyone seen that? I have in no way ever ever ever ever ever seen him do that. On the contrary, he's the ONLY one to actually WANT and LISTENS to her opinion out of those who come from Atlantis. I have not seen any concrete moments between Weir and Teyla, to give Weir any credit on that point. As for McKay, although I'm sure he cares in some way for Teyla--taking 'Suspicion' into account, I find that 'Epiphany' made me look at my main man in a negative light for his comment which was used for insulting purposes not complimentary; I do think he has a level of conceit which shows it's ugly head when it comes to how he feels in relation to those of the PG--translating to 'superiority of the primitive' .

    As for Ronon, I have only seen Ronon look up to Teyla in some moments but not to the comparable amount of times to John and Teyla and mainly seeked her out in about 3 eps this season for her opinion and interest in her feelings. Yeah, I saw her and Ronon, as more brotherly--since it had no direct affect on TEAM actions and decisions--excluding the one moment in 'Instinct'
    where he just wanted a reason to kill a wraith and fight
    . Yes, he just seems like a little boy who gets excited to play REAL cops and robbers. It's too bad I like him as much as I do.
    So on the whole 'John is condescending of Teyla' front, I can see you're going to make me repeat myself......Major point in factor...Do these ppl even like Teyla's character?...Have they given concrete proof that he underminds, her? Other than their own conjecture. I bet not. Since it's very clear that he trusts her, because if he didn't she WOULD NOT be on his team. There is no way in creation that Sheppard being who he is would ever allow someone whose opinion he doesn't trust and respect to be part of his team. An since Teyla is part of his team and was CHOSEN by him, not assigned or anything like that but picked by the man himself to be on his team and has remained on his team, shows that there is no bloody way that he underminds her or doesn't listen to her. Cause as you pointed out, after their discussion in LFP he stayed. He would not leave her and he listened to her reasoning, and understood where she was coming from.

    Anyway, I slightly digressed. My whole point is..John has clearly on many occasions shown his concern for her state of mind, for her assurance, and also for her agreement and opinion. It has been, from what I've seen during times of argument, Teyla is far more prone to laying him flat out as she has with everyone else in the Atlantis Expedition. Of course, not as with such blatantly disrespect she's given to Ronon
    (come on now, she was patronising and turned him into a disrespectful 4 year old. I don't blame her for it, he was out of line. But she really looked like she was not happy with him tagging along, as seen in 'Trinity')
    Not in one instance have I seen John demean her opinion. Unless any frequent J/T fans here has seen something I haven't?
    I haven't seen anything to support the fact that there's any undermining going on. Teyla holds her own with John. Yes he uses 'the look' but they spend their time actually listening to what each other is saying. i.e. 'Suspicion' she listened to him, and as the leader of her people she tried to understand, she might have been angry, but who wouldn't be in her position, but that didn't show underminding of any kind, that actually showed them cooperating...and getting to equal ground.

    Then why does this seem to have taken such a popular opinion by those who are NOT fans of J/T. Maybe just that, because it helps in the belief that J/T is not even worth considering, when it's the ONLY natural consideration.
    It's their opinion. If they see it that way, it can't be helped. Whatever their reasoning is. It's their own.

    Now this brings me back to my original rant on 'the look'. I've noticed in times of disagreement with Teyla he uses his 'puppy dog look' to get his way. Now I wonder why that is. When with all the other women, from Chaya, blonde from The Tower, even Weir, we get this hard nosed, 'I know what's right, and I'm gonna do it! With or without your consent!' Yet, with Teyla he spends more time pleading his case than anything else. The only time I can say he was adamant about something around her was in 'LFP'. But even then he later gave in. Does anyone else have an idea as to why he finds using his 'puppy dog expression' on Teyla is more effective than anything else? Because from, what I saw, she really isn't impressed by it or even interested.
    He also tilts his head I believe when he does 'the look'...makes it even more cute. But anyway....I guess he does the whole look with Teyla because he wants her to understand, it may in fact be a way to physically display pleading with opposed to dropping to his knees and begging. With anyone else, he may not want to compromise, but with Teyla he wants to know that she isn't believing ill of him.

    (don't worry if that doesn't make sense.... )

    But it does show an interesting point in their relationship. Why is it her, he feels the need to sway? And yet not the other ladies...though some have grabbed his attention? How many of you ladies with boyfriends and husbands, have had 'the look' come your way? How many of you have given in? And have you noticed his use of it with or in the presence of other women? Or just you and his mum, probably have the benefit? I just want to get an idea if it's really something significant or if it's just a fluke continuous occurence, and if you guys find this might relate to J/T. I can't be the only one to have noticed that John has used this look!

    Okay, I think I'm done. I was interested in perspectives of the look and those statements I see flying around.

    Hmmm...another thanks for the great new smilie...lucky us, we're always on top of our game!

    I haven't noticed if he's ever done it to anyone else, but maybe if we look hard enough we can find one.

    ok so that's my rambling on the topic....

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Hmmm VB, interesting... I haven't noticed it, but now I suddenly remember it. Most notably with the remind from Suspicsion. I agree with you, why does he use his "puppy dog look" on her? My guess comes from that he wants her to agree with him, but he doesn't want to be rough or abrasive like you mentioned. But to be honest, "look" or "no look" wasn't even noticed by me before.

      As for others discrediting the John and Teyla ship... well, they see things differently. I know there are a number of them who don't even like Teyla's character, or only see her as a pairing for Ronon... we had someone say something to that end in the Teyla thread.

      Even if he uses "the look" on Teyla, he can't just use it and have her agree with him. If it has any effect, it gets her to at least her him out, then she agrees of her own accord. In Allies....
      Remember, she said she trusted him.

      That's all I can really think of, you know me and my ADD. (Not really) Will have a link for Never Alone again soon.. VB... what happened Saturday night? I waited until around 10PM... but I guess I'll end with a compliment... with a rant like that... some of us are blown away by that... how can you concentrate for that long?!
      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


        Never Alone Again

        I just wanted to get that out... it's been a week or so that it's been done... just being Beta'd..
        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


          Originally posted by vaberella
          In the case of John we see this use in 'Suspicion' mainly, seen it used in 'The Gift' and most noticeably I've seen it used in, 'TLG' and 'Allies'---even moments of 'Intruder' and ONLY from what I gathered on Teyla. I will diverge from the look a bit, to bring up another point of contention I have and will really be the focal point of my rant.
          Yes, he does use this on her and it has been quite effective for him. Teyla guards her expressions pretty well, but she always seems to be swayed by his pleading when he does this look thing. And at times, she can’t help a little smile from escaping.

          Originally posted by vaberella
          Where in blazes do people see that John disrespects and undermines Teyla? Not only that makes her feel like crap and treats her like a child?!
          It was news to me that ANYONE thought this. I’ve never seen one shred of evidence for it. As you say- John is usually the only one who treats her with respect and deference—(till Ronon, but there’s a subtle difference somehow) to the point that others have noticed his preference. (Bates anyone?)

          Originally posted by vaberella
          Anyway, I slightly digressed. My whole point is..John has clearly on many occasions shown his concern for her state of mind, for her assurance, and also for her agreement and opinion. It has been, from what I've seen during times of argument, Teyla is far more prone to laying him flat out as she has with everyone else in the Atlantis Expedition.
          Yes, she will correct him when she thinks he’s wrong, but she always does it in such a way as to not damage his male ego and that he knows she’s not angry with him- just a tad displeased. I speak to my husband much the same way.

          Originally posted by vaberella
          Then why does this seem to have taken such a popular opinion by those who are NOT fans of J/T. Maybe just that, because it helps in the belief that J/T is not even worth considering, when it's the ONLY natural consideration.
          Yes, I think you’ve hit on the real reason here. Opponents of J/T look for any and every reason not to see the obvious- that John and Teyla care for each other on a deeper than friendship level.

          Originally posted by vaberella
          Now this brings me back to my original rant on 'the look'. I've noticed in times of disagreement with Teyla he uses his 'puppy dog look' to get his way. Now I wonder why that is?
          Lol! Because honey, it works! I don’t know a woman born who can resist that look all the time when the man they care about is giving it to them. My son is also testing his skills on me in that area lately! Lol! Little wrech!

          Originally posted by vaberella
          When with all the other women, from Chaya, blonde from The Tower, even Weir, we get this hard nosed, 'I know what's right, and I'm gonna do it! With or without your consent!' Yet, with Teyla he spends more time pleading his case than anything else. The only time I can say he was adamant about something around her was in 'LFP'. But even then he later gave in.
          You could see in LFP how much it pained him to say no to her. My hubby is the same way when there’s something I really want and it just isn’t possible. The idea of not providing what I want just tears him up. I saw the same thing in John.

          Originally posted by vaberella
          Does anyone else have an idea as to why he finds using his 'puppy dog expression' on Teyla is more effective than anything else? Because from, what I saw, she really isn't impressed by it or even interested.
          Gotta disagree with you here VB- it does work on her- very well. He wouldn’t keep doing it if it didn’t. She tries to stay aloof and stern, but she can’t keep the softness from creeping into her features and the small smile from escaping, right before she either gives in or reassures him that everything’s okay. The only time his puppy dog face didn’t work on her was in LFP and John just about went nuts trying to make things right again.

          Originally posted by vaberella
          But it does show an interesting point in their relationship. Why is it her, he feels the need to sway? And yet not the other ladies...though some have grabbed his attention?
          Because unlike the other ladies he’s come across (including Weir), he cares what Teyla thinks and he wants desperately for her to understand him and agree with him. And this of course because she means more to him than just a friend.

          Originally posted by vaberella
          How many of you ladies with boyfriends and husbands, have had 'the look' come your way? How many of you have given in?
          *San raises hand* Uh, yeah… I usually give in. I can’t help it! I love him and I want him to be happy.

          Originally posted by vaberella
          And have you noticed his use of it with or in the presence of other women? Or just you and his mum, probably have the benefit?
          He NEVER does this with other women (well maybe his mom), if he did I’d brain him. This kind of communication is for US alone.

          Originally posted by vaberella
          I just want to get an idea if it's really something significant or if it's just a fluke continuous occurence, and if you guys find this might relate to J/T. I can't be the only one to have noticed that John has used this look!
          It is a very significant thing and no, you’re not the only one who has noticed him doing it. It absolutely does relate to J/T because it further confirms their attachment. And it also backs up what RL said in an interview late last year. She and JF are told to play their scenes together as if there is an underlying romantic attachment between them. You can definitely see that in these types of scenes.


            Originally posted by bella
            Camy, Teyla fighting stuff. This is my favourite work so far. I was going to save it for Spring Fling but what the heck!

            These are terrific Bella! I'm going to snag the banner for my sig! Don't forget to post them to the LJ too!


              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
              So on the whole 'John is condescending of Teyla' front, I can see you're going to make me repeat myself......Major point in factor...Do these ppl even like Teyla's character?...Have they given concrete proof that he underminds, her? Other than their own conjecture. I bet not. Since it's very clear that he trusts her, because if he didn't she WOULD NOT be on his team. There is no way in creation that Sheppard being who he is would ever allow someone whose opinion he doesn't trust and respect to be part of his team. An since Teyla is part of his team and was CHOSEN by him, not assigned or anything like that but picked by the man himself to be on his team and has remained on his team, shows that there is no bloody way that he underminds her or doesn't listen to her. Cause as you pointed out, after their discussion in LFP he stayed. He would not leave her and he listened to her reasoning, and understood where she was coming from.
              Excellent, excellent points WB! How *can* they say he doesn't respect her when he did clearly choose her for his team. That bit of silliness is just another support for the notion that their argument is based more on dislike for Teyla and J/T and less on logical thought and events from the show.


                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                Never Alone Again

                I just wanted to get that out... it's been a week or so that it's been done... just being Beta'd..
                *Sans pouts* Post to the LJ Rit! *whines* I hate reading at!


                  Originally posted by bella
                  I always look forward to your stories Ceekay. And Astro I loved your bunny story!
                  Thanks to everyone for the rotating sig help but I think i'm just going manally change my sig when ever I'm in the mood. I have very little patience when it comes to computers/software/webhosts misbehaving.

                  Camy, Teyla fighting stuff. This is my favourite work so far. I was going to save it for Spring Fling but what the heck!

                  Wall behind the cut
                  These are fantastic Bella! Did you do them on Fireworks? Work just bought that for me but I haven't had a chance to be really creative on it, too much studying to do!

                  I really like these!


                    Bella...*sniff* Sanssong took it *sniff* WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

                    Well, maybe next time.... *Camy pouts at Sanssong*

                    I still like my Kick ASS TEYLA.......

                    Okay, so...I"m not home yet, but I'm loving the discussion....where is SP..she's good at this too...

                    Witchy! You awesome BABE you! Love your thinking...and you couldn't have said things better than I...

                    Sanssong....agree with everything you've said..mostly the part where it doesn't work with Teyla that VB said..I agree, it does work with Teyla and that is just another reason why we know that he is the only one that she would allow that with...and I don't think she's even aware of how much influence and vice versa they both have on each other...her approach is very different from his.....he is sweet and gives her the pout and puppy eyes...she is more to the point and kind of challenges in LFP and in The Gift..

                    again, I will be back with more on this....I LOVE THIS TYPE OF Convos....


                      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                      CK, can't wait for the fic, it had better be happy...pretty plz....though i have a feeling it's not going to be...

                      Look who you're talkin' to, Witchy.

                      Besides, it's a Black Notebook fic – the series began on the Whump thread. 'Course it's not happy. It's not as bad as AI or J&R, though... still tragic, but not that bad.

                      Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                        I don't have time for anything more than a fly-by, but I do have some thoughts on the condescending thing. Maybe later.

                        John: Sorry to bother you, but some people think I'm condescending or disrespectful to you, and that really bothers me....

                        Teyla: (thinking: He's being a puppy dog again.) Do not trouble yourself, John. I like you just fine.
                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                          Look who you're talkin' to, Witchy.

                          Besides, it's a Black Notebook fic – the series began on the Whump thread. 'Course it's not happy. It's not as bad as AI or J&R, though... still tragic, but not that bad.
                          Oh, dear. It sounds like I should brace myself before reading.

                          The comment about John not respecting Teyla has me scratching my head because I wasn't aware that anyone thought that. Hmmm, this is as good an excuse as any to re-watch my SGA tapes to try to get a feel for where that opinion could have originated. At the moment it doesn't make any sense to me because not only would this reflect badly on Teyla (for putting up with it), but it would also make Sheppard look bad because a good commander would never include on his team someone he/she doesn't respect. Nope, don't see it.
                          Sig by Luciana


                            Okay, I've completed The Black Notebook V: Freudian Slip. I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with it, though... let me know what you think? I might tweak it a bit before I put it up on the LJ.

                            You guys are really gonna kill me for this...

                            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                              Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                              Okay, I've completed The Black Notebook V: Freudian Slip. I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with it, though... let me know what you think? I might tweak it a bit before I put it up on the LJ.

                              You guys are really gonna kill me for this...
                              Oh u fantastic girl...Nice job. I love it in a way that it was interesting, just not loving it very much for how it all played out.

                     we get another installment if we're good?...

                              R.I.P Wraithlord

                              Awesome sig by SciFan


                                ....Teyla...i know guys you wants just good for me...
                                ...but this present is really heavy...

