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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sanssong
    Ack! Too cute! AS, I love it! Those pics were perfect and I do love the idea that Rodney knows about John's feelings for Teyla and supports that!
    thanks Sanssong......yep i think Rodney is the best for this things......


      Originally posted by Major Fischer
      Sora for instance. Some of the best stuff for Teyla bar nun was between Sora and Teyla in the Eye.
      I did like her interaction with Sora, but I have to say the strongest back-story ep for Teyla was Critical Mass and her good-bye with Charin. I learned so very much about Teyla from that one ep. From Athosian stuff, like the Ring Ceremony to personal Teyla stuff like her lovely singing voice. I think the best though was seeing how she deals with deep seated emotions like greif- it gave some insight into why we don't always see big reactions from her. It's because she's not the kind of person to show emotion so openly. That for me was huge.


        Originally posted by sanssong
        I did like her interaction with Sora, but I have to say the strongest back-story ep for Teyla was Critical Mass and her good-bye with Charin.
        That's what I mean but how I'm much more satisified with the developement they've put into her in the second season.


          Originally posted by Major Fischer
          That's what I mean but how I'm much more satisified with the developement they've put into her in the second season.
          I agree. Guess I misunderstood what you were getting at.


            Originally posted by Major Fischer

            I completely agree with you and find it extremely frustrating. Joe is such a talented actor that this idealized personna that the powers that be are really limiting the deepth of the character.

            I think on another level as a woman I don't find this kind of male fantasy persona as attractive as I found the flawed and more human Sheppard. But than again I didn't like Luke Skywalker either. It's something about the Hero character when he's not allowed to grow and breath that starts to feel stale. I'm so glad that Astro pointed this post out to me because I had never thought about it before and that's a great insite into something I've been feeling for some time.

            Glad it helped. I usually find it difficult to translate ideas that make sense in my head to words that make sense to everyone else. Especially online without face, body and voice to help.
            I agree that this stereotype can be constricting. I mean it works in films like Top Gun but on TV it can become, well like you said, stale.
            And SnoggingPicard (great username by the way) made a very good point about consquences, and reprimands only coming from characters written to be unpopular. I'd love to see O'Neill or Hammond demanding explanations for Shep's actions in Hot Zone!

            I'm not sure I'd want to see backstory for Teyla. I certainly want more Teyla and character development etc. but I get the feeling that Teyla backstory might turn into one of the Klingon/Worf episodes from Star Trek which I personally found rather dreary.


              Woah....we're really jumping off topic...don't get me wrong I love talking about Shep, but that should be directed to Shep discussion not here. I've noticed that there has been a great deal of interruption on our thread because it's claimed to be off topic quite a bit and this will feed that fire.
              I'm noticing that happening in some of the last posts of this page.

              The same should be for the Teyla posts....great again---albeit I felt the development of Teyla was developed it's depending on what you chooose to see in S1. I'm surprised that the subject was going in that route although again I love your post Bella...always do.

              AS for the character developmemt of both together and singularly with the team. I felt that Teyla was thoroughly explained and both at the same time. clearly in S1, LFP is a fabulous example of that.

              I'm not talking shipperness although of course it can be taken there. Suspicion was another great example. I acutally felt ahtough there were great moments between the two and with the team. The focus was definitely developing the Wraith than really the Atlantis team in S2---actually a lot of WRaith love in S2 than in S1. We already knew of Teyla's feelings and much about the Athosian's in S1 through The Gift..another great John/Teyla interaction piece. Again another good point Sanssong but I felt CM was very minimal in anything like that....just showed that the enemy could be anywhere and I got to see Teyla cry....closest I saw that was in The Gift..and you see a bit of her singing.

              For both I felt we get John uncertainty on a high level and Teyla emotionally a rollercoaster. That can be good and bad, great cause we get character development and how everyone not only our two faves her get into that emotional drama...but it's bad because it makes them look like fools in the end. Which can clearly came back and bit them on the butt.

              I preferred the development in S1 for both of them over S2 mentally and with what's around them...

              Again I only made my first comment because again trying to avoid OT posts which the posts above can be complained about being.

              Celede glad your here and I'm loving the site...good to find a new haven to go to and glad your doing it. I made you a bud by the way I think. I wanted to know if your planning on adding sections like for J/T art, J/T vids....that would be great. GW is definitely not alll we need when we want to chat off about J/T.

              Last edited by vaberella; 08 April 2006, 03:38 PM.
              Click statement above to read article.


                Wow, two pages and that took me forever! You guys talk a lot don't you!!

                I think I'm covering all the things that were directed at me, if I've missed something yell it at me again!

                About the page summary on the LJ. Not just for paid accounts, although the coding is quite difficult... I've got a surprise for you guys but it's going to be up in about a week or so... coding and essay do not a happy Celede make.

                The archive thing. There is no 'archive' function on LJ but they do have this WONDERFUL little tool called 'tags'. I haven't set any up yet, BUT because it can be confusing if you are new to LJ just post away and I'll add the tags for you.
                What this means is that, eventually, you'll be able to click on a tag and all the entries that have that tag will come up. Some examples of our tags will be, fanfiction, wallpapers, icons etc (since there's going to be a lot of fanfiction I think I might also add genres to the tags)

                On a Shep/Teyla note, I just had a Shep/Weir shipper tell me that 'Home' was a Shep/Weir ep cos he said that he wondered how she was doing...

                awesome sig by Camy!
                Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


                  Originally posted by Celede
                  Wow, two pages and that took me forever! You guys talk a lot don't you!!
                  We do tend to talk quite a bit!

                  Originally posted by Celede
                  About the page summary on the LJ. Not just for paid accounts, although the coding is quite difficult... I've got a surprise for you guys but it's going to be up in about a week or so... coding and essay do not a happy Celede make.
                  Big J/T hugs for you Celede you are a goddess for doing this for us! We'll wait!

                  Originally posted by Celede
                  The archive thing. There is no 'archive' function on LJ but they do have this WONDERFUL little tool called 'tags'. I haven't set any up yet, BUT because it can be confusing if you are new to LJ just post away and I'll add the tags for you.
                  What this means is that, eventually, you'll be able to click on a tag and all the entries that have that tag will come up. Some examples of our tags will be, fanfiction, wallpapers, icons etc (since there's going to be a lot of fanfiction I think I might also add genres to the tags)
                  Ah! So that's what those are for! lol! I'm still learning LJ stuff. I'm excited we'll have an easy way to find all the different categories.

                  Originally posted by Celede
                  On a Shep/Teyla note, I just had a Shep/Weir shipper tell me that 'Home' was a Shep/Weir ep cos he said that he wondered how she was doing...
                  Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! *suz falls over laughing* Oh, mercy.... sorry... *wipes tears from eyes*..... bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Oh... sorry... Okay- okay.... I'm better now. That is the 'shipper glasses effect' in full force if I've ever heard it! 'Home' was probably one the MOST J/T shipper eps there is! And one of the many great arguments against S/W!


                    Originally posted by Celede
                    On a Shep/Teyla note, I just had a Shep/Weir shipper tell me that 'Home' was a Shep/Weir ep cos he said that he wondered how she was doing...
                    *blink blink*

                    Originally posted by sanssong
                    Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! *suz falls over laughing* Oh, mercy.... sorry... *wipes tears from eyes*..... bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Oh... sorry... Okay- okay.... I'm better now. That is the 'shipper glasses effect' in full force if I've ever heard it! 'Home' was probably one the MOST J/T shipper eps there is! And one of the many great arguments against S/W!
                    ^ What she said.

                    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                      just to let you all know that all the entries on the LJ have now been tagged. I'm going to be doing author tags as well so that, eventually when I set up the bio with the link, you'll be able to browse for fic just by author if you like!

                      Kepp on adding stuff guys!

                      awesome sig by Camy!
                      Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


                        Originally posted by Celede
                        just to let you all know that all the entries on the LJ have now been tagged. I'm going to be doing author tags as well so that, eventually when I set up the bio with the link, you'll be able to browse for fic just by author if you like!

                        Kepp on adding stuff guys!
                        Hi guys....
                        I am still very I will make this short...YEAH RIGHT!
                        Oh, still have my sense of humor, though....hehehehehe

                        I am extremely forgive me...
                        The flu is killing me! no pun intended...

                        Just thought I'd share a couple of things with you..

                        First off..WOW! Great convo...
                        Sorry, but I don't get the whole Mary Sue thing..and don't bother explaining it either...

                        Um...what else did I your pics as are going to have to come up with something new until new episodes come cause I need to see your pics..I mean, I LIVE by them! so go back to the beginning if you have to...just post more pics...

                        Um...what else did I read...OH, I went to the LJ..I just have one nitpick...Why are we calling it Gateworld? or something like it...don't know, maybe I miss something....

                        Okay...what guys already know how I feel about the whole John and Teyla getting together..interesting enough...I used to watch The West Wing..then I got bored...I get bored very I stopped watching it like three season ago, and now today there is an article on MSN that Donna and Josh kissed and slept together! WHAT? I loved those two from day, I"m like go figure they sleep together when I'm not watching...jeepers!
                        Anyways, to keep this on topic....the article was about how TV hates pairing couples and how it takes years before anything is ever really resolved..and of coarse, they mention Scully and Mulder...and whatever happened to them after the ending, hopefully they are making up...I thought that was a great line...but of coarse, it reminded me so much of our conversations here of John and Teyla...

                        Moving on...CELEDE..are you the awesome Celede that has some awesome fics in unique bond...? OH, if you are...HON! why haven't you done any others..and if you have, where can I get them...I love your fics...if you're not the same...sorry!

                        Now, you are the one doing the LJ...LOVE IT! Wonderful job...Now, I have to say, we have a LJ for J/T as well..I told you guys that Trippy had, I guess now we have two places to post our stuff...GREAT! I still would like to consider a site like's just that I like the fact that it is larger and it has the specific links to what you want and things like that...Please, don't get me wrong, Celede or Sanssong..I love this idea of the LJ......I am just not getting the whole LJ stuff patted down...I'm going to have to depend on others until I have time to learn how to do this...

                        Okay...I gotta go...not feeling too hot right now! but I have to post two things here before I go...
                        one..Nytel finally posted the fic that she wrote for me! AH...she is too good to me..It's called When You're Sick...she didn't go for any of my suggestions...hehehehehe

                        Please leave her a review..and for Ritter's as well..he added another chapter to Together Forever for me as well....*smooch*
                        these are two great writers....

                        and finally, to my knowledge there is a new J/T writer..and she is getting better and better with her least I think it's a her...

                        This is her latest one..she doesn't get that many review and I don't know why cause her fics are really getting go and check this one's really very good! and leave a review...

                        Another fic that is I think A Novella is this's really very good..and extremely long..I haven't catched up yet but it's very Sheyla in a subtle way..but it has some great moments between Rodney and Teyla as well..

                        Okay...I am sure I've missed something..but I really have to go..I was hoping to work on some fics and picfics and some Wallpapers, sigs..but I don't think so....not quite myself just yet!

                        I've missed you guys incredibly..but I'm so glad to see that things are moving..
                        Mr. F...I think I've already welcomed you..but hey...welcome..

                        Bella, great thoughts
                        Pretty, Awesome Wallpapers
                        Witchy..super work *i hope you're not mad at me cause of my comment about your manip pic* You know I love your work!
                        SP...hugs hon!
                        VB..I've missed you
               must stop more often
               your work hon...
                        Sanssong..have I told you that my life depends on those fics of yours...
                        DM..hugs, I know how you were feeling a couple of weeks ago...
                        hope all is well..
                        Spectrum..we need to do more wallpapers together..hehehehehe
                        Ritter..You are the Best!
                        Okay...if I forgot anyone, please forgive me....I really have to

                        don't forget to leave a review for those fics....


                          ...I'm not Camy, That wasn't her belly anyway, it's the the person whose head I did away with......just wanted the outfit, and I'm not good at those that's maybe the last like that I'll be doing...

                          Off to read ficcies......

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Originally posted by Celede
                            Wow, two pages and that took me forever! You guys talk a lot don't you!!

                            I think I'm covering all the things that were directed at me, if I've missed something yell it at me again!

                            About the page summary on the LJ. Not just for paid accounts, although the coding is quite difficult... I've got a surprise for you guys but it's going to be up in about a week or so... coding and essay do not a happy Celede make.

                            The archive thing. There is no 'archive' function on LJ but they do have this WONDERFUL little tool called 'tags'. I haven't set any up yet, BUT because it can be confusing if you are new to LJ just post away and I'll add the tags for you.
                            What this means is that, eventually, you'll be able to click on a tag and all the entries that have that tag will come up. Some examples of our tags will be, fanfiction, wallpapers, icons etc (since there's going to be a lot of fanfiction I think I might also add genres to the tags)
                            You know you are awesome, right? ...because YOU ARE!!!!

                            On a Shep/Teyla note, I just had a Shep/Weir shipper tell me that 'Home' was a Shep/Weir ep cos he said that he wondered how she was doing...
                            Ummmm...All I tend to remember was the fact that Weir made the comment that Shep should have been the one to return to Earth while she stayed on Atlantis so he would be stuck back home while she could still run Atlantis...that and the whole thing of Weir wanting to see Simon again...but I am still up for people interpreting things the way that they want...even if I don't quite get it


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                              ...I'm not Camy, That wasn't her belly anyway, it's the the person whose head I did away with......just wanted the outfit, and I'm not good at those that's maybe the last like that I'll be doing...

                              Off to read ficcies......
                              PHEW...thanks mean too much to me!

                              Oh, on a side note..I just read my 8 messages..and I'm so worried about JS..she is going back to the hospital...she had to have her appendis removed and it seems she is not getting better..OH, please keep her in your prayers, guys...I am so worried about her now.....

                              On a side note..Celede..the entire episode of Home was so S/T

                              I mean go back when John told Teyla that he'd go to Earth if he knew he could come back to Atlantis...then, who did he invite to go with him to Earth? and yeah, he asked about Weir and the others...How many hours later after he'd spent the entire day shopping with Teyla....yeah, very shep/teyla indeed! and that is just the beginning...and if he was so interested and thinking so much of Weir, then how come she didn't appear like Ford and the others did..since he was so manipulating his thoughts, right?


                                Um...don't know if I posted this or forgive me if I'm repeating myself...but I've updated The Kiss that Started it All..Chapt..10 is up..hope you guys like it...

