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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay....Melita...your thoughts on Allies? John/Teyla of coarse...

    Now, Melita did bring up a good point...although I don't think she actually brought up that particular point...but I like that Twix is half vanilla and half chocolate...don't misinterpret this, but for me, there is a know...Vanilla, Chocolate combined in rich flavored with smothered chocolate and OHMYGOODNESS...I"m off...I'm going to buy TWIX bar now...are you people happy now?


      Originally posted by Camy
      OH, I just of know

      John - ohn + Teyla - eyla + TWIX -TW = JTIX

      Huh, do I deliver or what?

      Not to shoot you down love..but I sounds like a new bug that can spread a really bad viral disease!!!
      Click statement above to read article.


        Originally posted by Camy

        *BANG! Camy passes out*
        *tosses water on Camy's head* Hey sweetie how's it goin?


          my little picfic...for everyone who maybe missed something...

          CONFESSIONS 1
          CONFESSIONS 2
          CONFESSIONS 3
          CONFESSIONS 5 - PART 1
          CONFESSIONS 5 - PART 2
          CONFESSIONS 5 - PART 3
          CONFESSIONS 6
          CONFESSIONS 7
          CONFESSIONS 8
          CONFESSIONS 9

          .... so thats Annie picfic??...
          ... last she finished it...


            OH, VB you are a genius! you know, bug...kiss, retrovirus, Conversion! LOVE IT!


              Originally posted by melpomene
              *tosses water on Camy's head* Hey sweetie how's it goin?
              WHOSH! Why am I all wet?


                Originally posted by Camy
                WHOSH! Why am I all wet?
       know what happens to me when I eat too much sugar...and now look at what my favorite thread is turning to...I can't work like this?


                  Originally posted by Camy
         know what happens to me when I eat too much sugar...and now look at what my favorite thread is turning to...I can't work like this?
                  So, is tha vid of J/T coming along..? What song did you finally decide on?

                  Ritter is still sick..? Nah, he's just faking it...he wants our attention...

                  Ritter, come here! give me those cheeks...

                  goochie, goochie, gooe...


                    Originally posted by melpomene
                    I kinda like Twix. I think there's a law in the Shipper's Handbook against naming a ship after a sports team. Even if you do manage to find it romantic it's really rather controversial. Not only could some people hate that team (eye twitches at memory of someone mentioning 'Cowboys') but it's just not Universal-International friendly and won't make sense to someone who doesn't already know. Since we're talking about food this isn't a suggestion but Shep and Teyla kinda reminds me of when I was a kid there was this fast food place in town and whenever I got ice cream there I always got twist. Which was chocolate and vanilla together. That was a really good flavor. So, um, not to be off-topic...I really am working on a vid....*wanders off muttering to herself* Oh, is Ritter better yet? I heard he was sick

                    Okay I thought the football name was bad...not much of a fan...I'm more prone to the 'real' football and rugby.

                    As for a chocolate/vanilla name...what are yout thinking of?

                    1. Chocilla--I don't know if that works?
                    2. Vanocolate--
                    3. VanChoc--
                    4. Vancoco--
                    5. Chilla--camy might like that...

                    Okay put out some more..but let's ask the real guys..

                    VB: So Shep/Teyla what do you think?

                    If this is the selection... Vabu..... licious?
                    VB: Yup that's me!
                    Then I would take the 'Cowboys' over them!
                    VB: Isn't that a bit harsh Teyla?
                    I've got to agree...Vancoco? Chocilla? It can't get worse. It's almost as bad as JTIX!!
                    VB: But...but...but...John...
                    Unfortunately Vab, we are adamant!
                    I second that thought.

                    You guys heard the people!!! !! Okay I'm having too much fun with emoticons!

                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      So, is tha vid of J/T coming along..? What song did you finally decide on?

                      Ritter is still sick..? Nah, he's just faking it...he wants our attention...

                      Ritter, come here! give me those cheeks...

                      goochie, goochie, gooe...
                      Allies... I need spoiler tags for that right?
                      I thought it was good. I thought the premise was a little absurd I mean, even if they didn't have a choice did they have to help the Wraith quite so much? But as for shippiness the scene where Shep says to Teyla 'I guess I just wanted you to be okay with it too' that just shows so much thought over her connection with the Wraith and her hatred for them. Because he hates them but he's willing to go this far to survive, but he was very thoughtful of her feeling and damn I thought that was cool

                      As for the vid I started one for myself, signed on for VB's, got temporarily stuck, started another one and have made good progress on it. The song as of yet is classified...


                        Originally posted by Camy
                        OH, VB you are a genius! you know, bug...kiss, retrovirus, Conversion! LOVE IT!
                        AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH your shippy brain is out of control...What does TWIXY have to say about it?!

                        Okay not much....!!!
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                          Okay..I have been in and out lurking because I have two final papers to write instead of an actual test for my classes but I saw Annie's stories and couldn't read them so I was going to go look for them all but Annie beat me to it and posted all the chapters!!

                          *Runs over and gives Annie a huge hug* Thanks Annie!

                          On a further note...I kinda like the TWIX nickname with 'Hail Mary' as our catch phrase... when ever we come across a really good J/T moment on the show...we write 'HAIL MARY!'


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            So, is tha vid of J/T coming along..? What song did you finally decide on?

                            Ritter is still sick..? Nah, he's just faking it...he wants our attention...

                            Ritter, come here! give me those cheeks...

                            goochie, goochie, gooe...
                            Mel is taking FOOOOOORRRRRREVERRRRRRRRR....woves Mel!

                            Yeah, he needs a little love... ---TWIX LOVE!

                            It's not even official. We need a full blown approval...suggestions are still welcome, in all seriousness! I'm just using it cause it not only makes me laugh cause it's easy to mess around with.

                            TWIXMEISTER John loves this one..
                            TWIXY makes Teyla smile of when their sparking and she knocks him out with those staves.

                            ---Hahaha got one..the staves are like a TWIX bar you can eat. Let's say John breaks a Stave..he replaces it with a TWIX!!

                            VB Hahahha!!!
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              So, Melita..VB..and everyone else...what would you like to see in Allies Part 2....regarding John and Teyla..

                              I've stated in the Teyla thread..that I"ve been so dissapointed in the episodes conclusions of the cliffhangers...they never seem to use Teyla appropriately..there are just so many possibilities for her to play perhaps not a major role but at least something.....

                              And sweetie...brought a wonderful point...a second conversation between John and Teyla a la LFP would be great...and as a conclusion for this episode it would be perfect...although I think something like this has a better chance in the episode Sateda if they ever bring back the whole J/T and Ronon thing from's discussions like these that bring out the best in them and actually make their relationship stronger....SP was so right, we needed a scene like this one from Allies...finally we see that there is still that connection between that we were really only seeing with looks and gestures in the other episodes....

                              I think overall,
                              Teyla is not going to step back on her decision to put her trust in Sheppard...I believe she was clearly aware of the risk and if you analyze further her reaction and facial expressions and even her words in Michael she clearly feels that they made a wrong move..and like she said, they never really convinced, more like she was willing to go along with it and play a major role in the entire I doubt that she will go to Sheppard and dispute this point or even point fingers...she's not like that..I think that her words in Allies towards Sheppard clearly defined her position for him...she was never in favor of this...and she never will be and not only that...but she knew it would back fire on them...again, it's amazing that she was still willing to go along and actively participate with the entire plan when clearly she was totally against it and knew that most likely the consequences would be detrimental....again...all of that faith and trust in John has to be extremely powerful and more than a simple's almost as if she is willing to accept her faith, just to be with him....Another thing I wanted to mention about that conversation, and forgive me if I've mentioned this already, but when she walks away you see that John pauses to think about what she just said about them being Wraith and what that might entail, but then you see that he looks back to her and you almost can't help the look of frustration and feeling that he just wants to go after her and make her feel alright...but again, he knows he can't..but I can't help but see this look on his face that he just wishes he could go after her and just hug her or do something to ease her pain and frustration...again...I see this in connection to his whole confession of the grandkids things....he is still thinking of her and their conversation on another level and it reflects even while she is not there...gosh, I'm really stretching this aren't I?


                                As for a chocolate/vanilla name...what are yout thinking of?

                                1. Chocilla--I don't know if that works? NO!
                                2. Vanocolate-- NO!
                                3. VanChoc-- NO!
                                4. Vancoco-- NO!
                                5. Chilla--camy might like that...
                                HELL NO! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?

                                I'm kind of liking...Twixita!

