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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Sheylafan87
    they had a short snippet of season three, i saw one for BSG but missed the SG-1 and atlantis one.
    Oh make this legal..long live shep/teyla!!

    *Sheylafan87..I'm sending you a pm.*
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      Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
      Hmm... at least it's a good show that I fit perfectly into!!!
      Oh Allies, while short on Teyla moments period, we got that one moment that screamed ship.

      "I choose to place my trust in you!"

      There, there, there, do you see it. She placed her trust in 'HIM' not on anyone else on Atlantis, why, well I guess we won't know because they didn't show that scene, but why would she do that, if she didn't care for him on some deeper emotional level, beyond the caring she has for everyone on the expedition?

      thanks Ritter ...i hope you feel better soon...i agree with you about this moment... that was a real shipper scene and when she said it you knew that
      she was talking about him and only him...


        Originally posted by Doxymom
        I didn't hear or see anything aobut a S3 clip yet either, and I watched Allies. Was it played during SG1 or BSG? If so, that may be why I missed it.
        One BGS at the end they showed the characters and Ketee talking about stuff, i thought they might of done something similar. I heard they showed it at the end of each show.
        part of:
        Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

        wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


          And AS come to the rescue..and threw up a whole mess of pic links onto the screen of my comp. Much love AS for your continued devotion to Shep/Teyla..

          AS/BP will be called the Sheyla Twins...I got to get you guys some kind of ring or something....

          SHEYLA TWIN POWER-ACTIVATE to the rescue!




          Okay so I'm certifiable...big deal!
          Last edited by vaberella; 11 March 2006, 02:53 PM.
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            Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
            Oh, I am so unbelievably annoyed. I tried to record the season finales last night (had overnight guests) on a brand-new tape – but when I went to watch it this morning, the picture was completely snowed out! I couldn't see a blasted thing! Sci-fi isn't rerunning them until May, and I can't find a legal place to download them, and none of my RL friends watch Stargate... So I have to wait until May to finish out S9 and S2!

            That didn't stop me from skimming the spoilers, though.
            They left it with John MISSING??!!
            That is EVIL!
            ooohhh poor CeeKay...

            ...John... hey why is CeeKay in such a bad mood??...

            ...Teyla... cos she couldn't watch us in 'Allies'...

            ....John... what?? why??...

            ...Teyla... she had problems with the recorder tap...
            ...McKay... *oh no i knew i forgot about something*....

            ....John...but didn't i tell McKay to fix it??...

            ....McKay... uuups....


              Originally posted by vaberella
              And AS come to the rescue..and threw up a whole mess of pic links onto the screen of my comp. Much love AS for your continued devotion to Shep/Teyla..

              AS/BP will be called the Sheyla Twins...I got to get you guys some kind of ring or something....

              SHEYLA TWINPOWER-ACTIVATEto the rescue!




              Okay so I'm certifiable...big deal!
              heheheheheh......Sheyla Twins...good idea...thanks VB...*huges for you*...


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                So right VB...
                Ronon was itching for a fight...I mean later on he was following Micheal waiting for him to give a reason for Ronon to kill him...I mean if any one could reign in Ronon it would be Shep, or at least I think so. I think what made the whole sparring/confrontation scene between Michael/Ronon/Teyla non-shippy was the fact that Teyla was 'Put him down Ronon...NOW!' I mean way back in 'Duet' when Shep was the one doing the protecting of Teyla from Ronon she didn't get that way at all...
                Ooh..just wanted to respond to this...
                That's the other problem between Teyla and Ronon....she treats him like an errant child. Or one of those rambunctious puppies....'Down Boy' 'What do you tink your doing, boy?' 'Stay boy'. That's why I can't see how anyone saw anything shippy in 'Trinity' I swear I thought Teyla was close to grabbing Ronon by the ear and dragging him behind her, muttering under her breath 'Why was I picked to babysit?' 'Why me?' 'John and Rodney will pay for this!'

                That's all I saw!! And hence the reason I'm not threatened by Ronon and just let people enjoy the ships they want..since I know in the end get together..and I'm still holding out on a Ronon/Sora pair..she could show up at any time..she could be like Vala..or something.

                Man I'm not threatened by any of them..hahahaha...I'm even liking Chaya more and more lately..wouldn't even mind her to make a reappearance..and that's blasphemous talk as a shipper!

                Long live

                Click statement above to read article.


                  BP, great job on spotting shippy moments, and Annie equally brilliant with all the pics.

                  I'm with Cpt.Ritter,
                  Sheppard and Teyla's convo where she basically says she trusted in him, really was the most showing of our ship.

                  Aww...Ceekay, you poor thing, I almost missed it, I had told my sis to tape it for me, but she said the cable went out right at 8:50 and then I got home right at 12 but since BSG ran for an hour and a half I reach just in time to see it...

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                    BP, great job on spotting shippy moments, and Annie equally brilliant with all the pics.

                    I'm with Cpt.Ritter,
                    Sheppard and Teyla's convo where she basically says she trusted in him, really was the most showing of our ship.

                    Aww...Ceekay, you poor thing, I almost missed it, I had told my sis to tape it for me, but she said the cable went out right at 8:50 and then I got home right at 12 but since BSG ran for an hour and a half I reach just in time to see it...
                    thanks Witchy...


                      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                      I'm with Cpt.Ritter,
                      Sheppard and Teyla's convo where she basically says she trusted in him, really was the most showing of our ship.
                      I completely agree WB..and what I love is that it's from Teyla's standpoint..something we've been sorely lacking. We got her expression of how she feels in 'Lost Boys' but we never really ever got her saying it..and we interpreted her actions in eps after 'Lost Boys' as probably something deeper but there was nothing verbal or definite. But here we see something very dynamic coming from Teyla's persona.

                      Now we have her taking the baby step towards Shep and we also realise that Sheps thoughts and his sureness and his beliefs are important to her. So important that she would rather agree to aid him in his quest that she didn't believe in, because it was him. Not because she believed in the quest. That's something fits that cheesy song 'stand by your man'.

                      It's such a poignant moment..that it even matches the scenes we saw from Shep and his feelings for Teyla in 'Suspicion', especially, and of course 'The Siege 1'. He fought for her and he defended her loudly and with his entire being.

                      In this scene for Teyla we see Teyla do the same but in her way. She's not a verbal shouter..unless it seems she's berating Ronon. Even then she's rather tight lipped. But just by her sincerity and her respecting him and knowing what her duty is and her trust in that he would do the right the thing...she stood by him. And for Teyla to trust you in my opinion is a great feat. She looks like she's hard-pressed to trust anyone; especialy when se look at 'Rising'. But even in 'Rising' after shooting them down..she still trusted John enough to show them her people's ruins.

                      Their just a unique couple that definitely has the most on screen undeniable connection. With John/Teyla you get two people who come from different worlds and to forge such a bond...and remember in 'The Gift' who's room does she run to in that dream..who's name is she calling. I mean for her to worry for his life out of the 3 people she's in a team with..that was very dynamic and interesting for me. And she has never had that kind of bond with anyone else on the show. Especially not Ronon. Not that automatic connection and dependency on the other's prowess, strength and protection. And I won't deny with Ronon she has a deep connection. But even that is no comparison to her and John.

                      Bloody 'ell, I don't know how many ways true love can be expressed..and I have to give the writer's a big up props for that ep...See how shippy that was...I even saw it!

                      Witchy..look what you me writing a mini-essay.

                      Annie can you do me a favor
                      In 'Lost Boys' or 'The Hive', but I think it's 'LB' we see Teyla with John's head in her lap and of course her expression when he removes his head
                      can you please post those pics for me...
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Originally posted by vaberella
                        And AS come to the rescue..and threw up a whole mess of pic links onto the screen of my comp. Much love AS for your continued devotion to Shep/Teyla..

                        AS/BP will be called the Sheyla Twins...I got to get you guys some kind of ring or something....

                        SHEYLA TWIN POWER-ACTIVATE to the rescue!




                        Okay so I'm certifiable...big deal!
                        Hehehehehe Love it!

                        I knew I forgot something VB. Your right. I rechecked my notes and I had written that down. I just forgot to type it in my shippy report.

                        For those who are interested. I don't think John was flirting seriously. He just seems to think that flirting can get him what he wants.
                        When he mentions the random body searches John stops just before he says your person. He clearly checks her out, stopping briefly on her chest, before he settles for your fellow wraith. That isn't bad by itself. When she throws a fit over the fact that the mission didn't work out John says something and gives her the puppy eyes. Not quite the same kind he gives Teyla but close. Then after Zelenka mentions that the information they received was like a wraith dictionary John mentions when he got his first dictionary he checked out the Ss first. Zelenka uncomfortably says, "Well wraith sexuality would be interesting...." then Zelenka quickly changes the subject. The last time we see her, as she leaves, John says, "I wonder what a girl like her does for fun." It was Rodney's reaction to that comment. He roles his eyes and looks at John disbelievingly. It doesn't look too good coupled with some of the Queen Wraith's actions.

                        Now I have to go post the major shippy moments for season 2.


                          Originally posted by Black Panther
                          Hehehehehe Love it!

                          I knew I forgot something VB. Your right. I rechecked my notes and I had written that down. I just forgot to type it in my shippy report.

                          For those who are interested. I don't think John was flirting seriously. He just seems to think that flirting can get him what he wants.
                          When he mentions the random body searches John stops just before he says your person. He clearly checks her out, stopping briefly on her chest, before he settles for your fellow wraith. That isn't bad by itself. When she throws a fit over the fact that the mission didn't work out John says something and gives her the puppy eyes. Not quite the same kind he gives Teyla but close. Then after Zelenka mentions that the information they received was like a wraith dictionary John mentions when he got his first dictionary he checked out the Ss first. Zelenka uncomfortably says, "Well wraith sexuality would be interesting...." then Zelenka quickly changes the subject. The last time we see her, as she leaves, John says, "I wonder what a girl like her does for fun." It was Rodney's reaction to that comment. He roles his eyes and looks at John disbelievingly. It doesn't look too good coupled with some of the Queen Wraith's actions.

                          Now I have to go post the major shippy moments for season 2.
                          And people wonder why BP is now Shipper of the month..that in bold says she takes notes while watching...Could be the reason I never see anything. That's devotion and BP I'm gonna start doing that..I usually just memorize everything, well the points that peak me interest the most.

                          Oh and I agree about your see I think my mind blocked that..because I did catch that and mentioned it to my sister..and I do remember that second part with Zalenka and muddled over that as well. Interesting...hmmmmm...he's such a punk. You got to love him. I wonder if the STAKS people are gonna explode when they catch wind of Sheppy giving googly eyes at a Wraith.

                          Again I can't blame him...I maybe female but under that mask of grotesqueness I see a very beautiful woman with grey hair. Hahhhaa!!! And she was wearing Jimmy Choo shoes...respect and some kind of Gucci attire which says she has taste people. I think there's a Gucci Wraith hanging around...

                          But John of course for Teyla and we all know he doesn't need any other women or wraith...Why? Because he gots the best of both worlds baby.

                          Wraith Teyla and Real Teyla..he wants a little danger..get Teyla mad enough she's Wraith baby..and when he wants caring Teyla she's always available.

                          How many men can say they got the best of both worlds....?! Hmmmmm?!

                          And BP can't wait for your post on the shipppiest moments of the season!

                          Commentary on posts...

                          VB style!!
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by vaberella
                            Annie can you do me a favor
                            In 'Lost Boys' or 'The Hive', but I think it's 'LB' we see Teyla with John's head in her lap and of course her expression when he removes his head
                            can you please post those pics for me...
                            of course VB...i just needed to make a quick 'rewatch'...just to be your pics...

                            may it be??


                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              And people wonder why BP is now Shipper of the month..that in bold says she takes notes while watching...Could be the reason I never see anything. That's devotion and BP I'm gonna start doing that..I usually just memorize everything, well the points that peak me interest the most.

                              Oh and I agree about your see I think my mind blocked that..because I did catch that and mentioned it to my sister..and I do remember that second part with Zalenka and muddled over that as well. Interesting...hmmmmm...he's such a punk. You got to love him. I wonder if the STAKS people are gonna explode when they catch wind of Sheppy giving googly eyes at a Wraith.
                              Again I can't blame him...I maybe female but under that mask of grotesqueness I see a very beautiful woman with grey hair. Hahhhaa!!! And she was wearing Jimmy Choo shoes...respect and some kind of Gucci attire which says she has taste people. I think there's a Gucci Wraith hanging around...

                              But John of course for Teyla and we all know he doesn't need any other women or wraith...Why? Because he gots the best of both worlds baby.

                              Wraith Teyla and Real Teyla..he wants a little danger..get Teyla mad enough she's Wraith baby..and when he wants caring Teyla she's always available.

                              How many men can say they got the best of both worlds....?! Hmmmmm?!

                              And BP can't wait for your post on the shipppiest moments of the season!

                              Commentary on posts...

                              VB style!!


                                Originally posted by Black Panther
                                Hehehehehe Love it!

                                I knew I forgot something VB. Your right. I rechecked my notes and I had written that down. I just forgot to type it in my shippy report.

                                For those who are interested. I don't think John was flirting seriously. He just seems to think that flirting can get him what he wants.
                                When he mentions the random body searches John stops just before he says your person. He clearly checks her out, stopping briefly on her chest, before he settles for your fellow wraith. That isn't bad by itself. When she throws a fit over the fact that the mission didn't work out John says something and gives her the puppy eyes. Not quite the same kind he gives Teyla but close. Then after Zelenka mentions that the information they received was like a wraith dictionary John mentions when he got his first dictionary he checked out the Ss first. Zelenka uncomfortably says, "Well wraith sexuality would be interesting...." then Zelenka quickly changes the subject. The last time we see her, as she leaves, John says, "I wonder what a girl like her does for fun." It was Rodney's reaction to that comment. He roles his eyes and looks at John disbelievingly. It doesn't look too good coupled with some of the Queen Wraith's actions.

                                Now I have to go post the major shippy moments for season 2.
                                that was just hilarious...

                                i need to show it...sorry guys i know OT but you know me....

                                1. (not exactly...)




