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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    CK Wrote...
    Oh, I like that! Very nice!

    I'll get it though...eventually!

    CK wrote...
    Can I make a request, then?

    I'm looking for a J/T sig about the size of my current one, with the text "If I'm clinging to a dream, I hope I never wake..." and without the "Conversion" pic. Can you do this for me, please?
    I am just playing around and learning how to do this..otherwise, I would do it for you..but we have excellent people in here that I am sure would be willing to do it for you...just give them time...they are bottled up with school work! and Mommy's stuff...hehehehe

    EW Awesome Pics...I love that was kind of fast and sad..they were all like into their own thoughts about the entire one really looking at anyone else....just kind of pondering at the events that just occurred...Personally, I think that John was thinking how he could see Teyla afterwards since she would be a little bubbly! And I think Teyla is thinking, I need to do something that will help John relax a bit...But, see VB... will now turn around and say that I'm seeing shippy things that aren't there! So, as not to upset her..I will keep most of my comments to myself! YEAH RIGHT!

    VB wrote...
    no Worries Ceekay..what I am creating will cause some talk..cause I'm gonna make cartoons out of them..hahhaha!!! It's gonna be a blast...just for you guys to have a laugh at!! I can't's gonna be all J/T....hahhahahha!!! Oooh VB is too excited..maybe I should make a Ronon/sora one...hmmmm...yes that could work...I'm promoting that ship too much!

    Here's a sig made for me for my Ronon/sora shipperness by any disciples, please let me know...I might start a thread. hhahhaa...
    EH? Ronon and Sora? Nah! She's a traitor! He's too good for her! Now, personally, I think he would go for the Polish girl in my story that was going out with Zelenka..let me see if I can find a pic of her...

    I really like this girl...

    BP wrote...
    Here is what I remember: He was eager to get up there. Teyla and John practically only had eyes for each other. Elizabeth didn't get Teyla's full attention until John left. They kept smiling at each other and John quickly glanced at Elizabeth and friend as he leaned towards Teyla. Proof pic below.
    OH, I knew you would see it too....and that pic that you posted..doesn't it almost look like he was watching Weir to make sure he could flirt with Teyla? it almost look like he is making sure she is not watching him while he does FLIRT with Teyla.....

    DM wrote...
    You all have been having quite the heated JT discussion about Intruder, eh? I'll try to read over it if I can find some time. I skimmed, sorry.

    I had the impression his lean/quick look at Weir's back/long look at Teyla was flirting too. Somewhere I read a list of what's "flirting" and leaning/long looks into the eyes are definitely on there.

    Well, must dash.
    OH, did the cookie stuff go? Did you get some rest?
    Oh, I love how you explain that scene with J/T/W...
    Don't worry about VB..she is just a nutty person right now..and she takes it out on me! That's okay! I know how to calm her down....

    Okay, I'm off to see the Teyla Wow and the Teyla thread...

    Hey, you guys...there is a Sheppard/Teyla Shipper thread started by Anubis and it's completely dead...Would you consider making this a Sheppard/Teyla Pics Thread? and this way we have more than one thread going? Just a thought!


      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
      Ahhhh....Camy lovely lovely sigs....very pretty...and the words so Sheppard and Teyla......
      Thanks hon...I'm an amateur..just taking baby guys are the Pros!


        Originally posted by Camy
        *Camy jumps up and down, up and down, runs around in circles and then stops...everything is turning and moving very strangely...BANG! she falls flat on her a**


        Okay..I have a little present!
        Oh Camy I love it! It's very simplistic and that works really well. I love the coloring and the fading around the edges. I really like


          Simplistic? Do you know how much time that took me?hehehehe

          Thanks, hon...I am'll take me awhile.....and perhaps I'll never get as good but, at least I am playing with it and having fun!

          MELITA...when are you going to write more of your awesome fics?


            Gotta run to class, but Camy, I love that pic! Very, very cute. You are learning well, my young Padawan (Star

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              wow, you guys had a pretty heated discussion about "Intruder" lol I remember that ep, they were soooo flirty with each other. We should have more moments like that, but without weir so shep doesn't have to hide that he's flirting.


                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                Gotta run to class, but Camy, I love that pic! Very, very cute. You are learning well, my young Padawan (Star
                I got it! I've been a Star Wars fan since I was ten.

                Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  What are you talking about Ritter..he does flirt with her...I think it's just that they have jumped to another level in their relationship and it's scaring the crap out of them and they have kind of put this shield up for themselves thinking that it can never work..that is why I loved that song which my awesome and lovely and beautiful MELITA did for me "You're beautiful" by James Blunt because it fits them right now perfectly...they just don't know what to do and they think that they can never be with each other...JMHO
                  Yes, I know, but I want him to flirt MORE with her, maybe even make a nice comment about her outfit or hair, then we could have Teyla turn red from the attention and we'd all feint right then and there.

                  But yeah, I agree with the rest of your post,
                  when he kissed her,
                  things suddenly changed, because they couldn't deny it wasn't there anymore...
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                    Originally posted by Camy
                    I don't even know what to call this..but I am just playing around.....certainly no comparison with the work that you guys here do....I'm just tossing things around the threads...
                    Camy, beautiful!! I love the words pair with that image, so from Shep's POV.
                    Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
            's 3 am and I finally finished my papers! Yay! I have school today so I'm gone but Friday I'll be back hopefully!


                      : Now really shouldn't wait until the last minute to do your work...

                      : I do not believe you have any right to talk...are you not suppose to be writing a report for Dr. Weir about our last mission...

                      : Errrrr?
                      Ha!! Very funny AG!!!!
                      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                        shippi-do-da shippi-do-day
                        my oh my sheyla makes my day!!!


                          Oooh....tooo true...that's actually why I turned into a shipper. I was hands down seeing most of season one, until I came here, as a friendship thing. But when I saw season 2 I was like...woah and even though the kiss brought problems for it, it was excellent in character development of the two especially towards the end. It's rather an interesting dynamic.

                          And just as you said could be the main reason why Teyla acted the way she did...I mean let's think about that. Your suddenly kissed by a man you call by his title, to maintain separation, than by his name. Then he kisses you, and we can tell Kissing must be something serious amongst her people when even Halling doesn't kiss Jinto or vice versa but they bump heads. Yes, father's kiss their sons, at least on the cheek.

                          Anyway that made me intimate is a kiss for her people and what does it stand for. I can tell you, that I personally find kissing as intimate as intercourse. There's something about the act in any way shape that denotes this connection, well. Anyway back on topic...yeah I wondered at that moment to what extent kissing is found, and if it's done in Athosian.

                          What if it's a way of mating? What if John unbeknownst to him, just actually mated with Teyla....could explain a lot of her change in attitude especially. But going back to her face...I mean that kiss did a lot to both of them. Poor John looked like a fish out of water, since established that he looked like he wasn't unsure of his boundaries with her, and knows she's not like any woman he's been with before. Poor man, and then we have Teyla..who is like in shock and clearly needs to figure things out.

                          It was like a huge neon awning 'No More TipToeing' but they do try their best at it. That's why I even liked the end...he felt a need to apologize to sort of make her understand....maybe so she knows and he hopes that no respect was lost and that their still on equal footing. But the way she was looking at him and the way he looked at's like the issue was set for later maybe at another time. I loved her expression at the end....ugh I want to have a crush again, it's been so long!

                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                            I got it! I've been a Star Wars fan since I was ten.
                            Since I was seven.

                            Camy, beautiful wallpaper!!! But heck, I think they're all beautiful.

                            Here's my take on Intruder.
                            He looked at Weir first, but only so he was sure she was looking away and then he casual flirted with Teyla, drawing some very big grins on both their parts.
                            Has everyone read Nicole's Home is Where the Heart is tags, the one for intruder is great.

                            Originally posted by Camy
                            Hey, you guys...there is a Sheppard/Teyla Shipper thread started by Anubis and it's completely dead...Would you consider making this a Sheppard/Teyla Pics Thread? and this way we have more than one thread going? Just a thought!
                            It died because he was redirected here, but if it's the same Anubis from Stargate Omega then his shipping tendencies must've changed because the one on SGO is a Sparky shipper. (Though he'll admit Shep/Teyla have chemistry and tension) I think it's hard to keep up with two threads, maybe some could post a like here to direct anyone lost to the right place? I can't keep up with the Teyla threads.
                            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                              Originally posted by HyperCaz
                              shippi-do-da shippi-do-day
                              my oh my sheyla makes my day!!!

                              rofl......Caz, have you been in Mel's chocolate stash?....or had Camy been sharing her coffee with you...

                              R.I.P Wraithlord

                              Awesome sig by SciFan


                                CR could you post that story on the thread, cause I haven't read it..I've been resurrecting a few fics so people could review.

                       way didn' tyou hear what's going on with the Weir thread? There's like about 5 maybe more of them..seems a bit weird to me why so many. Anyway their going through a possible merge. So I wouldn't want Shep/Teyla to end up that way..especially since we can have this and I like making this one area our haven...I don't see a need for more than one...

                                bu what I thnk we should do is definitely start creating topics to discuss at hand to we can get som serious convos going...I think that would be really great idea. Especially with some many new bies we have tons of great new ideas and inputs as well as visuals people can put in...hahah!!

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