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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by majortrip
    CeeKay! I finally declared, too.

    J: Did you hear? CeeKay's joining us.
    T: Splendid!
    TRIPPY..I KNEW IT...I KNEW IT! I wonder if I had anything to do with it..I did smack my macarena skirt up your way many times!


      Originally posted by nicole9514
      Sqeeeeeee!!!! for chapter 12 Camy. I loved it. Long distance phone calls LOL. You are too good girl.

      OH, sweetie..THANKS! I do love John and Teyla and I can see John being so sarcastic with her the entire time in their relationship!


        Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
        Here's my take on "Conversion":
        The Iratus bug DNA was overwriting John's, breaking down his inhibitions and reducing him, emotionally, to a primitive, animalistic level. I've heard that kiss compared to rape, and I agree. He never would have done that under normal circumstances – he's too much of a gentleman – but I think, at some level, he wanted to kiss her (not necessarily like that, though).

        As for Teyla, I think she was too shocked to react at first. She does try to push him away, but as the sequence beforehand shows, he was much stronger than he usually is – the bug DNA again. But toward the end of the kiss, you can see her hands on his shoulders with her fingers pointing straight up – a "get off me" gesture if I ever saw one. At the end of the episode, though, I think her feelings for him came through when she so readily forgave him.
        This is a very good explanation..don't agree with the entire thing, but very good....


          Originally posted by Black Panther
          The Royal Shippy Recorder is here. Coup D'etat wasn't very shippery but here is what I saw.

          In the opening scene Teyla is behind John and they remain close to each other through out it. There were a few definite glances from Teyla but not so much from John. John was harder to tell where exactly who he was glancing at. He only did it once or twice and with that girl in between them and the way John was angled made it difficult to discern who he was looking at.

          Teyla was worried when she found John's and Rodney's picture among the wanted papers. Was it just me or did Ronon, after he saw the picture of John, look up at Teyla with pity in his eyes? It definitely looked like he felt sorry for her. At the end of the scene Teyla with a worried expression looks down at John's picture that she is still holding on to.

          Toward the end of the conversation, about being able to cure and trade those people for the hostages, with Cowen you can see Teyla in the background. Since the camera isn't focused on her it is difficult to discern her expression, but you can tell she is tense and her breathing has increased slightly. When Cowen says, "In the meantime you have forfeited the life of Colonel Sheppard." Teyla turns around and grabs and holds on to the control panel.

          After hearing that Cowen has turned off the radio preventing them from communicating with him. Teyla looks away and draws in a shaky breath.

          Other points of interest.

          John is clearly upset when Ronon and Teyla is put on the case of Major Lorne and his teams death. While he has to help Elizabeth with Ladon. Next couple of scenes he is short of temper though he bites his tongue, but his expression says it all. He seems irritated. He is blunt and tries to rush Ladon through the negotiations. A few times he glances away and seems to be wishing he was some where else. It isn't until he goes to the Genii world and talks to Cowen for the first time that he seems to get into his mission. Even after that though he seems to still be slightly irritated.

          Even though Teyla is curious as to why there are Genii in the gate room she stays focused and directs Elizabeth's attention to the task at hand. During the conversation it is Teyla that suggests that these men should be called back and kept at Atlantis. When she hears John and a team filled with most of these men are off on a mission, and Elizabeth won't call them back until they are done Teyla is clearly upset. Than they find out that it was the Genii that are doing this. Ronon mentions that they should call John and his team back. As Ronon says this Teyla gives a definite nod of agreement.
          OH, BP...I saw the exact same thing..except I miss the entire Teyla holding the console thing...gosh, I got to see that again...GREAT!
          No wonder you are our Royal Guard Recorder...YOU ARE AWESOME!


            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
            Ahhh BP, glad to see you recorded everything, and now it is written in stone.
            When Teyla opens the bag, she is concerned when she sees the first pictures, but that concern turns to horror as she shows Ronon the pics of Shep and McKay. Is there a reason why Shep's was last? I'm just wondering, but his was the last to be seen.

            By the way, I love Ronon's jealousy over being a threat. He wanted to go and change whosever mind. Did anyone else flip out when they thought Lorne was dead?!?!?
            UM, YEAH! And then I saw him really DEAD in BSG! I guess he thought about leaving Atlantis, since Teyla won't give him the time of the day as proven in my fic!


              Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
              Camy your story is must do somthing like this're talented
              *blushes* Gracias, Senorita!

              Now, that you mention it! I am going to do one...but I won't tell you the details just yet...It was a special request from someone very, very special!


                Originally posted by nicole9514
                Oh god that picture of the dog is so freakin adorable. That cheers me up just looking at it. How can you resist that face Camy, you're saved.

                Isn't she the best!? That's why I always call her..and she has never let me down, yet!

                Love ya, AG...and that Puppy, Oh, my goodness..I am dying to get one for my youngest, but then, I'm stuck with it...and that just won't do....


                  Originally posted by daniel_jackson_freak
                  I think that Teyla and Sheppard are perfect for each other.... look, he gave her the necklace and they have so MUCH chemistry. Unlike him and Weir. Anyway, he is gentle when he kisses her and you never see that with him and Weir.
                  OH, Welcome Daniel...we love John and Teyla supporters...



                    Okay, this last scene had me really thinking...what the heck was John so bubbling about? He was extremely happy and gitty...don't you think...look...he is like this the minute he walks in and he is definetly dying to leave the office to do something...or continue something...hmmmmmm


                    Okay, fic challenge.for Coup D'etat!.....where was John before coming to Weir's office that had him so happy and gitty...and where is he going in the middle of the night in such a chirpy and hurry?

                    Make it as creative as you'd like..must be a Shep/Teyla...

                    And can someone please make a poster of poor Ronon so that he doesn't feel so left out..and make one of Teyla while your at it!

                    Okay, I can't wait to read what you guys come up with!


                      Camy playing serious catch-up, aye?! Okay I'll be on again end the shepmagan party. I really can't wait until we discuss our favorite eps and why hteir our favorites...I have a list to go on myself..and I can't wait until the discussion begins...I should be here about 10am so I'll post my first few eps and hopefully we'll see some dialogue brewing..

                      Night all shippers..have pleasant shepmagan dreams and we'll start on a fresh new day tomorrow...

                      via con dios---how's this Camy?

                      Click statement above to read article.


              's Vaya Con Dios...
                        Thanks hon...

                        Okay, let me get the invitation to post again...


                          Okay, last day for the Shepmaggen Valentine's Fest..I have to say, I am pretty proud of the things that came out of this week..we must do this once a month or was fun...

                          Now, today, the last day...Shep/Teyla favorite you can write it out and display the pic...OH, yeah...write why you like it so much...and for those of you who are daring and love a about listing your favorite moment from the very beginning until the last episode that you've seen......and even more a challenge with pics...ha! Now, you have to divide the posting with pics...and with wording if it's really long...Okay, people let's end this with a BANG! Thanks everyone!



                            Okay...darn did I know you were gonna get me on that..shame!!! And I try so hard...I can't wait for the's gonna be a blast....and I already pmed you...I know someone who would love to be at the party for Teyla...unfortunately it's not John......Hahahha!!!
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              Okay, last day for the Shepmaggen Valentine's Fest..I have to say, I am pretty proud of the things that came out of this week..we must do this once a month or was fun...

                              Now, today, the last day...Shep/Teyla favorite you can write it out and display the pic...OH, yeah...write why you like it so much...and for those of you who are daring and love a about listing your favorite moment from the very beginning until the last episode that you've seen......and even more a challenge with pics...ha! Now, you have to divide the posting with pics...and with wording if it's really long...Okay, people let's end this with a BANG! Thanks everyone!

                              Okay I'll be busy.....but I will have an extra long post to give to everyone on may favorite moments and why....
                              Off to bed is me....night all the shippers!
                              Click statement above to read article.


                                You know I always get you!

                                Okay...Where the heck is everyone? This is our last day of the Fest and I'm here all by my lonesome? Oh, I guess this is payback for not being here yesterday! Okay, okay...I get the hint..So, it's only fair that I start it today as well..hehehehe...

                                Favorite John and Teyla moments from episodes in Season 1 and 2...
                                Now, for starters, anything that remotely even implies that Shep is thinking of Teyla and vice versa is included in doesn't have to be moment in which they are, my goodness this could be long...
                                Now, since we know that there are many of us who like the same scenes, I will try to come up with some that aren't so clearly there...but still my favorites, cause in all honestly, there is no way that I can choose a favorite scene in any of the episodes, cause anything and everything that has to do with their possible pairing is a favorite for me!

                                Okay, here we go....I will start with the first ten episoded in season 1...Oh, this is sooo much fun!

                                Rising Part one had so many of our favorite scenes...but I have to say I favor this one..LOOK closely...they are holding hands! She saved his life and he knows it!

                                This next scene I love! I told you guys that he would have gone to save her even if Summner was not captured and I was right...who in here bought that book to confirm my theory, was it AG? Anyways, you can see it in John's eyes, the minute he walks to the cell who does he look for first, Teyla! and he immediately asks her, Are you okay? Why would he say such a thing, when his superior is supposed to be right there...! And then he says, I knew there had to be something wrong..and as he speaks to Ford, you can see John still looking at Teyla...He just loves her! needs to protect her at all cost! AHhhhhh

                                Okay, next...Hide and Seek!

