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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    *feeds Sheyla Jukebox*


      HEY...I"m BACK! *Camy hugs everyone*
      I am EXHAUSTED!
      I think I will definetly fall asleep in front of the screen...

      DM..I went to the LJ..but I don't think I can post anything...I do have an account with LJ...will that do or do I still have to be a member to be able to post something? I really don't have anything to add...I wanted to post something but I just had no time to do anything.....but there are some fantastic things there...I definetly have to go back....

      OH, I do want to post the invitation that AG made for me for the week here...Can I do that without being a member or can you post it for me or what..?

      SP are you here? VB are you here?
      I can't believe that I am the only one that had a lot to say about TLG...I thought you guys would be rocking all day about this episode...common or else I"m going to sleep!


        SP and I are over on Omega Camy.
        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


          Camy! Me and Ritter are over at Omega right now. I can only stay for a teeny bit, so do you want to join us over there for a while?

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            I;m off to OMega!


              Going to folllow you camy...camy please get messenger..

              sheyla love forever peeps!!
              Click statement above to read article.


                Originally posted by Camy
                DM..I went to the LJ..but I don't think I can post anything...I do have an account with LJ...will that do or do I still have to be a member to be able to post something? I really don't have anything to add...I wanted to post something but I just had no time to do anything.....but there are some fantastic things there...I definetly have to go back....

                OH, I do want to post the invitation that AG made for me for the week here...Can I do that without being a member or can you post it for me or what..?
                hugs, Camy! Sorry you're so tired.

                Yes, I think you have to register to be able to post in LJ. Kind of dumb since they let you post anonymously. ?? Just email me your invitation and I'll post it to both JT LJs and a text version to both lists I mod on.

                Still, you can look at all the JT goodies on LJ and, I think, copy and save most of them to print, without having an account. The links should still work for you so you can see all the other lovely journals.

                Have a great night! Get some sleep.


                  Originally posted by Black Panther
                  AG I just went to the party and I took one of your wallpapers. Instead of using it as a wall paper I am going to make it into a t-shirt. Hope you don't mind.
                  Oh so cool!

                  I don't mind in the least!

                  Ummm...which one did you like...just out of curiousity?

                  Pretty J/T...any sparring scene is a good scene between these two!


                    BP I'm gonig to bed now...but I will be posting in detail to your last two posts...

                    I've been avoiding them because i know I can be long winded and i shall be.

                    So prepare yourself for much to be said..okay nit all of you and long live Sheyla....

                    You know we need a new name for Shep/Teyla pairing......Let me see if I can think of something.

                    I'll see you all tomorrow for another day of Shemagan love!!

                    Night night
                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Buenos dias!

                      Okay, yesterday we had a blast in Omega and discussed some great points about TLG...maybe I'll go and cut and paste some of the wonderful thoughts that we came up with there....or go and check it out...

                      Let's continue with our Shepmaggen Ship Fest...Here is the wonderful invitation that our own lovely and talented AG made for me...

                      According to this, today is Pics Stories...Now I have mine coming up shortly but it will be in parts and I will post periodically...I do hope to see some more...
                      And those of you who missed DM's Festive Party in the must go by sometime, lots of wonderful and awesome things came out as a result of that...DM YOU HOLD AWESOME PARTIES! Hats of to you baby!

                      So, let's continue to have fun....YIPEE! and celebrate this wonderful pairing...
                      Oh, and I would love to read more thoughts on TLG...that could be on going..

                      Have a great day...


                        Yay!! I have no school today!Wish I could've joined you guys at omega and talk about the "Long Goodbye." I really do love that episode, so much emotion from teyla, which is rare.


                          So True, Mishy91...

                          Okay....My story is going to be long...hehehehe and fun!
                          I'll post it in parts so you must keep up with it...It will have mostly pics of TLG but they won't be unless you don't mind seen some TLG may go ahead and read this...I do hope you enjoy it!

                          Stuck With You... Part Camy
                          To All My Shepmaggen Shippers in Tribute to Valentine's Shepmaggen Week....

                          John: So, who's going to the Valentines' Dance Tomorrow?

                          Rodney: We are having a Valentine's Dance Party? How come I wasn't informed?
                          John: Didn't you get the memo, Rodney?

                          Rodney: NO, I did not get no memo?
                          John: Well, I know that Cadman sent one to everyone...

                          Ronon: What is this Valentine's Dance party?

                          Teyla: My understanding is that Valentine's day is a day to share with someone whom you really care deeply about. This dance is a way for two people to finally express their feelings for each other. As Cadman said, it is a day for lovers.
                          Ronon: Oh, this is interesting....

                          Teyla: Is this correct, Colonel?

                          John: Well, I wouldn't say it's exclusively for lovers, but more a day for two people who may be starting something or just two very good friends spending some quality time together.

                          Ronon: So, I need to find someone to go with me, right?

                          Rodney: Yes, yes..but why didn't I get the memo?

                          Ronon: This is going to be very difficult, there are so many to choose from.

                          John: You have a lot to choose from? I haven't seen you with...

                          Ronon: What you do not know, can not hurt you, Colonel.

                          John: YOU are spending way too much time around McKay.

                          Rodney: You are just jealous..and for your information I find that comment very insulting.

                          John: Ah, give it up McKay. That is probably the nicest thing I've ever said about you.

                          Ronon: So, Teyla. Who are you going with to the party?

                          Teyla: I have had several people ask me, already. I have not decided, yet.

                          Johh: *concerned*

                          End Part One!

                          This is very difficult and time please let me know what you think and if you want the second part...
                          Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 13 February 2006, 08:45 AM.


                            LOL......Camy I love it...more!!!.....pretty plz....

                            I've got comp issues at work right now, but i'm working on one...

                            R.I.P Wraithlord

                            Awesome sig by SciFan


                              I like your story Camy!


                                I wuv your Story Camy...and I so will do my own...just have to finish a Shakespeare paper...then I'm on it...

                                Hmmm....Kareoke Atlantis Style!

                                Be on the look out!

