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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mishy91
    Where do you get the icons that are right next to your names? I want to get one
    on the top of the side choose My Controls then Edit avatar (left side) then you can choose there one... I hope you'll find it...


      Originally posted by mishy91
      Where do you get the icons that are right next to your names? I want to get one
      Go to the My controls section above you login name and'll be brought up to a menu that allows you to edit you sig and avatar...on the left hand side of your screen there is a link that says 'Edit Avatar' Click on it and pick a picture you want...

      green_eyed_lady: Do one too...we will probably be so different in stories and I would love to see what you come up with!


        Originally posted by Camy
        Okay....Majority here's is part 2 of Stuck With Camy....
        "Oh, yeah, she likes me." LOL! That was so cute! Well done.


          Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
          Doxy... great job the Teyla/John Party on the LJ

          Thank you kindly! It was fun, wasn't it?


            Karaoke Night at Atlantis

            (In the Atlantis infirmary)

            *John and Teyla are in two of the medical beds, both unconscious. Weir, Ronon, Carson and Rodney are close by discussing the events that led to John and Teyla’s current unconscious state.*

            Weir: Have we figured out what went wrong with their Puddle Jumper…Losing power like that in mid-air causing Sheppard to emergency crash land on the mainland is not a good thing, Rodney.

            Rodney: No…I’m working on it. Zelenka is running diagnostics right now.

            Weir: Good…Carson…how are they?

            Carson: Well, they don’t appear to be hurt physically but they both took quite a knock to their heads…once they are awake I’ll run some tests…they need stay awake for the next couple of hours…It might be hard because they no doubt will want to sleep.

            Weir: Okay…once they wake…we need to keep them active…any suggestions?

            Rodney: Oo, oo, I’ve got an idea…let’s do karaoke…I myself have been know to carry a tune.

            Ronon: You start singing…I start shooting.

            Carson: no…that’s actually a good idea…

            Rodney: Hey…what do you mean ‘actually’?

            Carson: John and Teyla would be active…and having them actually singing would show me if they have trouble concentrating or reading…

            Weir: It’s settled…Rodney set up a few computers for prompters…I’m going to get some music…I know just the song…

            (An hour later)

            John stirs in his bed, opens his eyes to see…Weir, Carson, Rodney and Ronon all staring down at him..

            John: What happened?

            Weir: You’ve had a little crash with a puddle jumper…

            John (sits up) Teyla!

            Weir: She’s fine…she woke up a little while ago and is not being taught how to do karaoke.

            John: What the f…karaoke?

            Carson: you have taken a good blow to your head…I need you to stay conscious for the next couple of hours…it was suggested we do Karaoke and I thought that it was a grand idea…Teyla seems quite intrigued by the idea.

            John: Really? Teyla wants to do it? I mean well if it’s doctor’s orders.

            (John gets up with a slight wobble and goes over to where Teyla is sitting with a computer in front of her. He sits down, looks at the words scrolling down the screen, give a slight cringe but then was like ‘what the hell’ Picks up a microphone, hands one to Telya)

            John: Let’s do this!

            (Music starts to play)

            John: Babe…I’ve got you babe.

            Teyla (Follows John’s lead): Babe…I’ve got you babe.

            (Weir, Ronon, and Rodney to the side)
            Rodney: They can actually sing…I’m never gonna let Sheppard live this down…

            (Teyla and John really start to get into the song and move closer together)

            John and Teyla: Babe…I’ve got you babe…

            (Ronon looks at john and Teyla with some sappy grins on their face and turns to Weir)

            Ronon: You planned this?

            Weir: Of course…these two needed to stop dancing around each other and what better way to get them to realize they like each other then when they are half groggy from a concussion and singing Sonny and Cher…

            Babe…I’ve got you babe!

            Ack...the trouble I did all this and then I lost I had to do it all over again!


              Originally posted by Doxymom
              Thank you kindly! It was fun, wasn't it?
              yes it was


                Camy absolutely great. I love the whole John and Teyla shot pics, those are well well done. I hope you bring in the balcony scene in suspicion as the place where he asks her out to the party?
                And hopefully some scenes from Sanctuary with the picnic basket that could work before the balcony scene.

                Anyway I just love the pics and dialogue...real cool!

                Oh wow..guys lots of OT chatter, we can't do that hear unless we want the mods on us!
                Click statement above to read article.


                  OMG thats sooooo funny AG...fantastic story...

                  Rodney: Oo, oo, I’ve got an idea…let’s do karaoke…I myself have been know to carry a tune.
                  Ronon: You start singing…I start shooting.
                  Carson: no…that’s actually a good idea…
                  Rodney: Hey…what do you mean ‘actually’?

                  that was the best part AG...hilarious...


           are the best........I love the karaoke ...and you did 'I got you babe'....

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Wow..that was absolutely great AG girl..Hahhaa!!! A really big laugh. But why 'I got you babe' that made me cringe as well. But hey, it's better than 'More Than Words'....hahahahaha!!!

                      Hoping to see a pic of John and Teyla shared..but hey it's cool the karoake was used!

                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Confessing Love through poetry...(with the help of two geeks who are quoting Shakespeare through the radio)

                        Shep has finally decided it was time to admit his love for Teyla...they had known each other for two years now and the time had arrived but John was nervous so he called in back-up by the name of McKay and Zelenka...the only off duty people he could find at the time to help him out...John always hated to memorize things so he thought it was best that he find someone who could read him some poetry through his radio so he could recite it back to Teyla...

                        John really wanted this to go had even agreed to hand over his month's ration of chocolate if Rodney would help out...

                        Everything would go just right...

                        ...oh how little John knew....

                        John: Teyla I need to talk to you for a you have the time...

                        Teyla: Of course...

                        *In another room half-way across Atlantis Rondey and Zelenka have encountered a problem*

                        Zelenka: Do you have the paper with poems?

                        Rodney: Me...he gave it to you...

                        Zelenka: I don'r have it!

                        Rodney and Zelenka: you know any Shakespeare?

                        (Back to Teyla and John)

                        Teyla: You wanted to speak with me Col...

                        John (head slightly to the side) Ah..yea...I did....(turns away slightly) Rodney..Zelenka...where are you?

                        John's radio crackled in his ear. John turns around to face Teyla.

                        John: Yes...I did...Teyla I want to say 'Shall I compare you to a day in summer?' (John's face went blank) No wait that's not what I meant...I mean to say (John lifts his hand to scratch his ear) You are the sun in the east setting.

                        Teyla: What?

                        John looks away and puts his hand to his ear and whispers: me out!(In other room across Atlantis)

                        Rodney: You're ruining everything...I'm not going to get my chocolate now.

                        Zelenka:'re the one who told him to say sun in east setting...What are you an imbecile!

                        Rodney: Hey I am a genius...I have saved this city countless times over...I...just...was never that good in English.

                        (Back to John and Teyla)

                        Teyla: Col...I am not sure what is going on...but are you talking to someone on your radio?

                        John: What? course not...I was just you know...

                        Teyla: Col...I would like to know what is going you don't mind.

                        John: (still trying to reach Rodney and Zelenka) Guys...anytime now...

                        Teyla: COL.! (Teyla gives John a look)

                        John gives up with the radio and turns to face Teyla: I just wanted to say know...I care for y...

                        (Radio crackles loudly in his ear)

                        Zelenka and Rodney (over the radio yell): I LOVE YOU!

                        John turns various shades of red and purple as Teyla's face registers surprise.

                        Teyla: Was that Dr. McKay I just heard on your radio

                        John: know I should go check on him...probably a practical joke.

                        (John pivots on his heel and quickly speeds down the hallway leaving Teyla behind with a smile on her face)

                        What is Teyla going to do?

                        Was she impressed?

                        Or annoyed Shep took so long to admit his feelings and even then had to call in help to do so?

                        Choice A: (Impressed)

                        Choice B: (Annoyed)


                          AG you're the best... ...hilarious...
                          oh and I choice A...the only one choice that a T/J shipper can do....
                          Last edited by Annie Sheppard; 13 February 2006, 03:11 PM.


                            I choose choice A---AG...oh that ws fantastic story...I love it. between Shep and Teyla. I can't wait to read more from you guys about those character...
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              ok bedtime for me. Tomorrow early I mean today...hehehe... Have fun. Goodnight


                                Goodnight Annie!

                                Glad you like my stories...

                                And of course it had to be choice A!

                                Unless you can imagine what John and Teyla would do after choice B*

