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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    it's finished. just gotta save it to computer

    very short, only 30 seconds


      Originally posted by HyperCaz
      it's finished. just gotta save it to computer

      very short, only 30 seconds

      Hyper...another vid...?AWESOME! Well, Where is it?

      *Camy waits patiently*'s prettyyyy late.....Yeah, got to snuggle with hubby....and got to see the was big deal......kind of very unrealistic..but, hey...I got to spend it with it was worth it...pretty good movie, though...

      So, not much action here since I left...let's see Hyper..I thought the Dukebox was original...but hey we are back to Jukebox...

      Hm....maybe I will do a pic story...let's see what I can come up with ...until the vid comes around...


        I once did a pic fic. It was cute and pointless.

        Um. About the Sheyla D/Jukebox vid. movie maker is acting up as usual and says it will take a few million minutes to save. So i'll restart and see what happens


          majortrip]Oh, FCOL! *grabs Camy and give big *ss hug*
          Okay, remember I am recent at this online chat thing...but, Are you swearing at me? What is a "ss hug"? Um..super sonic hug, super stupendous hug, Super Sheyla hug?

 caved in....

          C'm 'ere!

          *Camy grabs Trippy and hugs her right back*

          Uhg..Group hug!


            Originally posted by Camy
            Okay, remember I am recent at this online chat thing...but, Are you swearing at me? What is a "ss hug"? Um..super sonic hug, super stupendous hug, Super Sheyla hug?

   caved in....

            C'm 'ere!

            *Camy grabs Trippy and hugs her right back*

            Uhg..Group hug!
            Um, no. There was an "a" where the asterick is. This forum is filtered, doncha know! Although "super Sheyla" is amusing.

            I always cave to group hugs.
            Last edited by majortrip; 17 December 2005, 10:40 PM.
            Sig by Camy


              a couple piccys before i head to bed

              and my all time fave



                I need to see those pics. stupid movie maker...


                  Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                  a couple piccys before i head to bed

                  and my all time fave


                  Nice Pics..Potion should post more often.....

                  Trippy! You are still up? Hey, I thought you might like's the latest interview in a magazine with Joe Flannigan...Someone post it the entire article in uniquebond and I guess more pages from the mags in in one of the live journal...

                  here is the link ...just scroll down to the latest updates and you can click on the pages there to see and read the article...I just thought it was AWESOME how Joe kept mentioning Instinct and Conversion...and I LOVE how there are actually two pics of John and Teyla as part of the article...there are no other pics of any of the other characters except of Caldwell....YIPEE...I have to see shippy anywhere I can find it, right?



                    Well, dang, Camy, thanks for that!

                    *big bear hug*
                    Sig by Camy


                      Wow...did I finally catch up with you all?

                      I'm gone for one evening and I'm eating burnt pizza!

                      Okay...sorry I missed Camy ...but went to go see King Kong...took Bob with me since Steve was too busy chasing Tracy Jane around the thread...

                      No not start pounding on your're not a're a wraith...start acting like one...Errrr no wait that came out wrong...I mean...ummmm...just go eat some pizza...I believe I was left the blackened slices...

                      And I want that article with Joe....grrrr....have to go see if it is at the bookstore manana! *Any pics of John and Teyla are soooo cool and me want*


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        Wow...did I finally catch up with you all?

                        I'm gone for one evening and I'm eating burnt pizza!

                        Okay...sorry I missed Camy ...but went to go see King Kong...took Bob with me since Steve was too busy chasing Tracy Jane around the thread...

                        No not start pounding on your're not a're a wraith...start acting like one...Errrr no wait that came out wrong...I mean...ummmm...just go eat some pizza...I believe I was left the blackened slices...

                        And I want that article with Joe....grrrr....have to go see if it is at the bookstore manana! *Any pics of John and Teyla are soooo cool and me want*
                        Oh, AG..I've missed you terribly....King was it? I was supposed to go actually looking at the time here..yesterday..but didn't...instead cuddled with hubby...and saw the Island..
                        but today...maybe much later..I might...was it good?

                        Anyways, you guys probably have seen this...but I just found it so I will share...100 John and Teyla icons...YIPEE...



                          Originally posted by Camy
                          Oh, AG..I've missed you terribly....King was it? I was supposed to go actually looking at the time here..yesterday..but didn't...instead cuddled with hubby...and saw the Island..
                          but today...maybe much later..I might...was it good?

                          Anyways, you guys probably have seen this...but I just found it so I will share...100 John and Teyla icons...YIPEE...

                          Good movie...I rooted for the gorilla! *ummm...I hope you don't have an aversion to bugs because...well there was a lot of really, really big bugs in this movie...I cringed a few times too...

                          I love those icons...but I am such a long way from putting a personal one up as my avatar...I'm almost to 800...50 to go... and I think I read somewhere that when you hit that number you have more pre-chosen icons to choose from...I want a shippy avatar! *pouts*

                          750 posts in what three months... ..I post way too much...I think it was mother-goose who posted earlier about trying to read all the posts on this thread and there were too many...I can't even remember my first post...hmmm...what did I post...nothing as wacky as I do now that's for sure!

                          How ever did I survive without Steve?


                            I guess you survived without Steve the same way any of us survived before true love *dramatic sigh*

                            Kidding, kidding I'm up way too late, I'm exhausted, I missed this thread and you guys like crazy because I haven't been here and I'm listening to Josh Groban who is making me bawl despite the fact that I rarely cry. I think when I finish 'You and Me' I'll take a crack at 'Remember When it Rained' would you guys like that?


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              Oh, AG..I've missed you terribly....King was it? I was supposed to go actually looking at the time here..yesterday..but didn't...instead cuddled with hubby...and saw the Island..
                              but today...maybe much later..I might...was it good?

                              Anyways, you guys probably have seen this...but I just found it so I will share...100 John and Teyla icons...YIPEE...

                              I made those icons and i wasnt sure for most of the themes that would go with shep and teyla but i got it and made 100 icons of them. I always wanted to try to make a 100 icons and this was my first time making them, Glad people liked it and more will come when schools finaly out which is on friday and then two weeks to my self and my computer.Also worked on a new siggy, it was hard to chose the pics but i like how it came out.Seemed more better then the other one.
                              part of:
                              Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                              wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Okay..hubby is now really angry with me...and I do have to live with the, I'm ya, guys........

                                Oh, did anyone see The Lost Boys again...I will probably see it in the recording again after the Island..

                                'kay..I'm off...

                                TJ...don't be upset..I'm with you all the way!

                                Trippy..missed ya...did you get my PM message?

                                'night all...think happy John and Teyla thoughts...

                                *Camy grabs her John and Teyla slippers, her John and Teyla pj's, her John and Teyla blanket, her John and Teyla pillow...
                                Goes over to SP and kisses her on the forehead...squeezed WRS cheeks.....waves to Hypercaz and TJ...blows a big kiss to Witchy, embraces Trippy....slaps Steve..grabs AG and moves her over to the comfy couch next to SP and give her a kiss..waves to John and Teyla who are making out in the other sofa...redirects Mel's head to stop looking at John and Teyla making her a hug.....soflty kicks Ritter's feet who is still under the Jumper trying to fix it..grabs a slice of pizza, cookies and milk...and waves goodnight to everyone while slowly and gracefully swaying her macarena skirt from side to side...*


                                B-b-but big sistor Camy! I'z wanna wawtch!!!

