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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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new posts guys..i don't have too much time(got to finish the scrapbook) but I have to get in on this..

    MaxboI agree that Shep is turning into quite the flirt and if TPTB are planning to ship him with Teyla, then they better allow equal time for Teyla. If Teyla is left pining away for him while he is flirting (or whatever) his butt off, then he would come across as lousy ship material, IMO.
    First of all....great points...I am sooooo with much as I adore John and Teyla...if the writers continue with this side of him and not allow Teyla to have her little flings as well, I would certainly be turned off by this shipping...I don't want her to be the girl waiting for the guy after he has been with every other girl in the galaxy...Not for me! and certainly Teyla is not the the same time, I don't want Teyla to come off as the next door floozy either....! So, overall, this whole Kirk thing is a bad idea in my opinion, if there will ever be any type of serious relationship with Teyla.
    She certainly felt something of a jealousy or uncertainty with the whole Chaya thing....

    SnoggingPicard...I agree with this, but I think with Shep and Teyla it is all in good fun. I know exactly what little moments you are talking about, but none of them put Teyla into a funk. If anything, I can almost see her rolling her eyes, giving him a little smack on the forehead, and saying "Boys!" Shep IS a flirt, but he always finds time for Teyla, so I'm not too worried. But seeing Teyla feed him the same sort of thing would certainly be interesting. I could definitely see Shep getting very pouty and snarky if he doesn't like what's going on. I don't think he'd be mean to her, but I'd imagine him being very aloof and stand-offish to her, looking out for her the whole time of course, but also being a little put-out by the whole thing.
    It is all in good fun, bu who is having "the fun"...yet, you are right...I do see Shep looking at them but not in a serious way, just his usual funky style of guy who just has to roll his eyes at anything that resembles any beauty....And Teyla does give him the smirk and the rolly can see it in some of the episodes..And as far as Sheppard getting pouty! We did see this already...
    remember Duet...sparring scene...Ronon...
    if that wasn't pouting then I don't know what is! And in addition, in the scene in Runner when they are being held at gunpoint by Ronon and Sheppard tells Ronon to go ahead and shoot know he is using her...well at least this is how I see it...John knows that if Ronon wanted to shoot them, he would have done it a long time ago, and he knows that his hesitation will be even stronger towards, yeah! he knew that Ronon would not shoot Teyla...and thus their looks..cause I don't think Teyla felt as confident after so many point...he knows that other guys do look at Teyla hence Ronon would not shoot Teyla because she is a woman and a very beautiful woman...(Hmmmm...I 'm not quite sure what my point was in this one)

    Maxbo...I agree that Teyla hasn't shown that she feels any jealousy when Shep flirts, but I assumed that's because I'm not a staunch shipper.
    For instance, I've read shipper posts (on several boards) that see Teyla getting rather jealous because of Shep's flirting and if I were a shipper that would annoy me because it would look like she's more into him than he is into her and that's not appealing.
    Because of this, I would rather that they both flirt/get involved with other people, otherwise, Shep would lose his ship appeal to me.
    Well, I don't know that she has been jealous, but she has questioned his that not what she did in the Sanctuary scene when she was walking with him as he was going to see Chaya...this was part of the it off the net..

    TEYLA: *grins* I know that as ranking military officer here in Atlantis that you feel a heavy burden of responsibility…but you are allowed to have feelings for others…
    SHEPPARD: *laughs* Ah no…this is a…this is an ambassadorial diplomatic picnic outing thing.
    TEYLA:…Without having to justify that to anyone. Goodnight Major. *heads off*
    SHEPPARD: Goodnight…Teyla. *heads off looking behind him*

    Now as I understand this, she is basically telling John that he can go off on a rendevous with any girl because he has no one tied to him to explain to or justify his reasons...right? To me that sounds like Teyla can see right through him and knows that for him it is much easier to have little flings here and there than to have a steady girlfriend or something to that nature, right? Well, that to me is kind of hinting that she has ponder on the thought of him and her...and that she knows that he is not one to be too much into, signs of a bit of jealousy, or more on the lines of her thinking it could be her with him...I think so! But, yes, not full fledge jeaolousy..and you are absolutely right! I would definetly prefer to see the flirt little inuendos than to continue seeing Sheppard flirt with every girl coming his way and poor Teyla watching from the distance..cause not even Weir sees so much this side of him...

    Witchblade..Yep...I'd so totally enjoy watching Teyla flirt and John having to cool his jets....That would be so fun, i'd be so ecstatic...i'd probably do replay so much...ok now i'm getting caught up in that...

    Oh i forgot the Genii scene...oh good one...glad i'm not alone...but I find it so cute...And i can see John being right there the whole time Teyla is flirting..maybe even glaring at the guy...i can see that....not outright wanting to confront him, but giving the guy dirty looks....since he's so protective of her....

    Maxbo ..that is so would really be one sided...and very unfair...and it would get to the point where, i guess we'd think Teyla is too good for Shep....
    Couldn't have said it better myself...we need to see Teyla with someone else..we need to see her react with other males besides John in a flirtatious way..what we have seen with Ronon to me has not been flirting at all...but instead just siblings quarreling and that has been confirmed..this might change and frankly I wouldn't even opposed to it if I knew that it would cause John to realize his actions and feelings towards Teyla..but I think it would be so much more exciting and certainly viewed as temporary if we had someone from the outside....don't you think? and I can certainly see Sheppard jealous and overly protective of her..again, he did it in Duet....

    I know Rachel is keen to the idea..she has mentioned in some of her interviews that she would love to explore Teyla's relationship with perhaps an Athosian.. This would be so great...nothing that would take over the episodes..I actually would love something done subtle and to continue for a couple of episodes..since I don't see Teyla falling for a guy over a has to be something developed carefully and slowly and I don't even think that she should fall for anyone but more like a clear attraction and certainly the guy chasing her and having Sheppard realize it...that would just be awesome!


      Originally posted by Camy guys..i don't have too much time(got to finish the scrapbook) but I have to get in on this..

      Couldn't have said it better myself...we need to see Teyla with someone else..we need to see her react with other males besides John in a flirtatious way..what we have seen with Ronon to me has not been flirting at all...but instead just siblings quarreling and that has been confirmed..this might change and frankly I wouldn't even opposed to it if I knew that it would cause John to realize his actions and feelings towards Teyla..but I think it would be so much more exciting and certainly viewed as temporary if we had someone from the outside....don't you think? and I can certainly see Sheppard jealous and overly protective of her..again, he did it in Duet....

      I know Rachel is keen to the idea..she has mentioned in some of her interviews that she would love to explore Teyla's relationship with perhaps an Athosian.. This would be so great...nothing that would take over the episodes..I actually would love something done subtle and to continue for a couple of episodes..since I don't see Teyla falling for a guy over a has to be something developed carefully and slowly and I don't even think that she should fall for anyone but more like a clear attraction and certainly the guy chasing her and having Sheppard realize it...that would just be awesome!
      I agree that it would be great to see more of Teyla's relationships with other Athosians, both platonic and non-platonic ones. That would make both the shippers and the non-shippers happy in the long run, I believe. The shippers would get more fuel for the fire and the non-shippers would get to see more of Teyla's character development outside of her new Atlantis-based family.

      I hope Rachel gets her wish and we get to see this play out on screen soon.
      Sig by Luciana


        Okay found this pic...cropped added words...there ya go...not my best...did it a little to fast but I'm off to class to turn in my paper then pack for this weekend...



          Haven't been here for a while, not got to do the S/T vid I planned (the song I was going to do - Only love can set you free by american music club - had a few seconds missing in my version! so if anyone can help me with that ... and if you want to hear a sample of the song has one) and I'm stuck on my Sheppard/Teyla friendship fic, just about where Sheppard joins her for tea...

          But I am reccing at stargateficrec this month, for both Teyla and Shep/Teyla. I just posted up my first batch of recs, I'm doing 4 categories in total and just done 1 out 4 for each category.
          Last edited by Purpleyin; 10 November 2005, 04:44 PM.


            All very good points Camy. I don't want to see Teyla just waiting around for her chance either, it degrades the quality of their relationship. And on the subject of even using Teyla/Ronon as a springboard for John admitting his feelings for Teyla, I would be game for that. I used it in Inner Demons, though it was more of just John's imagination, the threat was real. And as for Teyla having her flings, that'd be okay as well... but I still want to see some serious Shep/Teyla sooner rather than later. Even when you ramble you make great points. That and your track record is bigger than anyones.

            Purpleyin, welcome to the crazy SHEYLA shippers on this forum.

            Athosian Girl, nice pic.

            Witchblade, nice mini comic... but where's the conclusion?
            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


              Purpleyin -- did you recommend Tielen's fic "Amends and Promises"? That is one of my absolute favorites. She writes that pairing soooo well. If anyone hasn't yet, definitely check out that story, and here's the link to her LJ site, which has all of her stories and some of her rants about Atlantis in general. It's good stuff, and she's slowly converting me to the idea of Ronon/Liz, so it's worth taking a looksie:

              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                Hey, I finally got a chance to stop by quick. I'd like to say first that I was blown away and very flattered by the response to my post the other night. I thought quoting Lovelace at Gateworld might have been taking my romantic nature a little too far but I guess it wasn't. Which is another reason I like you guys...

                I'd like to say thank you to those who expessed concern for my mother. And for your words Camy. Your so right, you have to take care of your parents while they're here. I'm very sorry about your father and I hope your mother is all right. Diabetes can be tough but my grandfather has it, and while he has his tough days he's doing fairly well for a man his age. As for my mom her back went out and she's been in terrible pain. She can't even walk by herself. I stay with her as much as possible during the day and catch up work nights so I probably won't be around much. I'll try to stop by once a night, read up on what you guys have posted and maybe leave a comment or two. At least enough that you won't forget me... I'm still hoping to make it to Shepmagen Saturday. If you guys keep going late enough I may get there. Right now I'm exhausted and half to get up early, and my own back has been giving me a hard time for the hours I've been keeping and the work I've been doing...and probably for falling asleep in the chair...I think the back's a genetic weakness..

                As for flirting I agree Shep's a bit of a flirt, but I think some of it, (The Genii) is a bit unintltional and just his way of being is ingratiating the word? He try's really hard to make friends with people. With Chaya he was totally flirting on purpose, but I think in other times it was just a bit of excessive flattery trying to make friends, delivered in that charming way of his... Anyway what worries me about Teyla having that sort of thing is that I don't think she has as much Shallow capability. With John he's got like two levels. And he wasn't very deep with Chaya, it was more a loneliness kinda thing, and I think his relationship with Teyla is very strong because it's deeper. I guess I'm saying that I can't really see her doing the 'flirtation' thing. At least, not like Shep does. I can totally see her making him jealous, but I think it would be the reverse... He makes her jealous with his rather light, flirty way with women. I think she'd be more likely to make him jealous by finding a man she could talk to, someone who understood her as well or better than he did. Like another Athosian. I think that could really get to him. If he felt like the outsider around her and like he wasn't the one who knew her best. So it'd be interesting to see, but it's be kinda sad to watch...


                  Okay I won't be here on Friday or most of Saturday so I am going to post a postcard...

         truly are a caring person to take care of your mother and your grandfather...
                  When my grandmother was sick...I rotated with my cousins to watch over her so someone was with here at all times...
                  My dad's back also went out on him once and I think I can understand or imagine your situation...and all I can say is to make sure you take care of yourself as well and don't become to worn down. I hope your mom gets better soon...


                    Mel...your welcome..that comes easy for me..I adored my parents and I miss my father terribly! The consolation that came to my heart was first my faith and my oldest and my youngest are his spitting image..and not only that but they act like him too...everytime I see them..It reminds me of him and it feels good to know that a part of him still lives on in them, and in me...but enough mushy stuff...

                    I'm going to see my mom this weekend..haven't seen her in like two months or so...and trust me, that is a very long time for me not to see her...I have a great weekend planned and I sooo need it!...being rough at work and I need some pampering!

                    I can't say enough about this Sunday...I am trying not to get my expectations too high so as not to jinks, I am keeping it cool and I will just loose it once I'm there or once it's please bare with me guys and be patient with me!

                    Someone in the McWeir thread is going to see David Hewlett tomorrow, I believe..drop by and see if you have any questions or comments to suggest....Of coarse, I asked her to ask about his role and how it's going to affect with all of these changes that are supposed to happen...

                    As far as the scrapbook, my kids think that I husband thinks I have lost it...but the scrapbook is still in the works..I have included many I hope you guys don't mind...most of you I have asked or have given me permission...and of coarse, I've given you the credits...and I have printed all of the letters/notes/questions/comments..etc.. that I have recieved..

                    I have to thank all of you that have contributed...I couldn't have done this without you! And in my are all a part of it! and have gotten the credit for it....

                    Warrior...what can I say..those pics are awesome..I have to go back to this thread though and look up your Sheyla pics...probably later on today...

                    AthosianGirl..I didn't realize how much you've contributed...Everyone...thanks..

                    SP...believe it or not..I have yet to see if the CD works in another computer...but thanks anyways, you are the greatest...what I think I might do is see if I can make it myself here in my computer...hopefully I will be able to find on the net the vids and be able to make it....but I think yours might work and it just may be my computer...

                    Anyways, I am coming back home this Sat. night but I expect it will be Mel..if you are going to be around late...maybe you and I can chat...I'll check in this thread and see if you are here and we can take it from there...but that all depends if I finish the scrapbook today or not!

                    Okay....this whole thing with Teyla and John...I know Teyla is not going to turn into a's not in her...and John would probably not fall for her if she turns into one either...its like it's okay for him to do it but not for her...
                    I can see Teyla taking her time to really develop feeling for someone and she is one to stay committed forever... I agree that John flirts because it's part of his personality..he does it with Teyla all the time and with Weir as well..I did notice that he went up to Chaya rather quickly and told her to call him John...instead of Col. Sheppard....why did it take him so long to say that to Teyla and why was it while he was under a virus...and how come Weir can call him John and not Teyla? Is it that she is not in the military and just a civilian? Well, in reality is Teyla consider now part of the military? I know these are questions that have probably been discussed before...but, maybe I was daydreaming or something...

                    'Kay..sorry for the long post..I guess I am making it up for the ones I won't post this weekend..Have a great weekend everyone and keep me in your thoughts this Sunday! Love ya, All!


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                      Okay I won't be here on Friday or most of Saturday so I am going to post a postcard...

             truly are a caring person to take care of your mother and your grandfather...
                      When my grandmother was sick...I rotated with my cousins to watch over her so someone was with here at all times...
                      My dad's back also went out on him once and I think I can understand or imagine your situation...and all I can say is to make sure you take care of yourself as well and don't become to worn down. I hope your mom gets better soon...

             this sig..and I copy, paste it, and printed it! going in the scrapbook! Great Work...your other one is there as well...


                        some pics..of my favorites Teyla/John moments from Duet..check out John's face and then tell me that is not the face of concern and disappointment and even slight jealousy!



                          Look at John scolding his girl, Teyla...OH, my I love it! and then look at Teyla..doesn't she look like she knows and she likes how he is so jealous!?

                          Maybe it's just me!

                          hope you like these...I know I do!
                          geez..look at the time...I got to go!


                            Hey Mel, hope everything works out, and take care of yourself...

                            AthosianGirl , nice postcard...wish i was at the beach...

                            Camy , love the pics...Teyla did raise an eyebrow at the end there...

                            R.I.P Wraithlord

                            Awesome sig by SciFan


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                              Hey Mel, hope everything works out, and take care of yourself...

                              AthosianGirl , nice postcard...wish i was at the beach...

                              Camy , love the pics...Teyla did raise an eyebrow at the end there...

                     guys...this was on page got to keep this thread alive!


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                I can't say enough about this Sunday...I am trying not to get my expectations too high so as not to jinks, I am keeping it cool and I will just loose it once I'm there or once it's please bare with me guys and be patient with me!
                                It is going to be awesome!!! I actually heard that there may be a convention coming down to the Baltimore area in July. It's a sci-fi conglomeration type thing, but Amanda Tapping might be there. If it turns out they will be having Trek or Gate guests, I think I'm going to try to make it -- it's only a three hour drive for me. Would anyone else even be close enough to come to this one? I know it's a long time in the future, but you guys should think about it if you're in the mid-Atlantic region.

                                SP...believe it or not..I have yet to see if the CD works in another computer...but thanks anyways, you are the greatest...what I think I might do is see if I can make it myself here in my computer...hopefully I will be able to find on the net the vids and be able to make it....but I think yours might work and it just may be my computer...
                                That's okay, I'm sure it'll work out either way. And if you don't get the time, don't worry about it -- you have a lot on your plate right now. I guess just slip it in there and hope it works. It worked on the laptop at home, so maybe the Media Player edition on your computer is older or something...I'm bad with technology, so I don't know.

                                Anyways, I am coming back home this Sat. night but I expect it will be Mel..if you are going to be around late...maybe you and I can chat...I'll check in this thread and see if you are here and we can take it from there...but that all depends if I finish the scrapbook today or not!
                                I will definitely be around to chat tomorrow night. Does 9:00 Saturday night work for everyone else? Meet here like usually and then head over to the thread? If you come in a little late, we'll probably be there for a while, so don't worry about showing up later on. Any ideas of who here can come?

                                Okay....this whole thing with Teyla and John...I know Teyla is not going to turn into a's not in her...and John would probably not fall for her if she turns into one either...its like it's okay for him to do it but not for her...
                                I think that one of the reasons why I like these two together so much is that they don't rely on awkward, over the top flirting and pervasive sexual banter to show their interest in each other, which I think is what you're hinting at. They're comfortable with each other, and it seems to me that this is one of the things that John likes most about her. Having Teyla turn into a flirt would be completely out of character and definitely not something that would ingratiate her to John. I wouldn't mind if maybe Shep interprets something she says to someone as flirting and maybe gives her a little raised eyebrow or a knowing smirk, but it wouldn't be Teyla to go all out with that type of thing.

                                I can see Teyla taking her time to really develop feeling for someone and she is one to stay committed forever...
                                This is the impression that I get from her as well. I think part of this is her personality and her unwillingness to trust everyone she meets. She likes to get to know someone on many levels before even calling them a friend, so I don't think romantic stuff would be any different for her. Anything that happened would be done in complete seriousness -- she isn't the type for flings. Part of this may also come from her culture, which seems to have a very strong sense of loyalty, family, and devotion. Somehow, I don't think divorce is a very common thing in Athosian society. When you pick someone, it is for life, and anything she does in the relationship sense is not to be taken lightly.

                                I agree that John flirts because it's part of his personality..he does it with Teyla all the time and with Weir as well..I did notice that he went up to Chaya rather quickly and told her to call him John...instead of Col. Sheppard....why did it take him so long to say that to Teyla and why was it while he was under a virus...and how come Weir can call him John and not Teyla? Is it that she is not in the military and just a civilian? Well, in reality is Teyla consider now part of the military? I know these are questions that have probably been discussed before...but, maybe I was daydreaming or something...
                                As far as Weir calling him John, I think that she calls the people she's most comfortable with by their first names. She does it to Ronon, Teyla, Rodney, Beckett, and Sheppard. I think that's part of who she is. She likes to be comfortable with those around her, and as someone who has been described as anti-military it doesn't surprise me that she would choose to skip ranks whenever possible.

                                And of course, why doesn't Teyla call him by his first name. IMHO, I think part of this is out of sheer respect for him, what he stands for, and his position. I also like to think that she doesn't call him John to put up a kind of safety net between them. It's easier to keep things formal and to keep reminding herself that he IS her commanding officer in a sense and that personal relationships might complicate things. Getting too familiar might seem dangerous, and without that constant reminder of his rank, she could start thinking of him as "John" all the time. That goes for Shep as well. He may have been more than willing to let her refer to him by ranks for as long as possible -- again, that comfortable gap between them. The fact that he asked her to call him by his first name when he was sick with the retrovirus is an indicator to me that this is how he actually feels but with his inhibitions lowered he actually has the courage to ask her. Friends are safest and easiest, especially when they really aren't sure how they feel about each other.

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

