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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    And of course, why doesn't Teyla call him by his first name. IMHO, I think part of this is out of sheer respect for him, what he stands for, and his position. I also like to think that she doesn't call him John to put up a kind of safety net between them. It's easier to keep things formal and to keep reminding herself that he IS her commanding officer in a sense and that personal relationships might complicate things. Getting too familiar might seem dangerous, and without that constant reminder of his rank, she could start thinking of him as "John" all the time. That goes for Shep as well. He may have been more than willing to let her refer to him by ranks for as long as possible -- again, that comfortable gap between them. The fact that he asked her to call him by his first name when he was sick with the retrovirus is an indicator to me that this is how he actually feels but with his inhibitions lowered he actually has the courage to ask her. Friends are safest and easiest, especially when they really aren't sure how they feel about each other.
    Definitely true Snogging. I see your point. But I'd hope they knew how they felt (provided I'm reading the relationship correct and in my opinion it is). Sheppard (at least in season 1) always spent tons of time with Teyla, he sent Ford off with McKay if they split up (part of the reason I miss Ford) Don't worry Athosian Girl and Camy, this thread will stay alive as long as we keep talking about it (which I don't think its possible to stop) Make sure you give us the lowdown on the Convention.
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      Watched Conversion again and I know this has been done to death but I did notice a few more things.

      First, the scenes with Weir.
      The scene when Caldwell mentions the closeness between Weir and Sheppard. If you only take in Caldwell's tone and actions this scene could be taken as being shippy but more telling is Weir's reaction. She turns around but not completely. Only showing about half of her face and pauses. If you carefully watch her face her features remain passive. Her brows knit slightly like she is seriously considering this. Then she turns completely around to Caldwell and very calmly says,"Well, we've been through a lot together. Yes." Without gauging her words or second thought as she walked out.

      The scene where Weir is defending John's position from Caldwell. If you get past what she is doing and actually listen to what she is saying she lets her reasons for doing so be known at the end. She says,"You making sweeping changes to the way John Sheppard runs things just hours after being assigned to this position just sends only one message... that he's not coming back." She did the same thing in Thirty Eight Minutes when Halling wanted to talk Teyla through a death ritual. While I can see how others could interpret these scenes as shippy. They could just as easily be interpreted as a strong friendship. I find that to be true with all of their scenes together in all the episodes.

      Now the scenes with Teyla.
      The scene when Lorne pulls the plug on the egg collecting mission I noticed when the rest walked away Teyla is the last to go. She all so pauses at the cave's entrance and looks into it one last time than walks off.

      The scene in the control room when they are tracking Sheppard after he escapes. Even though Teyla doesn't actively participate in this scene nearly every other shot is of her and her reaction to what is going on. Think they were trying to make a point?


        Black Panther...when it comes to 'Conversion' there is no such thing as 'done to death'. In my humble-and-nearly-worthless-but-nonethless-much-offered-opinion...there is ALWAYS room for more speculation Please feel free to share speculations at any time. They also make good fic fodder...

        Just to tell you guys, I think I found the song for my very first Shep/Teyla vid. I haven't started it, and as I'm busy it may be a while. But I think I have the song! And that's progress


          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
          Okay I won't be here on Friday or most of Saturday so I am going to post a postcard...

 truly are a caring person to take care of your mother and your grandfather...
          When my grandmother was sick...I rotated with my cousins to watch over her so someone was with here at all times...
          My dad's back also went out on him once and I think I can understand or imagine your situation...and all I can say is to make sure you take care of yourself as well and don't become to worn down. I hope your mom gets better soon...

          Love the postcard. I should clarify that I don't take care of my grandfather. I was just telling Camy that he has diabetes and he still gets around on his own real well. He actually lives in another state and tinkers around in his shop and babysits his *cough*idiot*cough* daughters kids... And he's doing well. I really admire people who take care of thier grandparents, as I've never been that close to mine and I'm not sure I could make that sacrifice for someone who wasn't immediate family. And thanks for the well wishes for my mom, I appreciate it

          And just so all this talk of family isn't completely off-topic it's given me an idea... Since Teyla's parents were taken by the Wraith, and we haven't seen hide nor hair of John's family tree. (And he had no-one to send a message to in Pegasus) Who do you suppose they'd turn to if they wanted to do the 'Meet the Parents' thing? I mean, at some point most couples want to introduce thier significant other to someone they know, often someone older and more mature. Maybe this is a silly question brought about by lack of sleep and it might be best if you all pretend I never asked it...but if you've got ideas, might as well share. There's already been speculation on Teyla introducing Shep to...was it 'Orin'? In a 'meet the man in my life' fashion. I think with Sheppard it would be someone in the military, maybe someone like Jack O'Neill... Landry doesn't really fit for me... Maybe because he's the current base commander and it'd be more business then...


            First off, Black Panther, as melpomene said, there is no such thing as too much Coversion, it was a really strong episode, especially for the SHEYLA aspect, though not as much as we'd like. You made good points in all those aspects. I'm a fan of Sheppard/Weir friendship, I really think they make a great team, but I'm far more into the Sheppard/Teyla budding romance.

            And just so all this talk of family isn't completely off-topic it's given me an idea... Since Teyla's parents were taken by the Wraith, and we haven't seen hide nor hair of John's family tree. (And he had no-one to send a message to in Pegasus) Who do you suppose they'd turn to if they wanted to do the 'Meet the Parents' thing? I mean, at some point most couples want to introduce thier significant other to someone they know, often someone older and more mature. Maybe this is a silly question brought about by lack of sleep and it might be best if you all pretend I never asked it...but if you've got ideas, might as well share. There's already been speculation on Teyla introducing Shep to...was it 'Orin'? In a 'meet the man in my life' fashion. I think with Sheppard it would be someone in the military, maybe someone like Jack O'Neill... Landry doesn't really fit for me... Maybe because he's the current base commander and it'd be more business then...
            I can just imagine Jack O'Neill's response to seeing Teyla and Sheppard together. "Well Colonel, you see to be doing well for yourself." One of these days, all of us who write fan fiction should work together and basically rewrite Conversion, put all the pieces together, heighten the drama. Basically, do the things that TPTB couldn't do in the episode because of time constraints. I'd think it'd be fun.
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              Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
              First off, Black Panther, as melpomene said, there is no such thing as too much Coversion, it was a really strong episode, especially for the SHEYLA aspect, though not as much as we'd like. You made good points in all those aspects. I'm a fan of Sheppard/Weir friendship, I really think they make a great team, but I'm far more into the Sheppard/Teyla budding romance.

              I can just imagine Jack O'Neill's response to seeing Teyla and Sheppard together. "Well Colonel, you see to be doing well for yourself."One of these days, all of us who write fan fiction should work together and basically rewrite Conversion, put all the pieces together, heighten the drama. Basically, do the things that TPTB couldn't do in the episode because of time constraints. I'd think it'd be fun.
              Love that!

              And the fanfic idea. I can picture it now...
              'Conversion Alternate Universe: the next level' or something like that...


                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                Purpleyin -- did you recommend Tielen's fic "Amends and Promises"? That is one of my absolute favorites. She writes that pairing soooo well. If anyone hasn't yet, definitely check out that story, and here's the link to her LJ site, which has all of her stories and some of her rants about Atlantis in general. It's good stuff, and she's slowly converting me to the idea of Ronon/Liz, so it's worth taking a looksie:
                Yep, she's a fave author especially for S/T and that fic was my first recommendation for that category. I imagine i'll rec another one of hers, but I'm trying to get a good mix of recs that some people might not have seen and not just the usual. But tielan definitely deserved rec'cing because she writes so well, and that story is probably my favourite of hers for Shep/Teyla.


                  Yeah I agree with the whole "Flirting not really in her character thing".

                  It would be great to see her grow really close with someone who understands her, and John becoming jealous because of that. It would be too cute.

                  Is anyone else here from Canada? Or have the movie network? If so then Atlantis comes off of hiatus next monday. I personally cant wait!
                  Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                    Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                    It would be great to see her grow really close with someone who understands her, and John becoming jealous because of that. It would be too cute.
                    I would LOVE to see something like that. It's one of the only ways I can see him openly revealing his feelings to her.
                    It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                      Originally posted by melpomene
                      And the fanfic idea. I can picture it now...
                      'Conversion Alternate Universe: the next level' or something like that...
                      Hey, great title, now all we need is some crazy shippers to help write it.

                      Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                      It would be great to see her grow really close with someone who understands her, and John becoming jealous because of that. It would be too cute.
                      Yep, as much as it would pain us to see her get close to someone else, if it knocked Sheppard into his senses it would be so worth it.
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                        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                        It is going to be awesome!!! I actually heard that there may be a convention coming down to the Baltimore area in July. It's a sci-fi conglomeration type thing, but Amanda Tapping might be there. If it turns out they will be having Trek or Gate guests, I think I'm going to try to make it -- it's only a three hour drive for me. Would anyone else even be close enough to come to this one? I know it's a long time in the future, but you guys should think about it if you're in the mid-Atlantic region.
                        If it's in Baltimore i'm definitely coming, can't have a convention that close to me and not try and make it...So where did you hear this info?

                        BlackPanther, i was thinking the same thing during the Shep/Weir scenes, and the Shep/Teyla scenes...also if you pay attention
                        to Teyla's voice when she asks Weir...'Has there been any change''s low, concerned, and maybe sad?....

                        As for the 'Meet the Parents'...i'd say Charin (the lady from 'The Gift?) would be closest to a mother for Teyla...and and would definitely be leaning toward O'Neil as who John would introduce to Teyla in the place of a parent...i mean they seemed to have gotten along great in 'Rising'...

                        Hey, Mel awesome...can't wait to see the vid...I've done one and almost finished my second...but then i'm new and just basically get lucky...if it comes out okay...

                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                          Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                          Yeah I agree with the whole "Flirting not really in her character thing".

                          It would be great to see her grow really close with someone who understands her, and John becoming jealous because of that. It would be too cute.

                          Is anyone else here from Canada? Or have the movie network? If so then Atlantis comes off of hiatus next monday. I personally cant wait!
                          And that's why I wish I had chosen to study in Quebec instead of State College right now...grrr. You'll have to tell us how it goes, but not too many spoilers. Just if we'll be happy as Teyla fans (and shippers as well).

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                            If it's in Baltimore i'm definitely coming, can't have a convention that close to me and not try and make it...So where did you hear this info?
                            A bunch of us over in the Samandan thread were talking about this a few days ago. I guess she is tentatively making plans to be there for the convention, but no guests are confirmed yet. Here's the link to the convention webpage if anyone is interested: I have it bookmarked, so when guests are confirmed, I'll be sure to post it.

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                              A bunch of us over in the Samandan thread were talking about this a few days ago. I guess she is tentatively making plans to be there for the convention, but no guests are confirmed yet. Here's the link to the convention webpage if anyone is interested: I have it bookmarked, so when guests are confirmed, I'll be sure to post it.
                              Thanks.....Definitely within my reach...

                              R.I.P Wraithlord

                              Awesome sig by SciFan


                                Anyone planning on Shepmagen chatting tonight? Does meeting here at 9:00 work well for anyone else?

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

