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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I have tried this post three times with your quote and it wouldn't let me do

    I just want to Thank You for that wonderful list...You have certainly outdone yourself...Pat yourself on the back for me, will ya?

    Don't excuse yourself for taking the time to do something as difficult and time consuming as this...
    You are not offending anyone...
    This is the Sheppard and Teyla thread and we can write whatever we like about any of the characters in relation to our thread, as long as we don't offend anyone IMO (not everyone follows this).

    I have not seen any postings that are offensive since I have started posting...and that means a lot to me because that is the type of forum that I want to participate in...but I shouldn't feel uncomfortable about posting my opinions whether others agree or disagree....

    Finally, you were considerate enough to add Sheppard/Weir moments...
    The fans of that forum shouldn't say anything because I have been in their threads and they express their opinions very openly about Sheppard/Teyla and to my knowledge there is nothing wrong with long as the characters themselves or the actors aren't being offended...You have clearly not done that with this list...

    So, good work...I might just add to your list...I can think of some other scenes...but I am not sure if I will ever get time to do it...
    I would have to go back and look at each episode..
    And by the way, I was right, there are more shippy scenes of Sheppard and Teyla than Sheppard and Weir...not only that but there are more scenes that are done by Sheppard towards Teyla than Sheppard towards Weir..if anything, as I have said in the past...Weir is the one that does all of the shippy scenes with Sheppard...JMHO.....I can say this, right?
    I am not offending anyone? Right?
    Can't wait to add the KISS to this list!


      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      It's a good try, but it is subjective I'm afraid. Trouble is, if I could be bothered to do this (and I applaud your commitment!) I'd come up with a biased Shep/Weir list. Which just goes to prove, it isn't really worth doing this, unless we got a neutral observer to do it...

      Unfortunately, this also adds fuel to ship wars, although I am sure that wasn't your intention!

      Ship really is the eye of the beholder, that's the whole point of it for me!

      Just out of curiosity, why would it "add fuel to ship wars"?....So, if I go to any other Ship thread, I won't find anything in relation to Sheppard and Teyla that I might find offensive or yet that I disagree with?
      How is this list offending you or the Sheppard/Weir thread or any other ship thread for that matter? If we had posted this in another ship thread, I could probably agree with you...but isn't this the Sheppard/Teyla thread...
      So, we can't write anything about Sheppard and Teyla that we see happening...just because someone else doesn't see it?
      Like SnoggingPicard, I am not trying to be sarcastic or even implying that I want to start a ship war....if anyone wants to do that, you aren't going to get it with me...All I want to see is why would posting something like this offend or start even a shippy war...We are doing it in our own thread...not offending anyone....or any character...There are plenty of other threads that do that....this is not one of them and SnoggingPicard clearly isn't going in that direction...
      We ship for Sheppard and Teyla and if we see shippyness in any scenes, whether others see it or not, we should not have to fear posting it here...That is what this thread is for? Is it not?
      This is someone's work, trying to see things from their point of view...why should that offend anyone?
      People, am I wrong? Now, I can't speak for everyone, but this is just my honest opinion....


        Okay, I was obviously wrong with my earlier quote. People can get made at it, just not the people I was thinking about. Camy, if a person takes offense to this (not me, btw), it's simply because when it comes to ship, people are really sensitive. The list, while *I* think, was done with a genuine attempt to be objective, left out *numerous* S/W shippy moments. Without meaning to, people are going to be biased towards ship. It's just the way it is.

        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


          Originally posted by Camy
          Just out of curiosity, why would it "add fuel to ship wars"?....So, if I go to any other Ship thread, I won't find anything in relation to Sheppard and Teyla that I might find offensive or yet that I disagree with?
          How is this list offending you or the Sheppard/Weir thread or any other ship thread for that matter? If we had posted this in another ship thread, I could probably agree with you...but isn't this the Sheppard/Teyla thread...
          So, we can't write anything about Sheppard and Teyla that we see happening...just because someone else doesn't see it?
          Like SnoggingPicard, I am not trying to be sarcastic or even implying that I want to start a ship war....if anyone wants to do that, you aren't going to get it with me...All I want to see is why would posting something like this offend or start even a shippy war...We are doing it in our own thread...not offending anyone....or any character...There are plenty of other threads that do that....this is not one of them and SnoggingPicard clearly isn't going in that direction...
          We ship for Sheppard and Teyla and if we see shippyness in any scenes, whether others see it or not, we should not have to fear posting it here...That is what this thread is for? Is it not?
          This is someone's work, trying to see things from their point of view...why should that offend anyone?
          People, am I wrong? Now, I can't speak for everyone, but this is just my honest opinion....
          Nah. I don't think she's saying its wrong, just that it isn't proof as such, that's all. If there were a list of Shep/McKay moments, I reckon we'd all be sitting here going 'wtf, how can that be shippy?' I think she means more that this stuff is inherently subjective (although way fairer effort than I'd have ever managed, go SnoggingPicard! (luv that name) your non-partisan nature rocks). She's just questioning it directly instead of in another thread, where if anyone spots it, it may start off 'he-said-she-said' style bickering. Everything being a bit tense at the mo an' all.



            Could the tension be that there is a possible "kissing" scene coming up?

            Well, again...
            If the Weir/McKay posting would post something like this in their thread, I probably won't see it because I don't go to that my point is that if we did it in our own thread, I don't see why it should bother anyone...All you have to do is come up with your own....As someone said, shipping is in the eyes of the beholder...and we are all shipping for what we view, personally....
            In the end, it's all in good nature, for fun and entertainment...not for causing shipping wars...there are plenty of those going around elsewhere...Besides, people should chill out because for every Sheppard/Teyla there are just as much interpretations of Sheppard/Weir...And from the looks of the previews, there will be plenty of Sheppard/Weir moments..I am concerned there may be more Sheppard/Weir than Sheppard/Teyla. And that would just crush me because we have been bombarded that this will be some type of Sheppard/ Teyla episode...The writers are playing us all the way and we are stupid for falling for it! or we should just enjoy it and play along....JMHO

            But thanks for your response.....


              Originally posted by Camy
              Just out of curiosity, why would it "add fuel to ship wars"?....So, if I go to any other Ship thread, I won't find anything in relation to Sheppard and Teyla that I might find offensive or yet that I disagree with?
              How is this list offending you or the Sheppard/Weir thread or any other ship thread for that matter? If we had posted this in another ship thread, I could probably agree with you...but isn't this the Sheppard/Teyla thread...
              So, we can't write anything about Sheppard and Teyla that we see happening...just because someone else doesn't see it?
              Like SnoggingPicard, I am not trying to be sarcastic or even implying that I want to start a ship war....if anyone wants to do that, you aren't going to get it with me...All I want to see is why would posting something like this offend or start even a shippy war...We are doing it in our own thread...not offending anyone....or any character...There are plenty of other threads that do that....this is not one of them and SnoggingPicard clearly isn't going in that direction...
              We ship for Sheppard and Teyla and if we see shippyness in any scenes, whether others see it or not, we should not have to fear posting it here...That is what this thread is for? Is it not?
              This is someone's work, trying to see things from their point of view...why should that offend anyone?
              People, am I wrong? Now, I can't speak for everyone, but this is just my honest opinion....
              Well yes you are wrong,Pam because if you read my original post I did not say that I was offended in the slightest nor did I imply that looking for Shep/Teyla ship was wrong to do so, in fact I think I said that was part of the fun - didn't I? Perhaps you should re-read my original post. Slowly.
              Last edited by astronomicalchick; 07 September 2005, 02:09 PM.


                Originally posted by Whistler84
                Okay, I was obviously wrong with my earlier quote. People can get made at it, just not the people I was thinking about. Camy, if a person takes offense to this (not me, btw), it's simply because when it comes to ship, people are really sensitive. The list, while *I* think, was done with a genuine attempt to be objective, left out *numerous* S/W shippy moments. Without meaning to, people are going to be biased towards ship. It's just the way it is.
                S/W moments we would only see perhaps, because it is in the eye of the beholder.. that's the flaming point of ship for crying out loud, it's subjective, it's part of it. It's as obvious as saying the sky is blue!


                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                  S/W moments we would only see perhaps, because it is in the eye of the beholder.. that's the flaming point of ship for crying out loud, it's subjective, it's part of it. It's as obvious as saying the sky is blue!
                  What's wrong with stating the obvious? A lot of people on GW have been lacking . . . rational thought, on occassion.

                  Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                  I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                  Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    Thanks for your words, Astronomical. I hope that no one gets really pissed at me, and I know you weren't offended, but I'm afraid that some will be mad. If anyone bashes it, please know that I am not (emphasize not!) against a Sheppard/Weir relationship. I actually really, really like the scenes with the two of them and they are two great characters. If a relationship were to develop between them, I wouldn't be mad or upset. I'd just be curious how the writers decide to approach it. This list isn't meant to be used as proof for one 'ship over another or serve as weaponry in some of the more violent 'ship wars -- just personal curiosity that I offered to share with this thread. If anyone really has an issue with it or it really, really offends you for some reason, please send me a message. I don't want this issue to get anymore sensitive than it already is! Please don't hate me!
                    I don't hate you in the slightest SP, and it's obvious you like Sheppard/Weir as well, and I have seen shippy moments between Sheppard/Teyla and all, although I try not to.

                    I'm not offended, but I'm aware that you, and your fellow Sheppard/Teyla shippers will automatically see more moments because you want to, it's the ship goggle thing. And vica versa with us. That was the point I was trying to make .. as usual the subtely of my points has gone over someone's head yet again..*rolls eyes*, so neither of us would be in a position to come up with a definitive list.

                    Perhaps it's just the scientist in me and my overwhelming need for objectivity!


                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      True, true, although one couldn't really describe shipping as rational now, could one?
                      now on that, I believe everybody can agree!

                      Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                      I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                      Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                        Originally posted by Whistler84
                        What's wrong with stating the obvious? A lot of people on GW have been lacking . . . rational thought lately.
                        True, true, although one couldn't really describe shipping as rational now, could one?


                          Okay, I will take full responsibility for this....let's move on....
                          I must be affected by the heavy medications that I am taking for my sinus infection....So.....

                          So, what did you guys do over the holiday weekend? I rewatched Instinct....can't get enough of that! I love the dark..and creepy...

                          Can't wait till Friday...although I have a really bad feeling that we are taking this way out of proportion and what we think will happen with Sheppard and Teyla or what we wish to happen, ain't going to.....



                            Originally posted by Camy
                            Okay, I will take full responsibility for this....let's move on....
                            I must be affected by the heavy medications that I am taking for my sinus infection....So.....

                            So, what did you guys do over the holiday weekend? I rewatched Instinct....can't get enough of that! I love the dark..and creepy...

                            Can't wait till Friday...although I have a really bad feeling that we are taking this way out of proportion and what we think will happen with Sheppard and Teyla or what we wish to happen, ain't going to.....


                            that's a shame Pam, I'm sorry to hear you have a sinus infection, I hope it clears up soon.


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              Okay, I will take full responsibility for this....let's move on....
                              I must be affected by the heavy medications that I am taking for my sinus infection....So.....

                              So, what did you guys do over the holiday weekend? I rewatched Instinct....can't get enough of that! I love the dark..and creepy...

                              Can't wait till Friday...although I have a really bad feeling that we are taking this way out of proportion and what we think will happen with Sheppard and Teyla or what we wish to happen, ain't going to.....

                              Sorry about your sinus infection. Sinuscitis runs in my family, so I know how you feel. As for my predictions for Conversion, I think I've already said everything I have to say about it. I just can't wait!!! Only 2 days, 5 hours and 34 minutes!!!!


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                SPOILER BELOW>>>>>>>>YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED>>>>

                                Could the tension be that there is a possible "kissing" scene coming up?
                                Actually, I was referring to the whole someone calling S/W peeps crazy names. But that spoiler you mentioned there is certainly a biggy . I'm actually really looking forward to getting the post ep spoilers on this one, it is just gonna be a blinding Shep ep, I can feel it. I just hope that they resolve the
                                S/T kiss sensibly, and by that I mean dealing with the repercussions realistically and in keeping with the characters. TBH though, it could go either way, they may deal, they may ignore (have your fic bunnies at the ready if its the latter). Its only the 2nd season, so tptb aren't gonna show all their cards until they have to.
                                Either way is going to be fuuuuuunnnn *rubs hands together gleefully*.

                                Well, again...
                                If the Weir/McKay posting would post something like this in their thread, I probably won't see it because I don't go to that thread
                                Okay okay, I know this wasn't your point but you should pop in. They're totally laid back and relaxed and they've got a good vibe going (I mostly lurk as I have nothing interesting or topical to say )

                                As someone said, shipping is in the eyes of the beholder...and we are all shipping for what we view, personally....
                                In the end, it's all in good nature, for fun and entertainment...not for causing shipping wars...there are plenty of those going around elsewhere...Besides, people should chill out because for every Sheppard/Teyla there are just as much interpretations of Sheppard/Weir...And from the looks of the previews, there will be plenty of Sheppard/Weir moments..I am concerned there may be more Sheppard/Weir than Sheppard/Teyla. And that would just crush me because we have been bombarded that this will be some type of Sheppard/ Teyla episode...The writers are playing us all the way and we are stupid for falling for it! or we should just enjoy it and play along....JMHO

                                But thanks for your response.....
                                I...totally agree with everything you just said. Who'da thunk it . Personally (an this is only IMHO mind you) it seems that S/W and S/T run pretty much head to head in terms of rapport development right now (not necessarily relationship stuff cos as you said thats eye of the beholder) but I can understand how it could irk that S/T got publicised as the canon ship initially and now there's...well, other stuff. But if you keep score all the time you risk ruining it for yourself. I gotta say though, I'm loving Teyla so much more this season than last season, so I just figure other stuff can be good if it gets Rachel more fans and Teyla more screen time .

