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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I love this scene! It's Sheppard at his best! Always asking her this....

    SHEPPARD: Hi, Teyla.

    (Teyla stands up and walks over to squat down beside him.)

    SHEPPARD: Are you alright?

    TEYLA: I'm fine.

    SHEPPARD: Something tells me we haven't made it to Atlantis yet.

    TEYLA: No.


      Okay, I MUST HAVE A SIG WITH THIS ONE! no buts or ifs'''

      SHEPPARD: Lieutenant, get your knife out and cut this damned thing off. It can't hurt as much as it did last time.

      TEYLA: The last time we almost lost you.

      SHEPPARD: Well, you're going to lose me anyway.


        Originally posted by majortrip
        I'd say some sort of reassurance that he'd be okay. They were still in the 'getting to know you ' phase. I don't think she'd ever gush or be obvious. And I don't think that's really his style, either.

        Maybe she told him an Athosian ghost story ala his tales in Hide and Seek.


          How often have we heard Teyla fumble or studder with her words?

          TEYLA: Then we must do something now.

          SHEPPARD: Hit me with the defibrillator.

          (Beckett exhales and starts to smile.)

          BECKETT: You may be onto something, Major.

          FORD: No-no. You said that might kill him.

          SHEPPARD: That's the idea.

          TEYLA: I-I don't understand.

          BECKETT: Teyla. You said this creature is like a Wraith.

          TEYLA: Yes.

          BECKETT: Then how do you think it would respond if, God forbid, Major Sheppard were to die right now, then?

          (Teyla stares down at Sheppard for a moment, then begins to understand.)

          TEYLA: It would stop feeding!


            Originally posted by Camy
            I didn't even see that she whispered something in his ear! GOT TO SEE IT AGAIN! Maybe do some caps...but I would imagine and I agree with Trippy, she wouldn't go and confess anything....too early...I think it would be a prayer! She was doing a silent prayer and doing it just for him....

            Camy, I don't know if they show her whispering anything. I figured, using creative license, that since the camera wasn't on the two of them constantly, no one can say 100% that she did NOT whisper anything to him.




              I've got a Cap request, I use to have this cap, but I can't seem to find it now....It may be fuzzy though...cause the one i had wasn't too clear.

              The scene when they're running up hill and Sheppard grabs hold of Teyla's hand and helps her up.......I'd be ever grateful....

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Oh, my! She couldn't even concentrate or hear what the others were saying to her...that is so unlike Teyla...clearly she was extremely concerned!

                FORD: Yes, sir. (He gets up and picks up the defibrillator while talking to Teyla.) Cut his shirt open.

                TEYLA: What?

                FORD: Cut his shirt open!

                (Teyla grabs the scissors from the emergency bag and cuts her way down part of Sheppard's shirt before ripping the rest of it open.)

                FORD: Charging to two hundred. Move his tags.

                TEYLA: What?

                FORD: Move his chains to the side. (Teyla does so.)

                BECKETT: Place the lubrication right on the paddles.

                (Ford squeezes some of the jelly onto the paddles and rubs them together. The machine is beeping.)

                FORD: Ready to go. (To Teyla) Once the bug falls off, I'm going to have to kill it. I'll wait for it to charge up again and I'll give him another jolt. McKay, if we can't restart his heart on the first time, I'm going to need that bulkhead door open again.

                McKAY: Done. (He stops his work on the control conduit and walks over and opens the bulkhead doors.)

                FORD: One of us is going to have to get him through.

                TEYLA: I will.


                  Witchy...for you ANYTHING!

                  Courtesy of Warrior!



                    Why do you think Teyla was willing and the first to volunteer to go through the event horizon with John? Would she have done the same for any other.....she was willing to risk his life and die with him! Let me know your thoughts...

                    Ford starts to apply the paddles, but hesitates, looking at Sheppard in dread.)

                    SHEPPARD: Do it!

                    (Ford shocks him. Sheppard convulses and collapses. Ford puts the paddles down and feels for a pulse.)

                    FORD: No pulse.

                    (Teyla grabs the creature and starts tugging at it. It trills and resists her.)

                    TEYLA: It won't come off.

                    BECKETT: Settle. It may take a moment.

                    (In the Control Room, Weir waits a couple of seconds, looking anxious.)

                    WEIR: Lieutenant?

                    (Ford begins rubbing the paddles together ready to shock Sheppard again. Teyla is still pulling at the creature. After many seconds, it retracts its legs from around Sheppard's neck. Teyla tugs it loose, revealing a huge bloody wound on his neck. She throws the bug onto the bench on the other side of the Jumper. McKay quickly moves out of its way. Ford jumps up and fires a round of bullets into it from his pistol. As Teyla runs over and wraps it in a jacket, Ford grabs the paddles and shocks Sheppard again. Sheppard convulses. Ford feels for a pulse.)

                    TEYLA: Nothing?

                    FORD: Nothing. Let's get him through.

                    (McKay moves the defibrillator and other equipment out of the way as Teyla and Ford lift Sheppard to his feet and drag him towards the event horizon, turning him so that he is facing backwards. Ford and McKay support him as Teyla moves behind him and wraps her arms around his chest.)

                    FORD: Got him?

                    TEYLA: Yes.

                    (The men let Sheppard go as Teyla drags him backwards into the event horizon. Ford activates his radio.)

                    FORD: This is Lieutenant Ford. The creature's successfully been removed from Major Sheppard, but we were unable to revive him. (McKay closes the bulkhead doors again.) Both he and Teyla are now on the other side of the event horizon.


                      Even Weir sees their connection and recognizes Teyla's genuine concern....AH!
                      He walks towards the cockpit. Weir follows him, stopping to take Ford's hand for a moment before he is wheeled out of the Jumper. In the cockpit, Beckett puts on a stethoscope and checks Sheppard's heart. The monitor shows three small heartbeats, then flatlines again. Weir looks down to Teyla, who is kneeling on the floor near Sheppard. They nod to each other. Weir turns to McKay.)


                        OKay...was this John's way of telling Teyla he didn't want her to leave..or his indirect signal for her to come back later? HMmMMMMM

                        TEYLA: We should let you rest.

                        SHEPPARD: No, you should get me food.


                          Thank you witchblade0007, once again for welcoming me- I thought what better way to learn about other people view points than asking people who know and understand the Sheppard/ Teyla ship.

                          You have given me my first understanding and glimpse what make it work for other people. Since last year I became partially disabled so everyday i make a point of learning about what other people like and enjoy even if i do not understand or share... for that purpose I like a stranger in strange land on your thread.

                          I welcome others talking to me about what makes this work with Sheppard and Teyla- i am curious and interested in how and why not in stopping it.
                          We are angels of death in black leather
                          Your demons without wings, we glide
                          We are angels in black with a hunger
                          Not your sheep to change or guide.
                          We are angels in the blackness for ever


                            Originally posted by kaeyla
                            I welcome others talking to me about what makes this work with Sheppard and Teyla- i am curious and interested in how and why not in stopping it.
                            I wasn't a full-on shipper when I began posting here. I wasn't looking to argue or stop anything either, but ended up making some good friends.

                            Ooh, Camy, we got a hip touch in there! Woot!

                            I still got nothin'.
                            Sig by Camy


                              Originally posted by majortrip
                              I wasn't a full-on shipper when I began posting here. I wasn't looking to argue or stop anything either, but ended up making some good friends.

                              Ooh, Camy, we got a hip touch in there! Woot!

                              I still got nothin'.


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Witchy...for you ANYTHING!

                                Courtesy of Warrior!

                                WAIT, are you talking about this? NAH!

                                That's not her hip! That's her rear! It's a little lower! MUCH LOWER!

                                Darn it, if it wasn't that he's so hot, she'd probably beat the crap out of him!

