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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Yes Witchy... just goes to show again...

    I'm with you Sanssong, I hope its not for a long time!
    Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


      Hey... I just finished listening to the commentary for conversion... it's awesome... a must listen to! The link to the download is around here somewhere... it's so shippery on the
      that its funny. And the explanation about Rachel's parents being on set at that time... all the alternate takes... this episode could've sealed our ship... even more permanently than it already has.

      Okay... signing off. BYE EVERYONE. Just kidding... still downloading.
      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


        Of the vids posted about a page back, Work Out and Journey just left me speechless... okay, leaving now.
        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
          Okay..this one was inspired by Caz's Sheyla musings...I'll redo this one too becuase if you actually read the words and what Caz was trying to say was relating more to Teyla then Shep...but I really wanted to use the cap of Shep from the 'Rising' in the black sweater!

          purdy!! I love! I should hire myself out as a muse...

          another random little sheyla musing...

          whispers in eternal night
          chorus for the muses
          a thousand voices sound
          yet I hear only yours.


            Night guys...See ya on Saturday...


              Originally posted by WitchBlade007

              Hey DM i think i neglected to respond to how i get the rounded corners on the sigs. I'm not sure what you use, but in GIMP there's the option for rounded corners, that does the job.
              Thanks! I use Paintshop Pro and I haven't found that option. Bummer. It's cool!


                Hopefully JT and SGA go on for a very long time. :-)


                  Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                  Now of course with BP list. So hon if you have time, may you post this list?? Please...

                  HyperCaz Please repost your Music Vids.


                    Originally posted by vaberella
                    As for fandom, I tend to disagree with others who claim that we're the underdog. When I see this thread, I think we're pretty formidable. I've been to other boards and we do tend to be represented if we don't out right dominate.
                    I should probably define what I mean by the term fandom:

                    To me, fandom is active involvement in social groups and communities by fans: writing fic, putting together photomanips, creating vids, discussing stuff.

                    Fandom is not people who watch the show but do not participate in the communities. Those are what I call casual viewers - people who watch and enjoy but leave their enjoyment there. Fans take that interest one step further and get involved.

                    There are many people who watch the show and see John/Teyla, but they are not in fandom - and if they are, they are not active in fandom.

                    It may just be a quirk of my perspective: the fact that I do not identify myself being in a fandom until I've started participating in discussion, writing fic, or posting on boards.

                    I have been in the following fandoms: X-Men (comic), Buffy, SG-1, Angel, Justice League (animated), Battlestar Galactica, and SGA.

                    And, I'll admit that in most of these I'm not active anymore - including SGA.

                    I have also watched the following shows but am not involved in the fandoms: Dr. Who, CSI, L&OVU, Desperate Housewives.

                    Originally posted by vb
                    I don't understand this pervasive viewpoint that we're not popular.
                    Among the people involved in the show and casual viewers, it seems J/T is a popular pairing.

                    However, among the fans, I don't think it is as popular purely based on activity. When it comes to the internet, activity is the only measurement you can really use as a ruler for popularity. Emails and LJs can be created, copied, doubled, sockpuppeted, but the output for 5 LJs run by a single person will still be a single person's output because that person only has 24x7 hours in a week, same as every other person who lived, lives, and will live.

                    For hard evidence, nothing beats the degree of activity: and while we might have huge lists of people, that's no proof at all. I know of a 3,000 strong list in SG1 fandom who grew from 700 people in a week because the mods wanted to claim they had the biggest list in the fandom, so they created fake email addresses and 'subbed' the addresses to the list. But the activity was still only about 30 people posting.

                    Numbers lie. Activity doesn't. QED.

                    And the activity or lack thereof of John/Teyla fans doesn't put it in the 'popular' category when compared to Shep/Weir - or didn't. Things are changing - I concede that. But I still think that there's a way to go before we have anything near the number of fansites, fanfic, and fanart represented.

                    The other perspective to keep in mind is that I don't have an issue with something I like 'not being popular'. As a friend of mine used to say: "Just because everyone's doing it doesn't make it right; it makes it common."

                    I mean absolutely no insult to anyone when I say all this. This is just my perspective of fandom and the question of popularity. I don't think John/Teyla is as popular among the fandom as other pairings, but while it can sometimes gall a bit, it's not necessarily a bad thing to be the underdog either: when you're the underdog, it means you have access to their belly - or their balls!



                      I will respond to the statements made here, but I do want to say that it is an off topic statement as it's not really about the pro ship for J/T but about the fandom surrounding.

                      Originally posted by seldear
                      I should probably define what I mean by the term fandom:
                      To me, fandom is active involvement in social groups and communities by fans: writing fic, putting together photomanips, creating vids, discussing stuff.
                      Fandom is not people who watch the show but do not participate in the communities. Those are what I call casual viewers - people who watch and enjoy but leave their enjoyment there. Fans take that interest one step further and get involved.
                      There are many people who watch the show and see John/Teyla, but they are not in fandom - and if they are, they are not active in fandom.
                      It may just be a quirk of my perspective: the fact that I do not identify myself being in a fandom until I've started participating in discussion, writing fic, or posting on boards.
                      I have been in the following fandoms: X-Men (comic), Buffy, SG-1, Angel, Justice League (animated), Battlestar Galactica, and SGA.
                      And, I'll admit that in most of these I'm not active anymore - including SGA.
                      I have also watched the following shows but am not involved in the fandoms: Dr. Who, CSI, L&OVU, Desperate Housewives.
                      Woah..thanks for the resume. I do want to point out I do realize what fandom is, and I thought I had clearly stated my point in my previous post that you quoted. I am part of social groups, I write fanfic and so I would be part of the fandom. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm an active member of the LJ threads, actually I was pushed into going, I'm not a fan of LJ, nor even the yahoo groups. And some of the members of the LJ don't actively participate here although they may write plenty of fanficiton and or create icons and wps and music videos. I can create an entire list of these people who are part of LJ for J/T but dont' represent themselves here. This goes the same for those who are here and don't actively participate in LJ...for example myself and Camy. And this doesn't count the multitude of other boards.

                      As for fic writing as I stated in my post if you go to, there are writers like Sheppy, like Illman, who are Shep/Teyla writers and yet, no one even really knows about their writing or who they are on GW or even on LJ. But they participate based on your definition. We are not underrepresented, we just dont' have a central unit where everyone would know everyone else. Straberry Cupcake is another prolific writer who's not all that known and even went on hiatus. And they maybe on the thread rather than here. There are those people also who prefer one board over another. But if you dn't frequent one board, you'd probably never know them. I go to LJ and every day I'm surprised by a new writer. I got to and when I do a good search I find amazing stories, and randomingly searching the net you find a few of us around. But we're a scattered group. So how are we the under dogs. I think it is a lot of peole want to feed into.

                      I get the feeling that it fits perfectly into how S/J seems to have been the underdogs, early on; so the feeling could just be projected onto J/T---this is based on some of the comparison's you've made in the past. But I have to disagree on our popularity within the fandom.

                      Originally posted by seldear
                      Among the people involved in the show and casual viewers, it seems J/T is a popular pairing.
                      However, among the fans, I don't think it is as popular purely based on activity. When it comes to the internet, activity is the only measurement you can really use as a ruler for popularity. Emails and LJs can be created, copied, doubled, sockpuppeted, but the output for 5 LJs run by a single person will still be a single person's output because that person only has 24x7 hours in a week, same as every other person who lived, lives, and will live.
                      For hard evidence, nothing beats the degree of activity: and while we might have huge lists of people, that's no proof at all. I know of a 3,000 strong list in SG1 fandom who grew from 700 people in a week because the mods wanted to claim they had the biggest list in the fandom, so they created fake email addresses and 'subbed' the addresses to the list. But the activity was still only about 30 people posting.
                      Numbers lie. Activity doesn't. QED.
                      And the activity or lack thereof of John/Teyla fans doesn't put it in the 'popular' category when compared to Shep/Weir - or didn't. Things are changing - I concede that. But I still think that there's a way to go before we have anything near the number of fansites, fanfic, and fanart represented.
                      The other perspective to keep in mind is that I don't have an issue with something I like 'not being popular'. As a friend of mine used to say: "Just because everyone's doing it doesn't make it right; it makes it common."
                      I completely see that, but many writers don't have the accesss to the same things. I can tell you I found out about GW way late, I only knew about yahoo. And I found about LJ when? March?! I didn't even know that there were fandoms for J/T on LJ and I was on LJ for years; although I have to say that I wasn't a fan of anything stargate until late January.

                      But what I'm saying is that most people don't distribute their work in the same place. I've just recently seen writers like Tielan and Allie posting. And their listed under J/T. While Sheppy who is a J/T---Team writer is not listed under J/T you'd hav to look for it. Mainly because he/she maybe J/T but their story is general reading for everyone with that side romance. And that being the case when you encompass all that, because a lot us are not just fluff writers, we may not define a lot of our by J/T standards but general and such we are looked upon under dogs, but I doubt that.

                      And as for Fansites I think there are a lot of J/T ones, they're just not active. Then you have the vids, spread out all over the place. Some people post here and some people post there..but no one posts everywhere.

                      This board is concentrated around one ship group, although I do agree there is a change in that as well. As I said many of them were scared off! And I'm not about to mince words here. And again this is transported to the LJ.---> A lot of it is shared info. I know on one board there was a poll and it was actually posted on another thread here. I'm a frequent of that board..and I didn't waste the time to put the link to the poll here.. Why? I dont' believe in polls. But I know a lot of people who bought into the idea that one shipper group was dominant. And looking fo fics...look for them. LJ is still a big shocker to me cause there are so many wrters who do NOT post on

                      Originally posted by seldear
                      I mean absolutely no insult to anyone when I say all this. This is just my perspective of fandom and the question of popularity. I don't think John/Teyla is as popular among the fandom as other pairings, but while it can sometimes gall a bit, it's not necessarily a bad thing to be the underdog either: when you're the underdog, it means you have access to their belly - or their balls!
                      I agree with you, but I rarely associate with underdogs. and this is one situation where I don't!

                      *Note: All of the above is said respectfully....for those who think I'm rude. Damn it I have to walk around with a bloody disclaimer!---This won't last long!!!
                      By the way this is a healthy disagreement. Lucky for me, I talk to you online Seldear.

                      Last edited by vaberella; 18 May 2006, 07:31 PM.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        I have to add to this as well, that there are four or five (probably more) really good writers on STF and a couple of dynamite vidders that don't post anywhere else but STF. Neither do they frequent GW threads, but they are just as dedicated to this fandom as any of us. They just prefer what they prefer. And I want to make it clear that the numbers for both STF and the JohnTeyla Yahoo Groups (both owned by different people btw) are not the result of fans creating socks to get high numbers. Both groups growth has been gradual and is very very real. And again- many of these people never go to LJ's or public forums.

                        I have to say- a lot of us at STF stayed far far away from the GW boards in the beginning because it was a haven for our rival ship. When some of us did venture here in the early days, even in the pro J/T threads, we got treated rudely. Most of them never came back, and I can't blame them. I only came back last year as I decided that it wasn't right that one ship preference dominated a board as visible as GW.


                          Originally posted by Black Panther
                          HyperCaz Please repost your Music Vids.
                          Oh I'm so sorry! I keep forgetting. I just need to set up another tripod account to host them.


                            So here are my 'Suspicion' entries...wasn't inpired for a WP..may do one later on if inpiration hits...



                            R.I.P Wraithlord

                            Awesome sig by SciFan


                              Ooh melikes Witchy.

                              Just announcing that my vids now have a home! They can be found at my newest website. Clicky!

                              To be found there are the Jukebox vid and Wishing. In small formats, of course.

                              oh and my multiship (inc. sheyla) can still be found at McWeir Central


                                Adding again to the J/T fandom debate.
                                As I've said a few times already I'm not a natural shipper. The closest I came was Scully/Mulder on the X-files but I wasn't a part of that part of the fandom simply because it seemed so obvious I couldn't imagine anyone not waiting for them to kiss. The will they/won't they question even came up in the national media quite a few times and it never occurred to me that there could be other pairings. Of course I know better now but it was the same way with S/J on SG1. I'm not a S/J shipper but before I joined the SG fandom I never even thought that others might see other pairings simply because S/J was already on screen and the cannon ship. I suppose, for me, it didn't make sense as a pairing, I just can't see it, but that was what TPTB were going with and who am I to argue? [Insert :shrug: icon here]

