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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FireCat
    I hate to be a bugger - but Joe never said this at Starfest 2006. I've read several accounts from folks here at GW and the question put to Joe was which "ship" did he see and his response was that he preferred McKay/Beckett. That was it, he avoided the ship issue totally. He never said Rachel was "hot", nor would he say something so tasteless in public, heck his wife and kids may have been in the audience.

    There are a few misguided fans who want to see Joe and Rachel as a couple in real life. I bet this rumor came from one of them.

    Back to lurking.

    Excuse me?! This report is on someone personal LJ and so I will not be posting a link to it without their permission.

    Joe did JOKE about the McKay/Beckett thing.

    And this report is from someone who doesn't really ship in the SGA verse so perhaps you should just get down off your high horse and get over the fact that S/T will be the canon ship.

    awesome sig by Camy!
    Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


      What happened to moving on?????
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Sorry, as it was against me and I hadn't been in since then I had to take the chance to defend myself and what I posted. That will be all I say about it if you so wish?

        awesome sig by Camy!
        Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


          Originally posted by sanssong
          That is an excellent point Fates, and one I hadn't thought of before. He was very uncomfortable with the entire thing- too bad he didn't listen to his instincts! But then I guess we wouldn't have had a story! I wonder how he would have felt if it were Teyla that Pheobus had possessed? Hmmmmm?
          Yeah I too wonder how he would have felt if it were Teyla Phoebus had possessed.

          Of course my Sheyla biased nature is more inclined to think that he would have jumped at the chance of having Thalan occupy his mind just to get close to Teyla but I wouldn’t want to see John be that impractical.

          However, being that I do believe he has underlying feelings for Teyla, feelings that were all confirmed, for me at least, by Thalan's

          “He cares for you more than you know” line

          I truly believe that if Phoebus/Teyla would have been the one to ask John to have the alien occupy his mind he would have, initially made his decision cautiously to do so, but IMHO after making his choice I see him, because of his underlying feelings for Teyla, being stoicly focused on wanting to immediately deal with the task at hand instead of entertaining what he conveyed with Weir/Phoebus second thoughts.

          If it was Teyla possessed by Phoebus, I just simply don’t see John, at the time of the transfer taking place, exhibiting the obvious reservations he displayed with Weir/Phoebus when the time came to fulfill her request.


            I have to disagree. I think it was extremely bad writing that defies all fan explanations.
            I think of it as the "well that's what it says in the script" explanation. For the same reason nobody said "our ranking military and civilian leaders have been possessed by aliens, lets put them under armed guard and change all the command codes". It also popped up in Micheal and Allies, I was beginning to think that TPTB wanted Shep and Weir to come across as incredibly incompetant.


              It's party time!

              The Spring Fling has started on the sga_john_teyla LJ

              and on the johnandteyla yahoo group.

              Lots of fun so far! Nicole premiered a sweet new John/Teyla music video, and some pretty icons. We have a "why do you..." question in the Welcome message, a news announcement including zines, a funny Fic Challenge, and a Fic/graphic Challenge table so far.

              I'll be uploading a wp from Camy in a few minutes. And there's of fun to come...wps, banners, icons, story orphans, fic challenges, and more!

              Pop in at different times of the day so you don't miss anything.



                Originally posted by bella
                I have to disagree. I think it was extremely bad writing that defies all fan explanations.
                I think of it as the "well that's what it says in the script" explanation. For the same reason nobody said "our ranking military and civilian leaders have been possessed by aliens, lets put them under armed guard and change all the command codes". It also popped up in Micheal and Allies, I was beginning to think that TPTB wanted Shep and Weir to come across as incredibly incompetant.
                Not to stray too far OT her, but I thought the logic for TLG was strained to the breaking point myself. I had a hard time believing that men as smart as Carson and Rodney - and even John would 1. *Believe* the alien in Weir, and 2. Think that it was perfectly okay to expose a second (very important person) to possible harm that for all they knew was impossible to undo. Pheobus could have been lying about the imprint fading and then they would really have been screwed.

                I do tend to agree with Fates however on the issue of John's reaction being different to a request he thought was coming from Teyla. I also think he wouldn't have cared as much about the fact that Thalan and Pheobus were supposed to be married.


                  Originally posted by sanssong
                  That is an excellent point Fates, and one I hadn't thought of before. He was very uncomfortable with the entire thing- too bad he didn't listen to his instincts! But then I guess we wouldn't have had a story! I wonder how he would have felt if it were Teyla that Pheobus had possessed? Hmmmmm?

                  See that's an interesting concept. I never thought of Phoebus taking over Teyla...that could be a very interesting dynamic. Atlhough I found TLG to be minutely shippery in an off way, after rewatching the ep several times, I came to realize that it would have been better developed if they actually had Thalan take over McKay's body. I say this only because it would make more sense and flow better for me overall. I'm sure my thunker pals would dislike me for this---another ep taken from John and given to McKay..but then I felt that TLG really did hurt Shep rather than make him this great military leader--and done in front of Caldwell is not cute.

                  But to get back to Teyla...I think we have a good story plot of seeing what would happen and how the story would change if Teyla was inhabited by would be extra interesting---because I wonder if Phoebus would have that much mental control. Remember Teyla's brain is pretty strong, since we were given a hint that she's been practicing her mental wraith abilities in 'Instinct' ---I wonder if Phoebus would have that much of a leverage. Then Thalan's already weak presence, not to mention the fact that he actually seemed more attuned to Shep or was nicer in battle than Phoebus. Well anyway this would make for a good fanfic idea all in all.

                  Click statement above to read article.


                    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                    I have a little bit of free time so I'm now going back to compiling our Ultimate Guide to John and Teyla...

                    Complete with guidelines, posting rules (I'll have to snatch Bella's rules, because they are great)...

                    So thanks to BP I have the following links for the shippy rundown of season 2 and partial season one...

                    I also have links to 4-5 Shep/Teyla LJs, the fanfic community at for Shep/Teyla, Unique-Bond, there is also the two yahoo groups, the forum at Stargate Omega...

                    Anybody have anything else to add to the list?

           I know posted a while back there was wallpaper dealing with the cave scene...our official picture, I believe...can you guys post them again...I have them somewhere on my computer or maybe its in a file for my laptop, or saved on a disk...anyway...Bella, guys had one right?

                    We also have the disclaimer Witchy made...

                    Several catchphrases...

                    What does everyone else want to add?

                    I was going to do some rules too.....meh...How many of us are doing this thing? Or should I just forget about it?!

                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Wallpapers made for Doxymom's Spring Fling Party!



                        Last Wallpaper!


                          You're very talented, AG! They are very pretty.

                          And since today is Witchy's b-day

                          Happy Birthday!!!

                          To you!



                            Happy Birthday, Witchy!


                              So, hello all my fellow JT fans!

                              Yesterday's Spring Fling party was a roaring success. Tons of stunning new John/Teyla creative stuff. My we have some talented folks!

                              I tried to post a reminder here but GW Forums refused to let me in for about 10 hours, seriously. I tried all day.

                              Anyway, if you missed it, check out the LJs over the next couple of days. Several people mentioned to me that they ran out of time or were taking the challenges and would post over the next few days.

                              What'd you miss? We had a TON of graphics, discussion questions, a "be the character" questionaire, two beautiful new John/Teyla vids, some stories, and a lot of challenges. On the STF list, I saw a sweet poem and a tender NC-17 fic. I don't know if those will be archived anywhere, but they may make it to the STF LJ.

                              Here's where most of the things were posted, at least one wp was posted in comments so skim those too:


                              And there were a few things posted here:

                              I believe people probably posted to the other 2-3 JT LJs too, but haven't had a chance to check them.

                              If you do visit, remember that all challenges I've posted are neverending and good for any creative outlet: written, visual, musical or something else.

                              Have a great JT day!

                              Doxy, who's going to kick back with a book today.
                              Last edited by Doxymom; 07 May 2006, 05:11 AM.


                                I had that problem too Doxy GW must have been down again. I've got about 5 sets of artwork to post now. First 2, I'm saving the best for last.

                                Pale blue sea.


                                It ain't easy being a Sheyla device.


