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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    nice ritter
    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


      Thanks... insanity is my bag baby!! YEAH!!
      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


        Originally posted by sanssong
        Nope, you're not wrong here WB. That's always been one of my big debate points for J/T as a ship. They are off duty a lot together and you're right they don't talk about work- it's all social. John always seems to want to share himself with her and she definitely doesn't turn him down. I'm with you on the all J/T all the time in the eps. I don't think I'd like that either. I am first and foremost a Sci-fi fan the romance is secondary for me.
        Ohhh, good point, I never noticed that!!!
        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


          Hi, I asked this on LJ and thought I'd ask here to see what all of you thought too.

          What do you think would cause Teyla to admit publicly how she feels about John, be it now or in the future? (Could be two different scenarios there.)


            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
            I don't know why no one else has welcomed you, but I will.

            -Hi Jenova....
            (To herself) Is John flirting with Jenova
            -Of course he is!
            (Breaks out staffs) Come her John


            -OWWW THAT HURT!!!
            -You are mine, and are not to flirt with people who venture into this thread
            -Oh Camy... -GRRRRR!


            Moral of the story, John leanrs that flirting with guests to the thread is bad for his health....

            Welcome to the Insanity Jenova!

            Nice caps Warrior!

            Oh, did you know? ......

            Witchy, Sanssong...great points.....
            I also love the subtleness of their relationship in the show....I don't want it to be about John and Teyla cause frankly, then it wouldn't last and it wouldn't be about Atlantis...I think that overall that is what makes this ship so wonderful to me...that even in the midst of chaos, death, and confusion, two teammates are slowly and surely and beautifully falling for each other...that is what makes this ship so real and so wonderful for me, anyways. It's the timing and the subtleness, the depth and the reality that here is this heroe that has all this baggage with him and here is this alien warrior that have put their lives on hold to save those of others and yet in the way the find each other....I mean, I love that! that is romance, that is pure and innocent and it's just darn cute! (couldn't think of anything else to say)

            The fact that John and Teyla met on such horrible circumstances and have managed to go through so much together, i.e. Teyla's suspicion, Teyla's gift, John's abandonment issues, constant suicide mission and others, just show how much these two are willing to give it all up for others....but in the end, it is that which they find that they cannot have, the forbidden, that attracts them and lures them to each other....not to mention their bond, trust, connection and complete devotion to one another....that is just beautiful!

            Okay, I'll be posting the rest of my fic between tonight and tomorrow...YIPPEE!

            Oh, DM..I will reply to your very interesting question later on.....


              zonk!...I've got to rewatch that...I remember that line, but my shippy glasses must have slipped. Got to get the frames tightened.......
              TEYLA: No -- we are creating a food source for other Wraith.

              SHEPPARD: Instead of us, which is the part I am fine with, by the way. [COLOR="red"]I guess I just want you to be fine with it too.

              This is the line that I was referring to from the scene in Allies...I mean he is fine with it but he goes after her simply and because he wants her to be fine with it the midst of all that is going on, he just has to say this to her....this could have's almost as if he questioned his actions and wanted to make sure that she would be able to live and forgive him for anything that goes wrong...I don't know maybe I'm seeing too much and have more focus on my shippy glasses than you guys..I just thought it was interesting that his choice of words describing how he feels about the entire thing is something critical for him to have Teyla also feel the same way! Right?

              Hey, AG..can you check out my shippy glasses...maybe they are too strong and you should make me a less intense shippy glasses...? hehehehehehe


                Here's the very First PicFIC with Chapters 1 and 2 of this fic...

                Chapter 3
                Chapter 4
                And now...Chapter 5....

                Previously on On my mind, In my Camy

                and now...the continuation....

                Practicing in another gym....


                  Chapter 6....
                  Teyla and John begin to spar.....



                    Is that the end?!

                    See why I don't like it when men fight over a woman, or in the case of Ronon/John in this's more like spiff. I always feel that they do it not for the lady but to get one over on the other guy. Weird....I can't shake that feeling.
                    Great new chappies..I just realized I have to read back to see what John did to might have hurt Teyla as implied by Ronon, I feel like I'm missing something.

                    Click statement above to read article.


                      NO VB...I have like 3 or 4 more chapters...hehehehehe....
                      Well, in the case of Ronon and John in this specific scene, I felt that John was in his right to do and react to what he did..and i"m not referring to my fic..I mean his reaction in the real episode...I think I know what you mean VB.....Teyla doesn't need to be shielded and protected by John all the time, and I think he knows that and I also think that is one of the reasons why he is so attracted to her also....he can work with her as part of his team because he knows that she is more than capable of taking care of herself...however, in this scene, it would have been ackward if he didn't react....they are just getting to know Ronon and he was really rough with Teyla especially when he played dirty and grabbed her by complete surprise when her guard was down..and I think this is what John reacted to...the fact that he knew that she had turned her head around to speak with him...regardless of why he did...I think any man will always feel some protection of woman..regardless of whether there are romantic inclinations or to the extent in which they take it that makes them be more aggressive and do it more to show that they are macho man than in really caring about the woman....
                      so, I think it's a bit of both....
                      John has to show to Ronon that he is the one in charge in Atlantis and that if he's going to be a part of his team, he needs to abide by his ways and his rules...that was clearly something that he was trying to show to Ronon but in addition, I think he was clearly telling Ronon, back off! and I really think that he had every right to do so..and did it with the best of intentions and I think Teyla knew that....I mean compare her reaction towards John with Ronon vs her reaction towards Ronon when he intervened with Michael..that is come she reacted differently with both when clearly, the scenario was very similar...she knew and accepted and recognize John's thinking and reasoning...none of them knew Ronon well at that time or his intentions...but with Michael, she knew what Ronon was willing and thinking and dying to do..kill Michael...and she knew that John was just protecting her..while Ronon was more looking for a reason to kill Michael...that is just my opinion...

                      and far as my is going to be all over the place...I couldn't find pics that would go continously with one thought without turning this into a is going to be choppy cause it's just for fun..some of the scenes and convos I leave to your imagination...

                      You won't find a reason why Ronon is implying something with John in the other chapters..I am allowing the viewer to reason that it's because Ronon is jealous and is being protective over Teyla...

                      I wonder if in the series, if it should ever be revealed or hinted that these two have feeling for each other, how Ronon would really feel....I think he is very protective of Teyla but again, I think this might have something to do with his upbringing and perhaps his addition, when you think about the relationship that these two have, Ronon only has two people right now that he really can relate with, Teyla and John and in my view, more than anyone else with my view, he feels that she is really the only one that understands him and can tell him what to do...remember how he reacted to the Wraith's comment when he mentioned that Rodney was his superior...Ronon doesn't see any of them as his superior..yet, I he never questions or challenges when Teyla clearly commands him on what to do....he has done it with again, I think Ronon will defend Teyla to death...and he would even go against John if he feels that he is doing anything to hurt her....whether it be shippy or not at this point for Ronon is too early and too soon to tell...but it should be interesting to see where the writers take this relationship and from what it seems they will get closer....that's not to imply romantically, cause I don't see it...but it certainly shows the differences in both men towards Teyla and certainly the differences in Teyla with both men...

                      Oh, so just wait till the picfic is finish....I'm doing this for fun and it''s not going to be as clear until the very end and some scenes are just fill ins for the fun of it or because I like the scene and wanted to incorporated in the pic.....

                      Oh, and it does say at the very end...TBC...
                      Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 13 April 2006, 06:51 PM.


                        Holy Damn Teyla's got some clevage going on there!

                        Camy you should post these on the LJ. No limit on pic per post so you can do one big one!!

                        awesome sig by Camy!
                        Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


                          something a little new


                            CELEDE...I know...that cleavage...was a wonder John got upset!

                            Once I learn how to really use LJ...then I can upload pics and my wallpapers and stuff...but thanks for the suggestion Celede...I hope that means you like it so far....

                            I am trying to modify the pic.. it's kind of choppy....but I do think you will get where I'm going with it at the very end....but anyways, I"m going away this I will not be able to finish it until Sunday and perhaps even the beginning of next week...I will try to post one or two more after this...again...this is very time consuming! but fun nonetheless..hope you are all enjoying's kind of slow in here....maybe some of you are going away for the weekend...

                            Okay...Chapter 7.... I believe....

                            John and Teyla were interrupted......

                            Teyla and John went in different directions....Rodney met up with Teyla in the hallway....

                            Teyla left to meet up with John, Beckett and Dr. Weir as they watched the video coming from a new planet asking for their help....

                            The team met up in the briefing room as they decide whether to go on this mission or not....

                            After the briefing, John noticed Teyla was not very talkative so he ran to catch up with her in the corridor....

                            While waiting to leave on their mission...Teyla shared with Rodney how she felt about this mission...he had other things in mind....



                              Oh no!!! What's going to happen now?! Jeez...this is crazy. I've been meaning to ask what's that shiny stuff they put on Teyla's arm to make it glisten like in 'Allies' I need to get me one of those... And Rodney looks like he has diarrhea in that pic after the picture comment.

                              can we get some more kissing. One minute Teyla is making out with John or was that a dream ala Dallas, and the next she's pissed off at him. Women and their neurosis.

                              Poor John..he's gonna have to work hard for his lady....Come around Teyla he really cares for you more than you know! <----Okay I had to do it!

                              Click statement above to read article.


                                Time to play catch up!

                                Love....Love your story Camy! I love how you do all the captions!

