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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Camy, that WP is gorgeous!

    I'm getting an idea for another fic... Does anyone else here know the song "I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You" from the soundtrack to The Mask of Zorro? The refrain is just beautiful:

    I want to spend my lifetime loving you
    If that is all in life I ever do
    I will want nothing else to see me through
    If I could spend my lifetime loving you

    (Oh, and I bet it would make a great vid, too... hint hint, brick bat )

    The story is going to be either total fluff or agonizing whump... depends on where my muse takes me. Very likely the latter...

    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


      You guys are awesome! And ANYTHING john or teyla or john/teyla is welcome on the LJ (as far as I'm concerned anyways... i hope suz agrees!)

      I have a question that's been bugging me for a bit and you guys are the perfect ones to offload it to!
      A HUGE part of the shep/weir defense against shep/teyla seems to be that they don't appear to be spending as much time together off duty, or not 'at work'. My question is have we EVER seen shep and weir spend time together that wasn't either on duty or 'at work'? (apart from the end of Rising, but we win that one cos of the head thing!)

      awesome sig by Camy!
      Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


        I LOVE THAT WP CAMY! The color, pics, quote..all great! It's getting a new home on my desktop!

        Originally posted by Celede
        You guys are awesome! And ANYTHING john or teyla or john/teyla is welcome on the LJ (as far as I'm concerned anyways... i hope suz agrees!)

        I have a question that's been bugging me for a bit and you guys are the perfect ones to offload it to!
        A HUGE part of the shep/weir defense against shep/teyla seems to be that they don't appear to be spending as much time together off duty, or not 'at work'. My question is have we EVER seen shep and weir spend time together that wasn't either on duty or 'at work'? (apart from the end of Rising, but we win that one cos of the head thing!)
        Celede, I'll take a guess at that question, but I'm not as good at remembering moments like some in the thread. I can't think of any time when Weir and Shep spent time off duty together except for when they talk in Weir's office. Teyla and Shep sparring would be considered off duty so that is the main Teyla/Shep off duty moment I can think of. There was that time they watched football together too... There really isn't a whole lot of off duty time shown for either of them though. That's one of my hopes for season three-what do they do when they aren't saving themselves from the Wraith?
        I probably forgot a lot of moments for both Weir/Shep and Teyla/Shep, but that's what I remember of the top of my head.
        Sig by Cazzblade


          goodmorning guys.......


            Originally posted by Camy
            WOW! Annie..I have to come and see these later..but I have a great fic for you's by Tielan..and it has a first part and then this part and it is a TBC..but this chapter is really, really, really, good! Oh, this would be so cool if it was ever in the real Atlantis....okay, gotta go..


            Read and review this guys. It's a bloody fantastic story. It's a continuation of her other J/T S/R fanfic and this is one just for J/T which will have four parts...personally for me a great read since it definitely gives me another perspective into the minds of the characters which was quite interesting. So if you want a bit of character development for both that we're lacking in the show check out this fic.

            Originally posted by Camy
            OH, CK...well..good thing that I made this...cause it just might make you smile..hehehehe...
            Okay, it's late here but I had to do this..and now I'm back to back is going to kill me once I get better....

            okay, dare you come here and not say hi to your mommy?

            Big WP..
            See now Camy this was bloody hot..I love the faded pics of J/T on top of the pervasive Atlantis very dynamic and is now my new've surpassed yourself and 'Bedazzled'. Loving it!!

            Originally posted by Doxymom
            Last Thanksgiving or the one before, I can't remember, I posted a Turkey challenge and there were a couple of "John explaining turkey and holidays to Teyla" fics. I can't remember the names now, but they're out there.

            Love your challenge idea. That would be a really interesting fic.

            And I totally agree, they should at least have the characters "mentioning" alien animals and plants more even if they never show them due to budget limits. Teyla has to have grown up with creatures John won't know about. That's one reason I love Nicole's Story Time fic so much. Teyla tells John about what's basically the Athosian teddy bear. So cool.
            Doxymom could you post the link for Nicole's story Time fic...I think I may have read it but I would like to read it again...since it might help me in developing a fic along those lines that I'll do. I've decided to do a sort of added fic to all the fics I've seen with a similar idea. But I wanted to expand on that episode for J/T in 'The Underground'.

            Originally posted by Doxymom
            John and Teyla Spring Fling!

            Join us for the party. Lurkers are welcome. Anyone bringing goodies to the potluck gets a shiny thank you.

            More details are on the JT LJ, url in the flyer.

            Check out the challenge and put your creative thinking caps on.

            Mark your calendars!

            See you all there!
            Yeah I'll be there...there are way too many parties for our thread you know that? We're definitely major party animals..and with about 3, from me and Camy which will be coming up, this is just another great one....what will we have to bring, besides know what you and Celede need to do; or even Sheylafan87 if she can is great a website where we can have a live chat....cause some of us chat on msn but some of us don't have msn and it would be just great fun to post the ending of those cons....they bring up some great ideas along the lines of J/T and everyone gets to share and hone ideas better when you have that immediate response.

            Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
            Destination Unkown

            I went for a central theme in this one, based around Shep's thought as he went on the suicide mission at the end of Season 1. It's on yousendit because savefile is acting up and won't let me post it. If the link expires, let me know.
            Boy you and your taste for 80s music is killing me. But I really enjoyed the vid and of course the shep/teyla moments are quite welcome and well liked and using the 'LFP' scene me likes...and of course 'The Siege'. Oh wanted to let you know that I will read, clean up and send you the fic tomorrow about late afternoon...this is my spring break week. Yeah---'Spring Break' Yay!! So I can spend more time on you guys here and of course helping you CR we haven't talked in a bit. And I do have some questions abut chapter thread of your great J/T fic and I wanted to letyou kno we have to talk more about it.

            Great pictures Annie me loving them and thanks for the links that must have taken ages to get that together and 4prettierships and Spectrum me loving the wallpapers...and sigs. I really like what you guys are doing.

            Black Panther when you see this...where are you?! How are you feeling? We miss you at the J/T thread!!!! Come Back!!!

            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              *huggles all* Geez, you have no idea how much I really needed all of these little stories today. Loooong weekend. Shoutout to Doxymom -- congrats...even though I knew about it -- and Jenova Synthesis -- PLEASE get better soon!!!

              Oh, and're a genius. That bank of shipping stuff for season two gave me the biggest smile. I tried to green you, but the stupid system wouldn't let me. *grumble*
              ......thank you SP......*hugs*...


                Originally posted by Camy
                Annie, thanks for the pics...OH, I do love them ALL!

                good luck hun..and everyone else here...have a great, super, fantastic, JohnTeylicious week!
                thanks hon......


                  WOW...Camy..Spectrum...beautiful WP...thanks...great work... ...


                    Originally posted by vaberella
                    Great pictures Annie me loving them and thanks for the links that must have taken ages to get that together and 4prettierships and Spectrum me loving the wallpapers...and sigs. I really like what you guys are doing.

                    Black Panther when you see this...where are you?! How are you feeling? We miss you at the J/T thread!!!! Come Back!!!

                    thanks VB...*hugs hugs*...frankly, thats takes a little long while to make it......


                      Originally posted by Annie Sheppard

                      I've always wondered what was being talked about when this pic was taken. Does anyone here know?

                      awesome sig by Camy!
                      Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


                        a new sig


                          *blushes* Camy! That wasn't a snub, I swear! The whole not-having-enough-sleep-and-wanting-to-keel-over-as-a-result makes you forget things.

                          Anyways, I'll second that rec for Tielan's new fic (link is down at VB's post). I got soooo excited to see that Tielan had a new story out, and this one is actually a continuation of one she finished some time ago -- basically the team goes to Earth for a diplomatic function and this series is going to be following Shep and Teyla around for a while. I read it twice in a row -- it's that good.

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Originally posted by vaberella

                            Doxymom could you post the link for Nicole's story Time fic...I think I may have read it but I would like to read it again...since it might help me in developing a fic along those lines that I'll do. I've decided to do a sort of added fic to all the fics I've seen with a similar idea. But I wanted to expand on that episode for J/T in 'The Underground'.


                            Originally posted by vaberella
                            Yeah I'll be there...there are way too many parties for our thread you know that? We're definitely major party animals..and with about 3, from me and Camy which will be coming up, this is just another great one....what will we have to bring, besides know what you and Celede need to do; or even Sheylafan87 if she can is great a website where we can have a live chat....cause some of us chat on msn but some of us don't have msn and it would be just great fun to post the ending of those cons....they bring up some great ideas along the lines of J/T and everyone gets to share and hone ideas better when you have that immediate response.
                            Cool. Glad you're coming to the party. Technically, it's just announced here and not held here. But you're right, there are a LOT of parties out there. And I'm working on two ficathon ideas for the yahoo lists/companion LJs too.

                            Chat? Personally, I don't have time to sit for more than a few minutes at a time so chats don't normally work for me.



                              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                              Shoutout to Doxymom -- congrats...even though I knew about it

                              Thanks, SP! :-)


                                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                                Oh, wow! That's wonderful, Caz! Love the Shakespeare!

                                Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!

